The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 12, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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v WkunksdAy, jAnuaiiy is, iobi.
The Evening Herald Everett True
By Coiido
J. MURRAY. ,. JMltor
SUED SOCLE .. City Editor
Published dally except Sunday, by
The IJQornld Publishing Company of.
Klamath Fans, at lis Eigntn atreot.
Altered at the postofflco at Kla
math Falls, Ore., for transmission
through the malls as second-class
ncciSTcnco in
II ONJT KNOH tvHvSTHeft fov TlvO esTCS-l
MeN BAve. mct er-oRo on not.
Ht3Tsre "Tiroes, thu is fii Pr
Tlio Associated Press Is exclusively
entitled to tho uso for republication
ot all nows dispatches crodltod to It,
or not othorwlso credited In this
paper, and nlso tho local nows pub
lisher herein.
Tho First Stato and Savings bank
has not failed, and wo do not bo
llevo It will fall. Tho fact that tho
doors wore closed today docs not
mean that they win not reopen
Kelthcr does It mean that tho depos
ltors will lo'se a cent. This Is the
opinion of tho stato bank examiner,
and ot every banker In tho city. It
is tho belief of every business man
who has given tho situation the con
sideration Its lmportanco 'deserves.
The natural question Is: It the bank
Is selvent: If tho depositors will not
lose; If the Institution Is to re-open,
then why did it closet
Baek of tho closing lies a long,
long story. Its telling at this, tlmo
Is neither opportune nor necessary.
But It docs not.lnvolvo any mon con
nected with the First State and Sav
ings bank In any misconduct In tho
management of Its utfalrs. Tho dom
inating tlguro in tho bank was Cap
tain Siemens. Rising from obscur
ity to tho very plnnaclo of success
solely by his own efforts, ho made
tho bank one ot tho big financial In
stitutions of tho stato. In his rlso
ho loft no mangled- remains at the
bottom of tho ladder. Rather did
ho sbovo ahead of him and pull up
with him scores ot citizens of this
co'unty who would othorwlso have
disappeared from 'tho affairs of this
community. That' Is why you will
find scattered throughout tho coun
ty scores of men and women whoso
sentiments are 'summed up in tho
statement- ot one ot tho biggest de de de
posieors: "1 would rather go down to fail
ure standing side by side with Cap
tain Siemens,, than to rise to fame
oy contributing one lota to tho hard
ships now' confronting htm."
It is this confidence In the man
that Is going to put tho First State
and Savings bank back In Its old
place as one ot tho sound financial
institutions ot the state.
Its closing comes 'through no
fault ot Captain Siemens nOr any of
tho officials. It comes simply as a
result of an Indefinable, untrace
able rumor that all was not right
with tho Institution. Under norma,
conditions nothing would havo hap.
pencd. nut theso aro abnormal
times, and abnormal minds are
usually active during such periods.
Thcso rumors reached the ears of
the timid ones and a quiet run'start
od. As anyone knows no bank can
stand a run, and tho First Stato v.ns
no exception. Each day It was ex
pected that the people would awak
en to the fact that everything was
all right. When they did not; Cap
tain Siemens went to Portland to ar
range for tho financial asslstanco
noedod to meet any demand. He wiib
successful, and returned home ready
to do battle. camo the failure ot tho Mor
ris Brothers bonding house. This
failure changed conditions 'In Port
land to such an extent as to 'require
tho roturn of Captafc Siemens to
that city, where he was at the time
it was decided to close the doors of
tho bank. In the meantlmo the stato
banking department sent Assistant
State Superintendent ot Banks Hoop
er and an assistant here to supervise
conditions. Under tho stato law
when a bank's reserve reaches a cer
tain point It must Increaso it or close.
That Is Just what happened In this
instance. Tho constant drain upon
tho funds on hand reduced tho re
servo to a point where there was
nothing left but to close. It Is ono
of tho law's safeguards for the de
positors and It Is one of tho things
that should convince a thinking per
son that tho Institution is solvent.
Another reason tor confldencp Is tho
unequivocal statement of Mr. Hooper
that the bank Is solvent. Its closing
will mean a little Inconvonlonco to
thoso having money on deposit, but
that Is all.
What will happen?
Undoubtedly tho usual custom will
bo followed. The bank will reorgan
ize, the reserve placed where It will
meet every demand and the Institu
tion resume operations. Captain
Siemons has the confidence of the
people of tho city, and when the
torm blows away ho will bo found
standing, solid as a rock, in tho
place he has so long occupied.
M, K53 X HAve M&.t TWC GONTUeM T3foRe,
i LOOK UK5 NY-acrDY 6L3S To HIM. Buy mas
WGAIN fw ' VrT rfeOO
. . . 4BHFt - 11. .I I Ntt..7ss
SAKE ill
sbbumJ " rm ft
- j-- . -ZISsssssssssssssssssssssssKfA A trfjj . 1
Ready Ed V. Price & Co. wonderful Spring Line of Woolens
ready for your inspection new snappy all-wool suitings, that
youll want for your Spring and Summer Clothes made to
your individual measure. Perfect Fit and satisfaction guaran
teed. $35.00 and up. Step in and make your selection. Get meas
ured. today. Do it now.
