The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 19, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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The Evening Herald
B J. MURRAY. Editor
RIED SOUIiK .'....City Editor
Published dally except Sunday, by
The Harold Publishing Company of
XUmath Falls, at 119 Eighth Stroot.
Btered at' the poatottlco at Kla--vath
Falls, Ore., for transmission
through the mails as second-class
PRESS.' . f ,
Tho Assoclated'Prcss'ls exclusively
vatltled to tho' usfr for refrubllcaUon
t all 'news dispatches credited to 'It,
or not otherwise credited' in thts
yaperf and also tho local netws pub
fJaker herein. i
LL: u - :
Joe says a banana pcej has nothing
! a 'muddy eldo-walk except him.
When' progress hits a village
And It's on the upward span,
And 'tho natives aroo'erjoyed
At some well developed plan.
And' they 'gather In at ncetln'
For to mention what 'o 'snap
That We' have1 the largest city
For Us slzo'upon tho map;
And such projects aro encompassed
As would make us all tnkenoto
That we 'overlook' tho bye-sore
That would get a 'fellow's goat.
'Cause the snow that's loft 'a meltln'
On'thd'slde-walkevcry 'day
Would lmprovd our observation
Should It all be swept away.
And that' thoroughfare Is muddy
And the stranger plants his feet1
"Where he thinks they're safoly ancho
ed. But ho winds up on his beak.
And he spies somo evidences
Of a raging fire that's burned
Several' places of 'tho mortals
Who have tiro protection learned.
N6w "you understand I'nTspeakln'
As a gent who's hero to'stny
And' I want to see us prosper
Arid to make a brighter' day.
And 1 recommend wo shovel.
Each and every res' lent.
And we move this charred old
Dwelling of these JlzIca that
Arid I prophesy Its bottp," that
We do the things we ran.
Than to conjuro on the future
Of some big gigantic plan.
(By Pit. A. A. SOUIiK)
There is somo approhenslon arous
ed In Fort Klamath by tho acting
health officer lifting' quarantine on
part of' the; hotel In which tho small
pox case was confined. This Is to bo
expected, '.but fear should nut usurp
the throue of facts.- -1 havo had n
.deputy' 'sheriff appointed to handle
the situation Ed Pomeroy. Abro-
lately safe persons la to rquaran
tlnd'lhe sick persons and'nurse'.Food
supplies' are left 'at the door and tak
en in by the nurse. Nothing' leaves
the' place' unless boiled. Those In con
tact with the case sines eruption are
the most exposed but It they have
been 'vaccinated within five' years
they' should be released after disin
fection. Vaccinate1 the unvacclnated,
exposed' persons'' and allow them 'to
gO'about as usual, after cleaning up.
Those 'who have been exposed and
refuse-'vaccination must submit to
quarantine for 20 days. Vaccination
will bead off smallpox If given with
in flvo or six days after exposure.
Successful courses as follews:
First to, fourth day, nothing.
Fifth day, slight redness along lino
of scratching,
Sixth day, a vesicle begins to appear.-
Seventh day, veslclo Is well form
ed, and a red areola- begins to sur
round It.
Eighth and Ninth days the veslclo
Is fully formed, It is about one-half
Inch in diameter, and its areola one
and a half inches. It resembles pearl
upon a' rose leaf.
Fourteenth day; It Is dried to a
brown' raised scab and resembles a
buttoni '
Twenty-eighth day, the button falls
When a person has been' recently
vaccinated and Is revacclnatod, only
a small red spot appears In threo or,
four days. It Itches but Is not soro,
and disappears in a week. This sort
of reaction is evidence that tho por
Bon did not need vaccination.
It no reaction takes place, vaccl
natlou did not tako. The 'control
scratch Is mode so you can Judge.
Eat More Pay Loss.
Owl Cafe.
our dear
(NOTE Tho following poom was written by a young lady admlror
of Captain J. W. Siemens, Miss Eva DIHard, 17 years old, a local high
ichool student.)
For years our old and faithful Captain truo
Has tried to keep hlB friends from getting bluo,
And well indeed, wo know his plan has worked;
( Wo know from loving kindness no's not shirked.
