The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 18, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    WJB8DAY, JANUARY 18, 1921.
The Evening Herald
K '3. MURRAY- JMItor
FRED SOUIiB City Editor
Published dally except 'Sunday, by
The Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street.
Entered at the postofflco at Kla
matli Falls, Ore., for transmission
through tho malls as second-class
The Associated 1'rcss Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso (or republication
of all nows dispatches credited to it,
or not othorwlso .credited In thlB
paper, nnd also tho local nows pub
lisher heroin.
Tho refusal of the city council to
confirm Mayor Wlloy's selections for
tho 'pollco forco Is a rather unusual
proceeding As head of tho city
government, tho people hold him re
sponsible for tho enforcement ot tho
Jaw. If he has to nssumo tho re
Bponslblllty, then ho should bo per
mitted to chooso tho Instruments ho
la to Oiise to enforco tho law. If it
Is his belief that Chief Wilson is
the man, nnd If Chief Wilson be
lieves Mr. McDonald Is tho assistant
lie wants, then tho council should
place its 0. K. upon their choice,
ud If the resultB expected aro not
secured, then both the mayor and
the chief should be hold to "strict
accountability." If, however, his
assistants aro to bo dictated by the
council or other influence, the
mayor should not be saddled with
any falluro of law enforcement that
iaay onsuo.
We aro not surprised at tho out
come ot last night's session, for
there has bcon a great deal of boast
ing about what would and would not
be dono. Someono has undertaken
a good-sized contract, and In its ex
ecution has shouldored responsibili
ties that cannot easily be ahlttod
when their magnitude aro realized.
Tho fair thing to do Is to glvo
Mayor Wiley a chanco. Ho is tho
head of the city's government, and
as Its executive he should not be
handicapped nor 'Interfered with un
til ho shows ho is incapablo ot sorv
iag the best nlterests of the com
The politicians who have bad their
eyes upon the congressional seat oc
cupied by Nick Slnnott have trans
ferred their gaze. Instead of look
ing fprfdly toward Washington thoy
are hunting tor a place td hide from
th'o storm they started when It was
Intimated that they wero going to
try and "ease" Slnnott out of con
gress. Not only did the protest come
food and strong from Eastern Oro
con, but it camb from all over tho
Btato, for Slnnott Is recognized as
the strongest western representative,
In Washington, and a particularly
valuable man for this state .to have
x . i
So dainty and ingonuloua Is this
petal frock that Its sloovolessness
does not obtrudo Itself at all. It
Is of chiffon cloth and each of the
''petals" is formed of a square of
the chiffon caught up at its upper
corners to form tho petal effect,
Instead of being cut in that shape
originally. Tho effect Is much soft
er and more youthful.
Rich Bachelor Admiral Adopts a Family
rv KJIbKV'R'bbbbm bbHbbbbbKBbT 33KgS's!SBteJ
k X?yjfr - ' --! j JZjZ , i "". . , n '" alj' !!ywJPll
I JbbbbSs tS' -BK bB 0si.tkuataaBBlBB u & v "t"V.BM"sB' BBHHBaiBaaaaaaaHiBiaaaBaMMiBlaaMKiaiBflBVr 'H AjiSJ
fH NwL. IbVbKbIbbbbHLIbbbbbbSbbHs'
Rear Admiral Newton A. McCully is shown hero with tho soven Russian children ho has brought homo
for adoption. "Three more coming
Just returned from Sobastopol, whero
the seven tots wero ordered excluded from tho country on tho ground
charges." McCully said: "We'll see
dercd admitted.
there. The .announcement by Tho
Herald ot the proposed plan to di
vide his district stirred up a hor
net's nest here, as It did in Lake
county and elsewhere in tho district,
and was responsible in no small de
gree for the change ot front by
those who aro seeking to unseat tho
one man who has" mado it posslblo
for Klamath county to get recogni
tion at Washington.
Jewelers Work Faster
Than Pill Mixers
Upp's Jewelers took two out of
three games ' from Underwood's
druggists in tho Elks' bowling tour
namont last night. The druggists
took the second game. Jefferson
and Upp tied tor high score with
190,' and Upp rolled 186 in his first
game. His total for the three games
was 554, this being high total for
the evening, flayden, of the pill
makers corralled the next highest
score, rolling 187. His total of 623
for three games was tho second best
achievement of tho evening,
Tonight Dodge's tailors will meet
the Hoagland Bulcks
The score ot last night's games
Underwood's Druggists
W. L, Smith ....168 144 160462
Underwood 138
Hansen ............ 94
Miller ...
