The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 21, 1921, Image 1

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    ffijj laittttuj IteraUi
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Member of the Associated Press.
riflomidi Year. No. 0030.
Prloo Five Ocnta
CROHN 1820
(Hy Associated ProsB)
WASHINGTON, Jnn. 21. 1920
was tho greatest com your In tho
J.lBtory of tho country according to
.tho records of tho department of ag
riculture Resides growing a record
crop of 3,232,307,000 bushels, tho
farmers established a now record for
Avaragu ylald ior aero, with 30.9
bushels, tho socond tlmo In history
that tho country's nvorago yield wont
post 30 bushols.
Tho nroa planted to corn last yoar
wm 104,601,000 acres which was
smaller than tho nroa planted In
olght other years hortoforo and 1,
400,000 acres smallor than tho area
which producod tho provlous record
crop of 3,124,746,000 btiahols In
1912. Last year's crop was tho third
to exceed 3,000,000,000 bushels.
Iowa, tho country's grvutest corn
producing stato, mado an average, of
46 bushels to tho aero for tho first
tluio In Its history. Tho highest uv
orago aero ylold of any stato was that
of Vermont with 47 bushols. Maine In
1019 had tho highest nvorago aero
ylold with 60 bushols. In tho ten
yoars previous to that yoar tho high
est nvorago ncro-ylold has boon nrndn
by ono of tho Now England states.
Connecticut had highest ylold In six
of tho ten yoars, Massachusetts In
two, Now Hampshire In ono, and Ver
mont and Massachusetts tying In ono.
Hut corn, king of crops, produced
an nvorago only $20.03 an aero to
farmers basod on Docombor 1 farm
prices while hops producod $486il0
an aero, according to averages for the
country as a wholo. The valuo per
aero of hops In 1919 was $874.70,
while, corn's nvorago valuo per aero
was $38.49. With tho oxcoptlon or
ryo, cranborrlcs, soy beans and
norghum sirup tho avorago valuo por
ncro Inst year showed heavy reduc
tions from 1919 because of tho de
clines In prices.
Wldo variation In shown In tho val
uo per aero of tho various crops
whllo tho averages for different
states show a broad range for each
crop. Tho avorago farm valuo per
acre of tho Important farm crops as
estimated by tho department of ag
riculture tor last year and for 1919
Crop 1920 1919
Hops $"486.10 $874.75
Cranborrlcs 213.37 184.96
Tobacco 168.0B 296.68
Potatoes 127.C1 144.CS
Swoet Potatoes .... 116.71 135.03
Sorghum sirup .... 97.C6 90.93
Soy Denns 48.42 48.74
Ollce 47.75 104.55
Toanuts 38.68 05.06
Boons 31.94 59.93
Hay 27.87 32.64
Cotton 25.14 60.62
Buckwheat 24.41 30.31
Oruln sorghums .. 24.36 32.80
Winter whoat 22.83 31.33
Broom corn 21.40 29.72
Cowpoas : 21.25 17.80
Clovor seed 21.25 42.16
Corn 20.93 38.49
Barloy 17.68 27.13
Ilyo i 17.57 10.48
Oats 10.01 21.04
Spring whoat 14.08 20.38
Tho Musical Study club announcos
that those doslrlng tickets for the
Oodowsky concert, to bo given at tho
Scandinavian hall, January 27,
should procuro them Immediately.
There Is such a domnnd for Boats
that "tho members of tho Musical
Study club fear thoro will not bo en
ough' tlckots for all who wish to hear
the great pianist.
Tho seating capacity of tho hall Is
estimated nt botwoon 600 and 700.
' Tho Reverend Karl Mathlos, of the
Lutheran church, has returned from
la visit at tho ranch homo of Walter
Zetman, and left this morning fo
Montaguo where ho will hold sorvlcos.
Prom Montaguo ho will go to Gold
Kill where bo will conduct a sorvlco
Sunday morning. Thero will be no
Lutheran church services In this city
until Sunday, January 30.
