The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 31, 1921, Image 1

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Member of the Associated Press.
iificiMiiii Vuir. No, no:in.
I'rlro Flvo Cents
t 4. '-
rr ( -. '-' h
For tho second tlmo IIiIh winter
heavy snows hitvii iilmost succeeded
In iloiuoniiulim tho telephone, tele
Jiniph, nnd train service from Duns
liiulr north, mid crews of men hnvo
htiun nt work ii I n on Hiitiiriluy night
ropnlrlng wlren, rniiliirliu: telegraph
nnd telephone polos, and removing
now irniu riiiiruiiii irncKu. in tlio
Vicinity of Deutz and Weed, sleet Iiiim i
played luivoo with railroad coiniiiiml-1
cation, hut tho most serious troubles I
nppenr to ho between Doetz nnd Igor
mi. It In reported thoro Is six fnef of
snow on the lovol At Weed and soven
fuel nt Hlssiiu,
II. T. I.uddon, local manager of tho
Pacific Telephone & Telcgrnph com
pany, stnted this morning that nil
wires were down Immediately north
nnd south' of Wend, hut the eitelit of
this trouhlo Is not known, It wilt ho
21 to 48 hours before telephone ser
vice can ho re-established, said Mr.
I.uddon, The wires from hero to
Weed nro still In sorrlco except for
tho last 2 Mi miles, whero they nro
flat on the ground. A 70-mllo gala
was blowing last night In tha vicin
ity of Wcod.
Mr. I.uddon wont out with tho re
pair crows nnd n telephone mestngo
from him this afternoon stated that
It was hoped to have a tompnrnry
circuit built around tho break beforo
WrMcrn Union Hating: Trouhlo
Don Holding, mnnngor of tho Wes
tern Union offlro here, stnted that
on tho ninlu lino hotweon Weed nnd
Rlsson, 13 polos woro forced tu tho
ground, nnd the wires, nro In .such
condition that emergency cables had
to bn substituted for more fhun threo
miles. On tho branch lino, about 20
poles nro down between Weed nnd
Dray, l.liiemen report five feet of
snow In plncos. A regular hurrlcnno
nccompnnlol by falling trees was tha
cnuso of this trouhlo, said Mr. Hold
ing. Up to lo o'clock todny, tho
local Wostorn Union offlco had not
received n meisngo slnco 9 o'clock
Saturday night, but 10 mon coming
up on n special work train ropalrod
tho breaks and rostored communica
tion and at 10:30 this morning
tho Westorn Union offlco raportcd
that their linos had boon repaired,
nnd that telcgrnph sorvlco hnd been
Train on llrnnrli Illuming
Train servlco, said tha dispatcher
at tho Southern Pacific station horo,
has not boon Impaired oxcopt to tho
extent that trains aro traveling slow
er than usual, this being duo prlncl
pally to lack of wlro communication
Hnow plows havo boon keeping tho
tracks reasonably freo from snow,
although 2M foot of snow nt Duns-
mulr nnd 3 foot at BUklyou hnvo
taxed tho capacities of tha plows nnd
iVwcr Linen In Omul H1iio
J. C. Thompson, mnnngor for tho
Cullfornln-Orogon I'owor company,
statos that tho power linos nonr horo
hnvo not boon Impatrod nt all, nnd
that a crow of power llnomon have
boon assisting tho tolophono com
pany. Wcsl School Clone
Down at Wood, tho snow which
had boon falling for sovornl days,
cuangod to rain tho latter part of tho
wook, and tho ground was covorod
-with flvo foot of slush, On tho sum
mit botwoon Wood nnd Slsson-there
aro flvo foot ot snow, tho road bo
twoon theso two points bolng closed
-for tho first tlmo this yoar.
Throo mllos out of Wood tho heavy
iinowi broko down tho Callfornlrf-Orc-jton
I'owor company's lino, doprlvlng
Wood of powor. This forced tho
'Wood lumbar company plant to shut
down, Wodnosday night tho Wood
Lumbor company powor plant ran
out of fuol, tho storm bolng so sovoro
that It was Impossible to bring slabs
from tho yardB to kcop up tho tiros.
As a result, Wood was In darkness
Wodnosday night. TIo Wood Bchools
woro closod for noarly a wook, tho
storms bolng too sovoro for pupils to
OIUWON Tonight nnd Tuosday,
rain In, west; rain or snow In oast.
