The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 20, 1921, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TnnnsnAY, januarv 20, iom
Measuring River's
Flow Cold Work
In ordor to dotormlno tlio vnluo of
a rlvor 11 h 11 Bourco of power or ttio
extent to which It may bo utlllzod for
Irrigation, navigation, or othor pur
pofleH, It Is first nacossnry to moasuro
'accuratoly tlio volumo ot Its flow. For
thin purposo the Unltod States goo
loglcal survoy, dopartmont ot tho In
torlor, maintains many stoam-gaging
' stations, and Kb hydrographle ongl
noorH lira continually travollng from
station to Btntlon to dotormlno tho
flow of tho rlvorH whon tho wntor Is
at dlffaront holghtB. Sovoral methods
nro employed to find tho exact flow
of a rlvor. In Home plocos tho ongl
nocr can wndo ncrosB tho rlvor, drop
ping Into It IiIr electric curront mo
tor ovory foot or two In wntor at dif
ferent dopths, anil thus dutormlnlng
nlmoRt oxnetly Ub flow. Ab tho
records should ho kept throughout
tho your many of thoso measurements
can ho mndo only through holes
choppod In thick Ico. Tho hyrogrn
phor who Is measuring tho flow of u
Btreum -wears high ruhhor bootB,
which may roach up to his shoulders,
hut though ho may hoop dry ho Is
naturally likely to got rather cold.
For measuring a dcopur rlvor a ca
bio Is strotchod across It nnd a small
trolly car Is run ncross tho cnute to
carry tho hydrographor, who at
Let Us Do Your
A numlior of business houses aro
saving tho tlmo of their bookkcopors
and Individual collectors by lotting
us collect tholr monthly bills. It Is
tho modorn method. It cuts down
your ovorhoad. Got your bills ready
nd wo will do tho rost.
123 Eighth St.
Phone 320-W
Admitted to the Bar in China
Thlo Amorlcan woman has boon admtttod to tho bar nnd nuthorlzod
to practice law tn ShnnRhai, China. Sho Is tho wlfo of Commander
Cleveland McCauloy, U. S. N.( nnd a law graduate of tho University of
flxod Intorvals drops his Instruments.
Into tho water. In measuring a largo
rlvor a cablo a mllo long may bo
used, tho hydrographor traversing In
his car tho entlro dlstanco and mak
ing his sounding ovory tow foot. Tho
results of thoHo observations aro lator
computed to show thu numbor ot
cubic foct por socond flowing In tho
rlvor measured and aro afterward 1
published In roports that nro given
to any ono who may bo Interested In
Irrigation, wntor power, or any othor
kind of stream development.
Novombor has tho roputatlon of
bolng a futnl month to slngors imd
musicians. Jonny Llnd, Mendelssohn,
Rubinstein, and many othora died In
A classified Ad will sail It.
"Mother, did .you bake
this bread? "
"No, that's some ofthe
Bakerite bread sold at the
Rex Cafe. It's better than
I ever baked."
Order Your Suit Now
i: Prices of Woolens have been reduced Per- I
' feet fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery.
lour inspection uiviiea.
Merchant Tailor
DRY SLAB costs you less than othor woods. We can deliver
SLABS more promptly than blocks.
All our wood Is dry and well seasoned.
Deliveries are difficult at this season ot the year and prices
aro necessarily higher, but the net profit to us is loss, so do not
blame the wood man for tho higher prices.
O. Peyton & Co.
419 Main St.
Phone 535
Leopold Qodowsky, tho "suparman
nmnnr nlnnlntit ." n hn hn oftfln
, ,
been called, was born In tho ancient
town of Wllna, In tho Lithuanian
provlnco ot Russia Poland, Fobrunry
13, 1870. From early childhood ho
showed an extraordinary aptltudo
for music, making his first public
appearance at the ago of nine at a
concert In his native town.
Four years later ho was onrollod
at tho Dorlln-IIochschule, but only
for a short period, as oven at that
ago Leopold Qodowsky had dettnlto
Ideas about piano teaching which
woro no't In sympathy with tho dull
nnd conventional mothods In voguo
at tho Hochschulo.
At tho ago ot 14 tho young pian
ist loft for Amorlca, whoro ho toured
in concorts with colobrated slngors,
nnd subsequently with tho violinist,
Ovldo Musln. In 1880 ho returned
to Europo to fulfill his greatest am
bition, that ot becoming a student
undor Liszt at Weimar.
