Sfe Itutttng Utam if i i '. i f- i ' t 'II -? Member of the Associated Press. Fifteenth Year. No. 6003. KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, JANUAKY 24, 1021. Price Five Cents 'f AUTO IN PUN TO T Facing, tho Indisputable fact Unit this county nnd this roglon In gonoral Is woofully doflclont In roads, rond signs, maps, and In ovorythlng olno except natural attractiveness which bring Joy and traveling satisfaction to tho honrt of tho automoblllst, tho auto doalors of this city have- takoii tho roliiB In tholr haritln and nro do tor'mlnod to rovorso tho ordor of thlngB to tho extent that no county or soctlon of tho stnto can point tho fln gor of scorn at thorn and say with truthfultnoss that thoy aro not Ml ve to tho opportunities for securing tholr sharo of tho automobllo travel to which tholr sconlc beautlos, Indus trial advantages, and other assets en tltlo thorn. This dotormlnatlon bo camo ploaslngly apparent at a moot ' Ing of automobllo mon hold In tho chambor of commorco rooms Satur day night, and tho enthusiasm was not conflnod to tho doalors alono, but to garago men In general and to ovory sorvlco station man In tho city. Tho mooting demonstrated conclus ively that tho auto mon want to do things In tho right way, and affilia tion with tho chnmbor of commorco was docldod upon as a sonslblo way In which to strengthen their propos ed campaign. Tho Oood Roads association, an old established organisation hero, will bo morgod, or "dissolved" It tho term Is mora appropriate, Into 'tho Klamath Palls Automobllo associa tion, nnd It Is tho object of tbo local llvo wlros In tho auto gamo to elect officers and a board of 11 directors, and to adopt every method; neoded to make the organization generally ef fective. -It wasproposejTjto cljoso the directors from among tho auto men of this city and surrounding town, and thus add vory deslrablo strength to tho association, for It Is.apparont to tho promoters of the association that tho organization cannot attain deslrablo potency unless all commun ities in tho county aro represented. Tho association would havo a mul titude of duties to perform. Of first Importanco would bo that of working In harmony with tbo county court In tho Improvement of tho roads of the county. It would bo Its duty to loam whoro monoy Is to bo ezpondod, whoro It should bo expended, and to mako rocommondatlons to tho county court and Its county road builders -which will demonstrate unselfish In terest and at tho satr.o tlmo Impart tho knowledgo that tho county court, in Ub efforts to Improvo road oondt tlons, is receiving tho support of tho people. Road maps aro absolutely essen tial. Any person who has traveled In' unfamiliar places will tostlfy to tho truth of this statomont. Road signs, and ones that will toll tholr stories '.plainly, day or night, must bo put -up. It Is an undisputed fact that it Is 'iralmost Impossible for residents of tho county to fool suro of their way un loss they havo travelod tho route so many times that it would bo hard to loao the road. Thoso signs, according to tho llvo onos who attended tho meeting, should be ready for tho use of the tourist by tho first of April. Crater Lake, tho biggest sconlo at traction in tho northwest, If not In the wholo United States, Is deserving of mora attontlon from automobllo mon, nnd oven though tho Klamath Palls Automobllo association would bo a county organization, It was evi dent to ovory person at tbo meeting that It would be a mighty good stunt to includo tho routo to tho lako In tho road sign campaign, and this wonder of natural wonders, almost at Klamath county's door, will be favored with everything necessary to guide tho tourist to It. There aro 1,800 automobiles In this county, and therefore the pro posed campaign to secure a member ship of at least 1,000' should not be a vory strenuous one. Simply a mat tor of persistency and consistency, say the automobile men. With a nom inal momborshlp fee It would bo pos sible to maintain an information bur eau that would bo an invaluable aid to all travelers, and that would place the stamp of progress upon tho au tomobile men, and other business men of this