' - . I. V' ' Paul T, O'Douid, Auto Editor. Evening Herald Fifteenth Ynrv No. HOB I. HKOOND HKCTION KLAMATH FALLS, OIIEOON, 8A1 URDAY, JANUARY 22, 1021. PAGES 0 TO 14 Price Ww Oenta . . i m YQJMWWil 1 AB(55" J i-mi 11 ik mza-H"nn-vr xk i annnim iiniiM.h 1 1 .y w" " - - "" - Vl b H IITmHI VKjryts mil. TV r ff 1 I jl- w vi. Hj Th '$ ; I GARRETT & SON PREPARING FOR 8IC 1921 TRADE Hulling along with ronowod vigor dliico Uh re-organlzatlon, accomp lished during tlio wook Just past, the first of J. II. Garrett & Bon ot G22 Bouth Sixth Btroot, li prepared, to ontor tlio actlvo automobllo season with a vim thnt will maku a record for all otlior firms In tho city to shoot at. Always a substantial firm. It has been greatly rolnforcod by tho acquisition of Norrls W. Young, who hns ontorod tho rlrm as socretnry treasurer. J. II. Qnrrott romalns at tho head of tho firm as president, and his son, Olon 0. Oarrott Is vice president. Mr. Young Ih a votornn of tho lato war, having noon service In tho front lino tronchos, and Is also a garngo man ot wldo oxparlonco. Tho company luis boon capitalized nt I7C.000, with a paid up capital or $42,000. Tho new garngo Is ono of tho biggest ana host appointed of any garngo In tho stato, bar nono, and will bo a big factor In tho de termination of tho firm to build up a business far In oxcoss of that thoy now enjoy. This firm specializes In tho sales ot Mack tucks, but handles Columbia curs and Monogram oils, and In addition to doing a gonoral repair business plans to put In a big ntock of tiros ana accessories. Watch tor tho coming Automobile show. T H 1 IN .w , - .!. V vy TO WHICH WILL CONSERVE YOUR INITIAL PURCHASE, ECONOMIZE YOUR UP-KEEP AND GIVE YOU ABSOLUTE EFFI CIENCY. LET US SHOW YOU. MODEL 490, $993.60 HERE WHITE , Shown in Example At a rocont safoty exhibit at Krlc Iloach, noar Buffalo, N. Y., 22,000 paoplo saw what should bo dono to a "Jay walker." At n crowded stroot corner a young man playactod this unpopu lar pest. Ho was promptly nrrost od, hnndcuffod, a sandwich sign put on him with "I'm a Jny walkor" on ono sldo and "I took a chanco and It didn't pay" on tho other; and thon. with a ropo around his nock, ho waa lod around bohlnd a pollco wagon covorod with slogans, a truck similar ly covorod with a band. Two ot tho slogans were: "It you must commit sulcldo, try poison. Jay walkers muss up tho Btroots." "Holl Is pavod with good Inten tions, but why crowd tho place. Don't Jay walk." THKY CALL ON ESSEX 0AK8 TO DO KVHKYTIIINtt Tho other day thoro waH a train wrock noar Barstow, Calif. When tho nows roachod Los Angolos twp things woro thought of tho relief train and an Essex tho latter to carry nows paper reporters to tho ucono of tho wrock to obtain plcturow for tho Los Angolos Sunday papors Iioth trains and car startod at tho samottmo 10:40 In tho ovonlng. Enrouto tho Essox oncoutorod a small cloudburst, but reached Barstow, 171 mllos away In good tlmo. took flOBhfllght pic tures of tho wrock and startod back down ovor tho mountains and pass ed thorpllot train Btlll Home dlstanco "fromiita diminution. Proper Punishment for Jay Walker and Thrift are here KEEP PACE WITH THE TIMES,MEANS CONSERVATION, ECONOMY AND EFFICIENCY , " SO SOLVE,XOUR TRANSPORTATION PROBLEMS WITH A' ft J pJ r t. r.. ji - ju A TO TALK MO ROAOS "' NEW YOItK, Jan. 22. congress will bo urged, according to tho program formulatod by tho Amorlcnn Itoads Bulldorn associa tion for Its natlon-wldo &ood lloads congross and National Wood lloads show to bo held In Chicago, Febru ary 9 to 12, to oxtend for five yearB tho fodoral road-bulldln? program which by law terminates with tho closo of tho government's present fiscal' yoar. Congress will bo urgod to provldo additional funds for ex penditure under tho terms of exist ing ioglslatlon, and tho nowly form ed program of tho congressional leaders at tho rato ot at least $100, 000,000 for oach of tho flvo years beginning July 1, 1921. In tho ad vocacy of this procoduro tho Amer ican Uqad Builders' association will bo In hoarty accord with tho attl tudo oxprossod by Secretary of Ag riculture Meredith In his recent an nual report. Tho American Road Builders' as sociation, which includes In tls mem bership tho highway officials of tho national government, and thoeo ot tho state!, counties, cities and -townships In tho United States and Can ada, together with highway engineers and contractors and tha manufac turers of road-bulldlng machinery, road materials and highway transpor-j tatlon equipment, Is also preparing to ask. Prosldont-oloct Harding to recommend In his inaugural Address and lninla,flrt' message to congress, IV ! The Days ". .ar.'