WtUDAX, JANUARY M, 1B21. "i-'i PAGE) FOUR , :, ,1, THE EVENING HEftALD, 'KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON t, ZBZ The Evening Herald K J. MURRAY. VAKD BOUIiK J&lltor ,.,.CUy Editor Published dally oxcopt Bundoy, by Thfl Horald Publishing Company of Klamnth Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot. Entorod at tbo postofflco at Kla math Falls, Oro., for transmission through tho malls ns second-class matter. MEMBER OF Till: ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, or not othorwlso credited In this papor, nnd also tho local nows pub lisher horoln. FRIDAY, JANUARY SK, 1081. AX UNUSUAL SUGGESTION Next Sunday afternoon, at half past two, tho Lutherans of this city and vicinity will havo an opportun ity of hearing Hew Knrl Mathlcs, who will hold services In tho First Baptist church on Eighth street. It la a somewhat unusual thing for a newspaper to urge members of a par tlcular sect to so and hoar a par ticular minister. It is outside. Its province Hut this Is an unusual C3bo becauso Mr. Mathlcs Is an un usual man. Ho Is a man's man. He Is a minister of which tho Lutherans liavo reason to bo proud. Ho llev.es In what he preaches and Is not ashamed of It. Ho has not trans formed hlmsolf into tho "modern" method of camouflaging tho 'teach ings of Jesus Christ so as to satisfy tho esthetic fancies of tho 20th cent ury christian. Ho preaches the gos pel of Christ aa Christ Intended It ahould be preached and when he docs it his words carry with them no tinge at apology. What wo need nowa-, days are moro preachers and teach ers of the Mathles typo and we wont havo to bo hunting around this and' that and tho other things to keep the present and futuro generations In the straight and narrow path. To our notion tho Rev. Mr. Mathlcs rings true. He carries His mossago to the people honestly. That Is -why we say to the Lutherans and thoso "who are not Lutherans, too to hear him, next Sunday and other Sundays tor he will help you. Everett True By Condo mm fyfyJvyfyJvlJymw-v-u-w-ttt-vfLgtm CORKKCTIO.V -m Through, one. of th.qs.i typograph ical errors thai creep' In to a newspa per, Irrespective of tho cs.ro oxer clsed to avoid auch mistakes, th'e price of Cara Nome face powder was quoted at (0 cents In the advertise ment of the Star Dru? company In yesterday's Herald. Tho price should havo been 12.00. and as this Is the lowest price at whfch It can be soldJjj customers must accept this correc tlon as sufficient Veaso'n for 'the atore to sell it at that figuro, and not 60 cents. Eastern Cut in Gas Cost Not to Affect ' Coast, Is Reported PORTLAND, ' Jan. 28. No reduc tion In tho retail price of gasollno In Portland is to be expected, despite the decline of 2 cents announced by the Standard Oil company of Indi ana at Chicago, It was said at the offices of tho leading oil companies FUN OUT OFNEWUKA OIL DISTRICT JUNEAU, Alaska, Jan. 28. Win ter trails 1,385 miles across tho northern continental dlvido wero fol lowed recently by J. T. Burns, well known Alaska "musher," on a trip to Juneau from the new oil fields at Fort Norman, In' the great Mac- keniie'TjasIn of northwestcnfCan Burns, it Is believed, .,1s the first man to reach Alaska this winter from the snowbound oil country. Royal Canadian mounted police are holding back until spring scores of prospectors,, who would strike out over the snow for tho fields. In coming out from Norman, luras fell over a cliff, he reported, when within several hundred miles of his destination. Ho broke a bono in his foot and Injured his hip, he said. As he was alone, be camo on without assistance. Burns, an Australian mining en gineer, has been in the nortbland for years, and claims ho haa covered 26,000 miles "mushing" over trails. His doc Peary, which has accom panied him on many trips, camo from Norman with him. SHIP PRODUCTION PORTLAND, Jan. 28 Completion of present contracts by shipyards in tbo Portland district will swell tho district production to approximately 1,000,000 tons of steel ships. H " DRUG SEIZED "ALAMEDA. Co"., Jan. 28. Flf. teen fiundrod dollars worth of mor phine was the seicuro pollco officers and representatives of tho ,stato board of pharmacy believed they have made hero in arresting a drug peddlor suspect. Analysis proved the seizure to be bag of table salt. OPENS NEW SHOP Ccorgo L. Mctz has opened a watch and Jewolry repairing busl 'ness In tho Seehorn office, next door here. A cut in the price of gasollnrflto tho Western Union oftico. Mr. on the Pacific coast by tho Standard JMetr has been employed by W. C. Oil company offlco announced. Davenport for tho past eight monf , The action of tho Standard Oil. and is well known to tho local company at Chicago caused specula- public. tlon as to tho probability of a simi lar reduction In this section. The de cline of 2 cents a gallon on gasoline and 3 cents on kerosono was duo, It was stated in a dispatch from Can ada, to a reduction of tho cost of crude oil from 13.50 to ? 