county. Parking, traffic -laws, and In fact everything of In terest to nujolsts would be given con- T N N III IN Would Make Robbery At Point of Gun Capital Offense (By Assoclutod 1'roen) SALEM, Jan. 24. A bill propose Ing capital punishment for holdup mon was Introduced by Sonator Kuiiio when tho legislature reconven ed today after recess. Tho bill would j mako It punlshnblo by hanging to assault with Intent to kill or to placo a victim In Joopardy of llfo during a robbory or attompted robbory. Tho Orogon dotogatlon In congress Is urged to support tho nmendmont to tho fodoral constitution, extending tho term of tho president from four to eight yoars, In a Joint resolution Introduced today by llonrosontatlvo Loo of Multnomah. MASTER OF ALU rTi" As an artist, Leopold Oodowsky Is tho mastor of thorn all says Huneker. Ho Is a musical alchem ist, who turns ovorytblng ho touch es Into living gold, so that It be comes Illumined like u boautlful con- coalod Grecian lamp, when tho but ton Is pressed. Tho compositions ho analyzes, soom like now ,yol ho doos nothing to them but rovoal hidden beauties ulruady In tho music. Ho treats each pleco as a deop student of scrlpturo might a boautlful Dlbla passago, drawing out Its subtlo boau tlos and truth. Ills Interpretation stand out In the mind's eye like a bas-relief, tho phraso lines being as finely drawn as In a beautiful et ching. In fact his art Is cloaoly akin to etching, In that it takss a flaa sonse or tho art to appreciate a groat etching. His ton''irlngor8',i'rb like ten leve ly voices, each revealing tho hidden boautlos of Its part independent of tho others, tho wholo forming a wonderful wob of marvelous poly phony so transcendental at times, that only tho Initiated can fully ap preciate It all. "I onco called him a "superman" of piano playing," says Huneker. "Nothing llko him as far as I know Is to bo found In tHo history of piano playing since Chopin. Ho is a pianist for pianists, and I am glad to say that tho majority gladly roc- ognlzo this fact." Mr. Oodowsky will appear In Kla math Falls at tho Scandinavian Hall undor tho auspices of the Musical Study club, on Thursday ovonlng January 27. slderatlon by tho association, with committees to tako all phases of tho automobllo requirements undor their wing (aid mother tticnV'tnto mhifir Ity, William Loe, Louis Hor.glnmi, J, H. Garrott, E. R. Danner, and R. H. Reed compriso a commltteo appoint ed at tho mooting Saturday night to perfect plans for a more sturdy or ganization, and for a good working affiliation with tho Klamath county chamber of commerce, and as this commltteo possesses the nocossary "got thord" ability to do thlngs.'ihov Undoubtedly will havo something tanglblo and chock full of auto senso to offor to tho meeting In the cham ber of commorco rooms next Wednes day night. Ono thing more. Evoryono remem bers tho scarcity of gasoline which probably affocted this community harder than many others during tho summer Just paBt. This, of course, was a gonoral situation, but tho uuto mon are determined that they will not bo caught napping this year, and another commltteo, consisting of John Martin, Louis Hoagland, and F. D. Patty will straddlo their Job at onco and impress the gasoline dis tributors with the fact that thti coun ty uses an immense quantity of gas, and that It Is the desire of the auto men that a supply sufficient for their needs be consigned hore early In the season, not forgetting at tho same tlmo'that tho sales ovon In the winter time are not to be sneexod at. Affiliation with tho American Automobile association Is ono of tho objects of tho local association, and whon this Is accomplished the tour ist travel will be in lino for a won derful impetus. Everyone Interested In autnmobll ing and goog roads is requested to attend the mooting Wednesday night. 