U, S. Supreme Court i
Reverses Lanclis on
Socialist Convictions
WASHINGTON, Jim. .11. Tlio
conviction of Victor L, Ilnrgtir mill
four otlutr HUcliillHtM for violation of
tin) espionage) net Iiiim boon ro
vorsod liy tho supremo court on tlni
ground tlint JtnlK'i Lmidls should
not Iiiivii henril tlio ciihiih nftor It Ik
eligibility Intel boon ntlncki'd. TIihsii
cc-nvktul with llorgor nt Chicago
worn Ailolpli CltiniHT, nat lomi 1 secro
tnry of tlni Hoclnllnt jiarty; Wlllluin
P. Kruno, editor of Young's HucIiiI
IkI inagitzlno; J. Lowlii KiikiIiiIiI nnil
Irwin fit. .((Hill Tucker. Tlioy woro
i ,,.,, , from 10 l(, 80
ronflnitmi'tit In mllltiiry prisons
PORTLAND, Jnn. 31. Illftli
hopes Unit 11,200,000 will ho np
preprinted liy congress townrd com
pletion of tlio Klomntli projuct nro
held liy official of tlio niutu chnm-
bor of commorco an tlio result of n
lnttnr rocolvod from A. I. Davis,
director of tlio United States re
clamation service
Mr. Dnvls Raid tlio Horn already
Inn! been pinned hy tlio liouju In
full for tha original CNtlmato and
that prospects that It would go
inrougn nil) senate anil beccmo a
law before Mnrch 1 woro good.
Other appropriations for develop
munt projects aro being severely
pruned hy congress, nccordlng to
Mr. Davis' loiter. It In not known
yet, uccordlng to Secretory Gcorgo
Quaylo, whether tho trimming pro
cess will affect tho Umatilla project,
tho second of tho npproved dovalop
menl plain In tho statu.
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Stormagrnph, nt
Undorwood'a Pharmacy has reg
istered n 'high' bnromvtrlc pres
sure for the last Zi Hours, but
ns it has boon fairly constant
during thnt period, but llttlo
c ban go In weather conditions
may bo oxpected for the next 12
forecast for next 24 heurs:
Cleudy: unsettled weather:
warm or.
Promise to Bring
Bach Explanation
Of Lava Bed Doings
Tho expedition to tho lava bods,
planned by V. W. Illtchle, Kd
llloomlngcamp, nnd Noll Cmnpoll for
yesterday did not matorlallzo owing
to weather conditions, but thoy ox-
poet to get atnrtcd todny nnd'wlll bo
gone throo or four dnys, during
which tlmo thoy will Investigate,
thoroughly tho storlos of flro and
volcanic eruptions.
An omployo ot tho Southorn Pa
elf tc railway company, said today
that sovoro oloctrlcal storms had bpen
In progress In ma gonorul vicinity
of tho lava bods during tho pasf
wook and that it was tho belief ot
somo pooplo who had been watching
what appear to bo forost fires, that
lightning, nnd not volcanic disturb
ances had caused tho tiros.
Mr. Illtchlo promlsos that whon
ho and his party roturn they will
bring with them tho truo story ot
tho myatorlous tiros and aubtorran
can rumblings.
Sl'OKANR, Wash., Jnn. 31. Tho
annual mooting of tho Washington
Stato Association ot tho American
Assoclntlon of Engineers wlll bo held
horo March 20, It has boon announ
ced. Upwards to 800 members of tho
stato association, It Is oBtimated, will
bo represented at tho mooting front
Spokano, Soattlo, Tacoma, Yakima,
Hvorott, Olympla, Abordoon, Boiling
ham and othor cities.
Three Fire-Fighters
Killed, 18 Hurt, An
Burning Wall Falls
rnoVIDENOH, n. I Jan. 31.
Throo 'flromon woro killed and 18
woro uorlously Injured when tho wall'
ot a burning building toll horo to
day, Two of tho Injured woro ex-
poctod to dlo,
Tho resldonco of James Grimes,
1135 Pine street, was entered Sat-
unlay nvuulng. probably botwoon
0 mid 8 o clock, and n wntch nnd
Icluiln belonging to William Bnnd-
orn .nnii n cnain owneu ny i,yio
.lllmiiiolwrlglit wero stolon from rt
ciiuroiuor in Mr. hnmlor's room. AAmerlrnn I.iimhormnn contnlncd an
wntch. the properly of Mrs. Orlmos, nrcount of tho proposed dovolopmont.
iiiik mi u mieu win ijiuii room,
wan not taken, although racks in -
dlcntud thnt tho thieves hnd boon
In that room. Meno of tho Orlmos
fnmlly or persons who room In tbojfor mnnufacluro, tIl0 Wccd corpora-
bouse wero at homo botween 0 nnd
8 o'clock, tho tlmo tho robbery is
said to hnvu occurred,
Tntcks which nro bollovod to
hnvo boon thoso ot n man and worn-
ntl U'nrn ttnttn nlmxt II. n tin,.. a IIia!
