SVUTOKDAY, JANUARY 22, 1021. DOINGS OF THE DUFFS (Cnl MRS.DuFF.I V10HDERIP 1 VWNNCS.Slie Hey.TMege EPMA1. f f POMT HAVEXywl F could icAve umn coha CAjj piM Wrrw. Jf .0l mu3,t doat;: ( to mimD Nou l I ICT 1 WITH Vol) WHILE MB OAlttV PANHWUMTIl. -t c- tt '( VOUAWV MV JlYffl CLASSIFIEDADVEIiTISEMENTS FOR SALE Miscellaneous IFOR SALB Ideating stovo, chiffon ier, washing tflachlno, ono 120-ogg Incubator, two 400-ogg Incubators, iron ago planter, Sotz feed grlndor, set of llglit work harness, 2 or 3 bottom tractor plow, bono cutter. A. K. Booth, J-Cerrltl. Ore. 21-27 FOR SALB Nit limb 16-Inch wood, ?12 per load. Sco At Crystal or phono West I3nd Grocory. 21-28 FOR SALIJ First class body, limb wood. $10 for 4ft. wood; $12 for sawed wood. IMiono 513. 20-25 FOR SALU About 50 brood sows will farrow soon and nlso soma igood Marquis need wheat, on tho Lib Iir ranch, C ml I en cast of Merrill. Vo chatrer Dro.i. 18-3 FOR SALH Dry limb wood. Art Vowell. Phono 344-W. 15-22 MISCELLANEOUS W TO THE PUIHVIC List your proper ly ty with us, We have tho buyers, iniinK vuru ut irupuriy is uur spuu- laity. Rentals loans and Investments. Tho Ryan Realty Co. 512 N. Sth St. 21-22 XET US PIK MUDDY streets for yon with .iavdust. Phono 337-J. 21-22 CITY OARBAGE Whon yon want garbage removed calt'10F-23. VHONB PBYTStf tor wood US liMMMAAAWlMMWMVVSAMWWMMMMt TO RENT OR LEASE 5TR RENT Nicely furnished sleep ing room In' private family with femth. Phono 336-R. 21-24 FOR RENT Four rooms, unfurnish ed. ?20. C21 Oak St. 21-24 FOR RENT Pleasant outsldo rooms with baths,, 75 cents per night or 33. CO per week with baths. Home Booming House, 920 Klamath Ave. 14-22 FOR RENT Largo bedroom, gentle rnon only. .Phono 474. tf HVWW,W AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1920 Stephens Salient Six. $700 cash, $1100 balanco in air monthly payments. Metropolitan Garage, 20-22 FOR SALE Chevrolet car. Good con dition. McDonald's Peel Hall, 615 Main St. 12-20 FOR ALE Chevrolet car. Oood condition. Macdoel Peel Hall. Mac- doel, Calif. 11-27 FOR SALE Real Estate FOR SALE OR RENT Now 5-rootrt house- with hath, full concroto basement, furnished or unfurnished; largo lot and shod with room for two cars; price- furnished $3900; ouirurnlsbedf 3C00. Terms $1000 cash, balanco easy paymonts. Will rent unfurnished for $40. Call at 2923 .Main St. 21-22 3500 CASH WILL PUT you In pos session of a C-room house, with bttli, completely furnished. Very close- in on pavoment. Prlco $3500. Owner sick and must leavo town. A. -A. Bollroan & Co. 40C Main St. 21-22 FOR SALE 6-room houso with bath, uleoping porch, complotoly furnish ed on Pavement. Closo In. Nice loca tion. Owners going away. Prldo for qalclc unlo $5000. Terms. Tho Ryan Realty Co. 512 .N. 9th St. 21-22 fWiWMWMMMVIAAWWVWWWM IiMTRAY Camo to. my nlaco 12 miles sonth- eazt of KUmoh Falls, on Merrlfl nail, the follompK- horses. Ono dark bay mare, strip In face, 'weight about 1200 pounds, with 2 zyear old colt- with strip , In face, branded lazy H. P. connected on left Bhonlder; One black mare, branded 3 o Tight shoulder; One 3 or 4 year iroan horse; branded quarter circle 2 on Tight shoulder; Ono 3or 4 year old black horso, chunky built, bloch d brand on, right shoulder. Owner's any nave samo by paying costs. Rob ert Choyno. 20-22 Just Received WANTED WANTED Young lady nttendlng school or woman employed to as sist with housowork in exchnngo for board and room. Phone 251-W 21-22 WANTED Four foot body Apply nt Iilrvl llaking Cq. wood. 21-25 WANTED Ono telegraph 263-J Rainsby. sot. Call 18-20 PRACTICAL NUnSEJ wishes posi tions, confinement specialty. Phono 172. Mrs. Thomas. 18-24 GOOD PENMAN, Estimator and mathematician wishes evening work estimating, extending and total ing Inventories, etc. Uox A. D. C. Hor "ild office. 17-22 WANTED TO BUY Pump 8-Inch cortrlfugal. Capacity 1000 to 1G00 O. P. M. Communlcato Pacific Coast Mint company. 