BAyVrdAY, JANUARY. 4 88, 1M1. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS; OREGON rAQH vtitin i -v The Evening Herald B J. 'MURRAY. JMltor FRED, BOULE .......j. City Editor Published dally oxcopt Sunday, by Tho HJorald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot. Entered nt the postottlco at Kla math Falls', Oro., for transmission through tho malls (is Bocond-class matter. MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tho Associated Press Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication of all news dispatches credited to It, or not othorwlso credited In this paper, and also tho local nows pub Usher boroln. SATURDAY, JANUARY 22, 1021. Kiixiirrr children Parents and teachers should ever bear In nilud that tho Impulsiveness and overcnanging activity of a nu ru bor of so-called fidgety children arc but sjniptoms of mental fatigue. Normal chllarcn are active , Im pulsive and Inquisitive This Is na ture's method of education, and chil dren, tnererore, should bo allowed to exercise thoso niontal traits. Rigid discipline tends to curb nat ural activities, which then seok out- lots In other more or less roundabout ways. For example, too rigid disci pline tends to cause tho harboring ot resentment against, and disregard for, thoso In authority. When once discipline is relaxed, the child, having failed to learn to control his lmpulcss, frequently finds himself in dlf ficult and compromising situations. In school, disciplinary measures should follow the form of substitut ing desirable activities for undeslr ablo ones. Children normally con centrate on tho thing at hand, but un dor tho artificial restraints ot school life they may loso tho ability and deslro to do this, and becomo un stable in the direction of their ac tivities. The evldenco ot fatigue must bo watched for and prevented by as signing short tasks that should al ways bo carried to completion, and these followed by sHort periods of relaxation. The tasks should bo gradually lengthened, commensurato with the development ot tho child find made more difficult. r RUNNING WATER Tho Library Study club will meet. Women's Roliot Corps, mot In tho in tho library room Monday after- west hall of tho I. O. O. F. building noon at 3 o'clock, and will discuss Monday, January 17th. Tho meot tho book, "A Man for tho Ages," by'ng was well attonded, and plans irving uaencucr. mis is n Biory or for tho coming year woro corn- Abraham Lincoln's yoking manhood. Mrs. E. S. Henry will lead tho (lis cussion. plctod. An Intorostlng feature ot tho meeting was tho signing of n petition requesting tho representa tive In tho stato loglslaturo from this district to support tho adoption Friday evonlng, January 21, tho airls' Student loaguo of tho high of a bonus plan of $25 per month school hold Its annual hi Jinks in! or a lonn of $3,000 for homos. or tho I. O. 0. F. hall. Prizes for cos-, farms, as endorsed by Klamath Post tumes woro nwnrded as follews: No. 8 of tho American Legion. This Prettiest costumo, Joslo Honzlk, n petition is nt present nt tho offlco fairy; ugliest costumo, Tholma Wlso,1 of tho Western Trnnsfor company, alias Dlnty Mooro; funniest costume,, whore air mombors ot tho W. It. 0. Norma Adams, dovll-ln-a-barrol; nro requested to call and sign either most poverty-stricken costumo. Mary, Saturday, January 22, or Monday, Smldl, patches; most original cos-Jnnuary 24. For tho purposo of tumo, Ireno Lowls, tho firecracker; .circulating theso petitions and got- tho best funny paper characters, ne them into tho public places, tho Kathereno Upp nnd Grace Elliott, I Women's Auxiliary of tho Amorlcan as JTngglo and Jiggs; best movio Legion met yestordny in tho I. O. O. character, Kathorlno Ulrlch nnd p- hall. Tho women who havo In Ellzaboth Manning, as Ham and torosted themselves in this movo Dud, nnd tho best sustained char- wont hopo to seo tho hoys who en- Everett True By Condo From Italy comes thai report that many who went backthero after the war aro n5w, an'xlousrto return to tho United States.. O ( ' ty . iThero wero tales' ot '.Wd to bo obtained at a small