3 a barrel. Tho price of gasollno on the Pa cific coast, it was explained by an of ficial ot tbo Standard, is depended upon the price of crude oil In Cali fornia .and has no direct connection with the prlcq of .gasollno or crudo oil In tbo middle west. As there lmi been no erductlon In California crude ollr it was stated, and as none Is ex pected for I no Immedlato future, no hope Is held out for a drop in gaso line, A similar summary ot the situation was given by en official of the Union' Oil company of California, who said that no reduction was probablo. MAYOR RAKER OPPOHKM RE.UP8EY ItOUT, CALLED OFF RY COMMISSION 'PORTLAND, Jan. 28. Tho Port land boxing commission, nt a moot ing' today called by Mayor Baker, decided to call off the proposed Dompscy match hero In April. Tho mayor hold such a mutch mivorcd too much of "prim fighting," HIBKWALK HK1NS ARE RAHHED IN PORTLAND PORTLAND, Jan. 28. V-shaped, or sandwich signs for advertising purposes, oro banned from Port land's downtown sidewalks, by ordor ot tho city council. Refusing appli cation ot tho Portland Young Men's Christian Association for uso ot such signs in n campaign, tho council de clared such signs nn Impediment to trnfflc. HAILS FROM THIBET RICH UTAH DAIRIES SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Jan. 28. Utah's hundred thousand dairy cattlo earned n "-'"ntoly 18,000, 000 last year, according to n state report on dairy produce NEW MILK RECORD LONDON Jan. 28,' CpYlon ,Bocrot III, a British Ifrlonlnn Vow, has not a now record for milk' production In this ctmnlrly, by yloldlng ten nnd one-halt gallonn of milk In 24' hours. In nlno mouths dim has given nlno tom ot milk or 10 times her own weight. This mask of frlghtfulnoss, fin ished off with flvo skulls, In worn In the oriental "devil dancu" of Thibet. It was brought hack to America by Ruv. II, B. Marx, n missionary who spent 10 years In ro moto roglonn of Central Aula, nnd placol on exhibit In thn Atuurlcun Museum of Natural History. A Classtnod Ail will unll It. Hco Winti'iH mill Hon llrttiv I) iii Exnmliit'il CHiiMM-n Flttixl H. J. WINTERS Jpwclw iinil Optician 710.71 'J Mitln Your Telephone Letters From The People WHY HAVE A MAYOR? Klamath Falls, Jan. 28, 1j21 To tho Editor Of Tho Evening Herald : I would like to ask through The Evening Herald this questien: Why do the voters ot the city of Klamath Falls elect a mayor and honor him as the head ot our administration If bo has no power or say In con- I ducting tho Interests ot tho people?, wny-not leave it up to tho council land let them run things their own wy as they havo started out to do? L for one tax-payer, think it n use less expense to pay a mayor If ho can do no good In tho offlco to wb'lch he Is elected by the people? This, present council, It seems to me, Is starting out In rather bolshevik stylo. It has been the practice of councils in Klamath Falls for a long time to buck tho Mayor. If ho Is responsible for tho welfare ot the city and Its officers why are they allowed the right to interfere with him and hamper him in doing his duty by the people? I for ono think uch a council should) be recalled before they get any farth er. A CITIZEN AND TAX PAYER HI V 111 V IUIUI ' ; Whnt docs your tolephcno service iiieun to you? In tho successful operation ot your business Is your tnlophono necessary? Does tho tolophono In your rcsldunco provo moro than a convonlonco and per form nn Important part In tho management ot your affairs? In fact, den't and homo? good tolcphono service essential in both your offlco Tho Tolophono Company you. Tclopbono properties nro now operated at a loss In tho 8tato of Oregon. Increased rates aro nocouary to continue present sorvlco and attract capital for building now plant needed. Can Investors be oxpoctod to furnish funds for exten sions when tho present plant, dooa not pay Its way? ' i I " ',. 1 L' ". a Is not tho Telephono Company entitled to rates which will enable them to con tinue to furnish good tolcphono sorvlco to tho people of Oregon, and wlthout-whlch-they cannot carry out their plans fdr development? These are questions ot importance, and should Interest ovary tolcphono user! WyWWWWINWWlVSWWWWWWSI.WWWrtWWrtWWWN Do This In Your Head r41IC3fc'Mf4lMP3 a'4 I -- Tho Extension Division ot tho Unlvorslty ot Oregon has neatly a quarter of a million feot Dlcturo film which is loaned schools and other organization thru-' i out urogon. a , Th oro will be a root Specialist at " K. K. K. Store January 2Cth to 29th Freo Examinations and Ad- : vlco. 26-28 JL 'M t T ? ? T t t t T f . t t t to Wit ' ' i In o U i in i believes you do, and wants to supply that sorvlco . The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company cd fr"c "o tJJSJ ' Albert, A. Oamblo, 23-year-cJd Now Yorkor, dooa. lonB,.)lffIc'uIl math emdtlcal problems In hls'bead'and spoaka out, tho answer almost instantly, Try It multiply a number ot six figures by itsolt'ln your head! Qamblo is holding a card showing how tbo avcrago parson docs it ho answorod this ono without pencil or paper' la four seconds. , , Let us call your attention to our motte: Quality! Service! It is the aim of this market to give you the best that money can J 1 a L 1" la i. 1.1 1 t, IL1 .! uuy in meai, iisn aiiu puuiiry at mc luwcii pusBiuie price ana give our customers the best of service. Our hundreds of Klam ath county customers tell the story of our success. 'f T T t T T ? T J ? i PALACE MARKET THE SANITARY MARKET 524 Main Street Phones 68 and 69 mh jh$m4h rtWigt-iWt maw-wfMWitmnt--