18-22 WWWWWWUXVWWWVWAWWft RESOLUTION DIxfLARLNG INTEN. THNTION TO MAKE STREET IMPROVEMENTS Tho city engineer pursuant to reso lution of tho Common Council of tho cltrof Klamath Falls, Oregon, having undor date of DccomUor 11th, 1920, filed his plans, specifications nnd es tlmatca of costs of Improving Fourth street from southorly lino of Kla math avenuo to tho southorly lino of Oak avenue; Fifth street from tho southerly. Una of Klamath avenue to tho southerly, lino of Willow avenuo; Walnut avonuo from tho northerly line of. Fourth street to the south orly lino of Sixth stroot; Oak avenuo from tho northorly lino of Fourth street to tho southly line of Seventh street and Willow avenuo from tho nortbely line of Fifth street to tho southorly line of Sixth street, together with all Intersections bo tweon tho termini mentioned not al ready Improved; Such Improvement to consist in bringing said portions of said street to the established grade, nnd hard surfacing tho samo with Dltulltbic, pavement to tho fol lowing widthts: Fourth street from Klamath to Oak tho hard surfacing to bo 25 feet in width; with four foot cement side walks on each sldo of tho street so far as improvod. Fifth stroet from Klamath avonuo to Walnut avonuo tho hard surfac ing to bo 40 wcet in width; and from tho southerly lino of Walnut avonuo to tho northorly lino of Wil low avenue tho hard surfacing to bo 32 feet In width with content side walks on each sido of said Fifth street from Klamath avenuo to bo tho northerly line of Oak avenuo. Willow avenuo from Fifth stroot to Sixth stroot tho hard surfacing to bo 32 foot in width: no sidewalks. Walnut avenuo from Fourth street to Sixth street tho hard surfacing to bo 26 feet In width. Oak avonuo from Fourth streot to Soventh streot tho hard surfacing to bo 25 foot in width with content side walks on oach side of said streot. Tho sldownlk to ho installed four feet In width, togothor with nroner and adoquato dralnago nnd curbing. It It Is horoby resolved, that said plans, specifications, and estimates of cost for making tho improvements nbovo described, be and the samo aro horoby approved. And bo It further resolved, that tho Common Council horoby declares Its intontlon to Improve said portions of said ntreots and avonups In accord ance with snid plans and specifica tions and estimates of cost in tho mnnnor and form above mentioned with Dltullthlc or other hard surface pavoment. Tho estimated cost of tho proposed Improvements hard sur facing with nitullthlc is $63,000.00; Tho ostlmated cost of the proposed Improvements using Oil Macadam pavoment is $46,100.00; the estima ted cost of tho proposed Improve ments, hard surfacing with Concrete is $57,800. And bo it further resolved by the Common Council that tho following doscrlbed property be and is hereby declared to ba benoflted by tho mak ing of said Improvements, to-wlt: Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, and easterly halt of Lots 3 and 8 Dlk. 74; Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, and easterly half of Lots 3 and 8 Blk. 86; Lots 1, 2, and easterly' halt of Lot 3 of nik. 91; All of Blocks 75, A CARLOAD OF OYSTER SHELL, GRIT & CHARCOAL THE EVENING HERALD, Tom Proves a Poor Maid 85, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, nnd castorly hnlt of Lot 8, Blk. '92; Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, and oastorlyhnlt of Lots 3 nnd S Blk. 98; Lots 1, 2, nnd onstorly halt of Lot 3, Blk. 103; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and westerly halt of Lot 3 Blk. 76; All Block 84: Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and westerly half of Lot 8, Blk. 4)3; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and wostorly halt of Lot 3, Blk. 97; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Blk. 104; Lots 6, 7. 