1 T N ID N ffi BT DEAN STUB UNIVERSITY OP OREGON, EU GENE, Jnn. 22. For moro than two-score yoars 'Professor John ' Straub, doan of men, has boon teach ins flrcok nt tlin University of Ore- gon and In that tlmo ho has taught , 4o.onn rinBn nrmrrtin in firm. .....ii., ..i tr i. -.in ,i.n , rocontly made. Ho Is still adding .to that big number at tho rato of savor nl hundred a year. Forty times, from cover to cover, ho has taught first yoar Groek, tho Anabasis, Homer, tbo now testament and Plato, with archaeology thrown In for a thousand weoks or so. He tolls tho Greek boot blacks of Eugene to shlno his shoos, In their own tongue Studonts wonder how ono head can hold so many conjugations and declensions. Ho reads Greek for fun Mlnlstors scattered all ovor the northwest learned from Professor Straub how to road tholr Greek testaments, for tho studonts at tho Eugene Dlblo unlvorslty for many yoars havo been coming to blm 'for their Greek. Whon ho first camo to tho Uhlv orslty back in tbo iiovontles, there was only ono building, a faculty of a half dozen, and something llko ji hundrod studonts. Ho used soma times to toach, In addition to his own classes, tho classes of former Presi dent Johnson, whllo tho latter stop ped out across tho campus and shot enough ducks tor tho two of them. It Is a tar call from that day to this. Doady Hall Is still thoro, to be sure, but it no longer standi in architec tural solitude and. the, duck marsh! or me oucn aro no longer to d ... ..-. - .; found. Dut In one way things nro 'much tho samo. Professor Straub know all tbo students then and he knows nearly all of thom now, and bo knows almost all who have come and gono in that long interval. The capa cious momory that never forgets a conjugation or declension, also nover forgets tho faco of a student or a graduate of tho University of Ore gon. Ho has had his fun as he has gono along, and baa playod his practlca'l Jokes. Ono student, a shark In short hand, was accustomed to wrlto out his 'translations botwoon tho lines. Profossor Straub, who also knows shorthand, got hold of tbo book and substituted a phraseology on tho ord er of Peck's Bad Boy, much to tho embarrassment and dtscomtlture of the student, and the -delight ot the class. (When he first came to tho Univer sity, he Intended to write books, but ho1 holds tho rich heritage ot friend ships that has come as a result ot nearly a halt century of teaching as far moro valuable than his name on the backs of many volumes. Each spring he has many moro calls to dellvor commencement ad dresses at high school graduations all over tho state than hp can possibly fill. Ono year the high school at Jun eau, Alaska, was anxious to get blm tor their address jy-uUAUVX-lj-vvvvvurir-inri"i" - ,. - - - - ........... The Annual B ZT s. SRO f ssssssBfesS v-$ m 1 rf ZfSi. Jt ssC f W "'l I 7 A l ''& f sksisril I Ot VWls T F EL T M. L. Dlotsky, ownor of tho La Voguo stores, has roturned from Now York nnd brings tho Informa tion that tho business tldo has turn- d nd 'hat t,m,cs aro Wttlnaj better. T Indication of improving 'conditions I s tho Now York monoy market. This has recently shown a doclded Improvement and tho sontt mont oxprossod whlto I was In Now York was that tho worst had passod and thoro would be no furthor reces sion. "As to the mercantile sldo of the market," contlnuod Mr. Dlotsky, "I think that has changed also. Silk that was selling in November below pro-war prices has raised from 20 to 50 cents a yard. Amoskcag glng- hnm ,, B0Ing nghor now tnan ,t wbb 30 days ago. Thoro may bo a light drop In heavy woolens, bnt it will not bo of groat consequonco. Tho fact Is tho pressuro that caused tho slump is gono. Morchants woro forced to sell regardless ot loss, be cauBo tho banks woro demanding tholr money and merchandlso was sold without consideration of loss. 'Everywhere you will find that sur plus stocks havo boen cloaned out and all old seasonable merchandlso has beon dlsposod ot. Morchants now aro In tho condition ot tho sick man who has fully recovorcd from a violent sickness thoy feel bottor than they have for a long tlmo and thoy are glad that It Is ovor with. Thoy aro facing the future with a clean slato. Their stocks aro in good shapo and tho prospects for business are bright. ''The .merchant is not the. only one who has lost by the slump. That part ot tho public that watted tor prices to go .still lower will lose now, for prices are on the upward. .Thoy will' not reach the height they attained and 'no one can expect