Total 718 754 764
Upp's Jewelers
Jefferson 136 167 190493
Bullock 168 145 157470
Collins 70 86 100256
Carter 168 111 180469
Upp 186 190 179654
Total 727 699 806
All women employees of tho ,De
trolt postofflco and ItB sub-stations
are required to wear uniform aprons
by order of the postmaster, who says
the standard garment Is economical
and also tends to eliminate rivalry
In dress.
Fair view School
Ready for Occupancy
Superintendent Wells of the pub
lic schools has sent to Portland for
E. E. McClarren, the architect who
designed the Falrvlow school, and
expects him to arrive hero tomorrow,
or Thursday to formally accept the
building as complete and satisfactory.
It Mr, McClarren arrives hero when
expected, and accepts tho building,
tho school equipment now In the
Main street courthouse building will
bo moved Into tho school Saturday,
and classes will convene then? Mon
day. Tho workmen will havo made
all the finishing touches before Sat
urday evening.
J. Fordnoy of tho Lorella district,
Francis J. Bowno ot Bonanza and
Fred Stukel and L. Gerber shipped
ten carloads of steers from Midland
to San Francisco yesterday. There
were 280 head in all. These steers
were alfalfa 'fed, and represent the
best raised 'in this part of tho state.
Newly remodeled and clean. Owl
Cafe. 17-22
on a lator ship, too, ho says. Tho admiral Is a wealthy bachelor. He has
ho was U. S. high commissioner.
about that!" He got busy at Washington and tho children woro or
Many Attend Dance
at Chandler Home
(Special to Tho Herald)
MALIN, Jan. IS. A dancing party
given by Mrs. O. L. Chandler at her
.home hero Saturday evening was at
tonded by quite a number of Mnljn
young people. Supper was sorved at
midnight by the hostess.
Those present were: Mr. and Mrs
L. R. Uolbrook, Mr. and Mrs. Ar
thur McComb, Mr. and Mrs. J. T.
Turnbull, Mrs. Eve Kevett, tho Miss
es Hilda Chase, Emma Casper, Myra
Turnbull, Maud Reld, Boblotto Tut
tie, Volma Turnbull, Ross Brothan-
ek, Ruth Purdy, Faye Turnbull, nnd
the Messrs: Carr Dalton, Chas. Reld
Eddward Havllna, Lawrence Qober,
Mike Curtain,. John .O'Shea, John
Thomason, .Clyde Davidson, Vincent
Havllna, James Brothanek, 'Chester
Havllna, George Prine and George
Tho next New Jersey legislature
will havo two women members, both
Through the courtesy ot Con
gressman' N. J. Slnnott the Her
ald has received a quantity ot free
government seeds for distribu
tion. Included In each package
are beans, beet, lettuce, radish
and onion seeds. Any one desir
ing a package may have them by
calling at this office.
If out ot town subscribers want
any of these seeds they will be
mailed a package upon request.
Everett True
WB. I ?oRCcMsex A -Ftsw aticco-s
11 which r VAW aKsscpAraeto in ah
MdkAtVC I'M Gouvc To hr - "
Whon tho Bhlp Btoppod at Ellis Island
that thoy "might become public
G. W. Douglas, ot tho firm of Dou
glas & Bratton, has been grnnted a
patent for a folding camp bed. The
mattress and springs of the now pat
ent fold within tho bed, tho wholo
affair, frames and all, folding Into a
compact bundle which resembles very
much tho familiar auto camp bod,
with tho canvas on the outside for
Tho puzzle Is: Why does bolsho-
vlk "Ambassador" Martens laugh?
Would you laugh It you were order
ed to Russia now? He was snapped
as ho visited the department ot labor
in .Washington following orders for
his deportation.
By Condo
BBBB&Vjitf&r w A i
bB,''!bEBiL fJGr
nK V V V V V V V vi WsV'fy
New Scientific Method of Shipbuilding
Stan In Construction of Vestal
at Liverpool.
Can you IiimkIiio n ship without n
null or rivet In nit Its hull? Do you
recollect tho visit to tho shipyards ami
the army of men ihiIIIiik htiKO Umbers
to tho skeleton frnmo of u ship? And,
over In tho next yard, tho swrnin of
men linnitncrlng tho white hot rlvutB
In tho gront plates of a tmttlo ship?