This ambition was nover roallzod,
howovor, as upon his arrival In Eu
ropo ho learned that tho famous
compoBor, pianist and pedagogue
had passod away. His disappoint
niont was somewhat ameliorated less
than a yoar later by an Introduction
to Saint Saons, who, after hearing
tho boy play several ot his own
compositions, Immediately manifest
ed tho most enthusiastic lntorest In
Dut tho restless nature and In
cessant activities Ot Saint Saons
made continuous study with him im
possible, so in the ond Qodowsky
bocamo practically his own teacher,
That ho was his very best Instructor,
tlmo and his great reputation havo
An opportunity to hear this great
artist will bo given tho peoplo ot
Klamath Falls whon ho appears at
Scandinavian hall on Thursday ove
ning, January 27th.
The stage ot this ball will be re
modeled to give everyone in the
audlenco an opportunity to see as
well as hear tho pianist.
Qodowsky Is bringing his own
piano, a concert grand, which will
greatly add to tho enjoyment ot
the program.
Tickets on salo for $1.50 at Shop
hord's company, Underwood's phar
macy and Square Doal drug store.
t,ong hair is said to lower a child's
French burglars recently; mndo
ubo of chlorine gas to overcome
Evervbodv Is or
I Talking of
Should Be
Building, Now
"Let JIEK drenm ot n now
Home como truo thli year I
Start planning now, so that nil
soon ns tlio weather permit
you can get tho work under
way, nnd hnvo tlio new homo
completed in tlmo to plant tho
flowers nnd garden."
Tho days of "high cost ot lumber" aro post. Recent price readjustments, covering
a nambcr of months, havo brought lumber prices back "to earth."
In fact, Lumbar was tho first of all great living commodities to como back to
anywhere near a normal basis.
I i -
EASY TO BUILD Made So by "Big Basin"-Service
Wo havo established reputation In this community as an authority on lumber
and its products, and how to uo them.
Years of experience In tho building and material business, nnd a special study
of the different kinds of wood, cnablo us to give you practical advice as to tho
varieties and grades of material best suited for each particular purpose,
Oar experience saves you money and mistakes. Wo toko a personal Interest In
your building problems, helping you plan tho arrangements and construction, mak
ing estimates, securing competent workmen, and helping you In every way, wo
That till service Is appreciated I evidenced by our growing list of Satisfied
Customers, who Insist on telling their neighbors and friends about us, intimat
ing that tho "11IQ UASIN" Is a good placo to go when buying lumber.
The Big Basin Lumber Company
W. II. KLINGENIIEIIO, Manager Main and Spring Streets. Phono 107
Would Make Hip
Pockets Illegal
SACRAMENTO, Jan. 20.- Hlp
pockots in trousers would be de
clared unlawful under tho term ot a
bill Introduced In the scnato by Sen
ator Harry A. Chamberlain ot Los
Angolcs as a means to dlscourago
bootlegging and violations of tho na
tional prohibition law. Tho bill Is No.
Tho moasuro not only would make
It unlawful tor a resident of Califor
nia to wear trousers containing hlp
pockots, but would also prohibit tho
manufacturo ot such trousers.
nut the last section of tho bill
contains tho "bug." It roads as foleows:
In order that tho Intent ot
author In Introducing this bill,
nnd tho loglslaturo' In passing it,
may not bo misconstrued, It Is
heroby expressly doclared that this
Is a freak blllentltled to no consid
eration whatover, except porhaps as
a suggestion for tailors In formulat
ing the stylos for tho year 1922. ""
Tho cucumber originally was a
tropical vegetable.
"The Phonograph vrttha$Q
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At last vou can learn " w
last you can learn
What Edison Did
v 'during the War
YOU wondered every
body wondered, and
practically nobody knew
how Edison "did his bit. ",
At last the official an
nouncement is out 1 Comein
and get your copy of the bul
letin: "What Did Edison
Do During the War?" or
write, if you can't call.
It tells what Edison did
while Chairman of the
Naval Consulting Boards
how he spent months at
sea, experimenting and in
venting devices for foiling
the German submarines.
The bulletin also tells how
Edison stood the gaff and
kept the price of the New
Edison down to bed-rock
during the era of high costs
'and soaring prices. TheNew
Edison has increasedin price
less than 15 since 1914
.part of this increase is war
tax. The bulletin also tells
Mr. Edison's views on our
Budget Plan which makes
the New Edison easy to buy.
KJamath Falls Music House
Geo., A. Wirtz,Prop.
Watch ft the announcement ! 'Mr. Edison ntmrmmvht