FRIDAY, JANUARY JW, 1B2I, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAQH KtdHT THK MONDAI.i: Poll Von Drun, holr to tho Van Dyum millions, nnd last of an II lustrlaus raco of Now York bluo bloods, who traced tholr tlnoago back to tho Mayflower, had been found In tho boautltul Van Dyun gardens tho victim ot iv mrstorloua and bru tal murdor. Tho ontlro police and . detective forced of tho bis city worn turned looso on tho case, but vcro unablo to fathom tho mystory. A proud old man's hopes wero bur- led with young Poll. Tho hopo of seeing tho fnmlly' nnmo carried on without a break In tho strain. Tho last doslro of Poll's grandfather, Myndorso Van Dyuni was to sco Pell united In marrlago with his grand daughter and Poll's own cousin Cath erine Ten Eyck. Ho had been op posed by his grandchildren In this, tho most cherished hopo of his proud old llfo, but tholr opposition had meant nothing, to his Iron will. All his llfo ho had been accustomed to having his way. Now ho was thwarted In his maddest desire by tho hand ot tho grim reaper. To add to(hls misery, Catherine as wilful as sho was beautiful, mar ried Paul La Forgo, an author whoo grandfather was a nobody In Franco Tho load was too hear tor tho proud old shoulders, and In ono night they lost tholr regal pose. How tho tender hands of a child through whoso veins coursed tho Van Dyuns' bluo blood and tbo peasant red looscnod tho heart-strings ot his crusty old boart Is a touchlrg epUodo In tho gripping Trlanglo play, "Re generates," with Alma Reubens and Wnlt Whitman. This picture will bo shown at tho'Mondalo theatro on Friday and Saturday. OFFICKIW KLKCTF.D HY 8T. PAUL'S GUILD St. Paul's Episcopal Guild met In tho parlors of the Presbyterian church yosterday afternoon, and officers wero elected. Mrs. S. E. Martin was olectcd president, Mrs. J., C. Drockonbrough vice president, Mrs. P. A. Albertson secretary, and Mrs. O. D. Burk treasurer. Arch deacon Van Waters addressed tho ladles, and 'the meeting was Tory satisfactory from both a business and social riewpoint. Tea and cako wero served , offer thp , .business meeting,, , i: . ,. j m THOHK ORANGES HERE Tbo bos of oranges picked .by Joel T. Ward In southern California for members ot the local Chamber of Commerce ,hajro bon received by the ehambor, a. day or two delayed for distribution aC tho opening, but in tlmo to pass around tonight, when there will be a gathering of men, at tbo Chamber of Commerce rooms to discuss the problem ot what to do for the boys. ' Charles Malgno THE BTAlt Tho task confronting thq pro ducora ot tho screen version ot Au gustus Thomas' great play, "Th Copporhoad," which will bo on vlow at tho Star theatro tonight, was n consldorablo ono. It involved con structing and twlco reconstructing nn ontlro villago, tho employing, marshalling, costuming, nnd direct ing ot literally thousands ot "ex tras," and endless research nnd study ot archtves pertaining to tho periods ot tho Mexican and Civil wars. Llonol Ilarrymoro, who was stnr In tho stngo play, also is fea tured In tho picture was dlroctor. Tho village which wns used wns constructed on tho plains ot Long Island and is faithful in every detail In Its reproduction of a mlddiu west ern town In tho 'SOs. It was modoltod aftor original skotches and drawings showing tho stylo ot buildings of tho period. Every structure was enclosed on all tour sides, in itself an Inno vation in movlo making. Over 200 Mexican war soldtors, 2300 Civil war soldiers, and 1200 Civil war veter ans wero Impersonated by "extras." Different styles of guns had to bo obtained for tho soldiers In tho two wars. An nccurato copy of President Lincoln's proclamation ot war re produced by ono ot tho fow living men who havo seenone. All in nil, nTho 'Copperhead" is dcclarod to bo ono ot tho big motion plcturo ovonts ot tho year and well worth tho attention ot ovoryono. It U a Paramount Artcraft. MELODY 5IAIDS AT MONDALE TOMORROW MondaleTheater Tonight and Tomorrow Night Alma Rubens "The Regenerates" This picture you will never for get, and TWO GOOD COMEDIES Coming Sunday, Mabel Normand In "MICKEY" Eight artists, olght dlspensors of joy-glvtng Jazz, and singers and dancers ot scintillating calibre, will arrlvo hero Saturday night to open a week's engagement in tho Mondalo theater. These artists, known (as tho "Eight Melody Maids," aro com ing dlroctly from tho big tlmo In Seattle, and tho foreword is that tho peoplo ot Klamath Falls aro duo to see a galaxy ot talont that will open their eyes for more than one reason. They will begin their en gagement at tho afternoon show Sunday, and all week, that Is, every night, they will appear with some thing new and rib-tickling every tlmo they face the footlights. There will be the regular change ot .pic tures every two days, ant; Just,, to make the shows more entertaining, tho management ot tho theater has secured some of tho best pictures that have hit this town In a coon's age. Singing, dancing and music. Tho theater will be full of it all next week. "Eight Melody Maids." That's enough. Nothing more need bo said. They will be here a full week, Including Saturday night, Feb ruary Sth. 8TEINMETZ-GRKNNON CASE IN HANDS OF THE JURV Tho case of William Stelnmetz against Fred U. Grennon, a suit for partnership accounting and collec tion, involving