cost. Some such stories wero true. But there aro dis advantages of life In Italy, particu larly in villages, that many had for got in the yoars they lived in tho United States. Somo ot theso disadvantages wolghed heavier on women. For one, tho lack ot running water. All get actor, Sybil Dnmber, .Hawaiian girl. The Judges wero Mrs. John Enders, Mrs. Jcnnlo'Hurn nnd Mrs. Lawton. After tho prizes were awarded, the following impromptu program was rendered: "Magglo. kin I go out tonight? ...........................Maggie and Jiggs Hula, Hula .............. Hawaiian Girl "Let tho nest of tho World Co By" Girls' Gleo Club Speech .................... Tho Firecracker "You Can't Shako That Shimmy Here" ... ..... . Spanish Dance "Drink 'Er Down" Ham and Bud "Nobody Knows" ....Devil-ln-a-Barrol Recitations ............ Tho Youngsters Speeches ........ ... . Foreigners Then refreshments, consisting ot sandwiches, pickles and cookies, wore served and thoroughly enjoyed by all. Thoso present were: Hazel Mor rison, tho Klamath Dally Record; Bcsslo Hotchkins, Baby Mario; Edith Wholply, Queen of Hearts; Avis Dougherty, tho Cook; Tholma Wise, Dinty Mooro; Walvo Wlthrow, Chor us Girl; Elotha Humphrey, Bad Boy; Ethelen O'Flahcrty, Bertha Peltz, Tholma Brown, Dorothy Currln. Walvo Wlthrow and Jean McDonald, Ballet Dancers; Norma Adams, Devil-In-a-Barrel? Dorothy McAboy and Constnnco Crystal, Patsy Romper Twins; Eva Dillard, Sailor; Dorothea Hawkins, Opera Olrl:i VernnHvallon ana ureia .Maaison, "Regular Quys"; Loulso Goss, iTjBat; Vera Swlft, Esther Washburn and Hattlo Bliss, Cowboys; Leda Harvoy, Aviator; Mary Smldl, Patches; Margaret Schubert. Sir Sid; Esthor Will, Gymnasium Girl; Cordelia Cantrall, Cook; Jo Upp, Youthful Innocence y, Mrs. Carrier and Miss Phlelger, the Bride nnd Groom; Bernlco Hector, Hired Olrl; Sybil Bamber, Hawaiian Girl; Lulu Hanson, Martha Upp and Mercedes Boyd, Indian Maidens; Lorena Colsen. Delia Short and Veda Griffith, Gypsies; Dorothy Horr, Sambo; Rachel Solomon, BUI Hart; Forne Hanks, Court Fool; Lois Sail or, tho Vamp; Lottlo and Jessie Caldwell, Mary and Marie; Marguer torcd tho service rccoivo this bonus ot $25 per month for each month thoy wero In tho servclo. Another of tho many delightful affairs given at "The Maples" re cently was that hold on Tuesday, when Mrs. Rutus 8. Mooro and Miss Elizabeth McCurdy entertained in honor of Mrs. John Fountain. Tho attornoon was given ovor to ncodlo work and conversation, after which dainty refreshments were served. Those present besides the guest of honor and hostesses wore: Mcb dames Fred R. Goddard, L. M. Fitch, R. H. Dunbar, Garrett Van Rlpor, Thomas Hampton, Mary McCluro Miss Rcstora French. Mrs. Garrett Van Riper and Mrs. C. P. Mason wero Joint hostesses NOW, IDON'T Stf A (OOrt.0 TO WOODY accuse HctWRc tms onjCy onjcs - rve toco it to i . X HEU-Q SMITH, MISTCR r3T2.olvN HAS JUST MOW TOtJP MS SOMCTHMG! VttRY CcNFIoeuTIAU 4WD VM OINC To TEU. IT TO TOU AS IVC3 tvACK fiLONG.. 1&CW)SC n& V MAKSS A PtlCTIoa Of "XtSCt-lKlG. "CiOMWITV-.vl. TtAt-" 3Turr Tb HAL.V A OOXjONJ otmcrc at TtVC S1MC Tines IV. s z sw... 5 1J If I eolation honors. Tho houso was prottlty docoratod with cut flowors, and dainty rofroshmontB woro Borvod nt tho cIobo of oach attornoon. Tho Invitation list Included: MoBdamos Duncan, Shlvo, Charles Roberts, Al bortson, Hall, ThomaB, Stoln, Krauso, R. E. Wright, S. E. Martin, Watt, llrockonbrough, Frod Mills, W. O. Smith, Kborloln, Hnrry Goollor, Ar thur Wilson, Rutus S. Mooro, Dol zollf E. T. Bishop, Newell, Ilnkor, Morrln Johnson, Btowart, W. II. Rob ortson, Ganong, Mason nnd tho Miss es McCourt, McCurdy, Baldwin, ilorgo nnd Ilartmpfl. - Tucsdny ovnnlng Mrs. Hnttlo Illnos ontortnnod n tow f rlondu nt hor homo on Tucsdny night, tho guosts 'bolng MIsr McMiihon and Mrs. Llna MathowB nnd Messrs. Frnnk EvnnB, Elinor J. Drndloy and Rhlnohnrt Motschonbacher. t Mrs. George Humphroy was hos tess to tho Art Noodlowork club nt hor homo on Pine stroot thin weok. Tho attornoon wns dovotcd to noodlo work, nt tho closo of which rofrosh montB woro Borvod. Mrs. H. E, Mo myor wub guest of tho