The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 14, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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SUPERS OF 1920 .
m Hi
in Hi'jiKNixi) health EVER
"More than u yoor ago Tnnliic ro
llovod mo of u ciibo of Indigestion nnd
rheumatism from which I lnul Hiiffor
cil for ycurti nnd I'vo boon nJoylnR
tho host of health uvur hIiico," said
Haniuol II. Wnltors, K. F. I). No. 1,
Llnntoii, Oro.
. "for mom tlinti ton yonrii," mild
Mr. Walters, "I wuh In hiicIi tor
rlbla fix that words cnnnot dcRcrlhu
tho mirroring I endured. I lnul to
quit ontltig meat nnd at.irrhy- foodH
nltogalhor nml nt Unit's lnul to llvu
on milk nml toant or n llttlo broth.
Everything I nto would ferment mid
Hour on my stomach ami
tho i;iih would utmost drlvo mo
dlntrnctcd. My rheumatism nl
wifyH got worso following u hio1I with
my stomach. HomutlmcK I could got
along with iibo of n enno, ofton I
would ho on crutches, than I would
ha laid u for monthn unuhlo to
work and nt tlmea couldn't ovon
movo mysoir. i wont awoy ror a
chnnga of cllmnto, but It didn't do mo
any good. My sufferings woro slm-
ply nwful, and nt tlmcH I was In ntich
agony I folt llko I Just couldn't Btnnd
It any lonRor,
"I took all sortB of modlclno hut
got no rollot until I Btartcd on Tan
lac. Although It lias hoon moro thnn
n yoar since. Tntilnc put an and to tho
InillgoHtlon nnd rheumatism, I
havon't had a sign of thorn Blnca and
am fooling just flno. All my frlondB
link mo wnnt pill mo dock on my
feat looking bo well and I don't "has
Unto to tall thorn Tnnlac did It. A
medicine thnt will do nB much for
Biiffarlng pcoplo an Tnnlac linn for
mo In certainly worth recommending,
and I faol that It would ho ungrate
ful of mo not to do bo."
Tnnlac Is nold In Klamath Falls
hy Star Drug Co., In Lorollu by James
Marc. Co., nnd In Merrill by South
ern Orogon Drug So. Adv.
Pipe the Cutaway
This Is l'rlnco Nicholas of Itumanla, who la studying nt Eton, Eng
land. Ho Is shown nt a lutho In tho school engineering room. Ovorulls?
Not tho prlnco! Ho wears tho cutaway, dirt or no dirt.
H 7,
Cigar Stand
A fine stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and
Latest Daily Papers, Magazines and
Telephone 155AV
Prove It Begins
In Cradle Ain't
Science Wonderful?
a school boy pulls tho hair of a girl
sitting In front of him It Is a cavo
man sign ho loves thoyoung lady.
This Is tho conclusion of tho phr
enologist of tho Philadelphia pnblle
schools, Mjlss Gladys O. Ado, director
of special education.
"Manifestations of early lovo nro
found In tho kindergarten, nnd aro
common enough through school Ufa,"
said Miss Ida.
"Tho scuffing and wrestling, tho
twitching of hnlr braids, placing pins
In' advantageous positions nnd many
of tho other smallor annoyances
which causo friction between teach
er nnd pupil nro direct cvldonccs of
favor from ono person to another.
"Tho wnys of a young man of 12
and a maid aro many and varlod,
from tho placing of himself in poril-i
oils positions In omulatlon of deeds
of valor, to tho writing of notes ami
tho drawing of pictures."
Tho women pearl fishers of Japan
commenco their work at tho ago or
14 and aro In tho water nlmost all tho
year round, except In tho coldest sea
son, from tho end of December to
tho beginning of February.
Equity No. 12.11
Hero aro a fow of tho crowned heads of tho sport world. They earned their titles In 1320 except Jack
Dompsoy, tho honvywolght champ, who has successfully defended his head-dress twlco Rabo Ituth's hat la on
tight and Is likely to, ho for sovoral years yet. Ted Ray may never dofend his golf tltlo. IIo is catting old.
