The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 08, 1921, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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Klamath's Only Exclusive Music House
7 Personal Mention
n m
iruvxjyvxxAvvi w w tJwwyJnj1J)j(
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i wZiTiiJli. ri ill 1 Sm SmJ fft
Wo linvu disposed of thlrtucn flno
musical Instrument!) nlnco Chrlst
imiih. Our hunlncsfl linn liccn es
pecially hunvy on pianos and
player plnnos, a fact that wo
attribute) to tho Hpoclal conccs
RlonH wo nro alilo to offer owlnp to
carload buying for cash, Hlilpplng
plaiiOH unlioxcd In harness and to
Kottlng our Block on tlio ground
before tlio 3C rulso In freights.
You aro still 1(boliiB bolng offered
IticBt) concession!) for ono reason only
tho HitccpRRtu) morcliant Rolls bis
on tiro Block Just ns many times each
year bb posslblo and tho honker
calls this "tho turnover." If tho
farmer could rolso six crops of alfal
fa each year you can readily sco
how much moro, successful ho could
Wo again coll your attontlon to
tho fact that during tho last two
years you could buy as choaply at
our ntoro as In tho cast. In ovory
Instance not ono cent of freight or
express was added to tho standard
prlco and this at a tlmo when profit
eering was a gonoral rulo.
In short, to placo our stock In
position for a rapid turnover In
1921 wo wish to dlsposo of a dozen
mora flno Instruments quickly.
Prices and terms novo got to bo
O. D, Co IH1
I ' JP3M1
mm 3j5f "awr "iffMHpL.
J I j2S2H3j ' ,
mm rff nm
Klamath's Only Exclusive Music House
ir i xozm itxn&
Gardlnor Dotsford, ngod 3, will
live fllx months of every year with
hla. father, A. M. Dotsford, for
merly an actor of noto; and tho
other six months wlthhls mother,
now tho wife of TibtJtori'a best
friend. When Dotsford learned his
wife loved his frlond, Raoul Flelsch
mann, ho refused to stand In tho way
of he'r happiness. She wtrafto Reno,
got a divorce, and married Flelsch-
mnnn, who had been Dotsford's col
logo chum and best man at tho Dots
ford wedding.
Louis Rocsch has commenced suit
ngalnut T. XV Phcnogor, J, 8. Ilailoy,
W, T. Estop and A. W. Walker, for
tho recovery of $4000, said to be
duo through promissory notes de
livered to Mossrs. Estop and Walker
In consideration for tho transfer of
two Attorbury trucks. Payment was
promised In October, and 'the com
plaint alleges that no money hao
been paid. Mr. Roosch, who securod
tho notos from Estop & Walker, hsks
MOO attorney's fees.
It,. In estimated that nine-tenths
of the coasts of tho world aro cov
ered with sand.
Canals of a total mlloago of-mbro
than C000 miles aro In efficient use
In England,
A classified Ad will sell it.
Worth Doing.
A dear old man, whom the neigh
bors call Undo Joo, Is noted for his
patlenco in making ported ovory
task ho Btnrts. Ho will spond hours
working on somo Bniall detail and
will not stop until ho has it porfect.
When wo laugh at him for being so
exact and prcsorverlng, ho says,
"Well, if it's worth doing at all, it's
worth doing well."
Wo aro Inclined to mako'fun of
him, and wo sometimes scold him
for being so slow; yet when wo want
something especially cholco mended
wo take It to Uncle Joe. We know
it will be Just right whon ho Is
through with it.
Tho habit of doing things well
grows, Just as all habits grow, and
it soon becomes as easy to bo thor
ough as it is to bo careless. Uncle
Joe has tho habit of being thorough.
There, Is a glow of satisfaction
which comes when a task is well
'dono that is not .equalled by anything
else. There is no Joy equal to that
of knowing that one's duty has bcou
well done.
Thoroughness In everything Is,
worth while. If life is worth living
at an,, it is worth living well.
FOR DENT Furnished apartment:
also sleeping room, with heat. G34
N, 8th St. 8
FOUND A bunch of keys at tho
Liberty thoatro. 8-10
FOR SALE Used Cambridge piano.
708 N. 9th St. 8-10'
FOR SALE Sixty acres of Irrigated
land southeast of Klamath Falls,
all planted to alfalfa, an excellont
stand. Dox 123, care Herald office. 8
'fcNs ''wvv r VmWWWWWWW3k&''-m tell C n. RiiMiiA"
Italian poet-worrlor who. concluded llfo was too sweot to sacrifice. H
of tho Italian government regarding Flume and It is reported will go to South
.writing ot his experiences, ..-
Ho has accepted the conditions
America to devote his time to
CHKAP. I havo been nuthorlted to
soil about 3000 acres of land in
Klamath county belonging to an east
ern cilont for any reasonable amount.
These lands aro scattered all over
Klamath county and many ot the
tracts aro favorably located undor
present oil indications. The lands
are well worth the prlco asked for
their grating valuo alone, and some
tracts have timber. Nena of these
lands jire under oil leaso. Rather than
invest in oil stock, why don't
somo ot this land out-right at almost
government prices? I shall sell these
lands for' the best price 'I can gei but
they must be sold. Act at once It y'ojt
want to ' Invest your money safely
with a free chance Jo fully profit by
an unexpected value which may at
tach to these lands.
517 Main Street 8-11
WANT E'D-Housekeopor. Apply
roohi-r2;'"Bwflnson Dulldinc. 8-15
j r , - r
Ewauanfi Camp, Woodmon of tho
World, will hold a rousing meeting
Tuesday evening, January 11, All
mombors are urged to turn out for
tho first meeting of tho new year
and help" plan for progress. Visit
ing nolghbors aro cordially Invited
to (fttend. The clearing Is in tho
west hall of tho I. O; O. F. building,
botween Fourth and Fifth streots,
upstairs. By order of.
