The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 20, 1921, Page PAGE EIGHT, Image 8

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    TirUItStyVY, JANUAKV 0, 1021.
pagk Kiairr
of which tho majority of tho pooplo
nro guilty, tho moro prominent of
which will bo moro fully troatod In
succeeding nrtlcloa.
. M
As a. whirlwind horseman nml n
man who 'rides Into n tonso Bcono at
tho proper tlmo, Duck Jones, tho
popular Fox star, Is ono ot tho most
thrilling figures on tho screen. He
docs 'fomb ltvoly work In "Sunset
Spue,"". which will bo shown for
tho first tlmo tonight nt tho Llborty
theater work which moro than
onco causes tho spectators to gasp
In astonishment. Tho story of "Sun
set Sprnguo" had somo work cut out
for Jones. It required a superb
horseman a man with nervo and n
man who nover gives up In a fight,
ovon though wounded to mako tho
picture convincing. Dut Jones sails
through It in flno fashion, aided by
Miss Patsoy Do Forest who Is both
clover and plucky. Henry J. Hobort
makes a good villain, as usual, and
Edwin Booth Tilton and Noblo John
son contrlbuto somo flno character
Lives Micro a man with soul so
dead who never to hlmsolf has said
"I wish I woro a kid agaln"T Espe
cially when ho thinks of his first
elrcus. There are only a tow Joys
that enter ono's llfctlrao, and not
tho least of theso is a boy's first
visit to a .circus. For that reason
moro than usual interest attaches
to tho coming of "Pink Tights," a
romance ot tho big show, written by
J. U. Glosy, adapted for tho scrcon
by Philip nurn, produced by Uni
versal, directed by Reeves Eaaon,
prcsontod by a splendid cast headed
toy 0 ladys , Walton and Jack Perrln
and announced for next Friday at
tho Llborty theater.
A striking plot is developed In "His
Own Law," which comes to the Star
theatre, for two days, commencing
J. C. MacNoIr, a construction en
gineer of roputo, has an uncanny hab
it of stealing nway from his asso
ciates Immediately upon tho comple
tion ot an engineering project, and
burying himself in a drunken stupor
in tho tondorloin district.
During ono ot theso sprees, ho
moots nnd quarrels with a young
French engineer whom ho chances to
moot in a cheap saloon. A reconcili
ation follows and tho two "bunk"
for tho night In a cheap lodging
house. In tho morning thoy resort
to digging ditches tor breakfast
money. "French)." as MncNafr dubs
his nowly acquired friend, is una
waro of his new companion's Identity
until ono ot MacN'elr's men finds him
In tho ditch and urges him to return
to his desk. Bowlldorcd nnd amazed
at tho suddon chango in events,
"Fronchy" follows hlsc erstwhile
"companion In mtsory."
How tho beautiful girl comes lntb
"Frenchy's" llfo and his subsequent
return to his native land at tho call
to arms, leaving his bothrothed nlouo
and his return after having beon an
nounced dead on the fiold ot battle:
his denouncement of "She man who
has sacrificed his all to protect his
friend's wtfo and child; Abo "battlo
ot hoarts," proving a' "friond In need
Is a friend Indeed," makes this latost
Hobart Bosworth production "His
Own Law" ono ot tho supromo pic
tures of tho year.
Campbell and Thirgess,. singing and
dancing specialists, mado a tremen
dous hit with tho audlonce at the
Mondalo last night, Miss Burgess,
with her wonderful soprano voice,
particularly, completely captivating
tho woll titled houso. Singing,
music, and talking they do all three
well Is tholr forto, and they will bo
heard again tonight. In addition,
thoro will bo tho usual splendid pic
ture show.
Ym AmjugB &$ x A liVV Ijjy l
Partiesi knowing "themselves' indebted to
what i, known 'as Palace' Grocery will kind
ly make arrangements to meet their state
ments by February 10th.
Trustee of H. H. Jenkens
Address, 406 North Ninth Street.
Frank "Lefty" O'Doul, Coast Lcaguo star pitcher, was kept on tho
Yankees' bench all last soason. Ho will got his chunco this yoar. Ty
Cobb believes tho youngster will bo anothor Walter Malls.
91 -!
' .
