.maunttttammautiuiviuimam THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAGRXWO THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1021. Home, Sweet Home $$S$&S WWW? . STAR DRUG CO. Lesperine Tho best antiseptic wash. Hair Nets Vonlda Hair NoIh nro tho host, wo can buy. Matin from hu man hair. Sterilized nftor packing. Can and fringe shapo. -E-k Heals and soothes. Will not Fifth and Main Streets X irritate. Tho best vaginal wnah. R nr hn-r KAm lflc, 7 for IM.OO -i, . i) . ti f "" k "We Have It" ft-t ll -.- . () aHaflaMMHaMaBBHal 1 (J m9tr HSBsHaaaHrftA This Is a delouser. It Is also the homo of two Greek refugees, moth The delouser, discarded by the. Russian, was tho only shelter that could bo er and child, in the Near East relief camp at Datum on tho Black Sea found for them. Turks killed tho rest of tho family. y-nVWAvttxrLruxrvru"u'v Benjamin Franklin's Anniversary to Be Celebrated Jan, 17 NEW YORK, Jan. 13. Tho versa tile accomplishments of Benjamin Franklin will be retold throughout the country by various organizations on January 17, tho 214th annivers ary of his birth. In a number of celebrations tributes will be paid to him as a statemen diplomat, philoso pher, scientist, Journalist, economist. salesman, philanthropist, humorist, printer and publisher. As an advocate of spending less than ono makci, Franklin is to bo honored on his birthday by the na tional thrift week committee, which Is encouraging othor celebration of bis work. University of Pennsylvania alumni here plan to hall him as the founder of their alma mater. Libraries in many cities will call attention to Franklin as the found er of the first public library In tho colonies. fFtcc this Valuable-, 5Vvi(aHHBHHHP IF7TCSEalo A Sifa CuIJ la Quality and Fair frfc Our Catalog It the ttandard reference lor NorthwtK grow er,, lutlrvi our com plete lme of Seed,. Tree, and Plant, Fcrtillicrs, Poultry and lite Supplxa. Sprav and Spray er,. Diiry Suppliea and liquipnxnt. tfand Planters GuideO firing Information as to acaaon, soil and climate. Put your land to work for profit You can't afford to tie up your land or spend ' time and labor on any but the best stock. Order Diamond Quality stock and be sure of getting the finest strains and the right varieties for your purpose. Get the Diamond Quality Catalog in your possession as quickly as you can. It will pay you 1 AUc for Catalog No. K50 1 OOtm. HTaaaaaraaM f I Etta rJi M Va fcBi fiH Salaarooca i KaZXLMjSCNf.H Front and KJHLa 9i ! B) Wmmt milMf and WanhouM East First AUar ti kc T' f c fcc k c k ' k t -k t t tt it ft t t c-c ft' c k c t i Family Remedies Laxative Bromo Quinlno Jl0c Mustorole GOc nntl .10c Rowlo's Red Popper Rub -floe Hlnklo's Pills, 100 In bottlo.'. 30c Calomel Tablets, 100 In bottle. ...!U)c Nuxatod Iron $1.20 Tanlac $1 .20 Fletcher's Castarln 40c Syrup of Figs 00c St. Jacob's Oil OSc Metholatum 50c nntl 23c Vlck's Vnpo Rub 00c and .10c Stoan's Liniment 70c nntl a.1c S. S. S 91.00 nntl 81 .2.1 Klenio Liquid Antiseptic. 30c - 23c Rcxall Bronchial Salvo 113c Special Ball Top Nipple, black seam less nipple, per doz 83c tj Baby Needs Horllck's Malted Mllk..81.00 anil SOc Family slzo . $3.75 Denno's Food.......... 00c nntl 00c Family slzo $3.75 Eskay's Food 81.00 and 0.1c Family slzo .. . ... $3.30 Mollln's Food 83c Ono dozen ....80.30 Hygca Nursing Bottles.. .............20c Hygca Nipples . 20c Stork Nursers .................. 1 3c Stork Nipples 15c Nursing Bottles, round and oval.-lOc Regular Nipples, each 3c Baby Educator Crackers -13c Safety Pins, .card .....10c Ladies' Hand Bags AT LESS THAN' COST Wo nro closing out our lino of ladles' hand bags and vanity cuses nt cost and less thnn cost. All $14.75 to $18.00 Vanity Cases, reduced to $10.00 All $10.00 to $13.50 Hand lings and -Vanity Cases reduced to . 