to soo thom evoV return to' the loVel ot pro-war days. "It mnct be remem bered that the Increased cost ot pro duction controls and until everything olso drops down to pro-war lovel tho cost ot merchandlso cannot do so. "Thero will bo a stabilization ot prices within tbo vory noar future and 'then- you will seo things remain at that lovol for sometime. Business is going to bo good; Increasing until we will reach a degree ot prosperity undroamod of in tho History of our country." ' FAIRVIF.W SCHOOL TO OPEN TOMORROW J. P. Wells, city school superin tendent, announces;: that tho Fair viow school will .be-ready-to receive pupils tomorrow morning and a tul) attendance Is desired. It was plan ned to hold school there this morn ing, but- the- moving operation en tailed more time than was thought necessary,, a number of pupils go ing to. tho school only to find that It was not ready for thom. There will be, no such disappointment to morrow morning, said Superintend ent Wells. I T M . . . . ... - - j.j.j. .--. - -- -. - .--.j - - - - - - - . - - -ww-ww - -- Seed Catalog MPV'H" Local Basketball Team Defeats Agency By 33 to 26 Score Tho Klamath All liters, this city's promler basket-shooting sharks, Journeyed to Klamath Agency Satur day night and after tangling with tho hoopstors from tho Indian school omorged from tho fray on tho long cd ot a 33 to 26 score Tho report brought back by tho victors is that tho vanquished boys wero In tho gamo until tho last minute, and that thoy know a tow things about tho gamo that would bo a valuod posses sion for any toam. Hans Wagner and Laurel Camp starred for tho wlnnors, but tho wholo toam played well, and each was a factor in tho victory. Qulncy Baker, playing tor ward for tho Indian lads, also play ed a star gamo. Aftor tho game tho basketball teams and tho crowd ot spectators onjoyed a danco and general good tlmo. Next Friday night at Merrill tho agency boys will play tho Merrill team. Tho Klamath All Stars havo no schodulo boforo thom. Tho lineups of tho teams In Sat urday's gamo follew: Klamath All Stars Indian School Forrest Cooper , C P. Paulina Aard Ady G L. Wilson Hans Wagner F A. Baker Laurel Cary F B. Baker Gorald West O B. John Geo. Carr Sub DATES SET Tho much discussed automobile show, proposed for this city thla winter, haa been placed upon A def inite basis, at least a far a the date are concerned; "March 14, IE, n,d,sl. 'which fall upon Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, are the (fates -upon' whlchthOShowwni be hoid,- and tuemain floor pt tho Scandinavian ,haU has-been., secured as the display, .floor,, while the base ment of the same building will bo devoted to the display of tires, ac cessories,, oils, and other things used to the automobile business. Threo big days and big nights too aro what tho promoters, ot the show offer tho public, and as the exhibit Is qulto limited In area, only those who make applications early will bo able to secure display space. Local agen cies will bo accommodated first, and Jndged by the enthusiasm shown by auto mou-iO'far; there will bo a well- filled floor, and. galaxy of splendid cars, with the newest devices, to In terest" the: public. Music, decorations, dancing, and other attractions will be provided. Briefly, this show wilt be tho equal ot any-show held In. any city ot 10 times, its-slze this season, nnd tho Commercial Exhibit company, which Is promoting- the show, fools .that Klamath .Falls and Klamath county Is due to show tho peoplo ot tho nortnwest tnat.it is traveling in the van. with the progressive communi ties, ef: the-country. "Watch for this show." That's all tho promoters have-to say at this time. 100,000 Orientals California, 1920 SACRAMENTO, Cal. Jan. 24. The report ot tho dlroctor ot tho 1920 United States census, showing 100,933 Chinese, Japanese and Hin dus reside In California, has been mado public hero by Milton J. Fer guson, state librarian. Tho report was sent from Washington D. C. Tho compilation ot figures was sont from Washington In rosponso to a telegraphic request for Information for the use ot reapportionment com' mlttees of the legislature. The con stitution provides that