Rowing at tke
Hobart Bosworth
Iu his, latest and greatest production,
Ono of thoso rugged pictures ot action, emotions
and deep climaxes. You can't go wrong on this picture.
A Maurlco Tournour production
By special request we are holding over
Campbell and Burgess
In an entlro now act; Now Songs, New Jokes and Now Music. This
act' Is a roat treat Don't miss it. Also
Bessie Barriscale in
i A Wonderful Picture. And
Two Good Comedies
Coming Sunday, tho World's Greatest Actor,
H. B. Warner in "God's Man"
Tho splendid victories achloved by
tho United States In tho successful
prosecution of tho war glvo ample
testimony that when our 'pooplo aro
really aroused and united in tholr de
termination to wlpo out an evil or
accomplish a desired result no bar
rier Is sufficiently high for them not
to ovorcomo. The team work and ef
ficiency displayed In tho salo of war
stamps and llborty bonds, In cultl-
eating war gardens and In the won
derful mannor in -which a groat army
was equipped and transported over
seas all go to show that what tho
pooplo fully detormlno to do thoy do.
If this samo spirit of, energy and
determination could bo quickened
Into actlro and unltod warfare to
overcome tho ravagos of tho fire fiend
It would bo but a short time before
the appalling annual tiro waste of tho
nation would bo eliminated and be
come a thing of tho past, and tho
high f:ost of living bo thoroby con
siderably roducod.
This series ot articles Is written,
and an intonslvo tiro prevention cam-
hpalgn Is about to bo Inaugurated In
Klamath Falls In tho hope, first, ot
demonstrating that tiro loss is a real
loss a community loss in which
ovory property ownor and taxpayer of
tho city Is intorestod, and secondly,
ot arousing our citizens to a deter
mined and united offort In which
ovory householder and buelness man
shall Join to so remove tiro hazaards
thoro by lowor danger and occurence
of fires, as to placo Klamath Falls
In tho very front rank of tho nation
as bolng freo from prevcntablo tiros
and a modol and standard up to
which ovory other city of tho union
may measure.
Ordinary fires and general con
flagrations differ only In quantity or
size, the smallest fire imaginable
containing the possibilities of a con
flagration serious enough to wipe out
an entire city.
Fire causes may be considered as
of two classes, tho tirst wherein fire
of any naturo whatever is directly
employed and for whatever purpose,
and secondly, thoso materials which
directly contribute to tho spread of
tiro or which have such an affinity
for It as to constltuto a tiro hazard.
The first class speaks for Itself. Flro
Is always dangerous and contains
great possibilities ot Injury and des
truction. It makes nov difference
whether it is a seemingly dead spark
In the head ot a match or in appar
ently cold ashes or the small flame
at tho end ot a cigar or cigarette or
candlo, or In a stovo or furnaco or
lamp whorover flro Is, however
small tho spark or flamo, thoro Is a
dangor to bo watched and safeguard
ed against.
Tho second class ot flro dangers
Is comprised ot substancos and ma
terials of such an easily Inflaramablo
naturo as that tho smallest spark may
sot thorn on tiro. Theso consist of
piles of rubbish and Utter, dried
grass and undergrowth, greasy and
oily rags and polishing cloths lying
promiscuously around, drying cloth
es too near an open flamo or hang
ing old clothes in tho closot without
removing grenso spots or paint from
them, from which spontaneous com
bustion is apt to bo genoratod.