0.05 1 All $8.50 to 19. CO Hand Bags and Vanity Cases reduced to - 5.0.1 All $5.00 to $8.00 Hand Bugs and Vanity Cases reduced to 11.0.1 All $3.00 to $3.75 Hand lings and Vanity Cases reduced to 1.0S Rubber Goods Bo ready theso cold nights with a Hot Water Bottle to put at your fcot. Tho comfort It affords Is worth many tlnios its cost. Our rubber goods como direct from tho fac tory and aro guaranteed to wear long and give porfoct satisfaction. Maximum Hot Water Bottlo, 2-quart size, hand mado bag, reinforced scams a. $2.30 Kantlcok Hot Wntor Bottlo "It can't leak becauBo It Is mado In ono piece." Two quart slzo - 81.2.1 Thrco quart slzo 11.30 Kantlcok bottles aro guaranteed to glvo sorvlco for two years. Face Powders Tlvor's Azurca nntl Flornymo... By I . .1.... .Il..i ,-. II- -I- T.4-........ lllll'uruilK tliruu iiuiu jujn, I'lmiiu, Ln wo snvo you noc on u mix or tins J high grndo faco powdor. !ti. Per box $1.30 Pompulnn Ilenuty Powtlor (10 Corn Nomo Poudro do Rlz....- 2.00 Bourjols Java Rice Powder (10 Armnnd'n Fnco Powdor 30 MnvlH Fnco Powtlor 00 Frcomnn'H Fnco Powtlor 35 Bouquet ltninco Fnco Powtlor.. 1.00 DJorlilsa Fnco Powdor H3c La Blacho Fnco Powtlor HO Mulba Faco Powdor 00 Jontccl Faco Powdor. 50 ). ) t, . Special Imported Vacuum Bottlo, pint slzo, guaranteed to keep liquid hot 24 hours or cold 48 hours $1.50 Thermos Bottles At RiMlucrd Prlccfi. Always ready for use. Koops baby's milk warm at night. Insures a hot drink with your lunch. Universal Lunch Kits, nil motnl construction. A roomy lunch box with a Vacuum bottlo In tho top. Keeps tho lunch fresh and clean, and a hot drink' makes tho lunch tnsto hotter. Complete $1.50 Thermos Bottles, pint slzo $2.73 to $11.30 Tliormos Bottles, quart slzo $1.75 to $3.7.1 Pint Flllurs $1.73 Quart Flllors $2.00 Fountain Pens Tempolnt, Wntcrman Conklln $2.30 to $10.00 Evcrsharp Pencils PRICKS DO NOT INCLUDE REVENUE TAX The S4Ca Store Mail Orders Filled Promptly Kodaks And ororythlng for tho amateur pho KotlnkB $0.l to $7.1.01 J- i 5!' Wo do kotluk finishing. ) ' ' i ii' ) i ) i i ' i ' i ' i ) i ' ) tt i ) - -) w ). -1 - ' - - Healthy Automobiles jQp --Sk?K aV !rrffrTlTll 1 1 P-. i . mini i ; vrt itmttfvrsMi ajHb ,w VT'T.-jn r 'ttiHitiMA "w, You cannot expect your car to be healthy all winter unless you give it proper protection. Sick Cars Are Expensive Exposure to weather causes trouble, deterioration and rapid depreciation. Wet wires cause short circuits water on metal parts causes rust. The paint on the body will check and crack It moisture ia allowed to collect and stand. GIVE YOUR CAR A HOME Keep It Out of the Hospital This company will help you. Big Basin Lumber Company Exclusive Representatives of the National Builders Bureau The Office Cat kmI I Kmmiiln And fathor will start rulslng Cain , because motlior forgot to put his othor suit of underwear in tho laun dry. And motlior will ask him why ho doesn't attend to his own laundry, and Informs him that If ho would spend a llttlo raoro tlmo at homo and not so much in tho pool rooms ho would ho better off. And then father will slam tho door and go out and loavo a trail of bluo cuss words nil tho way up the streot. BY JUNIUS MMVMWM Diogenes! Oh, Dl-oge-nc-c-ccs (Kansas City Star) FOR SALE Ford roadster; body looks tough, engine good; tires poor; $195; 1720 Walnut. H Ktiquottel A gentleman Is Oswald Slater, Ho doffs his hat In an elevator Or any place wbero ladles are Then puffs up on a black cigar. Merely Prrwumption On Our Part Meat cutters of Grand Rapids, Mich., have organized. For their of ficial union seal, we prezoom, they'll have a fist on a