PAGR TIHIKIS THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 1MI. 3 COM HIGH i:i)iTi;i) iiy moil NKW HTVDKMTH ItlOtllHTIill Monday morning, Jnnunry 24, bo Rnn tlio second sonientor nt K. C. If. H, A fow slight changes In tho rtnlly schndulo woro mnno necessary by tlio interline nt (i niiw froshmnn clnss, Thi) iiiaiiiliorx of tlio ntuilont body Join In extending it hourly welcome to ouch nnil ovory ono of tlioHo now HttiilmilH, both f roalimori mill upper flu nit limn, , 'riiomi unrolled urn: ICnrl Dutiim, Henley IiIrIi hcIiooI; Hliindlcu Mnr tin, Fort Klniiinth; Arvulln Mb Imrtl, 1'otlatcli, lilulio; Iilu Wuslmnro Inml, Ciihii (Irauilo, Arlzomi; Mil ilrml Klnsoy, I'nsiidiinn, Oil; Inox Jenkins, llumilu Lucas, Den Whip pin, Ltirlllii Hhormnn, Florence Ilrnilloy, Vorifon Francis, Howard Ilniiilinr, Vnlo KrnnrlM, Howard Hlirlver, (InorKi) Carr, Lntirn llolll tiny, mill 1'uiil Musgrnvo, Klnmntli Fnlls. thi: saddest Llko broad without tlio sprcudln,' Llko pudding without tlio nance; Mko n mattroM without stuffln,' WOOD Tho thins you want to know about wood la this. What wood will giro mo tho most heat for tho least money! Our ton yoara oxporlonco In thcfuol business ha taught ui that SLAB-WOOD IS CHEAPEST Phono In your ordors wo promlio quick sorvlco O. Peyton & Co. "WOOD TO BURN" OHOAIl PEYTON WIMiAItD PEYTON 419 Main St. ;. "SERVES YOU RIGHT "& 4m H X a o 1 u CO The Club Cafe That popular place on Sixth street, Just off Main "It's Different" Y t Y "SERVES YOU RIGHT "K If the Wood Dealer Sold Service Wo do not Mil current J wo kII let-vice. That cound odd dOMB't it? Well, auppoio tho wood dealer sold scrvico lmtcad of wood, be would tend to your furnace anil your range, tako nwy the nihe and clean the flue. You would buy o much beat. Now you buy so much light, although you pay according to tho current you consume. Hut tho servlco Is performed for you by tills company at the substations and power plants. That Is what we want to give you efficient service. It Is the aim of tills company to have nono but satisfied customers. No matter what It Is, If you have a grievance, or are dissatisfied about your bill or do not understand our rates, please como lu and see us or write us about It. If yon liave any suggestions to make, we will gladly avail our selves of them as our aim la constantly to Improvo our service to you as fast as the development of sclenoo and human ability permit. California-Oregon Power Company L school students Mko a curt without n hnftn; Mko a itoor without it Intch-strlng, Mk n fonco without u Mile, Mko it dry ntiil barren crook-bod, In tlio fnco without u smllo. Mko a liousu without ft doorynrd, Mko u yard without n flower, Mko u clock without a malnsprlngi That will nnvor toll tint hour; A thltiK Unit ntwnyn mnkon you fool A Hhiiddor nil tho whllo Tho nmlilcHt thing thnt ovor wan, In tho fnco without a Hinllo. IRVINO McOALL Nolo! It senilis thnt dosllny linn wllloil thnt IrvInK McCnll ho n pool. Mo wrltod two or thruo ovory week nnil flnitii no difficulty In mi iIoIiik. Darwinian Theory Now Is Puzzling Young Biologist Tho Biology class In high school In studying nhout tho grunt biologist, Chnrle Darwin, nnil Iilu theory of orolutlnn. Home of tho students roa- Phone 535 A i t in W W W o c 2 o X H T T T Y I H son thai ho olthor didn't bollovo In tho Illblo or olso wanted to maka something hnrd out of tho creation of man. If a man enmo from n mon- koy, whoro did tho monkoy como from n coll? Then whoro did tho coll como from? Hurnly nil things munt hnvo had u beginning some tlmo, A hcnCed argumont ensued; soma of tho students Inking tho ntnnd t Chnrlo Dnrwln, and others tlio op poHlto, Tho dohnto heenmo moro hunted nnd ntiil no ono won convlnc od, At Inst, thn holl rang for dlsmlssul puttfng it stop to nil argument. , After nil linn ovolullon boon prov ed, iih claimed Iiy Darwin? And If It linn, what Hnflafntclou doon