8, 9, 10, Blk. 83; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Blk. 94; All of said lots and blocks nbovo described bo lng in Klamath addition to tho city of Klamnth Falls, Oregon, nnd said nbovo listed lots and blocks is horo by declared to bo tho proporty to bo assessed for tho cost of making said Improvements. And bo It further resolved, that Monday, tlio 7th day of February, 1921, at tho hour ot 8 o'clock P. M nt tho Council Chamber in tho city hall In said city bo and horoby Is fix od at tho tlmo and plnco for tho hear ing of objections and remonstrances against tho ranking of said proposed improvement, and tho Pollco Judgo Is hereby directed to causo notice of said hearing by publishing this reso lution ns by charter roqulrod. Stato of Oregon City ot Klamath Falls, ss County ot Klamath I, A. L. Loavltt, Pollco Judge ot tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, do heroby certify that tho foregoing Is a duly enrolled copy ot a resolu tion adopted by the Common Coun cil on tho 10th day of January, A. D, 1921, declaring Its Intontlon to lm provo cortaln portions ot cortaln streets thereto nnmed. A. L, LEAVITT, 12-23 Pollco Judge TO THE KIDDS Tako a Tnblcspoonful of Salts It Back Hurts or Bladder Bothers We aro a nation ot moat caters and our blood is tilled with uric acid, says a woll-known authority, who warns us to bo constantly on guard against kidney trouble Tho kidnoys do their utmost to froo the blood of this irritating acid, but becomo woak from tho over work; thoy get sluggish; tho ollml nativo tissues clog nnd thus tho waste Is retained In tho blood to poison the ontlro systom. When, your kidneys acho and fool liko. lumps ot lead, and you havo stinging pains in the back or tho urlno is cloudy, full of sedi ment, or the bladder is Irritable. obliging you to scok relief during tho -sight; whon you havo severo headaches, nervous and dizzy spoils, sleoplessness, acid stomach or rheu matism in bad woathor,' got from your pharmacist about four ounces ot Jad Salts; tako a tablespoontul In a glass of water boforo break fast oach morning and in a tow days your kidnoys will act fine. This fa mous salts is mado from the acid of grapes and lemon Juice, com bined with lithia, and has been usca tor generations to flush and stlmulato cloggod kidnoys, to nou irmizo tno acids in urlno bo it is no longer a source ot irritation, thus ondlng urinary and bladder disor ders. Jad Salts is inexpensive and can not mjuro; makes a delightful of lorvescent llthla-water drink, nnd nobody can mako a mistako by tak ing a uttio occasionally to koop the Kianeys cioan and active. Adv. EX-SERVICE MEN, ATTENTION I Klamath Post No. 8, American Legion meets at tho City Hall on the first and third Tuesdays of each month, Ex-service men aro Invited to at tend the meetings. For membership cards or informa tion ex-sorvlco mon aro requested to boo or write tho following efficers: J. H. Carnahan, Commander. Roy N. Fouch, Post Adjutant. For relief' of employment sco or writo the Chairman ot Tho Rollof and Employment Committee, Francis Olds, caro Lakeside Lumbor com- Pany. UT W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON wow Deueve rid. IP UTTte CDMA MAS MV I'D tmcm He& - -M AFCW TUIMGS ( Avu.suurv Oct your Insldo work dono now. Don't lot tho tompornry closing ot your bank stop you from painting, tinting or' papering. Wo will carry accounts 60 days. W. E. & J. M. PATTER80N, Contracting Painters, Phono 531-R. 19-25 PARAISO HOT SPRINGS Tho Carlsbad of America" A euro for stomach troublos and rheumatism. 14b mites Bouth ot San Francisco. Spoclal railroad ratos from Klamath Falls. HERALD OFFICE JJOW ON EIGHTH ST., NEAR' MAIN Tho Herald ottlco has boon moved from Fourth stroot to tho now quartors on Eighth stroot bo tween Main and Pine. All de partments aro now In tho now place. Tho phono number has not boon changod It is still 88. CHIROPRACTOR Dr. Lois C. Bridges Office Hours 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 5 p. m. Ill 5th St., Suite 105 Ovor First Stato & Savings Bank PHONE 10tt-J MINERAL BATHS Dr. lined IngcrtoU HAWley CU.pctlc Pkralda. First National Bank Building Entrance, Room S ASHLAND, OREGON Klamath Lodge No. 137 1. 