. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' Ocii!' . r " . ' ' PAGH FOUR Who's tTKDXESDAY, JANUARY SO, 1031. 1 " Your Tailor? Select your Spring Suit now. Ed V. Price and Co's. Spring and Summer line of fine wbolens now on display at K. K. K. Store. New style creations and patterns. i Perfect fit and satisfaction guaranteed. Look over this fine line Hf 111 J isbbbbbbbvbbbbbbbb) vojiJjuv " sBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBfBBBBBW V tTji i JLIwISl dVvfiyn'iSt iaJL vTaalIbut ri ' im i- - ii i I i i -ill i - I ii I I i i - iniii ( At the Theaters II 1 ii it K.K.K. STORE Leading Clothiers THE STAR Will Rogers plays Old Hutch, tho laziest man la" tho laziest vlllago In tho world. Tho 'most stronu ons thing ICutch over did was to 'extract tobacco raonoy from lils work-ridden wife. A mysterious ailment of tho nock provontedhla en gaging In any thing. remotely rcsomb- MondaleTheater Tonight Pantages Vaudeville Two Big Acts Five People I" Also Harry Carey 'In ' "BEYOND -THE4 LAW" and Margery ""Wilson In Tho Law of tho Great Northwest" and a Good Comedy I COMING SUNDAY Mabel Normand In "MICKEY" Ing labor, but he was atilo, by an al most supor-human effort, to drag hlmsolt to, tho river bank on sunny days to fish for mythical trout. ' It was on ono of those excursions that Hutch collided with tho miracle that changed his llfo. Ho nooded worms, and dug up Instoad a tin box containing fifty one-thousand dollar notes tho fruits of a bank robbery In Vlcksburg. Tho bank robber mado a tactical error In burying his loot upon the, exact spot wtiere Hutch was wont to recllnp his weary longth on sultry aftornoons, u s5U Hutch, olqctrlflod by his find, does somo Intensive! thinking. Ho knows If ho over flashedsja thousand dollar no'to in the village, tho natlvos would clap him behind Iron bars Just ts soon as' thoy could docontly rovcovor from the shock. So ho decides to bo como respectablo, work, save, and thus proparo. thorn for his wealth. The astonlshmont of his wife and children at sight of Hutch plowing a field and otherwise comporting him self like a diligent fanner will only be equalled by tho astonishment of the audience. And tho story of how he becomes rospectable, industrious and honest Is a story that for surprise, for pathos and for. genuine - vtiv -..:- jm. w-To! WOOD 'The thing ou Want to know about wood Is this. What'wbod will gtvo mo tho most heat for tho least money? r. v Our 'ten years oxperlonco In tho fuel business has taught us that SLAB-WbOD Ii5 CHEAPEST Phone In your orders we promise quick service i O. Peyton & Go. OSCAR PEYTON 419 Main St. . .1.-1. "WOOD TO BURN" WILLARD PEYTON Phone 535 .; ,.' komng at the . osy r ni ii i mwzTn-DjOY SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS The Inimitable Win Rogers in . . "I4AMFQT HIJTPH" 1 The story of this HOMELY MIRACLE makes what wo think is the finest comedy ever shown in this city and , greatest uciiub ui uiy ttiar. , ENID BENNET in "HAIRPINS" This dainty star in one of her usual BRIGHT COM EDY DRAMAS, flth RnlsndR of "Thn Lngt Cltv" and a KOOd comedy Remember the show starts at 7:15 so come early and I don't miss, anything. I FRIDAY AND SATURDAY "TUB COPPERHEAD A ninrv nf the CIVIL WAR DAYS, starrlne Lionel Barrymore and it Is classed with any big picture oyer,. proaucegy , ( t- t ? ; . 4 , ? entertainment has never before boon equalled upon tho screen. Enid Ben nett will also bo seen in ono of hor Intost comedy-dramas ontltlod "Hair pins." j NOTICE TO SUBSCRIBERS. Persons subscribing . for papers through tho Klamath Falls News Agency pleaso call at storo and sottlo for samo. I will have no collector. A. H. Halo. 26-28 Thoro will bo a foot Specialist at K. K. K. Storo January 20th to 29th Freo Examinations and Ad vice. 26-28 Do your Foot Hurt seo tho foot Specialist at K. K. K. Store Janu ary 26th to 29th. 2Q-23 IS 1 m u tho auspices of tho Musical Study Club. .Mrs. Mills, president of tho club, talked to Miss Voldlsch, his western manager, from Medford this morning and reports that Godow- sky's concort thoro last night was a wondorful succoss. Mr. Godowsky rosponded graciously to numerous oncoros and tho nudlenco was boatho to loavo when It was over. Mr, GodowBky Is bringing a Knabo piano tuner with hi mwho will put tho Instrument In porfect condition beforo tho concert. Tho doors of the Scandinavian hall, corner of Walnut and Ninth stroots will bo openod at 7:30 p. m. and tho concort will bogln at 8:18. No ono will bo soatcd during tho playing of tho numbers. Thoro aro no resorvod seats but tho hall is so largo that all will bo assured of finding good scats. Fritz Krelslor, giving his first New York rocltal of tho season, paid a compliment to Leopold Godowsky by using, tho pianist's composition "Welnorlsch" on his program. Inj commencing on this concert, H. T. Flnck said In tho "Evening Post," "Uodowsky's 'Welncrlsch' evoked tho ayini yi otiiuuen, iuuuur uuu iuui wuuid oirauss lamiiy. hub jiw.u mado Its mark with the audlonco." In tho Brooklyn "Eagle," W. B. Mur ray said, "Thero Is a mine of music In Godowsky's 'Wionerisch.' " At