any one derive from knowing that Iilu nucustors woro brainless monkoys7 HUTU I)K LAP THREE-a U IT Uollovlng that an honor society has a placo In high school llfo and also believing that students, who can do honor work, should bo recogniz ed and bo allowed certain plrvllogos, that other students should not ro cilvu; tho faculty of tho high school organized tho "AAA Club" of Kla math County High School. To bo aide to become member of tho "AAA Club" or tho "Throo A Club" as It Is called ono must muko nil A grado In thruo studies. To ob tain an A grado ono must make an uvarago far tlio six weeks of botweeu 90 and 100 por cent. To obtain an A grado fur tho somostor ono must mako an average of 90 to 100 pur cent for tho term. In orgnnlzlug this club, tho fac ulty put tho standard at three A's but wuru most agreeably surprlsud to find that ono student received five A's and a number four A's. Tho throo A pooplo aro given n half day holiday during each six wooks period and aro allowed to do general reading In tbo library. The threo A members aro plan ning ono of two picnics and hikes as soon as tbo weather permits. These trips will bo taken whllo tboso stu dents that aro not members of tho club stay nt school and study, may bo In an effort to become eligible for membership In tbo "AAA Club." Iiy making an A grado In throo or moro subjoclft docs not allow ono to boconio a permanent momber of tbo club but tho student must do as good work tbo next six weeks porlod or ho Is dropped from tho club. When ono has maflt, an A grado In threo or moro subjects for tho term ho be comes n regular member of tho club for tbo whole of tho next torm. Tho first six weeks period the club ha dclght four A mombors and 1C threo A mombors. Tho second six weeks porlod tho club had tite flvo A mombor, 16 tour A members and 30 throo A members. Tho third six weeks porlod the the following wero ahlo to boconio mombors of tho club: Threo A's Vor Lost Six Weeks Flvo A's Dorothy McAboy. Four A's Francos Honzlk, Hazol Connors, Katherlno Upp, Helen Wlrtz, Jo Upp, Frances Humphroy, Holland Cantrall, Weaver Solomon, Uornlco Hector, Lotha Miller, John Kuykondall, Wendell Smith, Dcrtha I'oltz, Kva Cox, Homer Huber, Oor trade Cofor, Lorona Colson. Threo A's Clatus Morcdlth, Rol land Watt, Martin Adams, Eva DM lard, Hutli Delap, Alma Lnwronco, Mario Talbot, Vera Thompson, James Drlatow, William Clark, Irving Mo duli, Itebocca Humphrey, Ilesslo Tilll, Con 8 ton co Crystal, Waive With row', Martha Upp, Pansy Robertson, Cnrllo North, Mildred I.owla, Until Norton, Esther Whshburn, Esther Calkins, Mnrgarot Johnson, Anna Collins. Tho following have qualtflod ns mombors of tho regular "AAA Club" by mnklng an A grado In throo or moro subjects for tho somos tor ending January 21, 1921. Threo A'iiFor Semester Flvo A's Ilernlco Hector. Four A's francos Honzlk-, Hazel Connors, Knthorlno Upp, Holen Wlrtz, Francos Humphrey, James Urlstows William Clark, Holland Cantrall, Weaver Solomon, Lehla Miller, John Kuykendall, Wondoll Smith, Dorothy McAboy, Bertha Poltz, Eva Cox, Bessie Hotchkln, Lor ona Colson, HJomer Huber. Throo A's Clatus Morodtth, Mar tin Adams, Eva Dlllard, Alma Lawrenco, M. Talbot, V. Thompson, M. Smldl, It, Humphroy, Bessie Tull, Laurel Camp, Ruby E. Smith, Norma Adams, Constance Crystal, Martha Upp, Pansy Robertson, Carllq North, Mildred Lowls, Gortrudo Cofor. HSR N Conducted Iiy Mrs. Belle De Graf Domestic Science Director Hporry flour Co. HOW TO PREPARE NOURISHING SOUPS WITHOUT STOCKS Houps without stock Includo all cream soups, chowdors and purees. This typn of soup Is both substan tial and nourishing, and Is served at luncheon or whoro tho moat to fol low In not hearty. Or cream soups may ho nerved for Informal dinners to furnish a suhstuntlnl dish so that tlio dlnnor Ituolf will not requlra so generous an amount of tho moro ex' poiislvo meat or meat substltuto. Theso cream soups