0. 6. F. Moots Friday night of each week at I. O. O. F. hail, Sth and Main street H. II. Oglo . N. O. Chas. Newman ....' .V. a. O. B. Manguo Secy. W. D. Cofor ............ ........ ..Treas. ENCAMPMENT J. H. Houston C. P. II. V. Brown S. W. E. J, Mayor Scrlbo Frod Bueslng .Treasurer DR. L. L. GASS Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Warren Hunt nospltal Fourth and Pine Streets Phono 407 P Instructions In Piano Flaying by Expert of Many Years' Experience. MRS. OSBORN Apt. 9. Helms Apt, HOUSE MOVING Having bought the moving outfit of True & Failing, we are now prepared to move houses or other heavy articles. Washburn & Houston Phone 337-J zt'- jaro i . 'ov. wtr a ... i i atst u ei. UNO LESSONS Murpbey 's Seed THtfr I IJAMK.VW VHHST6R. I tlnftt COAJA lime girl sue PoV act 'l 19 AWAN! , I THAT WAV WMEM j-r "UH, ltk MWWWMWAWAAM DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wisecarrer PHONE 804 Dr. P. M. Noel PHOim 4 Over Caderwood'a Beveath aad Mala StreU WMWVWVWMMAAAMMMMAMAWn NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duds In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Conger J. O. OliKGHORN CIVIL ENOINEER AND SURVEYOR Phono 192J 133 S. Rlrcrsldo Household Furniture and many other good things: Open days, Tuesday and Friday Cor 6th and Klamath FRED WESTERFELD DENTIST Phone 4S4W. XRay LaboraCocy Ioomls Bid., Klamath Valla .MMMMMMMWWjf DR. O. A. RAMBO Dentist U O. O. F. Blld!af PHONE 61 WlMWWVWWiWVWiWWMV PORTRAITS at STWSON'S STUDIO mi Main St. Good Portraits at Reasonable Prices G. E. WASHBURN Contractor and Builder Construction Work ot any kind. No Job too largo or too small. Estimates furnished froe ot charge. PHONE 337-J i Chiropractic Physician SPECIALIST IN DIETETICS Dr. Geo. E. Mallett Phone 830 , Office over Underwoods , KOBERT S. FRY General Insurance, Investments 123 N. Sth Street. Tel. 185-W KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON & Feed Store mS PAGE BUT. I BY ALLMAN ).s..J. SO MUCH MR5. DOFP ' iqivohfp' V'""WX WA&AGOOD ,b whiic i wa 1 fa ukc ii li : TGLt USTl-WH, TCU UeP-VlHA"" tfiia WIA 11 . N om. w- ji Uliwr. ' NME,MR5.UA.t ,V MCK "'"' m no trc-udms. v . . -3EN.--- r v Let Your GLASS troublefl be Mine C. E. STUCKEY Re-Glazing and Cabinet Making Phone 477W Eleventh and Pine WILSON ABSTRACT COMPANY i7 Umm ARTHUR R. WILBOS Uaafer DR. a A. MASSEY Fourth ana Pine 84. In Warren Hunt Hospital Off. Phone 497 Roe. Phone SIM DR. T.C CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AND SURGEO L O. O. F. Building Phone 800 Residence White Pelican Hotel Rosldenco Phono 6. DR. L. L. TRUAX WAItREN HUNT HOSPITAL Day Phone, 407 Night Phone, 0 SAW MILL ENGINEERING CONSTRUCTION OO. Designers and builder of mod ern aaw mills, planing mills anetl box plants. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 400-W Office Corner Spring and Oak Near S. P. Depot Office Phono 177W Rea 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart Physician and Surgeon White Building Klamath Falls Oraaon wmwmwwwwwwwAJ DR. F. R. GODDARD Osteopathic Physician and Surgeon Office and Residence Phones 821 I. O. O. P. Temple E. D. LAMB PHYSICIAN AND BURGEON Phones 17W 17R Rooms 1 and a White Building Klamath Dye Works Phone 408 OUR CLEANING, PRESSING AND REPAIRING WILL MAKE YOUR CLOTHES LOOK LIKE NEW HATS IIHIILOCKED Goods Called for nnd Delivered 481 Main Street Klamath Falls Klamath Falls Cyclery We are here to servo you, and aim to servo you right. Motorcycles and Bicycles, Parts and Acossories, Tiros and Tubes, that will stand your inspection, as wo carry the best In our lino. Repair shop in connection with Harley-Davidson Service. .' Phono S79 1010 Main St. Klamath Falls O. E. BISMAIIK rJ iMiailTTgra! " JTSBttWflfrtfUMW ET"i