pair of scales. Some wise gazabo and it wasn't Guh Krause, elthor, said: "It you come out of the llttlo end of the horn, pick it up and toot It. Why Not Go Back untl Make A Faco Attum? Dear Office Kat: I've sworn oft on this honest Injun stuff. Yesterday I went to tho post- offlco to buy a book of stamps and banded the guy behind tho bars a dollar bill. He gavo me the change, tho book and I walks out still hold ing the $1 bill, a book and change to tho good. I got clear to tho door whon I found I had the $1 in my hand. I went back honest I did and givo him the dollar. Did I get a cheory smllo? No wonder tho tem perature dropped. Tho gink uh huhed, "uh huh," rough liko, and said "next." Noah Lott. A Financial Ado A crowd of romping Herald car rlers wre endangorlng tho offlco window yesterday and Mrs. Murray started to tono down their exuber ance. "That window cost $250," she gently explained. "It you broko it, how do you think you would pay for for it?" "Aw, charge It up to tho dust and lot the rain settle it," promptly ro piled tho smallest of tho lot. ' What has become of the old-fashioned man who used to go homo, and wrap up a suit of clean underwear every Saturday night and then go to tho barber shop and take a bath? A Regular Butcher A most notoriqus slayer Is ho, I've heard folks say; No blood ho spills Although he kills A dozen hours each day. Ow' Chocr Up I RememlKT Kvmi Tho Itco Ha Itn 111 Htlng Dear Junius: Never again will I bo Interested. Poots may ravo about God's froo air and wild flowers and all of that. But my flinty soul shall remain as ada mant. Why? Becauso oven honoy has In creased in price. I. O. Dine. TEXAS CATTLE MET TO Hi IT DEI EL PASO, Tox., Jan. 13. El Paso Is filled with cattlomen horo to dis cuss tho sorlous plight of tholr busi ness at tho 24th annual convention of tho American National Livestock association. The convention opened today and continues three days. Tho "wavo of deflation," accord ing to leaders, baa swept livestock prices below tho cost of production. Stockmen cannot got loans to con tlnuo their business, they miy, and thin has caused liquidation of much livestock that should have boon "kept for further finishing or breeding." Iko Pryor of Snn Antonio, Is ex pected to deal vigorously, with ad vorso conditions In tho Industry when ho speaks during tho convention on "Tho Tariff as It Affects tho Farm and Itanch." Othor speakers Includo W. S. Cul bortson, mombcr of tho United States tariff commission; Senator J. B. Kendrlck, of Wyoming, president ol tho association; S. F. Toimlo, minis ter of agriculture, Dominion of Can ada; W. W. Turney, president of thd Texas Cattle Raisers association; and J. S. Miller, governor of tho Kan sas City fedoral reserve bank. 4 D : A Vernntllo Stovo (Connoaut (O.) Nows-Herald) FOR SALE Ono steel range, in good condition. Can burn coal or wood, also cabbage and onions. Call 2135 Brown, mornings and ovenlngs. C. H. Smith. Corner Middle and Ball-ey-rds. Popular Fiction "Maw, I dunno why tho teacher alius picks on me, but sho does." . "REAL SONG HITS" r All By a Local Composer "After" A beautiful melody in waltz' time. This is tho Song that mado such a hit at tho Masonic hall recently. "Would a Little Bit of Love Make Life Seem Sweeter" The biggest song-hit since "Let the Rest of tho World Go By." Thla number is being featured from ono ond of the country to the other. "Till the Tides of the Ocean Refuse to Flow" A snappy love song that is full of melody. "The Golden Threads Are Turning Into Silver" Ono of the old-stylo molodles rapidly coming back into "now-stylo" Z' again. ALL OF THESE NUMBERS ON SALE AT THE KLAMATH FALLS MUSIC HOUSE, f Geo. A. Wirtz, Prop. 4-4--M-4-'4-4- t 41