Just now wonotlco he's not qulto so gay,
But ho has boon-no honest all tho way'
Wo know ho'e capablo of making good,
For ho's dono well when wo could not havo stood.
Wo lovo, admire and long to seo this man
To riso much higher In this prosperous land; I
And sure, we know ho'll bo' right there ,
Ho'll clear tho doubts you havo in this affair.
Dear Captain, you must now cheer up In llfo
We'll all our best regards give you in the strifoj
In kind rememhranco of tho love you'vo shown
When wo felt very sad, and all alone.
j""fcM ""i"ivv'vvvnAru'vxruvxftrutj
The Office Cat
Historical Item
"How's this for a trlbuto to old
King Solomon," said tho Street Cor
ner Idlfr, as ho handed the follow
ing clipping which was headed, "Bob
by's Essay," to tho office cat. King
Solumn wuz a man who lived so
many years in tho country that ho
wuz tho hole push. Ho wuz a offel
wlzo guy and 1 day 2 wlmmen camo
2 blm each 1 holdclng tho legs of a
bablo and norely pulling tho kid In
2 and cach-clamelng it, and King Sol
wasn't fooling Just rlto and sed, "why
cuddent the brat ben twlnz and
stopt this mlxu'p," and then he calld
for his sworde 2 spfltt this innocent
little kid so each ov tho wlmmen cud
hav V4, when tho rcol ma of tho balbo
buts In and sez, "stopp, Solumn, stay
thi hand, and let tho old bagg hav
the' kid, for if I can't havo a bole
kid I don't want anny," and King
Solumn told her 2 tako tho batby and
go home and wash Its face, for ho was
hep It was' hors, and told tho other
dalmo to go cbals herself. King Sol
umn wuz father of the masons and
bllt Solumn's temple. He bad 700
wires and more than 300 glalddy
frens, andthat Iz why thero Is so
many masens In tho wurld. Pa sez
that King Solumn wuz a warm mem
ber and I think ho wnz hot stuf my
self. Looking over thousands' of papers
every week', 'we no'tlco 'that fish 'and
snake -stories aro holding-' their own
pretty well, but there are mora men
tions of champion hens and. largo and
peculiar eggs than ever before, Indi
cating that Ihls Is truly th'o 'age of
- Somo .Fellows 'Sob 'Mora
Jack Slater say's be found a rattle
snake In his collar. That's -easy en
ough .If you stay- In tho collar long
enough and havo anything In the
cellar to stay for.
- , A la Daddy..
.,,"poes the' baby take after your
husband T" asked Mrs. Hutcblns.'
"Yes, indeed" said Mrs. Motz." Wo
have taken his' bottle away'frora blm,1
and. tho other day thb llttlo darling
tried to creep down the cellar steps."
It pays to flatter any woman. If
you don't believe It ask Fred Baker.
"Who Is the head of the family,"
Shrieks a wollknown author, Answer
ing for nobody elso, wo solemnly aver,
that wo know who she is In our fam
Bill Lorcnz Is. working on a song,
to be entitled "He used to be an ale-
hound, but he's a snow bird now,
I know 'a girl named Mary Tree,
Who makes me rub my glims;
For, Just because hor namo Is Tree,
She likes to shajv hor limbs.
, Luko McLuko
I know a girl named Carrie Cow,
Wn'o surely makes mo laugh;
For Just because' her namo Is Cow,
She likes to show hor neck.
Wo don't claim' to know much. Tho
fact of the matter Is, we've never
been accused of it. But we do know
that tho 'way to get th'o best of an
argument Is to stay out of It
Our Idea of a good conversational
ist Is ono who doesn't uso the first
person regular as a text.
Air travel will never becomo pop
ular'wlth us until somebody Invents a
soft way to hit tho ground.
Speaking of pas'slng things. Mayor
Buck Is the chief executlvo In Buf
falo. So far as we havo been ablo to find
out the damo who advertises for a
husband Is nover able to hold him
vory long.
FOR RENT Unfurnished bachelor's
cabin; will givo rent for labor on
samo.' 741 Wjalnut avo. 19
FOR RENT Three-room apartment,
prlvato bath. 54 Main st. Phono
109-R. 19
FOR RENT Two-room apartment,
prlvato bath, Kollog Apts. 19
FOR RENT Three-room unfumlsh
bouso: 2 blocks from Main Btroct.