One's ImtiKlimtlon Is stretched consid
erably to con J tiro n method by which
all these workmen inny hnvo their
toll rcdurcd or cllinlnntcd. Vet this
Is today's development In tho science
nf shlntmlldliii:. Tho stenmshlp Fulln
j;nr has Just slid down the Liverpool
wnys without n mill or n rivet In lis
hull. From stem to stern tho plnles
aro electrically welded. Tho Ftillncnr
Is mi oil driven cargo Rleniner of fiOO
tons. Slio Is now undcrgolne limit
tests. Experts duclnru that olio will
not only stand nil tho tests required,
but her success ns nn ocean cnrrlcr
will revolutionize shipping. Wo inny
now cnlculato Svlint n boon tho elec
trical welding process will bo If grout
nrtntos of men have to bo trnuxported
on tho "brldgo ncross the sens." Not
only does this method relenso mini
power for other tnsks, but It enables
shipyards to turn out mighty steel
ships within a short spaco of time.
Department of Agriculture Points Out
How They May Do Mad
Source ofRevenue." .
That much valuablo material Is be
ing wasted annually by throwing nway
tomato seeds extracted In pulping,
soup, catsup nnd canning plants Is In
dicated by Investigations made by the
United States Department of Agricul
ture. Department Investigators havo found
that moro than ono thousand tons ot
seed are thrown nwny annually In
northern' tomato-pulping plants, with
largo enough output of seed to pay for
shipping, and that they may bo mado
Into cdlblo oil and stock food worth
about $80,000 (December, 1010). Cost
of collecting and preparing tho seed
Is estimated nt about 35,000, Including
all proper charges, nnd tho cost ot tho
necessary equipment Is given at not
to exceed $50,000.
In addition tho samo plant, which
would run not moro than flvo months
In tho year, could bo used for the han
dling of grnpo seeds and pumpkin
seeds, which would distribute the over
head nnd cut down tho cost of manu
facture of the tomato-seed products.
Cavalryman's 8plendld Ride.
Col. Ezra B. Fuller, tho author of
riding "anthology," has himself a
notable nchlovetnent of enduranco nnd
horsemanship to his credit. During
the Nez Pcrccs campaign of 1877 Ful
ler, then second lieutenant ot tho Sev
enth cavalry, stationed on tho north
bank of tho Yellowstnno river, near
Miles City, was ordered by General
Miles to toko flvo troopers with htm
and carry dispatches to General Sher
man atFort Ellis, Mont Much of tho
trip had to bo mado running along
side of tho horses, owing to the moun
tainous character of tho country trav
ersed and tho almost Impassable con
dition of tho trails. Tho total dis
tance covered was over 350 miles,
which wbs mado In four days and
nineteen hours, without changing
The 0omsstlo Optimist at Work.
"My .msband tins never spoken a
cross word to me."
"Daughter Is always at tho head of
her class, and she doesn't havo to
study a bit hard. She rcully seems to
hnvo moro time to play than any of
the other girls."
"I'm so glad you- came, I nssuro you.
One extra for dinner doesn't matter."
"So glad you called I 1 didn't care
to go to tho matlnco, anyway."
"My husband could get a much larg
er salary by going with another house
In fact they aro begging him to do
It but his present employers havo
treated him so nicely that ho Just
wont leave them." "
"Never mind breaking the vase It
was not one that I cared especially
for." From Life.
Women and Cats.
Women are like cats. If you move
toward thera they run away. But If
you sit there and say "Puss, puss,
puss," and put a saucer of milk on
the floor, In duo courso they will be
moved by curiosity to como nnd see
what there Is In tho wnueer. Then,
click I you'vo got tho cat by tho back
of tho neck so that It can't scratch
you. When tho cat has struggled
enough and discovered that It can't
get away, and been tickled behind the
car, she'll sit on your lap arid purr.
And then, ah, then, longer need
to say, "Puss, puss, pussl" You can
say, "You damn catl" and sho'll go
on sitting there, purring. From "Cal
iban" by W. L. George.
For Launching Lifeboats Safely.
Tho hurried launching of lifeboats
from disabled vcbsels Is usually at
tended by confusion and danger. An
Eastern shipyard worker lias devised
n new method of lowering tho bouts
that carries them forty feet awny from
the ship's side, lays them oil an even
keel, and gives them a forward Im
pulse. Tho small boat, Instead of
hanging In davits, rests in a cradlo
supported by throo parallel Inclined
arms, which 'are pivoted near tho
water lino and guyed by cables at
tached above.
Longing for 8weet Sounds Would
Seem to Indicate That the N.
tlona Are Recovering.
That nations aro Individuals In min
iature has been proven so often that
It bus long ago liccoinu a truism; but
perhaps It hns never been Indicated
moro effectively than In tho present
nttltudo of tho nations of war-shattered
Europe toward music. From
England, France, Belgium mid Italy,
not lcsH'than from Germany, Austria
nnd even Russia, conies tho hiiiiio story
through tho mouths of trustworthy ob
servers returning to this country, ns
well ns through other news channels.
