The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 18, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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Heat of Red Peppers
Stops Rheumatic Pain
Rub It on Horo Htlff JoIiiIm mill Muscle, mid HIkmiiiiiiIIhiii, LuiiiIiiiko mid
I'alii VnnlHli Try It nnd (tool
Hod I'oppor Ilub takes tho "ouch"
from floro, stiff, netting JolntH. It can
not hurt you, and It certainly oiids
that old rhouinntlsm torturo nt onco.
When you nro HiifferliiR bo you enn
hardly got around, Just try "Itcil I'op
por Hull," and you will havu tlio
quickest rollof known. Nothing him
such concentrated, ponotrntlng hoat
us rod poppers. Just as soon as you
npply Hcd I'oppor Hub you will fcol
tho tingling hoat. In thrco minutes
It wanna tho eoro spot through nnd
through, 1'aln nn'il soroncss aro
ABk any drugglBt for a Jar of
Howies Hod I'oppor Huh. It costs but
llttlo. Adv.
Grandmother's Itaclpo
IlrliiK I hick Color mid
LtiAtro in Hnlr
That beautiful, oven shado by
dark, nlonsy hair can only bo had by
browing a mixture of Sago Ton nnd
Hulphur. Your lutlr 1b your clinnn.
It makes or mars tho faco. When It
fados, turn gray or streaked, Just an
application or two of Sago and Sul
phur enhances Its appoaranco n hun
dredfold. Don't bother to proparo tho mix
turo; you can got this famoun old
rcclpo Improved by tho addition of
other Ingrodlents at ft small coat, all
ready to uao. It Is called Wyeth's
Sago nnd Sulphur Compound. This
can always bo depended upon to
bring back tho natural color and lus
tra of your hair.
Everybody ubob "Wycth'fl Sago and
Sulphur Compound" now becauso It
dnrkons so nnturally and ovenly that
nobody can toll It has boon applied.
You simply dampon a spongo or soft
brush with It and draw this through
tho hair, taking ono small strnnd nt
n tlmo; by morning tho gray hair
lias disappeared, and attar nnothor
application It becomes beautifully
dark and nppcars glossy and Iub
trous. Adv.
OIVMI'IA, Wash., Jan. 18.
Washington's now stato capltol group
buildings bolng orcctod horo on a slto
overlooking I'ugct Sound, will bo ono
of tho finest sot of buildings of Its
kind In tho nation, Clark V, Savldgo,
Htnto land commissioner, dcclnrod In
his nnnual report mado public horo
Tho buildings, Mr. Savldgo do
clarod, will bo complotod at a cost
of approximately IG.OOO.OOO with
out a cent coming from tho taxpay
ers, Monoy received from stato cap
ltol lands In various parts of tho
stato Is expected to meet tho cost
of tho buildings. It will take ton
years to cpmploto tho $25,000,000,-work.
In Slam many womon aro employ
cd In army workshops, In factor
ies, and on tho railways and roads,
whoro thoy aro paid tho samo rates
ns mon for equal work.
Know Them?
! I pk m a I i.imIHI"-'""' ' aWm
rw..irjM:iH)Mni tint ihtmvH
BK fllBBBLLLflBW MlliStkuutifm -
B99sK&8SdBBEffiBB9flHfi4& tSbUKKBKt tfisKrrjuoiLtetitr?-'' 4tL
VftBBvOOvoijaBtmKBBBrUSSboBi )258aaflBflBiiiiflBBliiiSHc KBBBJF flnflg-"-r &rt flKviMt
Tho man well, you probably wouldn't know him alonoj buo ho's
tho husband, and you havo scon tho brldo many times: Dorothy Qlah and
James Ilcnnlo, who eloped with hor, at their apartment In tho -Hotel
Savoy, Now York.
PHFUMmr Pain H
Rub H right out-Try this! pjl
Rheumatism Is "pain only."
Not ono caso In fifty requires Inter
nal treatment. Stop drugging! Hub
tho misery right away! Hub Booth
Ing, penetrating "St. Jacobs OH" di
rectly Into tho soro, stiff Jolnto and
muscles and relief comos Instantly.