Llkowlso In this class aro to bo
Included tho moans by which tiro os
capos or through which It passes,
such as stovepipes, chimneys, flues,
open flro grates, etc. Rusted or loose
ly hung stovoplpos, dofcctlvo or un
clean flues and chimneys aro among
tho most prolific ot all tiro causes,
so much so that tho saying has bo
como qulto common among flro pro
ventlonlstB that It a chimney Is not
cloanod at least once a yoar the
building is In danger ot catching on
Tho greatost nnd most deplorable
causo of fires Is carelessness. Not
only a slnglo artlclo but an entlro
volumo could easily bo written on
this ono topic nlono. It Is perhaps
not overstepping tho mark to say that
90 fires out ot every 100 aro causod
by somo form of carelessness or for
gotfulness. This statement may bo
oaslly vorlflod If the readers ot this
article will take the trouble to glanco
over tho causos of fires as roportod
from' tlmo to tlmo by the chief of
tho flro department to tho city coun
cil. Tho following constitute the moro
conimon flro causes and fire haz
ards: Unclean or defoctivo chimneys and
flues, pllos ot litter and rubbish al
lowed to accumulate, carolossness on
the part of smokors, carolossness In
hnndling matches or allowing chil
dren to play with matches, wood
boxes too near tho stovo or the Btovo
placed too near wooden partitions
or not properly protected from the
floor, quickening a flro with coal
oil,1 hanging electric cords so that
they como in contact with" metal,
overloading or overheating stoves,
carolossness in tho use ot gasoline,
placing ashes, either hot or cold, In
wooden, rocoptaclos Instead ot a
metal container, carelessness In for
gott'lng to turn oft or disconnect the
current when through with an elec
tric pressing iron or other electrical
wiring and gas, appliances, greasy and
oily rags auoweq to io arouna ana
generatefipanjtanoous combustion in
stead of being placed In an empty
lard can or other metal receptacle,
and a thousand other acts of care
lessness, too numerous to mention,.
Pure Water Is
Health Service
Campaign Result
WASHINGTON. Jan. 20. Within
tho last twelve months tho dangor
to railway trnvolors of Infoctlon with
typhoid fovor, dysontory and othor
wntor-borno diseases has boon ro
ducod to n minimum throughout tho
greater part ot tho country by tho
co-oporntlon of tho United Stntos
public lionlth sorvlco with tho differ
ent stato hoards ot health In the
testing of tho water used on railway
trains for drinking nnd cooking
And, within tho next fow months,
similar protection will bo afforded
to passongors on river nnd lako
stonmors nnd to ocean steamships
sailing from American ports. This
will tend to end tho oovoro out
breaks ot typhoid fovor that havo
from tlmo to tlmo beon traced to
ships (especially to excursion boats)
as well as to tho probably moro
numerous but far loss easily traced
Illnesses ot rnilway travolors from
similar pollution.
"Tho work," said Burgeon Qon-
ornl Cummlng ot tho Unltod States
health sorvlco, "was really begun In
Juno of laBt year, whon at tho con
vention ot stato and territorial
health oftlcors, In session at Wash
ington, D. C., n plan was docldod
upon whereby tho sorvlco was to cn,
opcrato with tho states In reducing
typhoid fever olthor by sending them
to sanitary engineers to Invostlgnto
tholr water supplies or by helping
thorn to orgnnizo stato divisions of
Banltary engineering to look aftor
tho work.
"Work has slnco boon dono In
nearly half tho states ot tho Union,
In which many sanitary di
visions woro lacking. In noarly all
of theso such bodies havo boon or
nro now bolng organized; and In
nbout half ot them survoys havo
beon mado ot many or all Important
water supplies, most ot which havo
been found nafo for uso on trains.
Periodic Inspection Is, however, ot
courso necessary."
Miss Lillian E. Tlnglo, head of tho
department ot housohold arts In tho
University ot Orogon, has been In
vited to speak on Thrift Education
at Uio meeting of suporlntondonts
from all over tho United States at
Atlantic City In February,
Conntoss Marklowlcz, Irish Sinn
Folnor, has boon sontonced to two
yoars hnrd labor by a Drltlsh court
martial, which found hor guilty of
"conspiracy to orgnnizo a seditious
nocloty" a boys' Sinn Foln organization.
Eat Moro Pay Lcsb. Owl Cafo.
You expect
thorn to ask for
moro when you
serve Dl Monti
Boano with To
' mato Sauce.
(V And they are
so economical that
you needn't worry
how "many they
Nowly remodeled and clean. Owl !
Cafe. 17-221
Tomorrow's Specials
Fruit Baskets valued up to $4.50, your
choice Friday only ONE DOLLAR AND
Furniture House
The Furnisher of Happy Homes
lit(irfrririiriiiii" i iiiisris1iMM"MwwWWWAAA.wj
"Always the Best for the Liberty Guest"
Starring BUCK JONES, Is a Western picture a picture that
breathes the charm and fascination ot plain and hill In ovory
scone a plcturo of lightning speed and heart-reaching romance.
A story that is Just as natural and wholesome as an old-fashioned
country dinnor, and Just as satisfying
Coming Sunday
Hobart Bosworth in "The Brute Master"