The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 29, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Kvldoncos of llmhor fires and vol
canic ormitlonn In tlio Invn liuiln,
wimi throiiKli n powerful glass from
tlm top of till) lllltll ncliiiol, H tllll IIICI-
tlvo for tlm organisation of u party
which will Milt out by niilo for tlio
Iiivii hmls tomorrow, to lonrn tlio ox
tout mill nature of tlio supposed
fires iiinl illHlurlmnciiH. F. W. Itltcti
lo, who discovered tlm flro mul evi
dences of volcnnlo discharges, with
Noll Campbell, I'M llloomlngcomp,
mul 0110, or two olhon, will com
poso tlio party.
This trip In contingent upon tho
wonthor, mid also upon furtlinr evi
dence tlmt may bo discovered to.
night whon Mr. Illtclilo, equipped
with IiIr pownrful glass, will go to
tlm Iilllri toward Fort Kluinntli mul
iniikn observations from tlm highest
posslhlo pojnt.
Ahout two months ago wlillo Mr.
Hltchlo was camping nt tlm Invn beds
with Ills lion, ho Imnnl rumblings
nml foil trnmnni which convinced
him that volcnnlo discharges woro
llnhlo to occur, Wlillo no Informn-
tlon otlmr tlmn tlmt obtained
throilRh III flntil observations In nt
Mr. Ritchie's disposal, ho fools suru
tlmt volcnnlo oruptlons hnvo occur
red whlrh hnvo communicated what
might provo to ha serious tlmtior
BATUHDAY, JANtiAhY 20, 1021.
Personal Mention
-o day. Hho In leaving for Marysvillo,
Cal., whora sho will reside In tlfti
-ill fiiliiro.
(lus Thorno of tho Modoo I.uinhor
coiupnny of l'lno Itldgo, Ih In tho
clly for it fow dnyH on business.
Frod Applegate, u farmer of tho
Hwait I.nko country,' In a county sunt
visitor IIiIh wook.
Mills School Notes ,
On Monday tlm Klghth grndn re
turned tn tho school from tho court
houso of Mn. Ilortha Kioll rostim
od tho Klghth kth do work rutin
quUliInn tho Bovonth and fllxth
grudos to Mn. H. K. Wattonborg
until tho return of Miss Kvn Hank
who will toko over tho work for tho
remainder of tho year.
Thin week ono bnskolhnll, two vol
loy halls and olcht hnnd balls worn
nddod to tho playroom mid play
Kround nppnrntuK.
Theso woro (purchased from tho
fund raited by tho entertainment
given In Decomhor by tho school
and Parent-Teachers association for
tho purchase of, plajrgfound uud play
room aqulpmeht.VTIifi receipt of
thla entertainment woro $7fi.
Tho rogulnr meeting Jif tho Parent-Teacher's
association will ho held
on Tuesday February Int. at tho
schoolhouso. Tho program promises
something of Interest. Muilc, two
book ro views: "Tho Man of tho
Agos" by Irving Ilachnltar and
"Btnrvlng America" by Alfred Mc-
Cnnn followed by an open discus
slon, topic "Tho Ideal I'aront and tho Toachor."
At tho business meeting additional
plani for work will bo considered.
Miss Kvn Hiinkfi, who hnn boon at
tending school In Chlco, Cnl., ro
turnod homo Inst night.
Jim, Drown Mlchnal, n resident of
tho Dairy country, Ih n Klamath
Falls slioppor today.
Luther Holbrook, a fnrmor of tho
.Mnllri district, In In tho city making
final proof on hid homuiitoad.
Mr. and Mm, Marlon Ilarnos, who
oporato a farm In tho I'lovnn dls-
trlct, woro city Hhoppuni yesterday,
Henry Haas of floattlo, In visiting
at tho homo of Mr. mid Mm. K. M
Igl. Mr. Ilnim In Mm. Igl'it brother,
Hoborl and Monroe Lytic, farm-
on of thu llnnunzn dlstnol, uru In
tliu city today on business.