tho most rocont dual appearanco In Now York of Godowsky and Mox Rosen, the young violinist played "Wion erisch" and a waltz by Godowsky, both of which -wore received with great enthusiasm. "The musical leader" in speaking of his Chicago concert says, ' "His program was one of tho fin est ever offered in this ! city, but nothing ho played was moro beauti ful or more interesting than thai threo numbers from his own "Trla kontameron," which make lovely pieces for concert performances." Leopold Godowsky, tho celebrated pianist will arrive In Klamath Falls tonight and will appear tomorrow night at tho Scandinavian Hall under ThorA will, bo a foot Specialist at K. K. K. Storo January 26th to 29th Freo Examinations and Ad vice. 26-28 JDooslt pay to have shoes ro pa I rod 100 .times wo say yes Bradley Evans Shoo Co. ,- . 24-29 m Wortloy's Taxi for sorvlco at Jewel Cafe. Phono 185. Closed Car. 24-26 m INMAN BROS. BUY TRACTOR Tho Inman Brothers, enterpris ing ranchers of the Lost River country, have purchased an Inter national tractor from J. S. Mills & Son, and will prosecute their farm ing operations this spring nnd summer on speddier and moro up to date lines than ever beforo. MERRILL COUPLE WILL WED A marrlago llconso was lssuod yestorday to William E. Hammond and Miss Leila Duncan, both of Merrill, Tho young peoplo aro well-known In tho Merrill com munlty as woll as in other parts of this section. Do .your Feet Hurt seo tho foot apeciausi at n. iv. jv. more uanu ary 26th to 20th. 26-28 m Wortloy's Taxi for service at Jewol Cafe. Phone 186. Closed Car. 24-26 m For .quick sonrlco in shoo repairing see Bradloy-Evnns Shoo Co's repair Dep'ti 24-29 If the Wood Dealer Sold Service - , . - 7 Wo do flotsell current; we sell service. That sounds odd doesn't It? ' .Well; suppose the wood dealer sold service instead of .wooo) be would' tend-to ' your 'furnnc and your range, take' away the ashes and clean the fines. You would' buy so much beat. Now you buy so much light, although you pay according to "the current you consume. But the 'Servicers performed for you Vy tills company at tbe substations and power plants. That Is what we want to gl ve, you efficient, service. , It Is tbe Jm of tills company to have none' but satisfied customers. 'No Batter what it is,-if you have a grievance, or are 'dissatisfied about your bin or do sot understand -our rates," please come la and see us or write as about it. If yoH have any suggestions to 'make, we 'will gladly avail 'oar selves of them as our aim Is constantly toi Improve our; service to you m fast aa tbe development of science and human ability permit) NEW TODAY PELICAN HAY BUS Faro 25c each way Loaves Rex Cafo Loaves Pelican City 7:45 a. m. 8:00 a. m. 12:45 p. m. i:oo p, m. 5:00 p. m. 5:30 p. in. Iterkard Rent Service Phono 77 2C-t WANTED A small furnlshod apart mont or houso. Addross L. J. Hor old offlco. 26 WANTED A room in prlvato fam ily for a young woman. AuMross L. J. Herald offlco. 26 FOR SALE Ono Klolber truck first class .mechanical condition will tako $600.00 cash, tho rest In monthly paymonts Soo Max Weiss, Army Goods Storo. 26-29 FOR SALE: Good cook stovo, $20. 338 Seventh St. 26-28 Will partlos who found school boy's snocUclos in caso kindly call 406 R. Howard. 20 FOR RENT 2 room furnished apartment Kellogg Houso. 26 UNFURNISHED 3 room apartment In tho now St. Francis for rent. Apply, J. T. WARD & CO. Wit MiUn Ht. 26-27 ' -Id WANTED TO EXCHANOE Equity of $800 In $1600 .dwelling on pav ed streot for autbmobllo. FOR SALE Ono aero, houso, largo barn, chickon houso, flno garden soil, on pavod strootr Prlco $2500. $600 cash will handlo. Robt. H. Fry, 123 N, 8th St. Telephone 136Wv 26-27 UNION TAXI GOES To Pollcnn Bay for 76c. To Bhlpplngton for 75c. To Merrill for $7.00. Good or bad' road. Closod cars. Ex porloncod drivers. Union Taxi Co, 20-1 FOR 8ALE Two milch cows. Apply. O'Connor Ranch ono mile bolow Stukel brldgo. 26-28 Tho Indlos of tho Christian church will hold a Sliver Tea at tho homo of Mrs. Trulovo, 421 N. 10th. streot, Thursday afternoon. Ladlos of church and frlonds Invited. . . 36 I rj"BfiTiif o iiilLll I No One Ever Got Poorer Saving Did you over hear of a person falling to bo prosper ous bocauso ho saved I Yet many reach oven tho stato of povorty through spoculativo Investing. Tho First National Bank advocates safo and sano in vestment, but not wlld-cattlng or speculating. Whon ovor you're not suro of tho difference we'll explain it. Havings draw interest and arouHO interest . i.e rt e First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS MMMMViMAr1M 11? California Urego ii' I'fi'fi in n iiwnr r Company sJJJTTJJssI OREGON sssgjjjjy" LIBERTY THEATRE "Always the Bet for the Liberty- Guest" ' "iiirtv-w-MMvvvru-uvu I TONIGHT n FIVE DAYS TO LIVE How would you spond this 120 hours! See how ono strong man used them in "TWINS OF SUFFERING CREEK" STARRING BIG BILL RUSSELL ' ' . . .; , i.-l'Sn" TOMORROW "95 pounds of pep," SHIRLEy MASON, in "THE LITTLE WANDERER" eblvilftG ''In.FOIitfY'S TRAIL" iJHii-iiOiWy ' i Stt$rzr&rS&K STBBBIX- l .frlOfltOfeHll hna tJ"W W- vrt)f j jtnif