Apply Bueslng real estate officer 1020
Main st: 19
FOft RENT pleasant front room
for gentleman; use,' of 'phone and
bath. Call 237 Jefferson street, or
phono 447-J, 19-20
FOR, RENT NIco housekeeping
rooms In modern homo. 200G
Vino st. Phono 337-J 19-20
FOR- RENT -Furnished cabin for
housekeeping for bachelor. 2115
Sixth St., Mills add. 19-20
FOR SALE Colonial cdttago, four
rooms and bath, located on Pine
street Just one-half block from the
Whlto Pelican hotel; has full set of
best plumbing, . garage, lawn, and
cement walks. Prlco only 13,000;
terms, $1,000 cash, balanco like rent.
J. T. WARD & CO.,
834 Main St. 19
room houses on pavement, ready
Feb. 1; will tako good car as part pay
ment, or want 11.000 at 8 per cent
for ono year. P. O. box 24 19-20
FOR BALE Bntfott, large size,
quartered oak, with beveled plate
mirror. Phone 442. 19-20
For Durham and Jersey milk.
phono Premium Dairy 22F3. It
costs no more. 19-26
Liberty Auto service. On thevJob
night and day. At tho Pastime BJ1
Hard ball. Phono 4 CO. WALSH &
The Klamath Falls Auto company,
under tho management ot Roy Call,
has left the ruins caused by the dis
astrous fire, that a short tlmo ago
destroyed its garage near tho White
Pelican hotel, nnd opened anew at
224 Main street. It Is Mr. Call's In
tention to place his service on an
efficiency boslB, so that It will bo
second to none.
Get your Inside work done now.
Don't let the temporary, closing ot
your bank stop you from painting,
tinting or papering. We will carry
accounts 60 days. W. E, & J. E.
PATTERSON, Contracting Painters,
Phone 631-R. 19-25
At the Colonial Rooms you get' a
good bed and a' good bath, 82 gallons
of hot water constantly waiting. New
Simmons beds, new coll springs, new
mado-to-order mattresses, now bed
ding; stove beat In each hall, extra
stovo heat in each room If desired.
Dresser, table and two chairs In each
room. Bolng remodelod. Eleventh
and Main streets. 19 -
WASHINGTON, Jan. 19. Coun
sel for Donal O'Callagban, lord
mayor of Cork, who arrlvod In
America without a passport, was di
rected by Secrotary of Labor Wil
son today to deliver O'Callaghan
promptly to the immigration Inspect
ro at Norfolk.
Cost lAttio Mid Overcome .Trouble
Almpst Over Night
Any brcaktag'out of the skin; oven
fiery, Itching eczema, can bo' quickly
ovorcomc by applying' Mpntho-Sul-phur,
declares a noted skin special
ist, iiecauso of Its germ destroying
properties, this sulphur preparation
Instantly brings easo from sktn Irri
tation, soothes and heals the ec
zema right' up and leaves tho skin
clear and smooth.
li soldom falls to relievo tho tor
ment without dol'ap. Suttcrors from
skin troublo should obtain a small
Jar of Mentho-Slphur from any
good druggist and uso It llko cold
cream, Adv.'
MERRILL, Oro., Jan. 19. tho
bco-keoplng outlook t6r this county
is very good, according to John
Woodhouso, a nowcomor In Merrill.
Mr. Woodhouso Is now assembling
his beo hives, and will havo about
300 of them. Ho expects to buy or
loaso sovoral small ranches this
spring and summer, and will uso tho
acroago In making a thorough test
ot bco raising possibilities hero.
Tho Klamath Falls creamery ' ox
poets to establish a branch station In
Merrill In tho near future.
Wood Is somowhoro In tho neigh
borhood ot $15 a cord, and you can
consider yoursolf lucky It you get It
at that figure.
Eggs nro six bits n dozen, and ba
con Is clear out of sight'. What aro
wo going to do for our morning ham
and cggs7
Recent rains In this vicinity have
caused Lost Rlvor to overflow, Inun
dating more than GOO acres near the
river's mouth.
