The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 29, 1921, Section Two, Page PAGE FOURTEEN-A, Image 17

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No ntlior purchaso you rnnko cnn
lio morn vllnl to your business than
tho motor truck.
For on Itn proper performance do
ponds tho efficiency of your dollvory.
l'roiipoetlvo truck owners nro fro
quontly not fnmlllnr with motor
truckn, and nro oftnn nooin tiiftly at n
loan as to tho Holoctlon of tho best
truckn for thnlr Intuitions.
Hut nftor nil, thero Is no ronl ron-
Hon why nny huilnoin man or bus!
nosn houno ihould consider tho scloc
tlon of truckn n complicated prob
Tho first ntoji should ho an oxamln
ntlon of tho organisation hohlnd tho
truck. Ilognrdloss of how Reed n
truck mny look In tho showroom or
at work, do not coniildnr It until you
lmva flrnt Investigated tho factory
that built It, Aftor tho monoy lion
changed hands and tho truck la yours,
you'll wnnt tho backing and co-op-oration
of n factory that li sound
ono that will bo In business not only
today but during coming yours.
Btartllng flguros wero merited at
tho truck owner's ronferenco In Chi
cago figure which clearly lllus
trnten tho ndvliabltlty of giving aer-
lous attention to tho factory behind
tho truck. A apoakor at this con
foreneo said:
Only 814 per cent of tho compan
ion now building trucks wcro In
business five years ago.
In ono year 67 truck companies
rwent out of business 33 atnrtod.
718 companies building trucks
failed or discontinued buttnoss dur
ing a period of flro yoars.
It Is Important to consldor tho
factory behind your truck for tho
best truck built require- sorvlco now
and then, and at times parts must ba
replaced. Ilo sum that all things In
dicate that tho company which built
your truck will still bo building
trucks when you need that service
and those parts.
Tho Oenoral Motors Truck com
pany, builders of O M C trucks Is
ono of tho oldest and strongest com
panies In tho Industry.
Models 71 and 101, tho 3V4 and
rWATUIHlAY, jTAlfPABr 1 , 1l)fll.
Repair and Machine
Shop Are Complete
Tho repair dopnrtmoiit of thn Acme
Motor company Is probably tho larg
est and host o(tilppod In this section
of tho country. ThlH dopnrtmoiit Is
48x100 foot, and In of flro proof con
struction, holng Hopnrntud from tho
main garngn by n 0-Inch brick flro
proof wall, with metal doom. It Is
wolt llghtod, (ach of tho other walls
holng entirely of glass. Four largo
skylights, with tho whlto Interior,
mako tho shop an "light us day."
This department Is dlvldad Into
two nectlonn, ono end holng used for
machine) work, and tho other for tho
dlssambllng and assembling room
for automobiles, trucks, and tractors.
Tho machine shop Is unusually
woll equipped and consists of a bat
tory of four lathes, of varying sizes
and capacities which onabla the op
orators to do tholr work most of
flcontly. Tli r oo drill presses, tool
grinder, cylinder grinder, and lnrgQ
surface and external grinder which Is
now being Installed, ono shapor, ono
20-ton press, and one 200-ton press,
powor saw, three portablo eloctrlc
drills, floor crnnos and hoists, with
small tools, comprlso tho groater part
of tho oqulpmont.
Thin mnchlnory In modern, most
of tho machines being equipped with
Individual motors and necessary up
to dato appliances,
Ono outstanding fcaturo of thin de
partment nro tho tool racks and
drawers which protect tho tools, but
enables tho mochanlcs to select tools
at a moment's notlco. Another foa
turo In tho Individual lockorn for
each workman, thereby providing
places whoro thoy can koop tholr
overalls, aprons, and other working
"togs" from oil cans and benchos,
and from tho oil and other things
that soil them unnecessarily.
Tho automobllo ropalr department
In convonlontly arranged to handlo
both automobllo and truck work,
thoro being four pits, of concroto,
steps loading to tho bottom of oach
pit, and light and attachment plugs
for extension lights and electric
drills. Alt pits aro covorod when not
In use.
It Is tho aim of tho company to
maintain a crow of mochnnlcn suf
ficiently largo to permit oach me
chanic to spoclallzo In a cortaln
branch of tho work, thoroby Insuring
proficiency. For example, a mechan
ic tool oporntor Is not expoctod to bo
n carburotor oxpoct or an oloctrlclnn,
nnil nelthor In a man accustomed to
assembling n roar construction or a
transmission oxpoctod to oporato a
cylinder grinder, lly following thin
system It will bo posslblp to turn out
a hotter class of work In a shortar
tlmo, thoro by giving tho publlo su
perior service.
Whon all this machinery Is Install
ad It will not bo nocossary to hold
up n car or truck from sovoral days
to weeks, whllo tho parts nro coming
from tho factory, an all part that
urn subject to tho most woar can bo
mado horo at homo.
It Is notlceablo that motor traf
fic has boon In almost full tilt nil
winter, not enough snow having
fallen to Irapodo autos to any oxtent.
Klamath Kails suroly Is an all-win-tor
auto city.
At a fow dangorous crossings In
London, notably In tho financial and
business districts, subways passagos
nro constructed for podostrlans, but
tho pooplo will not take tho tlmo to
uso them.
6-ton trucks aro properly termed
heavy duty trucks becauso thoy aro
so welt suited to all lines of busi
ness requiring trucks for heavy, hard
Motor ambulances, flro engines, po
lice patrols and othor motor emer
gency vobtclos In Philadelphia aro
now compelled to slow down tholr
speed and comply with tho munici
pal traffic laws.
ffinnrnii'1vi-vis ryVJWjmfriririsffjjim-i
Qasollno lost nnnunlly duo to evap
oration of potroloum bolwoon tho
wolls and tho reflnorlcs, which
amounts to 600,000,000 gallons and
tnoro, Is nulfflclent to oporato 1,
200,000 automobiles for ono year.
Dotrolt has a now traffic ordinance
which In said to bo ono of tho most
comploto and comprehonslvo adopt
ed by nny city In tho United States'.
Ono hundred thousand of tho now
road rules aro being distributed to
drivers of vehicles.
Tiro and aceesory dealers In dif
ferent parts of tho west are Interest
ed In tho auto show to be held here
In March, and requests for Informa
tion regarding It aro being rocolvod
ovory day.
The modern equipment of the shop is most vital
point in any successful establishment.
The individual motor drive of each machine is al
ways best in economy, accuracy and general results
The Link River Electric Company installed such
modern electrical equipment in the Acme Motor Com
pany's new building. We also installed an inter-communicating
telephone system connecting all depart
ments. Link River Electric Company
Electrical Engineering, Contracting and Supplies
Cor. Seventh St. and Klamath Ave.
Westlnghouso Lamp and Appliances
Itoyal Vacuum Cleaners
Fairbanks-Morse Irrigation Plants
Federal tNfu
aaaaaa.a " " irii-YnnininfVinjvnrunjTjTjvxrutru
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We did the mill work and glazing
for the new Acme Motor Company building. The ma
terial and workmanship had to be the highest class to
conform to the general plans of the building, and we
are proud of our work, and so is the Acme Motor com
pany. Don't ask us, but ask the Acme Motor company
if they are satisfied with the material, price and work
manship. v-.
If . isij
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V- P
. fTv ' luff fHi, .
Lakeside Lumber Co.
' I'mss?"