Man o' War has no moro worlds to conquor. Tho groat homo has earned over $240,000 for his owner, Samuel
I). Rlddlo. MIfs Ethlcfda nlolbtroy Is only 18 years old. Slio ought to mako moro rororuB In 1921.
Malin Teacher
Gets Commission
In U. S. A. Reserves
(Special to Tho Herald)
MALIN, Jan, 1 1. Notice of tho ap
pointment as second lloutonnnt In tho
Infantry officers', resorvo corps was
recolvcd by A. V. McComh, Union
high school. principal, Wednosdny. Ho
graduated from tho resorvo offlcors'
training corps nt Oregon ngrlculturo
cnllcgo and attended two camps at
tho Presidio, San Francisco.
When ho was In tho service- three
months Mr. McComh was selected for
artlllory officers' training nt Camp
Taylor, Loulsvllfc, Ky but tho sign
ing of tho nrmlstlco stopped train
ing. In caso of war ho is subject to
sorvlco as an infantry officer at any
lu n soason when gllttoring metal
cloths and scintillating; bo-Jowollod
trimmings predominate, a simple,
ono-color frock. Jlko. this has a dot
inllo charm. It Is an ovonlng gown
of peach-tinted satin with white tul
lo drapod across tho back in groat,
outstanding bows whoso ends slip un
dor tho narrow satin glrdlo and travel
down,ovor tho skirt, forming' an Ir
regular tunic. Artificial tulips caught
to tho girdle at otfo stdo lend tho
noto of emphasis,
On Docembor 30 a fow of tho neigh
bors surprised Mr. nnd Mrs. Klgor
and family. Tho evening was spent
In card playing nnd dancing.
Tho bad roads of tho past week
have caused tho children who go to
tho Merrill schools to fall back to
horso powor transportation.
L. F. Gcortson la serving on Xho
Jury this week.
Tho neighbors gavo tho Enman
family a surpnso party Friday Jan
uary 7.
A baby girl was born to Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Slgford, lanunry 8. The
llttlo ono camo at a bad tlmo, as oth
er 'children In tho family havo whooping-cough.
J. E. and Mrs. Enman visited at
C. Lowls's homo Dunduy.
OYSTER BAY, N. Y Jnn. 14.
A slab of limestone taken from Cul
obra Cut on tho Panama Canal has
been placed besldo tho grave of Thco
doro Roosevelt, who brought about
tho building of that watorway. Tho
stono, cut from a spot 00 feet nbovo
whoro President Roosovelt mado an
address in 190C, wnsrprosentod by
"Tho Canal Zone Children."
It was placed beside the grave of
tho former president by Hunry J.
Orlesor, a swimming director at Bal
boa, nnd tho coremonles lyoro attend
ed by tho Rposovolt family and school
children of Oyster Bay.
Tho city ongineor pursuant to reso
lution of tho Common. Council of tho
city of Klamath Falls. Oregon, having
undor dato of Decomber 11th, 1920,
filed his plans, specifications and es
timates of costs of improving Fourth
street from southerly lino of Kla
math avonuo to tho southerly lino of
Oak avonuo; Fifth streot from tho
southorly JIno ofKlnmath avonuo to
tho. southorly lino of Willow avonuo;
Walnut avonuo from tho northerly
lino of Fourth street to the south
erly lino of Sixth street; Oak avonuo
from tho northorly Jinn of Fourth
stroot to tho soMthly lino of
Seventh stroot and Willow avonuo
from tho'northoly lino' of Fifth stroot
to tho southorly lino of Sixth street,
togothor with all intersections be
tween tho tormlnl montionod not nl
roady improved; Such improvement
to consist in bringing said, portions
of said' sfr'oot to the established
grade, and hard surfacing the same
with Dltullthlc, pavement to tho fol
lowing wlilthts:
FourthiBtrcot from Klamath to Oak
tho hard surfacing to bo 25 foot in
width; with four foot compnt .sido
walka on each Bldo ottho streot so
far ns Improved.
Fifth BtraeLfroni Klamath avonuo
to Walnut nvenuq thp hard surface
lng to bo 40 wcot In, width;, and
front tho eouthorly lino 'of Wnlmit
nvenuo to the northorly lino of Wil-
jlow avonuo the hard surfacing to boj
32 feot In wjdth with comont nldo
walks 'on each sldn of said Fifth
ftrcot from Klamath avonuo to bo
tho northorly lino of Oak avenue.