Jack McAullffo, farmer and stock-
man of tho Fort Klamath country,
arrived In thu city taut ovonlm; on
Mr. and Mrii. Kd Young, farmers
of tho Olano soctlon, woro county
seat visitor and shoppers yentor
J. I. Offolock, traveling sales
man for tho Corrin-Ilcddlnglon Drug
company of San Francisco, Is a vis
Mrs. C I,. Oago of Hchnectndy,
Now York, la horo making an oxton-
ilod vlnlt of sovoral months with hor
son, B. I.. Paddock of this city.
Tho Young People's Dancing club
will hold another of their popular
dunces at tho, Whlto 1'otlcan hotol
this evening.
Mr. Vorso, apodal agent or tho
Hankers and Bhlppors Frio Insur
unco company, Is In thu city visiting
thu Insuranco offices.
Walter Vnn Kmon, local attorney,
loft this morning for Portland ou
business, and will be gono sovoral
J. M. Whipple nnd wife, who hnvo
boon In tho city for tho nasi several
works for Mr. Whipple's hoalth, left
this morning for thelr.ihomo In tho
Itoguo Illvor valley. ' f
Mrs, C. It. namsby, a pioneer of
this county, who rormeny mado her
homo In Ashland, has returned to
Klamath Fulls, wharo sho will mako
her home.
oi'i:.v efi'kti: i"i:iihuauy
W. W. 8outhwoll will opon n pub
lic accountant's offlro In Itooni
of the l.oomln building February 1.
Ho Is n University of Missouri gradu
ate with much oxporlenco ns it pub
lic ncconntant. Ho. has boon doing
nccountlng for various firms horo far
tho past year, bolng In charge of
tho Qoldon Ilulo offlco work among
other tasks.
Mr. Houtliwell also has classes In
Introductory bookkoeplng In his of
fices ovonlngs and will start classes
In advanced bnokkoepliiK about tho
flnt of Fobruary.
Mrs. A. N. Palmer wan a passen
ger this morning to Weed, whora
sho will spend tho weok end with
her husband, who Is an omployo
of tho Southern Pacific company.
Mrs. Kvolyn Hcot, formerly em
ployed as stenographer In sovoral
local law offices, Is leaving In tho
morning for Ran Francisco, whora
sho will mako her futuro homo.
I.ynn rlkllllngton, local Wostern
Union omployo .loft this morning
for Weod, whoro bo will moot his
father and mother, who uro re
turning from San Francisco from a
two weeks' trip.
Wm. Hagolsteln, accompanied by
his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs.
John Hagolstoln, loft this morning
for Dorrls, Mr, and Mrs. nagol-
Ntoln oxpect to visit their sou for
about a wook.
Mn. D. L. Hlto, who has boon In
tho Fort Klamath country visiting
frlentls, arrived In tho city yestor-
(J, II, Orner, local omployo of tho
Houthcrn Pacific, arrived on last
night's local, Ho reports n hoavy
storm In tho Weed section, delaying
trains. Nearly three feet of snow
Is on tho ground,
u. v. jioimos, wno operates it
merchandise store In Malln. was In
on business yesterday, returning ti
Mann last evening. Mr. Holmes Is
also Interested In tho Klamath Cash
grocery of this city. ' j
Mrs. Mablo Woodon, who Is em
ployed by tho Htar Drug company,
Is spondlng tho week end with hor
daughter, Dorothea, who resldei
with Mrs. Weedon's mother In tho
Merrill district. !
Philip B .Popo. ono of tho man.'
.... .1.. .-- . . H
..,,., n ui uiu nmr wruc company, is
leaving In tho morning for Ban
Francisco and other southern parts,
on n combined business mid pleasure
trip. Ho will ho away a week or,
N. II. Young and family, formerly
of Portland, aro In tho city, nnd
have purchuicd an Interest In tho
J. II. darrctl gnrago. They aro at
present at tho Central hotel, but ox-'
poet to locato permanently lator on.l
anil make their homo hero.