H. O. Shldlor,
S-ll Consul Commander.
'Kid C. A. Watorhouso who Is a
successful ovangollst Is holding meet
ings in tho First Baptist church at
Sth and 'Washington, overy night.
Tho Thomo for Saturday evening
Is "Ono Thousand and Ono Men on a'
Sunday ovenlng tho Tliemo will bo
"Tho Garden of tho Clods."
Both subjects aro ot vital interest
in the affairs of men,
Como out and hear him. 8
Tho Study Department of tho Li
brary club meets Monday p. m.. Mrs.
Harrison, Loador. Book discussed to
bo "The Great Hunger." 8
Scotland Yard has on record about
340,000 different sets ot finger
prints, ' .- ,-J-i'c , i r .
. . ,.-.
R. D. Davis Is In town from his
homo qt Swan Lake
C. C. Cooper of Macdoel, Cal Is a
visitor in this city.
Edgar Johnson ot Medford Is a vis
itor hero and registered at tho White
Pelican hotel.
A. D. Lund has returned homo nf
tor spending tho holidays In Cali
fornia. ,MIbs Mabel Christy left for Ilor
keloy this morning to rcsumo her stu
dies, L. D. StovcnRon and W. E. Sco
honi left for Urnnts Pobs yesterday
on business. '
C. A. Wobstor, Stockton attorney,
is registered at tho White Pelican
R. 13. Gordon and slstofl In-lnw,
Mrs. H. J. Gordon aro visitors from
Fort Klamath.
Mrs. G. W. Palmer and MJss Violet
Palmer returned to Chlloquln this
morning after n short visit hero.
A boy was born hero this morn
ing to Mr. and Mrs. T. 11. Helm of
Don'anza, and both mother and child
aro doing nicely.
Dr. George E. Mallett, osteopath,
Is leaving for Portland tomorrow to
bring back his wlto and daughter.
Thoy will return January 17.
'Buck" Goddard, brother of Mrs.
F. C. Bamber, left for San Francisco
yesterday and will pass tho win
ter months there.
R. S. Anderson ot Merrill is in
tho city for a few days' visit with
his sons, Anderson Bros., proprietors
ot tho Anderson Dros. grocery.
C, V. Holmes, accompanied by Mrs.
Holmes, camo up from Malln yester
day to visit his local grocery. Mr.
and Mrs. Holmes returned to Malln
Paul McKee, president of , tho California-Oregon
power company, and
Fred O. Pholps of Medford, arrived
last night for a business visit at the
local otflco.
W. E, Lamm of tho Lamm Lumber
company and sister. Miss Edith
Lamm, and Miss Ella Elliott retrned
to Chlloquln this morning after a
brlof visit hore.
The Misses Vova and Dorotha
Martin havo returned to school at
Derkoloy after having spent their
holiday vacation with their parents,
Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Martin.
' Fred Eberhart, contractor, has al
most completed the new steel brldgo
across Lost river, at Olene, and con
slderlng tho trying weather condi
tions, has dono wonderfully well with
tho work-
Miss Cecelia McMahon returned
Thursday night from a visit ot two
months with friends and relatives
in Portland. Mlsa McMahon has re
sumed her position with the Ger
trude Millinery company.
Mr. and Mrs. O. L. Larson and in
fant son returned last night from
Portland, whero they made a holi
day visit with Mrs. Larson'B par
ents and other relatives and friends.
Thoy wero absent two weeks.
iMr. and Mrs. A. A. Cottlo of San
Joso, Cal., who .recently purchased
the Enrlght ranch In tho Dairy dis
trict have arrived to take charge of
tho place. They left' for Dairy this
morning. 'They aro accompanied by
their infant daughter.
!rt"$t Inda r&
r - "Ai i . 'U!"
i Mi ' tJi' )
i, '? iit
Horo is another of those good
looking flannel frocks, so vory
comfortable to wear. Tho stlrght,
full skirt has its two squaro
pockets banded with plain buff ton
ed flannel, then tho flat collar and
the slecvo bands aro similarly ot tho
plain flannel whllo tho sash Is of tho
checked material with only a nar
row binding ot the plain along its
Business Men Take
Kindly to Housing
Plan, Says Holland
James Holland, managor ot tho
chamber ot commcrco corporation.
which Is sponsoring tho Holland
housing plan, stnJCBthat thoro will
uu no iruuuiQ,in iioancing mo pro
ject which is oxpocted to provldo
many homes in Klamath Falls dur
lng tho next ycar.n
H. D. Mortcnsen, chairman of thai
committee, interviewed local business
men yesterday, said Mr. Holland;
and everywhere found support for,
tho plan. ,"
Tho Holland plan contemplates
tho erection of a 'dwelling for any
person, who can furnish a lot and
an Initial payment of 20 per cent ot
the cost ot tho building, Succcod
lng installments are paid monthly
and will bo approximately tho rent
valuo of tho houses.
Tho corporation, which will bo un
derwritten by locl men, will havo
4 capitalization ot $100,00. Thoro
will bo no loan or brokerago feat
ures. Building houses for people
who want to own their homes Is to
be tho sole' business ot the corpor
ation. -
Weather Probabilities
Tho barometric pressure, as
shown by tho Cycld-Storma-graph
at' Underwood's Pharma
cy, briB been very high for tho
24 hours preceding noon ioday,
but since that hour has boon '
- falling qultQ-rapldly, Indicating
a change in weather conditions, i
Forecast for next 24 heurs:
Storm. brewing in southwest.
And In the Meantime