White Thinks U. S.
Should Go "Heeled"
Until Others Disarm
WABHINaTON, Jun. 21 Tho
staggering burdons of taxation re
sulting from tho world war havo
caused nil nations to favor a world
agroomont for disarmament, Henry
White, former ambassador to Franco
and a tnombor of tho Amorlcan
poaco commission to Paris, doclarcd
today boforo tho houso nnval com
mlltoo holding hoarlngs on tho sub
ject: "I think tho world Is crying for
somo agroomont," Whlto said, "hut
do not favor tho United States being
tho only nation to disarm."
Tho business mon's association of
this city has boon dissolved, but the
objoct of tho association and Its ac
tivities will contlnuo to live and en
joy robust health, according to ac
tion takon by tho mombers of tho
'asBoclntlon at a mooting held In tho
chamber of commorco rooms last
night. Most of tho representative
firms of tho city wero represented
at tho mooting.
Affiliation with tho chambor of
commorco was suggostod, and utter
thorough discussions, the mooting
reachod tho conclusion that thero
woro many advantages to bo galnod
by such affiliation, the chamber, it
was stated, having nilvancod to a
stago In public llfo horo whore It Is
abld to adjust freight rates, and save
money through freight checking
audits, and numerous pther ways.
Tho business man's association was
organized Ax yoars ago, and was vory
octlvo during tho war In taking somo
of tho duties that would ordinarily
bolong to tho chambor of commerce.
Fred Houston, Ed Vannlco, and
Will Daldwln, aro among organizers
of tho association and they hnvo
boon Instrumental In keeping It nllvo
during tho six years of Its exist-
onco. Tho oiflcors of tho association,
who pass out of offlco with tho dis
solution of tho organization, aro Lob
Ila Itogcrs, presldont; M. P. Evans,
vico president, and W. C. Van Emon,
Among thoso who discussed tho
dissolution and proposod subsequent
affiliation with tho chamber of com
morco at laBt night's mooting woro
T. L. Stanley, J. T. Porklns, Ed Van
nlco, II. N, Moo, nnd C. rtoborts.
SACRAMENTO, Cnl Jan. 21.
Appropriation of $300,000 by tho
stato for purchaso of tracts of rod-
wood troos along tho stato highway
In Humboldt county would bo pro
vided by bills Introduced into tho son
ato hero by Sonator H. C. Nelson and
Into tho assembly by Assemblyman
Frank J. Cummlngs.
Tho powor to purchaso tho tracts
would be placod by tho bills In tho
hands of the stato board of forestry
and that body would be given tho
control of tho tlmbored lands pur
chased. It would also havo tho pow
or of omlnont domain In acquiring
tho lands by condemnation.
Activo support of tho Savo tho Red
woods loaguo, a national organiza
tion of conservation, has boon glvon
to tho bill. Tho Grand Parlor of tho
Native Sons of tho (loldon West and
the California department of tho
Amorlcan Legion havo endorsed tho
project and Governor W. D. Ste
phens has assured proponents of the
moasuro that tho stato administra
tion will support any practical plan
for saving tho last of tho great red
wood trees.
SEWAItp, Unalaska, Jan. 21.
The mall steamer, Pulltzor, formerly
a Columbia river pilot boat, which
has boen missing slnco 'December
15, is safe at Chlgnlc, 300 miles west
of Kodlak, according to a report re
ceived here, Tho vessel driven out
of her course aftor losing her rud
der in a storm.
Miss Lydla Frlcko, rocently en
gaged as county nurso for Klamath
county, arrived horo from Portland
Inst night with Miss Cecil Schroyor,
assistant superintendent .of tho stato
'board of nursing ,and nftor a con-
toronco with tho executive board of
tho local Hod Cross chapter. In tho
Chambor of Commorco rooms this
aftornoon, will tako activo and Im-
modlato chargo of her dopartmont.