"Kuropo Ik mud for music," they nil
sny. "No other words will descrlbo
the craving that hut seized Ihesocoun
tiles for nil Us forms." There nro
tragedies which nt their crudest tnko
frotn tho Individual nil solace, not to
mention any delight, In tho loveliest
of nrts. "I shall hate sweet music my
whole life long," wrolo Swinburne In
tho bitterness of disillusionment, nnd
happy Is that human being who has
not nt least onco In his life touched
tho supremo height of ngony when to
hear music Is nn unbearable thing.
Hut ns with mnn w with countries In
which disillusionment, fur w-orso than
bereavement, hns yet followed close
on Its footsteps. One ot tho first
signs of an ability to take up life onco
moro in healthy human fashion, Is n
returning willingness, even n longing,
for the joys of music. And when tho
flower of charity blooms once moro
In tho soul .laid waste by hatred, mu
sic Is not far off, In races as In Indi
viduals. Montreal Herald.
Dut First Bullfight Must Hive Been
Trying to Nerves of Young
Quean of 8paln.
When Queen Vlctorln of Spain wns
married to Alphnnso one ot tho fea
tures of tho weddng festivities was n
bullfight. The bullfight to Spain. Is
far mom Important than tho baseball
game of the United .States Is to Its
citizens, and the very life and soul of
the people Is woven Into Its traditions.
Tho queen, a pretty, young; protected
English girl whose viewpoint of Ufo
was tho same ns other young girls of
tho higher classes of England, .was
privately Informed that not only must ,
sho attend tho fight, but under no 'cir
cumstances must sho exhibit fear tor
Tho tight was staged with tho tit
most intignlflccncn and was opened by
the entry of two fiery blnck bulls. f The
first bull killed a horse or two before
It wns put U) .death. Tho second bull
was then 'driven about, tortured, nnd
abused, and' finally lured directly In
front of the' roynl box, whero n poor
old decrepit horse, blindfolded and
drugged until It wns hnrdly ablo to
stand, was left. The bull, stabbed
with n spear, charged the horse, driv
ing Its horns again nnd ugaln Into tho
wretched beast until It fell, n mass ot
horror, to the ground. Tho queen did
not change 'color or flinch, although
sho must havo been sick to the point
of fainting. Tho populace greeted her
calm with cheers.
Valuable Airplane Device.
Of all tho Inventions conceived dur
ing the last decade, In the hopo of de-'
creasing the landing speed of air
planes, nono has promised more in
preliminary tests .than a device re
cently evolved by the United States
bureau ot standards, says Popular
Mechanics Magazine. It Is nothing
more than n simple, variable-camber
rib, which Is used Instead of tho or
dinary rib, In tho construction of one
piano of a biplane, or of tho top and
bottom planes of a trlplane. One pe
culiarity of construction Is that the
nose of this flexlhlo rig is fixed to
the front spar, while the tailpiece Is
rigid and slides on the rear spar. An
other peculiarity Is that tho rib struc
ture between the spars la iiui iiallj
symmetrical, or uncambercd, bat I
deformed by nonsymmetrical alrirre
bufe until it becomes a rib of most
pronounced camber.
Rival of the Potato.
Tho first carload of American-grown
dashcens, Introduced Into this country
to supplement the potato, arrived on
tho New York market recently, nnd be
cnuso of tho limited quantities shipped
nnd tho demand they sold ns high as
Iti cents n pound. The dnsheens were
grown on the enst coast of Florida.
Tho Trinidad dnshecn, which Is a
particularly flno variety of the taro,
Is ono of 40,000 foreign plants Intro
duced Into tho United States by tho
Department of Agriculture. It wns.
brought hero in the belief that it would
yield the South n tuber crop which
could bo used to supplement the po
tato. It contains 00 per cent moro
protein than tho potato, nccordlng to
tno Department of Agriculture.
' His Mission Wasted.
An Irishman mado ids way to a
Country Jul) and asked to bo allowed'
to seo tho governor.
On being ushered Into that function
ary's presence he begged for tho favor
of nn Interview with a prisoner who
wns to suffer the extremo penalty of;'
thu law In tho courso of tho morning.
"No, my mnn," sold tho governor,
"you cannot seo tho prlsondr. He's,
to bo executed In half nn hour, and
visitors nro not permitted to seo a
prisoner on tho day of execution, Rut
what might bo your business with,
him?" ,
"Shure,' sor," answered Pat, "it's
his birthday, and I was after wishing,
him. many lutpov returns."