,u .....1,1...,. , '
niun.iui ittitniitH iiiuihj iiunn iui
plain. However, no dcpcndnhlo cluo
to tho Identity of tho thieves has
boon found. Mr. Sanders roported
the robbery to tho pollco today.
County Nurse At
Work In Earnest
Miss Lydln Frlcko, county nurse,
Has settled down to her duties In
enrnest, her gradually Increasing nc
qunlntanca with locnl pooplo and
places assisting her greatly In her
work. Twlco thin week Miss Frlcko
has answered calls from tho coun
try, onco at Fort Klamath an 1 once
nt Chlloquln. Kvory Saturday, un
less emergencies nrlso, sho can bo
found In her offlco in tha cham
ber ot commorco rooms, nnd irons
having business to transact with b
enn communicate with her by phono
or cull to soo her personally.
Announcement is mado by tho
board of directors of School District
No. 1, that a special election will bo
held at tho Central school, February
18, at 2 o'clock p, in. for tho purpose
of voting upon tho purchase of n
school alto for tho Sblpplngton and
I'ollcan Hny districts.
Tho site under consideration con
sists ot two blocks 3 nnd 4 of Klam
ath Lnko addition and Is locatod
about midway botween Shlpplngton
and I'ollcan Hay. Tho land Is back
from tho lako shoro a considerable
distance and Is elovnted and has good
drainage, says Mr. McCarthy ot tho
Hollman & Co. agency, who hnvo an
option on tho slto, Tho prlco fixed In
the notlco of oloctlon is approximate
ly 13000, Thoro aro no buildings up
on tho Innd at present.
IHJTTK, Mont., Jan. 31. It has
been announced by membors ot tho
Abrnhnm Lincoln branch ot tho Am
erican Assoclntlon for ho Recogni
tion of the Irish Ilopublle thnt Miss
Mary MacSwInoy, sister ot tho lato
lord mayor ot Cork, wlll bo In Uutto
on St. Patrick's Day, March 17, to
deliver an address.
Message to Business
Men In Dean's Talk
Tho address of Doan nobbfns ot
tho University ot Oregon school ot
commorco at tho chambor ot com
morco rooms at 8 o'clock tonight
contains lntorost for all the com
munity, according to Secretary T. h.
Stanley, but Is doslgnod to appeal
ospeclally to business mon.
Tho subject Is "Tho Duty of the
nuBlnow Man to tho Community."
Doan Itobblns spoko to tho high
school a88ombly this morning.
v rort kuoexk v. nuns
WASHINGTON, Jan. 31. Com
mutation ot tho sontenco ot Kugono
V. Dobs has boon recommondod to
Prosldont Wilson by tho dopni'tmont
ot Justice-, to tako otfoct Fobruary 12,
Mil h IN h llllllllUi
Installation of n town of sovornl
hundred homes, as hoadiiiartors for
tho logging operntlona of tho Long
Dell company In cutting their 100,-
ooo aire trnct. east of llrny will ho
completed UIh year, it Is roported In for nnd turn over to tho stato troas
' itirnhnr circles. A recent Issuo of tho!ror all feos.
, Tl0 low wlll I)0 ow,tod on Antelope
, creek, nbout eight miles oast of Uray,
California. Tho logs wlll bo shipped
,,,. Wnnil , ..m,inr Pnmn!inv' mill
tlnn bolng a subsidiary company of
tho Long Hell concern.
Tho now town will bo called Onr
ncr city, taking Its nnmo from a largo
peak In tho neighborhood, Mount
lOnrnor Accommodations for COO log
gers and their families aro planned,
with churches, storos, a theater, elec
tric light plant, municipal water sys
tem nnd nil modern Improvomonts.-
Onrnor City will bo connected by d
branch lino wlthubo Southern Paci
fic nt II ray. Work Is undor wny on tho
branch road and considerable work
was dono on tho town slto Inst fall.
It Is said tho road will bo rondy for
hauling early this spring and tho
first logging camp will bo establish
od. As cutting progresses Bpur tracks
will be pushed further Into tho tim
ber from tho Darner City baso and
now camps established. It Is estimat
ed that It will tako 20 years to cut
over tho tract.