Miss Frlcko will havo pormanent
offices In tho Chambor of Commorco
Coming horo with a splondld rec
ord for public sorvlco in St. Louis,
hor homo city, and in other places,
Miss Frlcko takes up hor dutlos
horo with practically a virgin field
for opportunity, and with tho hoarty
support of tho various civic organ
izations of tho county, and If tho
pooplo of thn county support hor
unrosorvodly, as tho public organ
izations aro going to do, sho can ac
complish a world of good horo.
Miss Frlcko will bo at tho dis
posal of any porson or organization
that presents a legitimate claim
upon hor sorvlcos, and will work un
dor tho co-oporatlvo Intluenco of tho
Rod Cross. As In most counties of
tho state, sho will hold school In
spectlons, and wherovcr pupils op
poor to do in need or medical or
surgical attontlon, or need hygonlc
supervision, It will como within hor
Jurisdiction to seo that tho noedod
correctlvo remedies aro applied.
At the meeting In tho Chamber
of Commorco rooms this aftornoon,
an effort will be mado to outllno
Miss Fricko's activities, and doflnlto
news In that regard, and other de
tails of public Interest, will bo nn
nounccd at onco.
Bend Mill Resumes
Work 110 Employed
IDENI), Or., aJn. 21 Tho Rrooks-
Scanlon Lumber company resumed
production Tuesday following com
pletion of overhauling equipment and
nlso began logging at camp No. 1,
whoro operations wore suspended be
fore closing of tho plant horo. There
aro now 110 omployod on tho one
shift at tho mill, Including team
sters. A feature of tha system used by tho
Brooks-Scanlon Lumber company is
tho alternating of tho men on the
night and day shifts. Whllo only
shift production is going on, this
splits up, the employment and allows
part-tlmo work for doublo the num
ber of mon actually required at the
Weather Probabilities
Tho Cyclo-Stormograph, at
Underwood's pharmacy has
registered a sharply rising baro
metric pressure for tho past 48
hours and conditions aro moro
favorablo for settled woathor
than they havo been for soveral
weeks. A continuation of clear,
cold woather may bo looked tor.
Forecast for next 24 hours
Gonerally fair weather; proba
bly cool, with variable winds.
Now Fight
WASHINGTON, Jan. 15.-A11,
ffltM irnna r$ ftin SMiit tirAin ifnl.l
uti vsisyo Vfc fcllU LUUUIIJ nutD tUI"
ued at $10,465,015,000 last year,
basod on December 1 prices paid to
producors, tho department of agri
culture has ostlmatcd. That com
pares with $16,035,111,000 In 1919
and $10,156,426,000 tho flvo-year
average, 1914 to 1918, Inclusive
Toxas malntalnod Its place as a
producer of crops of groatest valuo
with a total of $727,400,000, which
was half a billion dollars less than
In 1919. Iowa retalnod second rank
with $459,191,000. Illinois, only
slightly boklnd Iowa, continued its
placo as third, with $459,179,000.
California Jumped from tenth Into
fourth place, hold in 1919 by North
Carolina, with $457,750,000. Now
York went Into fifth placo from 14th
rank, with $456,507,000. North
Carolina dropped Into Blxth placo,
with $412,374,000.
Pennsylvania wont forward into
sovonth placet from 16th rank tho
provlous year, with $397,617,000.
Kansas dropped from fifth rank into
eighth place, with $378,436,000.
Ohio droppod from olghth rank into
ninth placo, with $369,869,000. Wis
consin moved Into 10th placo from
18th rank with $360,270,000.
Missouri dropped from ninth rank
Into 11th place, with $343,012,000.
Georgia dropped from sixth rank to
12th placo, with $323,290,000. Ore
gon was In 31st rank, with crops
valued nt $110,115,000.