nnd chowders aro both popular and very easily made Tho foundation of a cream soup Is a thin whlto sauco; cooked vcgot ablo pulp or purco Is added for flavor. Tho caroful housowiro will plan In ndvanco to cook sufficient vegetable nt a provlous meal to pro- paro thoKo soups. Many times left over vegetables nro Improved by further cooking, slnco In order to mnko really good cream soup tho vegetables should bo so soft that they will easily pass through a sieve or purco strainer. Howovor, In mak ing cream of asparagus soup, very llttlo of tho pulp can bo rubbed through a sieve as it Is too fibrous. Tho outer leaves of colery, tbo tough end of nsparagus, tho dis carded leaves of lcttuso, will-all glvo sufficient flavor to make a dollcato appotlzlng cream soup. Vcgotablcs that would othorwlso bo thrown away may bo utilized In this man ner. It wou(d not bo wise to servo cream of celery soup and colery In nny other form at tho samo meal; but If kopt In a cool place cooked vegotahlo may bo kept ovor ono or two days beforo making them Into soup. Tho soup will bo moro satis factory If tbo loftovcr cookod veg etables aro cooked In water nbout 1C minutes, or until soft onough to rub through a slevo, salted and poured Into a glass Jar and covorod closely. When posslblo uso tho liquor In which tho vegetables wero cooked, together with milk when making tho foundation croam sauco, as It adds moro flavor. Strictly speaking, cream soups should contain only sifted veg etables, meats or fish, but aro moro substantia! It a part of tbo ingredi ents used aro chopped very tlno and added to tho soup. When using canned vegetables for making soups, tho liquor should bo discarded when ever possible, as It usually Imparts a "canned" taste not at all palata ble Tho exceptions would bo corn and tomatoes. All cream soups aro Improved it a small quantity of whipped cream Is added Just beforo serving, or a teaspoon of tho whip ped cream may bo usod as a garnish. When proparlng cream soups tho vegetables should bo sifted, heated, etc., beforo making tho whlto sauco. Tbo sauco should bo mado Just bo fore serving tlmo and then the two Ingredients combined. Cream soups will not curdlo It mado by this meth od. It cream soups nro allowed to stand, they aro apt to separate, so should not be mado until roqulred. Purees aro usually mado of veget ables such as drlod beans, dried peas or potatoes. Tho drlod vegetables are first soaked ovor night, then simmered In wator until tender; drain, reserving liquid, rub pulp through a slovo and then slightly thicken with butter or butter substi tute, creamed with an equal quan tity of flour. . A purco should bo about as thick as a cream soup before thickening Is added, tboreforo but llttlo thick ening Is needed; but tho puroowlll soparate if no thlckonlng is used, Blsquos aro mado of fish, usually shell .fish. Tboy havo ns a base a thin cream sauco. Clams, oysters or dtcod lobstor or crab aro adde'd to a cream sauco and tho wholo is woll soasoned. Chowders aro very substantial and aro almost a moat In thoniBolves when accompanied with broad and buttor. Chowdors mako a vory sat isfactory lunchoon or supper dish. Nice Juicy KrsKr Cut From , Three-year-old Steers at These Prices, DELIVERED Loin .' . . 25c Round 20c Roasts . . . .18c and 22c Boil ..... 13c and 15c Call FRANCIS HANNON Phone 253 J DEPARTMENT Foundation Ilcclo for Cream Houps Two cups milk. Two tablespoons butter or butter substltuto. Two tablespoons flour. Ono cup sifted vegetable. Two cups liquid In which vegot nblo was cookod. Salt and popper. Molt butter, add flour and blend well; cook until frothy, then add cold milk. Stir constantly until somowhat thickened and creamy, Add Hoasonlngs. A pinch of maco adds a very pleasing flavor. Heat tho slftod vcgotablo and liquid, then comhlno mixture All milk may be used. Cream of Tomato Soup Two cups milk. Two tablespoons butter or