Miss Laura Leo Wehncr has tho
distinction of being tho only woman
practising law In Louisville.
Through tho courtesy ot Con
gressman N. J. Slnnott tho tier
aid has'recelved a quantity ot inje
government seeds for distribu
tion. Included In each package
aro boms, hoot, lettuce, radish
and onion seeds. Any ono desir
ing a packago may havo them by
calling at this offlco.
If out of town subscribers want
any of theso seeds they will be
mailed a packago upon request.
If you woro offered a life Insur
ance policy thatt did not absorb any
part of your promlum, In a company
that was safe and sound, It Is not
likely that you would refuse it. In
fact tho agent offering such a policy
would bo swamped with business
Weli', that Is practlcafty what W. A,
Bullock, of this city Is doing. Ho Is
selling a policy In tho Occidental Life
Insurance Co. ot Loa Angeles, Calif.,
that docs this very thing. Here Is
how it is dene:
Ho will write you 'a policy on the
20 year endowment plan guarantee
Ing'you'that fn'the: event of death to
return all deposits made by you In
addition to tho full faco of your pol
icy."' Should you bocome ' totally " dis
abled from sickness or accident, tho
company have made special provision
whoreby you will havo no further
payments to mako and will' pay $10'
per month on each thousand dollars
of 'Insurance you carry which Is not
deducted from your policy, at death.
Besides, your policy matures the
same as though you had made tho
payments yourself. '
This Is ono ot the best policies ever
offered by any legal reserve company
and has other special features Just
as remarkable as those outlined
above. Beforo you buy that Insur
ance you aro thinking about. If you
will call Mr. Bullock, 43-W or drop
a-card to 1405 Oregon Avo, Ho will
be mlghtly glad to toll you all about
It. Adv.
Let Us Do Your
Collecting '
A number ot business houses aro
saving the tlmo ot their bookkeepers
and individual 'collectors by letting
us collect their monthly bills, It Is
tho modern method. It cuts down
your overhead, dot your bills ready
nd we will do tho rest.
123 Eighth St.
Phone 320-W
I II II H I 11 ff I III HI
7 I I I 'IU m mm I I
I'll Urn I'll Emm Im I Jl
FOR SALE Miscellaneous
FOR SALE Violin of extra qualtly
lAsk to seo It at Wlrtz's Music
Storo, Ask for tho boBt ono ho has
that's It. 18-20
FOR SALE About 5.0 brood sown
will farrow soori, and also somo
kuou oinrquiBjSeou wneni, on mo i,id
by ranch, 0 miles east of. Merrill. Vo
chatzor Bros. 18-3
FOR SALE Detroit vapor range
Four burners and oven, costs ono-
half ns much for fuel as wood stoves.
911r Uph'ara St. 18-20
FOR SALE Dry limb wood. Art
Vowoll. Phono 344-W,- -r , 15-22
IF YOU HAVE ANY old stuff you
want to oxchango bring It to ub,
wo .will, rofinlsh It and mako It look
nlco and got tho money for It. Kla
math. Exchange. Eighth St. 18-24
LISTEN Wo harig'Bonra Roebuck or
any. otbor union made , paper
tnmed.or untrimod, nlso wo do tint
ing. W. E. and J. H. Pattorson,
Phono C31-R. Contracting Painters.
CITY, OARBAOE Whon yon want
Kucpago. remqvea can ivvta
FOR RENT Two room apartment,
and slnglo bedroom. Hot and cold
wator. 812 Oak street. 18-20
FOR RENT 3-roora unfurnished
house. Two blocks from Main St.
Apply at Beuslng's Real Estato of
fice. I 18-19
FOR RENT Wheat- land, 440 and
240 ncro farms, partly cqulppod.
Seo August Andrleu at Whltolako.
P. O. Merrill. 14-19
FOR RENT Plcasoni outsldo rooms
with baths, 75 cents per night or
$3.50 por wook with baths. Home
Rooming Houso, 920 Klamath Avo.