FOR RENT Two furnished sleep
ing rooms. Phono 273-R or call
431 Washington. 12-14
WILL TRADE 40 ACRES of timber
near city for sultablo residence
lots. What havo you? Address H. V.
Herald. 12-14
WiANTED Janitor for new Fnlr
vlow. school. Good living quarters
for small family with fuel, light and
wntor furnished. Apply J. P. Wells.
Superintendent of Schools. 12-14
FOR RENT Sleeping room for gen
tloman. Home privileges. S22. Kin
math Ave. 12-18
FOR SAILE Ono Jersey cow coming
fresh in a few days, ono team of
young marcs, weight 2600, ono two
room house for rent. Eldorado Avo.
between Portland and Manzanlta Sts..
north end of Hot Springs Add. 12
FOR SALE At a bargain, boy's al
most now rubber boots, bought too
small for owner. HJeh ermln. 741
Walnut Avo. 12
lngmnchlno, hand power. 741 Wal
nut Ave. 12
get a good bed and a good bath.
82 gals, of hot water constantly wait
ing. Stove heat In each ball, oxtra
stove heat In each room If desired.
11th and Main Sts. Union houso, run
by union man and wife. 12
FOR SALE Chevrolet car. Good con
dition. McDonald's Peel Hall, 615
Main St. 12-20
FOR RENT Large front room, fur
nished. Phono 317-R. 1143 Pine
street. ' 12
FOR RENT Four room house nice
ly furnished for housekeeping on
Sargent Ave. Inquire at S12 N. 9th.
St. - 12
rlght.or mill foreman, 30 years ex
perience in circular mills. Refer
ence. Address P. O. Box 1032. 12-18
FOR SALE Loose hay, alfalfa and
grain hay. See Parker, Peoplo's
Warehouse 12-18
WANTED To rent a piano. Family
with no small children. Call 3G0
9th St. 12
The ladles of tho Christian church
will hold a Silver Tea at tho home
of Mrs. J. T. McCollum. 417 Ninth
St., Thursday afternoon, Jan. 13. Tho
ladles and friends ot tho church nro
welcome. z
Wo wish in nxtnml nnr afnnAPAct
thanks to all those who were so kind
una noipiui during tho Illness, and
burial of our darling baby. Also for
tho beautiful floral gifts.
Thero Is ono thing that th6 pooplo
of this city havo reason to bo proud
ef: They did not losb thoir heads. It
would not have been surprising to
have seen tho public greatly excited
and doing that which they should not
do, nut tho very reverse was true.
To tho closo observer nothing out of
tho' ordinary could be dlscorned.
Those who discussed tho situation,
manifested their confidence by tho
statomont that tho First Stato and
Savings bank would reopon. And
whilo tho people havo done only that
which they should do, It Is not at all
out of placo to tell them about It
and to congratulate thorn upon their
good, sound, solid common senso, A
city that can moot a crisis bo calmly
has a citizenry of which It can bo
Tho city engineer pursuant to reso
lution of tho Common Council of tho
city ot Klamath Falls. Oregon, having.
! under dato of December 11th, 1920,
filed his plans, specifications and es
timates of costs of Improving Fourth
strcot from southerly lino of Kla
math avenue to tho southerly, lino ot
Oak avenue; Fifth street from 'tho
southerly lino of Klamath avonuo to
tbo southerly lino ot Willow avonuo;
Walnut avenuo from tbo northerly
linn nf Fourth strcot to tho south
erly line of Sixth strcot;' Oak avenue',
from tho northerly lino of F6Urth I
street to "the southly lino of.
Seventh street nnd' Willow avenuo
from tbo northoly lino ot Fifth street
to tho southorly line ot Sixth street,
together with all Intersections be
tween tho termini mentioned not al
ready Improved; Such Improvement
to 'Consist in bringing said portions
of said street to the established
grade, qnd bard surfacing tho samo
with Bitullthlc, pavement to tho fol
lowing widthts:
Fourth street from Klamath to Oak
tbo hard surfacing to bo 25 feet In
width; with four foot cement side
walks on each Bldo ot the street so
far as Improved.
Fifth street from Klamath avenuo
to Walnut avenuo tho hard surfac
ing to bo 40 wcet In width; and
from the southerly lino of Walnut
uvenuo to the northerly lino of Wil
low avenue tho hard surfacing to be
32 feet In width with cement side
walks on each sldo of said Fifth
street front Klamath avenue to bo
the northerly line of Oak avenuo.
Willow avenue from Fifth street to
Sixth street the hard surfacing to be
32 feet In width; no sidewalks.
. Walnut avenue from Fourth street
to Sixth street the hard surfacing to
be 25 feet In. width.