Willow nvenuo from Fifth streot to
Sixth streot tho hard surfacing to bo
32 feet In width; no sidewalks.
Walnut pvenuo from Tourth streot
to SIxtlTsTrcot tho hard surfacing to
bo 2G feet In width. nvenuo from Fourth streot to
Seventh street tho hard surfacing to
bo 25 fret In width with remnnt side
walks on each sido of said street.
Tho sidewalk to ho Installed four
foot In width, together with proper
nnd ndoquato dralnnge and curbing.
It It is horobv resolvrd, that slid
plans, specifications, nnd estimates
of cost for making tho Improvements
nhpvo described, be and tho same aro
horohy npproved.
And bo It further resolved, that
tho Common Council herohy declares
Its Intention to Improve said portion!
of said strcots and avenues In accord
ance with said plans and specifica
tions and estimates of cost In tho
mnnnor nnd form nTiovo mentioned
with Dltullthlc nr other hard surface
pavement. Tho estimated cost of
thp proposod Improvements hard sur
facing with Dltullthlc Is $03,000.00:
Tho estimated cost of tho proposod
Improvements using Oil Macadam
pavomont is J4C.100.00; tho estima
ted cost of tho proposed Improve
ments, hard surfacing with Concroto
Is $G7,800.
And bo It further resolved by tho
Common Council that tho following
doscrlbed property ho nnd Is horoby
declared to bo bonotltod by tho mak
ing of snld Improvements, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, 9. 10, and ensforly half of
Lots 3 and 8 Dlk. 74; Lots 1, 2, 9, 10.
nnd easterly half of Lots 3 and 8
Dlk. 86; Lots 1, 2, nnd easterly halt
of Lot 3 of Dlk. 91; All of Dlbclcs 7G.
8G, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, G, 9. 10, and
castorly halt of Lot 8. Dlk. 92: Lots
1, 2, 9, 10, and onsterlyhnlf of Lots 3
and 8 Dlk. 98; Lots 1, 2,
nnd easterly halt of Lot 3. Dlk.
103; Lots 4, G, G, 7, 8. 9, 10, and
wostorly half of Lot 3 Dlk. 70; All
Block 84; Lots 1. 2. 3, 4. G, 6, 7, and
westerly hnlf of Lot 8. Dlk. 93; Lots
4, G, 0, 7 8. 9, 10 nnd wostorly half
of Lot 3, Dlk. 97; Lots 1. 2, 3, 4, G,
Dlk. 104; Lots C, 7. 8, 9, 10. Dlk. 83;
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Dlk. 94; All of said
lots and blocks abovo described bo
lng In Klamath addition to tho city
of Klamath Falls, Oregon, and said
abovo listed lots and blocks 1b horo
by doclarcd to bo tho property to be
assessed for tho cost of making sold
Arid bo It further resolved, that
Monday, tho 7th day of February,
1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock P., M.
at tho Council Chamhor In the rlty
hall In said city bo and hereby is fix
ed at tho tlmo and placo for tho hear
ing of objections and remonstrances
against tho making of said proposed
improvement, and the Police Judgo is
horeby directed to causo notice of
said hearing by publishing this reso
lution ns by charter required.
Statoof Oregon
City ?t KlnmntJv Falls, bs
County of Klamath
I, A. L. Leavltt, Pollco Judgo of
tho city of Klamath Falls, Orogon,
do, herohy cortlfy that tho forogolng
is a duly onrollod copy of n resolu
tion adopted by tho Common Coun
cil on tho 10th day of January, A. D.
1921, declaring its Intention to im
prove cortnliirft portions of certain
streets 'thorola named.