club. It has bcon found that It lions nro fed for a weok or bo on food In which Is mixed a salt ot Iron, tho whlto of tho cggH thoy lay becomo vory rich. In Iron, Tho Iron Is in a form oasly dlgcBtod by tho most delicate ot pa tients, nnd thus nffords n combined food nnd modlclno of tho greatest posslblo vnluo. Tho oldest pavomont of which thoro Is anw record in modern cities is thnt of Cordova, Spain, which was pavod with stones by tho Moots In tho middle of tho ninth century. os Plot, Hum, Rutus Mooro, Miss Eliz abeth McCurdy and Mrs. E. P. Lawrence. Mrs. W. C. Van Rmon nntnrtnlnnrl . at a pretty luncheon at her homo in .. vj. r. .iiuuuu wero joint nosicssos' . . , j.,., ,, . . V early in the week at a neighborhood tT ZIi ? party at tho home of Mrs. Van Ripor "'"T . ""'""" """"" "' """' A, on South Riverside street. During lfrV Dnakvr' who hhca y' S the afternoon, which was spent in',BB f1"' Dakr " "" Jho ... , .!.. guests woro Mrs. Baker, Mrs. Frod L. needlowork. refreshments wero . ... ,. .,. JC served, and the guests present wore: .' , . ' ' ' rl H..J. t Du...- ,. . guest ot honor. U Cluro, A. Carlson, F. R. Hamblet, Paul Bogardus, C. R. DeLap, L. M. VII Y. . lh. ! little nAlnkl... "-"""" l IMI UlOUIUfc, 1I1IU H, uuu tuu ...U .....U UMIBUUUIO .- ,. J - ll l. I who came to enjoy the afternoon i,- . . ,,. , , Vi . O ,,. . " " , i"K ovents of tho closing monthrf otJ with tho grown-ups woro Betty Gal- tt. ,. u, 1K,. ... , J s lagher. Vivian Sheets, Wilmuth Do- ' '."'h M 7 ".W Lao. nobbv Hnmblot nnd nuJK, '"Btructlons, ana a largo number w witnessod tho initial lesson. It is VJ anticipated that the class will bo U greatly Increased as tlmo passes. 1 IftJ Mrs. E. T. Ludden ontortalned at t two parties Monday and Tuesday CO afternoons at her homo on Pine 3 street. Monday afternoon was glvon ovor to bridgo, when tho prizo for tho high scoro was awarded to Mrs. "SERVES YOU RIGHT" $ t Tho dancing school started at tho Scandinavian hall last evening, nnd Lap, Bobby Hamblet and Bobby Mason. Tho. Leisure Hour club was enter tained by Mrs. II. N. Moo at her homo on Washington street Wednes day afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. George Edwards en tertained a small party of friends at cards at their homo on Fifth street The Club Cafe That popular place on Sixth street, Just off Main it's Different" their water at a fountain near the conter ot each vlllago in central Italy. Tourists think that picturesque. The poetry ot It does not appeal so strongly to the women who have to carry it homo. Whon clothes are tojlte Hotchkins and Lucillo Harlan, bo washed In many neighborhoods Sweet Sixteen; Albertlna Nltschelm, they must bo carried somo distance (Spanish Dancer; Ruth Newton, Ban- ,!. 1....1. - .. -.-..... ir.. Atttnm ,1H Xfnrlnn Wn.tdltf fntlin.i. AnA1 ent, that Is, from filling tubs nt a (Child; FranceB McLane, tho Vir- ready faucet, as Is the practice near- Blnlan; Kathryn Ulrlch and Ellza ly evorywhero In the United States, both Manning, Ham and Bud; Almn Whatever Is tho fact, It Is not Lawronco, Mrs. A. Mutt; Opal Har dlfflcult to bollove that mony of thoso voy n Scotch Lassie; Mnrjorlo Jobes, women nro urging their husbands to Old-FaBhloned Olrl; Inez Wlllltts, move back to this country. In no Mrs- Vandorbllt, nnd Anna Collins, otluer country In the world are worn- nor duaghtor; Casandra Benslnger, en eenerallv so well off as In the." ""'""'a uennomnn; unrno North, United States. NEZ PEUCES ARE FAST RECOMING FARMERS LEWISTON, Idaho. Jan. 22. In dians on the Net Porce reservation are a thrifty lot and prosperous, de clares Superintendent C. H. Llnse, ot the Indian agency at Fort Lapwal. The annual report of Superintendent Aunt Jomlmah; Frances Honzlk, Lit tle Girl Sukoy; Rebecca Humphrey, Susie Ann; Frances Humphrey and Poarl Reno, Pirouettes; Kntherlne Upp and Grace Elliott, Maggie and Jiggs; Joslo Honzlk, Fairy; Nina Lathrop, Boy Scout; Irene Lewis, tho Firecracker; Emma Blehn, Miss Columbia, and Dorothy Wallace, Tom Sawyor. Mothers and friends of the high school girls present were: Mrs. W. W. O. flmfth. thn Mnonlnllnn