Oak. avenuo from Fourth street to
Sevonth street tho hard surfacing to
be 25 feet In width with cement side
walks on each 'side of said street.
Tho sldewulhrttrbo Installed four
feet In width, together wltht proper
and adequate drainage and curbing.
it It is hereby resolved, that said
plans, specifications, and estimates
'of cost for making the improvements
above described, be and the same aro
hereby approved.
lAnd bo It further resolved, that
tho Commpn Council heroby declares
Its Intention to Improve said portions
of said streets and avonues In accord
ance with said plans and specifica
tions and estimates of cost In tho
manner and form nbove mentioned
with Bitullthlc or other hard surfaco
pavement. Tho estimated cost otl
tho proposed Improvements hard sur
facing with Bitullthlc Is 163,000.00;
The estimated cost of tho proposed
Improvements using Oil Macadam
pavement Is $40,100.00; tho estima
ted cost of tho proposed Improve
ments, hard surfacing with Concrete!
Is 157,800.
And bo tt further reso'lvod by tho
Common Council that tho following
described property bo and is heroby
declared to be benefited by tho mak
ing of said Improvements, to-wlt:
Lots 1, 2, '9, 10, and easterly half ot
Lots 3 and 8 Blk. 74; Lots 1, 2, 9, 10,
and' easterly half of Lots 3 and 8
Blk. 86; Lota 1, 2, and easterly halt
of Lot 3 ot Blk. 91; All ot Blocks 75.
85, and Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, and
easterly half of Lot 8, 13 Ik. 92: LotH
1, 2, 9, 10, and eastorlyhalf of Lots 3
and 8 Blk. 98; Lots 1, 2,
nnd enstorly halt or Lot 3, uik.
103;, Lots 4, G, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, and
wostorly half of Lot 3 Blk. 75; All
Block 84; Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. C, 7. and
westerly half or Lot 8, Blk. 93; Lots
4, 5, 6, 7, 8. 9, 10 and wostorly halt
or Lot s, nik. 97; Lots i. z, 3, 4, 5,
Blk. 104; Lots 6, 7, 8, 9.' 10. Blk. 83:
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, Blk. 94; All or said
lots and blocks above described ho
Ing In Klamath addition to tho city
or Klamath Falls, Oregon, and said
abovo listed lots, and blocks 1b horo
by declared to bo the proporty to bo
K4" .1
Exclusive Agents Ed V. Price & Co.
assessed for the cost ot making said
And bo It further resolved, that
Monday, tho 7th day of February,
1921, at tho hour of 8 o'clock P. M.
at tho Council Chamber In the city
hall In said city bo and hereby Is fix
ed at Iho tlmo and placo for tho hoar
Ing of objections and remonstrances
against tho making ot said proposed
Improvement, and tho Pollco Judgo Is
hereby directed to caiiso nottco ot
said hearing by publishing this reso
lution as by charter required.
Stato of Orogon
City of Klamath Falls, ss
County ot Klamath
I, A, L. Leavltt, Pollen Judgo of
tho city of Klamath Falls, Oregon,
do heroby certify 'that tho foregoing
Is a duly enrolled copy of a resolu
tion adoptod by tho Common Coun
cil on tho 10th day of January, A. D,
1921, declaring Its Intention to Im
provo cortaln portions of cortaln
streets thcroln named.
A. L,
Pollco Judgo
ORKOON Tonight nnd Thurs
day, rain In west; rain or snow In
cast portion; warmer tonight In
oast portion.
Everybody Is or
Talking, of Building,
H t)C9'' R0Kibt W 1 JUBsssMfksyrVT JHHssKsV )
I i if 1 aJUsL Iv'sHIUsmS LWBlLiMsawteisiB?MBft
"Let HER dream 'of a new
Home come true this year I
Start pliuuilng now, so that as
soon m the weather permit
you can get tbo work under
way, nnd have tho now homo
completed In tlmo to plant tho
flowers nnd garden."
The days of "high cost of lumber" nro pant. Recent price readjustments, covering
u number of months, havo brought lumber prices buck "to earth."
In fact, Lumber wun-tlio first of all great living commodities to come back to
anywhere near a nonnul basis., ;
EASY TO BUILD Made So by "Big Basin" Service
Wo Imvo established , a reputation in this community as an authority on lumber
and 1U products, and how to uso them.
Years of oxpcrlenro in tho building and material business, and a special study
of the different kinds of wood, rnublo us to givo you practical advlco as to the
varieties and grndes of material best suited for each particular purpose,
Our experience saves you money und mistakes. Wo tnko u personal interest ' In
your building problems; helping you,plan tho arrangements and construction, mak
ing estimates, securing competent workmen, and helping you in every way wo
That this service Is appreciated Is evidenced by our growing list of Satisfied
Customers, who Insist on telling their neighbors nnd friends about us, intimat
ing that tho "IlIO HASIN" is a good placo to go when buying lumber.
The Big Basin Lumber Company
W. II. KLINOENIIERG, Manager Mitln nnd Spring Streets. Phono 107