Close Options on Big
Cowlitz Mill Site
KELSO, Wash., Jan. 21. Options
covorlng moro than 2500 acres of
Innd lying west of tho Cowlitz river,
at tho confluence of that stream with
tho Columbia, and adjacent to this
city, will bo taken up within a few
days by tho Long-Doll Lumber com
pany of Kansas City, nccording to
persistent rumors hore. Thoso op
tions cover tho 1200-acro Wallace
Huntington place, the 700-acro ranch
of Frank O. Dames, senator from
Cowlitz county, and 650 acres bo
longing to tho O.' Olson estate and
woro takon sovernl months ago. Somo
of them oxplro early In February, and
Indications point to completion of tho
deals within a few days.
Tho land under option Is for use
by tho Long-Doll company as a site
for tho Immense mills and timber,
manufacturing plant which tho Kan
sas City company proposes building
on tho Columbia river .
Early last spring tho Long-Doll
company purchased 40,000 acres of
cholco timber In Cowlitz and Lewis
countlos from tho Woyerhaeusor
Tlmbor company, paying moro than
$6,000,000 for the tract.
r.scouTs brothers body
John Dopuy will leavo tomorrow
morning with tho body of his broth
er James A. Dopuy for Pomoroy,
Washington, where burial will tako
for Him
Episcopal Archdeacon
Coming Next Week
For Week's Stay Here
a, It. Wright, and other Episco
palian of this city havo received dof
lnlto advlco o tho effect that Arch
Deacon Van Waters, of tho dlocoso
of Eastorn Oregon, will arrive horo
Wednesday, Jnnuary 26, for a week's
fnv. nnrl tfint Attrtntr tiln tlll dn
'":'" I "," Jl:
" ua
tho construction of a church horo.
Thoro is no Episcopal church nor
rosldcnt rector hero, but tho numbor
of local members of that denomina
tion has grown to such an extent that
tho tlrno appears ripe tor tho advent
of both.
Services will bo conducted In tho
Odd Fellows' hall Sunday, October
30, at 11 a. m., and everyono Interest
ed Is asked to attend. Dates of meet
ings will bo announced after tho ar
rival of tho archdeacon.
HELP HICI. 13211
(Dy Associated Press.)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 21. Wages
of hired mon on farms havo moro
than doublod In tho last ten years,
tripled In tho last 20 years and woro
more than four times hlghor last
year than thoy wero in 1879. Thoso
shanges aro shown by statistics of the
department of agriculture.
Wages paid by tho month, without
board, avoraged $64.95 for the coun
try as a wholo last year, ten years
ago they avoragod $27.60 and itr
1879 they wero $10.43.
Day labor at harvest tlmo last year
avoraged $4.36 without board and at
other than-hsrvest tlmo $3.59. Ten
years.ago harvest tlmo labor was paid
$1.82 and at other than harvest time
$1.38. In 1894 harvest tlmo day la
bor was paid $1.13 and non-harvest
tlmo labor 81 conts a day.
California and Nevada farmors
paid their labor tho highest prices
for labor without board, the avorago
in thoso states last yoar having boon
$'107 a month. Tho lowest avorago
was In Mississippi whoro $41 was
paid. Tho average for tho country as
a wholo was $64.95, tho Northorn
Atlantic states avoraged $75.54, tho
South Atlantic $50.56, the Northeast
Central states. $70.09, the Northwest
Central states, $79.79, the South Cen
tral states $51.94 and tho Far West
ern statos, $99.43.
For harvest tlmo labor without
board North Dakota paid tho high
est rato with $7.40 cents a day, while
at other than harvest time South Da
kota paid tho highest rata with $5.90
conts a day.
Peter Giana Killed;
Resided in This City
Dr. A. A. Soule has recelvod In
formation concerning tho death of
Potor Giana, an Itallaa who former
ly lived hor while an employe of the
Algoma lumber company. Tho ad
vice is that Giana was struck by a
street car in Sacramento, a fow days
ago, death resulting almost Immed
iately. While hero Giana was treated
by Dr. Soulo for paralysis finally
discharging him as cured, tho pa
tlont roturnlng to work. In tho mean
time, Giana tried to securo state aid,
but tho stato took tho stand that his
condition was not subject to com
pcnsatlon under tho provision of the
statute Tho case mado quite a bit
of history in local and stato labor cir
cles. Nothing moro relative to tho acci
dent which caused Ills doath has bcon
learned. He was about 45 years of
age, and leaves a family In Italy.