12-22 Police Judge
O. L. Holbrook, Plaintiff, vs. Fan
nlo A. Paddock nnd J. E. Paddock.
jher liUBband; Ben W. Olcott. Gover
nor; tam a, Koznr, secretary or
Stato; and O. P. Hoff, Stato Treas
urer; constituting tho Stato Land
Board of tho Stato of Oregon, First
Stato & Savings Dank, a corporation;
TI? Mnphntn nl W XT T.lnn rinfnnil.
ants, To Fannlo A. Paddock and J. IX
Paddock, her husband: Den W. Ol
cott, Governor; Sam A. Koier, Scc-
iretary of Stato; and O. P. Hoff,
Stato Treasurer; constituting tho
Stato Land Doard of tho Stato ot
Oregon, First State & Savings Bank,
a corporation, E. Mochnm nnd W. II.
Linn, tho abovo named dorcnannts.
I You aro horoby required lo appear
nnd answer tho complaint filed
against you In tho abovo entitled salt
on or hoforo tho 4 th day of Febru
ary, 1921, that being tho last day
of tho tlmo prescribed in tho ordor ot
publication of summons heroin; nnd
if you fall so to appear, plead,
nnswer, demur, or oibcrwlso move
.horoln, within sold tlmo, for want
thereof, plaintiff will npply for the
roUof prayed for In his complaint
heroin, ns follows, to-wlt:
That ho bo given Judgment nnd do-
crco against tho defendants and oacn
and nil of them for tho foreclosure
of tho mortgage mentioned In the
complaint In this cause, and recorded
In hook 14, Records of Mortgages
of Klamath County, Orogon, at page
G84 thereof, which said mortgage
was given by tho defendants, Fannlo
A. Pnddock nnd J. E. Paddock to so
curo tho payment of two promissory
notes, dated December 1st, 1913, ono
In tho amount ot I1G00 nnd tho oth
er. In tho amount ot $1884.00, nnd
iduo December 1st, 1914 nnd Docom
,bor 1st. 1916, respectively, nnd boai
Ing 8 Interest per nnnum from
idato. That ho rocovor of and from the
defendants tho sum of ll38G.cs. to
gether with Intorcst thoreon from
October 13, 1920, nt tho. rate of 8
per annum: for tho sum of $160, as
nttomey's fcos herein, together with
plaintiff's costs and disbursements
nnd nccrulng costs. That tho Hens
clnlmod by tho defendants and each
of them unon said mortgaged prom
ises bo declared subsequent In time
innd Inferior In right to tho mortgage
of the plaintiff, except tho Hen ot
the Stato Land Doard of the State
.of Oregon, which Is horeby conceded
to bo suporlor thereto; that tho lien
of nlnlntlff's said mortgago bo de
clared a first, prior nnd suporlor lien
to all other lions against said proper
ty, oxcept said State Land Doard's
mortcaeo. That tho usual docreo, ot
,8310 bo mado by the Court for the
isalo of said mortgaged promises, ex
copt tho personal property mention-
'..., ! l.l ., nA IPknt .nlil anl.
CU 111 Blllll HIUI lK"tiU 11IUI DUIU D..1U
be made by tho sheriff ot Klamath
County, according to law. That the
proceeds of said sale bo applied,
first, toward tho payment of tho
costs and oxpenses ot this suit and
ot said salo.
Second, In tho payment of tho
plaintiff's Judgment nnd decree hero
in, Including said attorney's tees;
Third, in the payment of whatovor
lognl liens may exist ngnlnst the
Bald property, as shown hy tho pload
ings nnd proofs In this cause; and
thnt all parsons claiming said lands
by lion' or proceedings subsequent to
tho execution of plaintiff's said
mortgago bo barred and foreclosed of
all right claim' or equity of redemp
tion in and to snld promises; and
thnt plaintiff have such othor and
further relief as to equity may ap
pertain. This summons is sorvod upon tho
said defendants by tho publication
thoreof In Tho Evonlng Horald, a
newspnper published of goneral cir
culation In Klamath County and the
Stato of Oregon onco n week for six
successive Weeks. Tho first publica
tion thereof, being mado Decomber
24, 1920; and tho last publication
February. 4, 1981: hy order of the
Honorable D. V. Kuykendall, Judge
of tho abovo entltlod Court, which,
said order was mado, entered nnd
mod in the said court and causo, uo-
cembor 23, 1920.
Attorney for Plaintiff!
D 24-31 J, 7-14-2128 F 4