Tho company, which
horetoforo has operated oxtensively
In tho southorn plno belt, whoro it
maintains 11 mills, but recently
turned its attention to western tlm
ber. "Among Its timber purchases aro
approximately 85,000 acres north
cast ot Chlloquln and 43,000 acres in
tho western part of tho county, which
will bo manufactured with Klamath
Falls as a, center
Another big tract was purchased
near Cowlitz,, Washington, 'and re
cent announcement was made that a
largo mill would bo Installed there
this year.
Income Appraisers
At the City Hall
Gcorgo 0. Hewitt and J. J. Wilk
inson, agonts ot tho Income tax de
partment ot tho Internal rovonuo
sorvlco, today opened headquarters
In tho council chambor ot -tho city
hall, Thoy will assist tho publfc In
making out Incomo tax returns, ex
plain tho exemptions and deduction
foatures and In all ways posslblo
facllltato the payment of tho tax.
Tho offlco in tho city hall wlll bo
maintained until February 8, and
will be open dally from 8:30 to G.
Classes are now being hold In tho
now Sacred Heart academy, tho trans
fer of fixtures, seats, and othor
school equipment having been made
on Friday and Saturday, Kverythlng
Is running smoothly today.
Tho slstors with tho boarders aro
still occupying their old quarters at
tho corner ot Soven th and Pine
streets, but will movo Into tho acad
emy tho last of this week.
POnTLAND, Jan. 31. Ltvostock,
steady; oggs, weak; butter, firm.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Howard and
daughter, Mary, who have boon liv
ing In Philadelphia for tho past sev
eral months, havo returnod to Kla
math Falls to again mako this city
tholr home.
LONDON, Jan. 31. Former sol
diers who wero promised gifts ot
land attor tho war but who havo
fallod to rocolvo It, aro forcibly tak
ing It.. In soma ot tho Dobr'ldea Is
lands, off tho west coast of Scot
land, Tho dissatisfaction over fall
uro to obtain land appears to bo
spreading among the Islandora.
Bill Would Lop Off
All Extra Revenue
Of County Officers
8ALKM, Jnn. 31. A bill propos
Ing to cut off all Incomn received hv
county officers asldo from their sal
aries, ospeclally oxtra rovonuu deriv
ed by sheriffs and clerks for
(collodion of certain feos, will bo In-
troduced shortly hy tho commlttco
on county nnd stato offices, or pos
- .slbly by Senator Doll of Lane coun-
ty, individually. Tho bill would ro
nulro tho county ofOcors to nccount
8ALB.M, Jan. 31. A bill standard
izing tho salaries for district attor
neys In all tho counties of Oregon
has bcon Introduced In tho houso by
Koprcsontatlvo Herbert Oordon of
Multnomah county and Thomas Kny
of Marlon county, both members of
tho Joint ways and moans commlttco.
Tho district attorneys associations
recently formulated a scbedulo which
provided for raises In salaries for
those officials In all of tho counties
of Oregon, but tho Oordon and Kay
bill makes cuts from present salaries
In somo Instances, although in tho
majority of counties Increases aro
Tho schcdulo following shows the
first figures as tho present salary
and tho second figures as tho salar
ies propesed:
Baker ............
nenton ...!.....
Clatsop- .;.
Coos ..tzl
1 rnn
t-rv-; ,
Douglas .
Orant ...
Ha rnoy .......
Hood Itlvor
Jackson .-..
Jefferson '...
Klamath ......... . 1,899
Lane .....
Lincoln .,
Linn -Malheur
Marion ..
Multnomah .......... 4,000
Polk .. ........ 900
Sherman .. -1,500
Tillamook 1,200
Umatilla ................ 2,400
Union 1.800
Wnllowa . 1,299
Pasco 1,800
Washington 2,199
Wheeler . .... . 1,500
Yamhill 1.200
Tho bill nrovtdes that tha district
attorney ot Multnomah county .shall
bo entitled to ono deputy at IZ400
a year, three at 11800 a year eacn
and three at $1200 a year each
PORTLAND. Jan. 31. Milling
men from all parts ot tho west and
Canada aro expected to attond a ses
sion ot tho International Mining Con
vention to bo held hero April 6-9.
Convention officials look for 1,500
Hnnry M. Parks, director of tho
Orogon bureau ot mines and geology
Is making local nrrangomonta for tho
convention. John E. Mlllor, managor
of tho exhibition ot mining machin
ery to bo hold In connection with tho
convention has arrived horo to begin
arranging a display.