. ; k !. 'NINETY DAYS' SERVICE PURCHASE PRICE GUARANTEED Phone FOR THE ENTIRE NATION Tho noxtfa bijond program of fedoral aid In hlgliway construction. Tho enormous appropriations for hlrhwny work already made by stf itos and municipalities, approprla tlons that total more than ono bil lion dollars according to tho most rollablo reports covorlng bond Issues and direct lories for roal building and road malatonanco, prosago, It Is ba'llovcd, an unprecedented vDlumo of road-building for 1921. Funds still avallablo through fed eral aid aro placed at $160,000,000 by officials or tho bureau of public roads. In addition, funds obtained from direct lovlos and othor sourc es ot state revenues and county Issues are estimated to amount to $290, 200,000. NANTOON WAKING UP Nanlbbn, ono of tho oldest Chlncso cities, Is boglnnlng to fool tho otfects of woo torn civilization. Six largo motor omnibuses havo boon sent thoro from Amorlca, to bocomo tho only moans ot transportation In tho city. Tho roads had to bo wldenod to accommodate thorn. PACK IN DRY CELLS It dry colls are kopt loose, their rattlo whllo tho car is moving will dovelop momentary short olrcults and run thorn down quickly. Td avoid this,; tnoy should be placed-In a snubly fitting box and 'dry sand should bo , packed Into tho open g'pocos. vVn ' 49-W Klamath Garage Is Latest Addition to Local Auto Row. Onco again tho Evening Herald automobllo section finds It Its pleas ant duty to nnnounco tho opening of another garage In this city, and this tlmo it Is tho Klamath garaeo. at 423 Sixth stroot, with Maurlco Bryan as proprietor. Mr. Bryan announces that ho will havo a fully oaulPDod garago, day and night service and everything llko, that, and that ho will sell parts and accessories for a long list of truens and small cars. Tho Herald welcomes Mr. Bryan, and fools that tho automobllo outlook hero is sufficiently bright to warrant tho prediction that ho Is going to make a "go" of It from tho start, and that bis business will Increasn to thn most satisfactory proportions. AMERICAN AUTOS IN DEXMAttK Tho recent automobllo show at Copenhagen, Denmark, had 22 Amer ican automobiles on view, whllo Eng land had four can. Franco nine, (tor- many flvo, Bolglum ono and Italy ono. OAHOLINH VENDING MACHINE A curbstono gasollno and lubricant vondlng machine that a Now York man has invontcd is oporated elec trically from tho office of tho garage, maintaining it. DRAIN VACUUM TANK One part ot tho automobllo that. Is most widely nocloctcd is tho vacuum tank. It should bo drained 'each , !?,, 'j ti . ' , . rai iuiur,,uu. ujri accumulates at its. bottom just-as It .does at tho bottom of. tho" gas tank. of Economy MODEL FB, W I U WILL BE GREAT "Tho automobllo show soason of 1921 marks the farthest advance mado by tho automobllo Industry," says L. O. Arena, Whito Pelican garage, local doaler in Chevrolet passenger and commercial cars. "Moro than 20 'years ot manufac ture havo greatly simplified the do sign and construction of tho motor car, and added many refinements. "At the shows tho' greatest achieve ments ot autombtlvo onglneers will bo scon In holfday dross. Ttioso who havo owned and driven many cars and who havo' followed their evolu tion closely will know what outll- tlcs to look for In. the cars on exhi bition. But thqse'whb havo had little oxporlenco with aut'omoolles may be como somewhat confused by so many attractions. "Tho surest guides to their satis-, faction in tho solec'tion of a car Is reputation in actual s'orvice, and the character of tho organization behind "A reputation dopetjds upon 'the opIplonW owners. When the number ' of cars of, any one make'lnc'reaso year after year, It is proof, tb,at its own ers think and speak well of It. "Tho inanu'fa'ctdrlnr nrranlmttnn which has built' up'such' a reputation Lcarinobafjord to pr'oduco'jiny butjre- M. -m uw w9..o nwiimr resent) them cannot afford' to give any but satisfactory service. C , " 't " $1,597.50 HERE