"St. Jacobs Oil conquors pain,, It Is
n harmless rhoumatlsm euro which
novor disappoints and does not blister.
LImbor upl Quit complaining! Clot
a small trial, bottlo of old-tlmo "St.
Jacobs OH" nt any drug storo and In
Just n moment you'll bo froo from
rheumatic pain, soreness nnd stiff
ness. Don't sufferl Hollcf and a euro
nwnlts you. Cot HI "St. Jncobs OH"
Is Just ns good for sciatica, nou
ralgla, lumbago, backacho, sprains
and swellings,
It will bo remembered that tho
mattor of tho practicability of lad
dors ovor proposed big dams' on tho
Klamath rlvor to allow salmon and
stcolhead to get to their spawning
grounds was discussed nt tho meet
ing of tho hunters nnd fishermen
held In Yroka last month, says the
Siskiyou Nows.
Forest Supervisor W, A. Mueslis In
answer to an Inquiry regarding this
mattor has rccolved a lotter from the
fish and gamo commission, by C. A.
Vogelsang, stating point blank that
flshways over dams 100 feet or moro
In height wero not practical.
Tho largo fish might got up tho
river, but tho small fry on their way
to tho ocean would meet with swift
and suro destruction as thoy wont
over tho dam.
Misses Ellen and Mary Doylo, who
own a squaro section of land near
Florence, Kns., aro reported to havo
added two million dollars to tholr
bank account by disposing of tho oft
and gas rights on tholr land.
Probably tho only woman In Now
York city who has mastered all tho
mysteries of color mixing and blond
Ing and tho composition of paint ma
terials is Mrs. D. M. Stahl, who la
tho owner and manager of a prosper'
ous retail paint storo '
"Try It Out Yourself"
says the Good Judge
And you will find how
much more satisfaction a
little of this Real Tobacco
gives you than you ever
got from a big chew of tho
ordinary kind.
The good, rich, real to
bacco tastfi lasts so long
you don't need a fresh
chew nearly as often. So
it costs you less.
Any man who uses the
Real Tobacco Chew will
tell you that.
Put up in two styles
W-B GUT is a long fine-cut tobacco
RIGHT GUT is a short-cut tobacco
Cigar Stand
A fine stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and
H """'BHBMKBiUM JL iwa KdBBf
B in ' fKSwilMVHr B9.H Mi ' . Wmt
dSBx nfj 'c.7BtTT7Mawl Mmkm y far WTJflillig
How mani miles
did uou march the
summer Cleveland
was nominated
Select your ttreiaO'
cording to tho roada
they havo to travel:
In sandy or hilly coun
try, wherever the going
Is apt to be heavy Tho
U. 8. Nobby.
For ordinary country
roadt The U. S. Chain
For front wheel
The U. a Plain.
For best results
everywhere U. S.
Royal Cordi.
REMEMBER the time
. the first automobile
parade was organized? Even
the good old torchlight pro
cession had to give way
before the advance of prog
ress. Tires are often sold the
same way politics are.
The last people to wake
up to what they are getting
are the people who pay the
The bills are getting too
big these days in both cases.
And the man who is feeling
it most with respect to tires"
j is the man who owns a
moderate-price car.
The idea that the small car
owner doesn't need a good
tire is rapidly going the way
of all mistaken ideas.
He needs it more than
anyone else. It's part of our
job, as we view it, to see
that he gets it.
Our tire service starts with
good tires V. S. Tires. All
sizes made to a single stand
ard of quality none graded
down to the pric6 of the car
they will go on.
U. S. perfected the first
straight side automobile tire
the first pneumatic truck
The U. S. guarantee is for
the life of the tire, and not
for a limited mileage.
When we recommend and
sell LL S. Tires we do so in
the interest of greater tire
economy. It is our experi
ence that that is' the best
way to build up a sound and
sizable business.
i ...
United States Tires
Latest Daily Papers, Magazines and
. GUY GARRETT, Manhger
Telephone 1SS-W
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