TWIN FALLS, Idaho, Jan. 31.
Organization ot a new baseball
loaguo In southorn Idaho is being
consldorod. Tho towns mentioned
for places in tho organization are
Holse. Nampa, Caldwoll, Twin Falls,
Hurley, Pocatello and Idaho Falls.
Tho new league It Is bollovod,
would mako an effort to ontor org
anized basoball.
ASHTON, Idaho, Jan, 31. Ash-
ton's annual dog race will be hed
this yoar on Washington's birthday,
It was decldod recently, Sovoral lo
cal teams alroady aro practicing for
tho race.
(Hy Associated Pross)
LOS ANOKLKS, Jan. 31. Mrs.
Gladys Wlthoroll, who disappeared
Inst Tuesday, wan found early todny
n prlsonor In a small houso on a
sheep ranch near Corona, 70 mllea
southeast of Los Angelot 8ho was
unharmed. A. J. Carr and Floyd Cnrr
hnvo beon nrrosted. Officers stated -thnt
thoy confessed nn 111 feollng to
ward tho woman's father-in-law nnd
tho kidnapped woman, and for re
vengo wanted to obtnln 120,000 from
them ns ransom.
A tolophono operator's qulckwltt
edness led to tho discover ' of Mrs.
Wlthoroll. Sho rccolvcd a call for tho
resldonco of O. S. Wlthoroll and de
layed making It until tho pollco had
been sent to tho bay station, whero
thoy arrested A. J. Carr Just as ho
concluded a conversation which ho
had promised relatives In a lotter
sent Saturday. Tho pollco and Mrs.
WlthcrcU's husband and father start
ed for tho kidnappers' houso at 2
o'clock, surrounded it, broko In the
door and windows, and found tho
woman in a room lying upon a cot
with two blankts. Floyd Carr was
solxcd as ho camo from a closet.
Thursday, Fobruary 3, will bo a
reaI ro''0 daiUn ,t,hU city, the Mon-
dalo and tho .Star thoaters, tho
schools, through Superintendent J. P.
1,000 j Wells, tho nowspapers, and cbarltab
J'??? ly inclined people In goncrnl Jeining:
'In the movement to help swell the
Kastern and Central European Daby
( noltof fund being raised In what Is
commonly known ns the Iforbort
Hoover campaign.
Telling tho story from tho begin
ning, tho motion picture Industry has
i " ' :" ' .v" ";: "
3 000 ubkou iu raise .,ouu,uuu ior
1,'oOOIthls fund, and Instructive and hum
orous pictures havo been sent to
every theater In the San Francisco
district, gratis, with tho proviso that
tho theaters show the pictures with
out charge for their services, and
that they elicit tho support of adver
tising mediums, schools, and clvio
organizations. All this has been
dono hero, and tho price of admission
for children has been set at 10 cents,
and for adults at 25 cents.
Superintendent J. P. Wells has
agreed to dismiss school both In tho
morning and in the afternoon on that
day, so that tho shows, which will
bo different In either theater, can ba
liberally patronized.
Tho show at tho Mondale will bo
given at two o'clock In tho after
noon. Thcro wlll bo 8 reels; 5 roels
being devoted to a drama entitled
"Treason." Supplementing this- dra
ma will be throo comedies, "Chip oft
tho Old Dlock," "Black Feet and
Flnt Heads." and "Lovo in Armor."
These reels will be brimful ot inter
est, announces Manager White, ot
this' thoater. Hut this does not tell
It all. The "Melody Maids," now
hero for a week's engagement, wltt
put on a song and dance turn, with
apodal music, their sorvlces being
donated for the good of tho causo.
Tbero will be only one performance,
but It will bo a stollar affair from
beginning to end. Ten cents for
chlldron, and 25 cents for adults, and
evory cent ot the gross proceods will
be sent directly to the relief commit
too In San Francisco.
The Star theater will glvo Its show,
eight lively reels, at 10 o'clock In the
morning. "Unknown Quantity" Is tho
namo ot tho big end ot the attraction
but Manager Terwllllger assures
overybody that the show Itsolf will'
not bo an unknown quantity, ns It
hns been tried and has not boen
found wanting. Good comedies and
othor plcturos support this show.
There will bo only ono performance.
Admission to both theators will
bo 10 and 2G conts,-aml as much mora
as anyone cares to give.
- MM0mi .TK i