FOR RENT Largo bedroom, gcntlo
mon only. Phono 474. tf
FOR SALE Chovrolet car. Oood con
dition. McDonald's Peel Hall, 615
Main St. 12-26
FOR SALE Chovrolet car. Oood
condition. Macdool Peel Hall. Mac
doc, Calif. 11-27
The city engineer pursunnt to reso
lution of tho Common Council of tho
city of Klamath Falls, Oregon, having
under uato or December 11th, 1920,
(lieu nis plans, specifications nnd es
timates ot costs of Improving Fourth
street from southerly lino of Kla
math avenuo to tho southerly lino of
Oak avenuo; Fifth street from tho
southerly lino of Klamath avonuo to
tho southerly lino ot Willow avenuo;
Wnlnut nvonuo from tho northerly
lino ot Fourth street to tho south
erly lino of Sixth stroot; Oak avonuo
from tho northerly lino of Fourth
stroot to tbo soutbly lino of
Seventh stroot nnd Willow avonuo
from tho nortbely Una of-Fifth street
to tho southerly line of Sixth street,
togother with all 'intersections be
tween the, termini mentioned not al
ready1. Improved;' Such Improvement
to' consist' In bringing "said portions
of nald streot to ithec established
grade, and, bard surfacing, tho same
with. Bltultthic, pavement to the fol
lowing wldthts:
Fourth Btreatfrom Klamath to Oak
the hard. surfacing to bo ,25 feet In
width; with four foot, cement sldo
walks.on'each ejdo of the street' so
far as Improved. '
Fifth street' from Klamath avenuo
to Walnnt avenue the hard trarfact
lng ,to be 40 weet In, width;, and
from the aoutherly" line" otWalriut
avenuo' to the northerly'llne of Wil
low avenue the hard surfacing to be
az root in width with cement side
walks on each side of said .Fifth
streot from. Klamath .avenue .to be
tho northerly lino' ot Oak avenue.
willow avenue from Fifth stroot to
Sixth street tho hard surfacing to be
jz reet In width: no sidewalks.
walnut nvonuo from Fourth stroot
to Sixth street the hard surfacing to
00 zo reec in wiatn.
Oak avenue from Fourth atrnnt n
Sevonth street the bard surfacing to
bo 25 feet In width with cement sldo-
walks on each side of said street.
Tho sldowalk to bo Installed four
feet In width, togothor with proper
anu acioquaio drainage and curbing,
. It it is hereby resolved, that said
plans, specifications, and estimates
of cost for making the Improvements
abovo described, be and the samo aro
hereby approved, ,
And bo it further resolvod, that
tho Common .Council horeby declares
Its intention to lmprovd said portions
ot said streotB and avenues in accord
ance with said plans and specifica
tions and estimates of cost In tho
manner nnd form abovo mentlonod
with Bltullthlc or othor hard surface
pavpmont.. Tho estlmntod - cost of
the proposed Improvements hnnl sur
facing with Bltullthlc Is $63,000.00;!
Improvements using Oil Macadam
pavomont Is $46,100.00; tho cstlma
ted cost of tho proposed Improve
ments, hard surfacing with Concroto
Is $57,800,
And bo It further resolved bv thri
Common Council that tho following
described property bo nnd la horohv
doclared to be boneflted by tho mak
ing ot said Improvements', to-wlt; '
Lots 1, 2, 9, 10, and easterly half of
WANTED Ono telegraph
263-J RamBby,
sot. Call
PRACTICAL NUnSE wishes I posl-
tlons, confinement specialty. Phono
172. Mrs.Thotnas. ,. 18-241,
OOOD PENMAN, Esilra'ator. and
mathematician , wishes ovcnlng
work estimating, pxtandlng and total
ing Inventories, etc. Box A. B. C Her
ald offlco. 17-22
cortflfugal. Capacity 1000 to 100O
O. P. M. Communicate Pacific Coast
Mint conrpany. 18-22
WANTED Small npartmont for
lady who works. Phono 66, 17-19
$.5000. A tine modern homo. Full
bnnomont. Flno location, closo In
nnd on easy torms.
$2500, 5-room furnished. Vory
closo In. $250 cash and $50 per
month. Why pay rent.
A FINE CORNER. 100x110, 4-lnrgo
rooms and bnth room. Oarago, and
chlckon yard. Closo to pavement.
$300 cash nnd $40 per month.