n.l.. Wednesday ovenlng. Refreshments ' ,nlr , Mra , n.. On Tuesday 600 was played, tho high scoro being attalnod by Mrs, S. E. Martin, whllo Mrs. Fred A. Baker was successful in securing the con- Lin so shows nearly $800,000 wnsJR, Boyd, Mrs. M. Hanks, Mrs. A. R paid out to Individual Indians ot tho reservation during 192tand that the majority of these reinvested it for land and farming machinery. The Noz Perce Indians are fast be coming expert agriculturists,, accord ing; to Superintendent Llnse. Must of the .180,000 acres of land on the Nex Perce reservation Is owned by tho Indians themselves and msriy have modern farms. VOTED IN CHILE; BALLOT JUST' RECEIVED Morrison, Mrs. Andrew Collier, Mrs. John Enders, Mrs. Louis Jacobs, Mrs. Geo. Humphrey, Mrs. Jennie Hum, Miss Margaret King and Miss Bernlco Powell of Weed, Calif.; Mrs. Wm. Renle, Mrs. L. A. Will, Mrs. L. D. Lawton, Miss Bertha E. Pittman, Mrs. D. . F, Lawton, Mrs. Chas. Loomls, Mrs. R. W. Browne, Mrs. Harry E. Peltz, Mrs. Robert Gass, Mrs. J. R. Wlllett, Mrs. W. Aj Collins, Mrs. Wm. Caldwell, Mrs. J T. Totton, 'Mrs. Gertrude Moore, Mrs. Jacobs, Mrs. Enders, Mrs. A. C. Hatch, Ruth Miller, Mrs. A. H. New ton, Mrs. Evert Griffith, Mrs. A. G. jColson, Mrs. H. O .Wortoly, Mrs. G. GREAT FALLS, Mont., Jan. 22 More than two months after the.E. Washburn, Ethel Washburn. Mrs eloctlon, the ballot ot an absent Leila Humphrey, Mrs. Fred Bambor, Yoter has been received here. It j Mrs. A. L. Leavltt and Dorothy was from At L. Engle, now In Chile Short, on business. His. -votevwas delayed , U the malls. ?,.w .. ol The F, B. Sprague Post No. 20, tain, S, E., Martin, Xlhas, Martlu, wero sorved at tho closo of tho gamo, and thoso present wore: Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Hoagland and Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Arnold. Friday evening ot last week In tho parlors ot the Presbyterian church, tho girls' Sunday school cjass entertained tho boys' class. There wero 26 boys and girls pres ent, and games wero played and a delightful evening spent. Ono of the "games" not progrommed was tho disappearance of the delicious refreshments that tho young ladles nau prepared. These wero pur loined by somo young hopofuls who, doubtless, doubly "enjoyed thorn by roason of tho pleasure derived from eating stolen sweets. The loss, how ever, wob quickly replaced by some of tho gallant young men of the party, who went to a local restau rant and purchased somo excellent substitutes. Miss Emma Berger of Portland has como to spend two months as the bouse guest of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert D. Now6II. Mr. and Mrs. Wv A. Arnold en tertained at two tables of GOO Fri day evening, tho guests being Mr. nnd Mrs. Louis Hoagland,. Mrs. George Edwards, Mr. and Mrs. Wal ter Meadows and John Schubert Airs. C, P. Mason ontortalned tho P. E. O. society Tuesday ovenlng. On Wednesday afternoon Mrs. S. E. Martin entertained tho Art Needlework club, of which sho Is T T X t "SERVES YOU RIGHT "$ H I t t t t T t r t t t T ? t f J T t ? r t Palace Market For Service and Quality ? n i T member, at her home at 541 High street, inviting at this time, as gnest of tho club, Mrs. E. C. Beauchamp. The afternoon was glvon over, as usual, to needlowork, conversation and the discussion ot books, aftor which the hostess Beryod dnlnty re freshments. Tho club member who woro fortunate- enough to. bo present at this dollfthtful attornoon wore: Mesdamcs Wattonburg, Goollor, Cummlngs, Camnhan, PhUIpa, Ramsby, Wirtz, Dunbar, West, Chas We Want You to See and Compare The prices that we will charge beginning next Monday with the1 prices charged heretofore. When we told you that we would reduce prices after, going on a cash basis we meant just what we said, and we want you to know that we are doing just what we promised. That is why we ask you to compare future prices with those you paid before. Please remember that beginning Monday we will be on-a strictly cash basis. Y f !& f ? Y f Pal Market ace ivia . r The Sanitary Market 524 Majri Street Phone 68 n.i i Wf " iamutmietBaassastm'-'Kfm'm