aliens In eligible to citizenship are not to be counted-in the redisricting process. NEW TAXI STAND ' H. O. Wortley, formerly of the Union Taxi company, has opened a taxi service with headquarters at the Jewel cafe. He operates a closed car and says that ho will endeavor, to contlnuo the samo efficient and courteous service he has always giv en. DIVORCE DECREE. Abner O, Roberts was. granted a divorce from Adonia A. Roberts by Judge D. V. Kuykendall today.' T 1 H M NEARLY HIT Working consistently, but pardon ably unequal to tho task:of comploU Ing tho huge building within tho tlmo allotted to them, tho crow ot mon at work at tho now Sacred, Hoart Academy on Eighth stroot, la now engaged In performing tho last tasks, Just odds and ends as it were that are necessary boforo tho build Ing can bo occupied. This docs not mean that tho Inter lor of tho academy will bo finished, according to tho building plant when It Is occuplod probably a coo pie of weoks hence. It docs moaa however that all the plans for sani tation, flro protection, and general convonlenco of students and teachers will havo been carried out, and whllo tho mural effects and many ot the Interior conveniences will be missing temporarily, this condition will not detract from tho adequacy of tho building from a housing, toachlng, and studying standpoint. Work on the interior will not be discontinued, but will bo carried on as fast as circumstances will permit. The acadomy will occupy three floors. Designed In accordance with. "safety first" precepts, tlvo flro es capes provide exists from tho top floor. Also, there are five ontrancos or oxlts on the ground floor, which! mako 'it possible for class rooms, Is tho event of flro or other danger, to be, emptied within a very tow see onds. la the south wins; ot the top floor Is the boys.' dormitory. This is larg light, and airy; and wlirbe ftraUfc- 4 coB5fortab'ssiorWi-iv-w tex making it comply as near as possible to all' tho demands of "-home, sweet home." The girls'" dormitory is - on this floor also, and infirmaries, one for1 tho boys and one for tho girls. adjoin tho dormitories. This girls' Quarters,11 needless to say, will be equally as pleasant as tho boys' dor mltory. Kitchenettes, lavatories, and oth er necessary apartments aro also on the top floor. In tho court, between tho north and south ells, out-door sleeping porches will bo built, with, entrances from tbo main and top fioprs. The class rooms occupy tbo main floor, pleasant little recitation rooma adjoining them. These class rooma will be approximately 26x30 feet each. On entorlng the building from Eighth street, the visitor will be ushered into the office, and then into tho parlor. Off the office oa tho west' side is tho chapel, and next to tho chapel, is the sisters, study room. A modernly constructed music room, the principal's room, and several pleasant study and ante rooms aro on this floor also. Play rooms for tho children ara on the ground floor. There Is one for boys and ono for girls. They ara large and pleasant too. An immense dining room for pu pils, ono for the sisters, and wolt equipped and strictly sanitary kitch en and scullery aro in the north end of this -floor. So also, is tho laundry and boiler room. Near tho kitchen Is the storage room, with a "glory hole" beneath It In which will bo stored vegetables and things like that. Before many moons, moro ot the building plans will bo carried out, these plans including tho. two sub stantial class room additions. But, for the present, tho acadomy will be utilized under thq convenient, sate, sanitary, and very adequate condi tions described in this story. The dark fir trimmings and white walls and ceilings, now in ovidonce In most ot the rooms, will be car ried out throughout the building, and when all tho building, plans are completed, this school will undoubt edly be the peer ot any school of lta kind in the northwest. MERRILL RANCH HOME AND CONTENTS BURNED Luther Hasklns' ranch houso in Merrill district was destroyed yester day by tire that is said to haye start. ed from a detective flue. This ia according to a report reaching thla city. The contents of tho home were all burned.