Clco. Chastaln, who has charge of,
tho commissary department of tho
Modoc Lumber company at Pine
Hldgo, was an arrival on today's
train. Mr. Chastaln will bo nccom-
panlod by his family on his return
to Pine ltldgo, whoro they will mako
their homo.
Mrs. Chas. Cowley, n pioneer of
tho Langcll Valloy toctlon, left this
morning for Ban Francisco, whera
sho will visit for several weeks.'
From thoro sho will go to Iowa,
whoro sho will visit relatives and,
frlonds. Mrs. Cow loy, who. Is In;
poor health, expects to return In,
tho spring.
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Stormagraph at
I'ndorwood's Pharmacy has reg
istered a slowly falling prcssuro
slnco noon of yesterday, Indica
ting a contlnuanco of wind, ris
ing temperaturo and making
conditions qulto favorable" for
rain. f I
Forecast for next 24,$ourm
unsottlod weather, 'Increasing
., m..,i nuuiivi,
I. O. O. K. IIAI.Ij TOMOrtltOW
Following Is tho program of TJpls-
cnpollan sorvlces to bo conducted by
Archdeacon Van Waters tomorrow at
tho Odd Fellows hall: Communion
sorvlco nt 10:30 a. m.: morning
prapor at 11; baptismal sorvlco at
7 p. m.; Iccturo nightly nt 7'3Q In
tho Odd Follows hnll. Doubt of ob
taining tho hall for all tho lectures
has been removed. '
Tonight, In ,tho chamber of com
merce rooms, Archdeacon Van Wit
ters will glvo n lecturo entitled "Tho
Church of Humanity." This lecture
wilt bo broad In scopo, and will In
terest pcoplo of ovory creed. Tho
public Is given an Invitation to attend.
Papon bootlaces, mado In
many, aro now on tlio market.
26 WEDS 72
." i
"Mother, did you bake
this bread?"
" No, that's some of the
Bakerite bread sold at the
Rex Cafe. It's better than
I ever baked."
Irs'., vr Y-Jfcf' ''''"H
hxBSsfsHBISr y 1 ti.SSSBSH
Miss Cocll 0, Rondy, 2G, Syracuse
socloty girl, Is now tho wlfo of I
Qoorgo Oystor, 72, Washington mil
lionaire horsoman. Tho wedding
took placo at Washington. Miss
Itoady and Oystor met at a Now York
The First National Bank
Federal Reserve System
Conservative Management.
We are carrying 24 per cent cash reserve. This is over
three times the legal reserve i required of National
We afford our depositors all the conveniences of a
modern bank.
Our Foreign Exchange service is very complete, and is
appreciated by our customers.
times during bank hours.
Our Safety Deposit Vault is convenient and open at all
Y llWi
We are glad to be of assistance to our customers in
making out their income reports, and in any other mat
ters about which they wish to consult us.
High Grade
Imported Toilet Preparations
We are pleased to announce to the ladies of Klamath Falls,
that important reductions have been made in the prices of Fine
French Toilet Articles and Perfumes, and following our business
policy, we1 at once give our customers the benefit although our
stock was bought at higher prices.
Azurea Face Powder, now only $1.20 per box
Le Trefle Face Powder, now only $1.20 per box
Floramye Face Powder, now only $1.20 per box
, Fine Perfumes, such as Pompeia, Azurea, Le Trefle,
Floramye, Safranor, per ounce only ,$1.50
All other high grade goods made by Piver, of Paris, have
been reduced in proportion, and may be found "in our toilet
goods section.
Our line of toilet goods always complete, always fresh, and
prices always reasonable, and as low as the market will allow.
I puritV I
stnto fair.