about $l,6d0, on trial for the past two days In the circuit court, went to the Jury this after neon. At 3 o'clock they were still deliberating. ! Wonderful Opportunities to Save I By Purchasing Seasonable Merchandise f. I RIGHT NOW ! f t f t t t t t t T ? ? t T t T t t T t T T f t r T t T t r t T I Today's prices offer a splendid opportunity to conservative shoppers to buy their present needs at remarkably low prices. Many good lines of seasonable goods are really V sold at less than replacement value. When business is slow, that is the best time to pick up real bargains. t T T t ? t ? T t T T t T ? I SPECIAL PURCHASE SALE COATS, SUITS, DRESSES, CHILDREN'S DRESSES AT HALF PRICE Made from good quality Ginghams, You will fin.d amongst these numbers, .. . i.i c. e. 1q styles and materials that will be duplicated pretty spring plaids. Sizes 5 to 12. 1. mm . i o h j v f " in many 8prmg lines. Why not buy now? SPECIAL fc 1 Q Q You 8ave D money. : : CURTAIN SCRIMS REDUCED SALE OF WOMEN'S UNION SUITS Our entire large assortment of Curtain Goods have all been remarked to the very $ .49 lowest new price level, including Cretonne, Chintz, Madras, Silkoline, etc. Forest 'Mills Union Suits, heavy fleece NEW SPRING GINGHAMS lined. Comes In high neck, long sleeves, 25 C ankle lengths. Sizes 38 to 44. Included are Red Seal,Tail du Nord, -: - A. F. C. and Utility grades. KHAKI COLORED OVER-'EM-ALLS ,,-. . " TT-T. ,, , .. db-inch good quality bleached Muslin, SPECIAL 9gc ONLY 1612C $ Wfafflmaxts Store H. N. MOE, Prop. fi && 4 i t : i : &&&&4 x x Beaten Ch&igp StiU Hero!' The University of Oregon medical school serves a territory of 300,000' tquaro miles, and is tho only state medical school in tho Pacific North- I wost. flowing at the. aiLC PHOTO P TO-DJIY Lionel Barrymore ' "THE COPPERHEAD" The Story of a Man Who I.hed (or His Country When Llonol Darrymoro played "Tho Copperhead" on the stage, women and men'allko wept like children rose 'from their seats and cheered. Now the patrons. of this" theater will boo tho same great drama, enacted by a oast of thousands, with Darrymoro in tho title role. XBBBBBBBBBmSsTBBHr "&$l SsflsBBBW iKr OiSiaBWC -? PsssLsm. -Qi2Mstj3-Sk? ss iivsrv . k. "sWyf( a. A V Vf T- VSBiA -mL. -r 4JL Q9 ci3 ' 5filii MATS I'llOIIIHITlON IN i U. 8.JTHK11K TO HTAY' "LIVKIiroOU Jan. 7. (Ily mall) Lord Lovorhulmo, ono of OroatJntulli Ilrituln's lurgoat manufacturers, told I tho Dally Tost representative on his return from a recent visit to the Unltod States that "prohibition In America has come to- stay of that you may bu cortaln." "Tho people aro Battling down un der It," ho continued, "and I bellovo that ir put to tho popular voto, 70 por cent of tho electorate would sup port Its continuance Thero Is not the slightest chanco that tho law against alcoholic drinks will over bo ropcaiod." Thero Is a courso lu tho physics iioi.urtmsnt.oC tho Unlrvrslty ot Ore ron Khoro students aro laugh: how to mako tiie'lr own labsr.iVj'iy npptir- Do your Foot Hurt soo tho foot Specialist at K. K. K. Storo Janu ary 20th to 20th. 30-28 HKI'OIIT ItKADY ON LOCAL THLKl'IIONK CONDITIONS K. C. arcoabeck, chairman, J, II. Kolly and J. K. Kndors, apodal Chamber of Commorco commlttoo appointed to Investigate local tolo phono sorvlco, havo fllod tholr roport with tho socretary, and it will bo road at tho noxt wookly forum. E. IT. Luddon, local telonhono man agor, will bo prosont to oxplaln any mattors brought up by tho roport wtr Joe Stochor is In an Omaha hospital nursing an arm affoctcd by neu ritis. Ho Injured It In bis match with Ed "Stranglor" Lewis when ho lost the title Picture shows Joe tolling his nurso and little Eddlo SJoblom, tho 6-year-old patient of his ward, adventuros of a strong man. iM iiVVVVXfXnjTji HOMK8TKADKK AT 03 HAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 28, A real optimist, Todro Domlnguoz, ago 92, recently fllod on 640 acres of grazing land In San Luis Obispo county, California. "I'm 02 now," Domlnguoz said, "In throo years my tltlo will bo por- foctod." Domlnguoz said ho oxpoctod to 'begin enjoying llfo" olght yoars from now, I DON'T MAKE Ithat desert or bake that cake for Sunday dinner, but get it at the cooked food sale. And for the benefit of those who attend the food sale and those who were unable to get in Wednesday we will give a discount of 25 on all goods in our store Saturday THE GIFT SHOP 709 Main u SUNDAY THE SCOFFER" LOST THK KICK PENDLETON, Oro Jan. 28. Grocers hero report a falling oft of sales of vanlla and lemon extracts slnco they stocked up with do-al-cohollzed flavoring recently. Indians from the Umatilla reservation, near here, looked in vain for tho "kick" In the "cake Juice" as they called it, and then stopped buying. FOREST CONVENTION PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 28. For estry problems of the Pacific North west and Alaska will bo discussed at a conference of Oregon and Wash ington forest supervisors here' Feb ruary 14-21. Speakers Include O. E. Rachford.razttig Inspector of Wash ington D, a., C. S. Champman of. Nice Juicy BEEF Cu from Three-year-old Stcen at Thete Prices, DELIVERED tn 25c Round .' . . . . . 20c Roasts . . . !vl8c and 22c Boil 13c and 15c Coll FRANCIS HANNON Phone 253 -J i r .Portland. And E. T, Allen, M JW H iU cif .j. wMwriiti iirwai aKMRnssftdi!