406 Main St. 18-20'
FOR BALE 132 acros. Home ap
plo, hay land, timber, good garden
land, fonced. First water right, stop
ping placo for tourists on road be
tween Klamath Falls and Ashland,,
stago pssscs houso twlco a day, school
halt miles with high school grades.
Could locato box factory and mldway
garago. Meal station. Will relinquish
adjoining homostoad and nsslgn mall
contract paying about $7 por trip to
buyer. Largo houso, two largo barns,
otbor buildings. Insuranco $1700, will
carry $2700. Prlco $3000. Will tnko
Liberty bonds. Address owner, 129
Bush St. Ashland, Oro. 17-19
FOR BALK Lois; doslrnblly locatod.
Will nccept checks on First Stato
and Savings bank In part payment
or alt. Call 1721 Johnson Avo. E. J.
Boyd. 17-19
LOST Mink skin neckplcco. Find
er ploaso loavo at First National
bank. 17-19
Lots 3 and 8 Btk. 74; Lots 1, 2, 9, 10,
nnd castarly half of Lots 3 and 8
Blk. 86; Lota 1, 2, and cairtorly hair
of Lot3 of Blk. 91; All of Blocks 75.
85, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, and
easterly hnlf of Lot 8. Blk. 92; Lots
1, 2, 9, 10, and cnstorlyhalf of Lots 3
and 8 Blk. 98; Lots 1, 2,
and oastorly half of Lot 3, Blk.
103; Lots 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and
wcstorly hnlf of Lot 3 Blk. 76; All
Block 84; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, and
westerly halt ot Lot 8, Illk. 93; Lots
4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and wcstorly halt
of Lot 3, Illk. 97; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5,
Blk. 104; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, Blk. 83;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Blk. 94; All ot said
lots and blocks abovo doscrlbed bo
lng In Klamath addition to tho city
ot Klamath Falls, Oregon, and said
abovq .listed, lots and blocks Is here
by, declared to bo the property to bo
assessed tor tbo cost of making said
.And Jo It further rcsolvqd, that
Monday,,,4ho. 7th day of February,
1021, at tbo hour, of 8 o'clock P. M.
at tho' Council Chamber In tho city
hall In said city be and hereby 'Is fix-.
ed at the, time and. place for.tbo.hcftri .
lng of objections and remonstrances,
against , tho. raak.lqg of said proposed
Improvement, and the Police Judge Is
hereby directed-to icausot notice ot
aid hearing by publishing this reso
lution,. as by, charter required.
State' of. Oregon;'
City' of Klamafn' Falls, as
County of Klamath'
I,A. iL. Lcavltt.' Police, Judce of,
tho. city of Klamath Falls. Orncnn.
do hereby certify thot'tho foregoing''
Is n duly enrolled conv of a rnanln.
Uon adopted by the Common Coun
cil on tho lQth day of January, Av D.
1921, declaring Its Intention to Im
provo certain portions of certain
streotB therein namod.
12-22 Pollco Judge
"I have absoluto confidence In tho
solvency of tho First Stato and Sav
ings bank to pay dollar tor dollar,"
sald.W. O. Davenport, the Sixth
streot Joweler, today.' To provo that
I am not Just talking I will stato that
chocks on this institution will be re
ceived byt tne Jut .the same now as
when tbo.banlcwas open, and. doing
business. I have a few fine diamonds
that I am offering' at prices that aro
bargains. Just .remember von . r.nn
buy anything in mfc stores-diamonds, o
r.jrv"K. .""". "i.uvy, aesenp-r,,
tion with your, First State and Say-'5
Ings bank check. That shown t hnvn
confidence that tho bank is O. K."
e it - ICtf
Notice Is horobv irlven that thn un.i 1
derslgnod will soil at public auction,
to tho hlHhost bidder, toy, cash-liy J
1921,' at 2:30 o'clock pl'm. at O. K.
Llvqry Barn, 6th Street, Klamath
Falls. Orogon.'one bay goldlng aged
about 12 years; weight about 1300
pounds, brondiquartorplrcle S on left
hip,, tp satisfy 'ra,y 'lien for the board",
and cato ot said animal. '
Dated: January C, 1921.
I G-12-19-