(Dy Associated rress)
VANCOUVER, Wash., Jan. 21.
Tho Metal Trades council, represent
ing 2500 employees of tho Standiter
shipyards, voted last night to accept
a reduction of pay of from six to
olght cents an hour rather than have
tho company reduco tho numbor of
its employees.
CHICAGO, Jan. 21, The central
building trades council today voted
to continue the present wage sched
ule of $1.25 an hour for the next
threo years-
SALEM, Jan. 21. Tho house and'
sonata today passed a Joint memorial
calling on congress to provide a pro
tective tariff for poultry products.
Tho resolution Is directed particu
larly against tho importation of
oriental eggs.
Tho sonata adoptod Senator Hall's
concurrent resolution for tho legis
latures of Washington, Oregon and
Idaho to confor upon tho subject of
uniform automobllo legislation in
tho three states.
The senato passed bills today reg
ulating tho salo of livestock foods,
oxtendtng tho terms of county ro
cordors from two to four years, and
providing that buildings constructed
by banks need not be confined to
tho oxpondituro of not moro than 50
por cent of tho bank's capitalization.
Sonator Donnls yostorday Intro
duced a Joint resolution proposing
to croato a homo' owners loan fund
of approximately $20,000,000. An
amendment to tho constitution
would bo nocessary to mako tho
moasuro effective and tho resolu
tion proposes that it be submitted
to tho pcoplo for ratification.
SALEM, Jan. 2.1; Doth houses of
tho legislature adjourned at noon to
day until Monday.
A bill embodying proposed many
changes In tho state tndustrlal acci
dent law was Introduced in tho houso
beforo adjournment.
In tlio senato a bill was intro
duced by Senator Dell providing
for a counting board In all election
precincts whero thoro are more than
20 registered voters. Tho board
would begin counting as soon as 20
votes are cast. The bill contains
safeguards against the leak of any
Information concerning tho election
Predatory Animals
Cause Big Loss in
Livestock Industry
Comparod with somo Individual
members of the mountain lion, wolf
and coyote families, Gulliver's hun
gry giants and giantesses were light
and dainty eaters. All these animals
are classed as predatory, but a few
speclmons dovolop exceptional skill
and cunning In killing cattle, sheep
and colts. They usually acquire
equal skill In avoiding traps, poison
baits and riflo fire, and often do
thousands of dollars' worth of dam-
ago beforo thoy are killed.
Tho bureau of biological survoy,
United Statos department of agricul
ture, keeps a staff of expert hunters
In tho field for tho express purpose
of ridding government rango lands
of thoso four-footed putlaws, and
thus assist In relieving tho rancher.
A government huntor killed a moun
tain lion near Roosevelt, Ariz., that
had destroyed 60 calves and three
colts on a single ranch. One wolf
slain by another hunter in New Mex
ico had killed 23 calves. Another,
in Wyoming, slaughtered 30 head ot
cattlo boforo one ot Undo Sam's
huntors shot the criminal. A pair
ot Wyoming wolves that had learned
exceptional cunning and cruelty, ran
a yearly board bill amounting to
$3,500. Their meal tickets wero
canceled by a couple ot well-aimed
rifle shots by a government hunter.
Two othor wolves, which showed
gustatory preforenco for mutton and
young horse flesh, In a single month
killed 160 sheep and seven colts, but
at the end of tho month a hunter
collected their pelts,
DAKERSFIELD, Calif., Jan. 21.
Construction ot big levoes along tho
Kern river Is being considered as a
moans ot preventing floods here In
the future.