1RMDAY, JANUARY 14, 1081. ' ' " ' ' ' ' - ? THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON ' ' i'" ' - '-' ! "P'wmph m .... , PAOH TWO Ho Panic Among Depositors of the Malin State Bank (Special to Tlio Herald) MALIN, Jan. 14, Nowb of the1 run on tho First Stnto and Savings bank wa rocolvod hero calmly. Stockmen nd other residents of this -valley have not become panic stricken over 'tho financial situation and thero has 'boon no run on tho Malln State bank, according to Louis Boldlschar, cash ior. Tho tendency rather has been to denounce thoso panicky depositors whoso lack of confldonco was re- nponslblo for tho closing of tho Kla math Palls hank. No run on tho lo cal bank Is anticipated by Mr. Bold lschar but ho Has grtthorod In ns much cash as posslblo and called In loans In propnrntlon for any emer gency. Ho believes tho depositors In this section are sane enough not to loso confidence In tholr bank and thoroby crlpplo It In a critical period. Reports from Merrill Indlcato a small run on tho bank there, but It chocked Itself before It became serious. Mrs. II. II. McCluer of Kansns City, who was chosen as a presi dential olector on tho republican ticket, is to receive tho honor of. conveying tho now to President elect Hnrdlng. It Is holieved shoj wlll bo tho only woman In tho United j States to receive this Dlgli uisunc tlon. TaEBalHyii&PflSBB SRHIHIHMHhhI in OKTCHnKEHHHnpig Ml '! fail i m rrwiinBWii II lliffiifln w I I Bad Investment Is Almost as Needless as Wasteful Spending LOSING Investments nrlRo nlno out cf ten times through lack of knowlcdgo of tho proposition nml f alluro to In vcstlgnto it. Inuuniornhlo tlmcii peoplo luivo withdrawn mnnoy from n perfectly gcod Tlist Natlonnl DANK ACCOUNT and put It Into projects which COULDN'T ns well as wouldn't succeed. Hiix'Iiikh (lriiw Inti'ii'sl nml iii-oiim- Ititrrrst. be First National Bank KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Twonty-throo men and women held by tho government to bo communists, nro on thulr way back to Europe Undo Sam ordered them deported. They woro rounded up In cities all over tho nation. Most of them nro Russians. They nro shown starting back. Miss Florence L. Nichols of Bos ton Is soon to sail from New York to tnko up her now duties as princi pal of tho first woman's collego in Asia, tho Isabella Thoburn collego In Lucknow, India. The Office Cat TK?w(Bi1Q83jitJiflBffiuiSfc second divorce. Marriage, to some, Is a sacred Institution; to others It's morely a habit. Wed in fhsh cresmery iwtftr And a cup of Good Coffee with real Pure Cream II V JUNIUS I'uity Soft , Mary had a llttlo hen Which laid two eggs a day; Now Mary owns tho brownstono front That stands across tho way. What has becomo of tho llttlo boy who was so good a couplo of weeks ago? Probably throwing rocks at the Bchoolhouso window. 7a ke Home & Dojen 0enjrfhnvis JOt . Salesmanship A customer, thinking ho was go ing to tho Star drug storo yester day went Into Baldwin's hardwnro store. Tho customer without notic ing his surroundings said: "I want a quarter's worth of carbolic acid." Tliq dork who had always been clev er at suggesting something clso when they didn't havo what tho cus tomer asked for, studied for a mo- mont and then quickly said: 'This is a hardware storo and wo don't keep carbolic acid, but wo havo a flno lino of ropo, revolvers and razors. Curtis So you refuse to marry mo until I am rich? Ada Absolutely. Curtis And you will wait for me until I until I get out of Jail again? Smnx Tho kiss Is Dan go ro us they say; Thon Injuro mo In Just that way. Detroit Frco Press. Tho kiss with Microbes now is filled Then let mo with Microbes bo killed. Hastings (Nob.) Tribune. Tho kiss sends man Up In tho nlr Thon let mo sail Most anywhere. Canton (Ohio) News. A kiss will drlvo A man to drink, And that's a perfect Plot, wo think. Akron Times. Soma kisses drlvo Men crazy; but, By cat, I'll chanco Being made a nut. S. F. Bulletin. Wo surely must Got In on this, Now, plonso, who will Provide tho kiss? Tho first woman Inspector of schools In Brazil has recently been appointed In Itlo do Janeiro. As a result of tho Novamber ela tion all of Wyoming's 21 counties are to havo women ns superintendents of education. t-..K..H":- t ic Tr J ?: V if sun i OUTIIITBIS! APPLY SULPHUR Ono Joy In not owning a car these cold days Is that when a tiro blows out somobody elso has to fix It. Just the moment you apply Man-tho-Sulphur to an Itching, burning or broken out skin, tho Itchlnr stops and healing begins, says n noted skin specialist. This sulphur preparation, mado into a pleasant cold cream, glvos such n quick relief, oven to fiery eczema, that nothing his over been found to tnko Its placo. Becnuso of Its gorm destroying pro perties, It quickly HUhduen tho Itch ing, cools tho Irritation and heals the eczema right up, leaving a clear, smooth skin In placo of ugly erup tions, rash, pimples or roughness. You do not havo to wnit for Ini provumont. It quickly shown. You con got n llttlo Jar of Mpntho- Sul phur at nny drug store.- Adv. w.j. "REAL SONG HITS" All By a Local Composer "After" A beautiful molody In waltz limn. This Is tho Song thnt mado uucli a hit at tho Mnnonlc hall rerun tly. "Would a Little Bit of Love Make Life Seem Sweeter" Tho biggest nong-hlt slnco "Let tho Host of tho World Oo By." This number la being featured from ono end of tlio country to tho other. "Till the Tides of the Ocean Refuse to Flow" t A snappy lovo song thnt Is full of molody. "The Golden Threads Are Turning Into Silver " Ono of tho old-stylo melodies rapidly coming hack Into "new-stylo"- again. ALL OF THKSH NUMIIKIIH ON HALH AT THE KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE t Geo. A. Wirtz, Prop. AM An Ohio woman who married tho 1 same man twlco Is now asking a Nipper Gets New Flaymate i x ,a v fttw 'Tv vWirf w'?' V i j' SMPt x.s friJiiiBMLiiiiiflK A New York man Is reported to hnvo shot hlmsolf when his landlord announced a 40 por cent Incrcaso In rent. As usual, tho Innocent by stander was tho victim. Setting typo Like this Helps to fill up space. IWo want to go homo Good night. Tho number of women employed In shops and factories In tho Argen tine republic hns doubled within the past flvo years. Nlppor, the whlto houso squirrel, will havo a new playmuto whon tho O. O. P. elephant takes possession of Washington March 4. You can soo by bis expression that ho isn't suro whether he'd rather havo tho oloplmnt or tbo dopartlng donkey, However, ho thinks ho'll continue to live among tho trees of the whlto houso lawn. IMF Sale Government Canned Meats BACON (Guaranteed) Thousand of poundt of Dacon and all guaranteed by the Govern ment at wU a by thla toro are offered in this unprecedented ale. The low price a quoted hero are almoat unbelievable, they are In audi contra t to the standard price of Dacon throughout the country Buy enough to last many month It la packed to it will Veep, and price are leia than 12-pound Can $2.75 The Army Gooda Store UilO Main (Street Wmmiimmmmammmmmimmmtmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm 1 J!