substi tute. Two tablespoons flour. Two cups strained tomato. Ono-fourtb teaspoon soda. Salt and pepper. Prepare tbo whlto sauco as given In tho foundation rcclpo. Heat to matoes and add soda. Combine hot mlxturo but do not cook. Fish Chowder Two cups clams or fish. Two cups raw potatoes cut In dlco. One-fourth cup salt pork, cut In small pieces. Ono onion sliced. Two cups milk. Four crackers. Ono tablcspoonful butter or sub stltuto. Ono tablespoon flour. Put salt pork In a pan and heat slowly to extract tho fat; add sllcod onion and cook until a rolden brown. Add two cups of boiling water to tbo potatoes and cook flvo minutes, add tbo salt pork and onions to tho potatoes, and simmer until tho potatoes aro tender but not brokon. Mako a white sauco of tho milk, flour buttor. Combine mix tures, season and add clam or fish. Cook flvo minutes. Add crackers, split and cut In quarters. Strained tomatoes mar replaco the milk If desired. Corn Chowder Ono cup cannod corn. Two cups raw potatoes cut in cubes". One-fourth cup salt pork cut in small pieces. Ono onion sliced. Two cups milk. Ono tablespoon butter or butter substitute. Salt and popper. Put salt pork In a saucepan and MMAMMrMAWWMMWVVWVMWWWMWMVVVVMMWVVVVVVVVVWMWVWWVWVVMtMM The Rex Cafe SUNDAY SPECIAL DINNER $125 Crab Flake Cocktail RELISHES Sliced Beets SOUP Cream of Chicken Royale PUNCH Rex Special SALAD Cold Slaw French Dressing CHOICE OF Chicken -Fricassee a la Peasant Supreme of Chicken Patties Relno Club Steak Grilled, Marrow Bordelalse VEGETABLES Cream Whipped Potatoes String Beans Lyonnalso DESSERT Chocolato Blanc Mange Hot Mince Pie Apple Flo Vanilla Ico Cream Cake Tea Coffee Milk ..a.....r.nnn.nnnnnnnnAA)vu cook to oxtract tho fat; add onloa and cook until golden brown, about flvo minutes; parboil potatoes 1 boiling wator to covor five minutes; add to salt pork and onion. Cook until potatoes aro tender, thon add corn, milk and seasoning. Onion nnd Potato Soup Ono onion, sliced. Ono cup celory, cut In one-halt Inch pieces. Two cups rnw potatoes, cut in cubes. Two cups milk. Two cups boiling water. Two tablospoons buttor or substl tuto. Two tablespoons flour Salt and popper. Melt two tablespoons shortening and add tho onions and colery; cook about ten minutes stirring often Melt butter, add riour, mix woll and cook until frothy, thon add cold milk; cook until thick. In tho meantime parboil tho potatoes In boiling wa tor about flvo minutes; combine la grodlonts, season and serve. Vegetnblo Soup One-half cup carrot, finely chop pcd. On-half cup turnip, flnly choppd. Ono cup celery cut In small pieces. One cup potato, cut In small cubes One onion, sliced. Fpur cups water. Four tablespoons butter or buttor substltuto. One teaspoon chopped parsley. Salt and pepper. Preparo vegetables bofore meas uring. Melt butter, add all vege tables except potatoes and cook over a low flro about ten minutes, stir ring often. Add potatoes and water and simmer about 40 minutes, or un til vegetables are tender. Add pars ley and serve. Cream of Spinach Hemp Ono-halt cup cream. One-half cup water. One-quarter cup strained spinach. Salt and pepper. Cook spinach until very tender and rub through a stove or puree strain er; or canned spinach may bo used. Heat cream and water; add strained spinach, season and serve at once. ItKLIKK FOR MOTHERS BERLIN, Jan. 10. (By mall) i Berlin and other cities to raise money for tbo relief of children and indigent mothers, of whom it U said the American Friends Service Tag days" havo been Instituted la committee (Quakers) alone aro feed ing 694,000 dally. In Berlin the Quakers are Issuing rations dally to 150,000 mothers and children. The number Is rsported Increasing as tho winter advances. Akron boxing clubs have reduced their admission prices. We oil all our boys hi top shoes free of charge, Bradley-Evans Shoe Co. 34-29 Sweet Pickles f t t EgwaaaaTOqwMWViuu''''!"!1'1 Wlm.