The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 08, 1921, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    SAXVItDAY, JANUARY 8, 1021.
Prominent Western
Man Praises Tanlac
O. W. Logon, I'cnbody, Kjuimm
"Tanlac has coxnplctoly restored
ray health' and I feel finer than In
years," was the straightforward
Btntouient mado reccntlly by Mr.
George W. Logan, of Poabody, Kan
sas, ono of tho most prominent
BtockHlcalcrs In tho middle west.
"It has not only made a now man
of mo hut I have actually gained
thlrty-flvo younds In weight and feel
as well as I ever did In my life. I
am telling all of my friends about
Tanlac but they can seo for them
selves what It has done In my caso.
'WMien I began taking Tanlac, I
was In nn awfully run-down condi
tion, "fiwas'wny off In weight, felt
- weak andTiervous all of the tlmo and
couldn't tako any Interest In my work
or anything clso. My main troublo
waB Indigestion. Nothing secmod
to agree with mo. Times I would havo
dizzy spells and at other times my
back would acho. so bad that I could
hardly igot up and down In my chair.
This Is Just tho condition I was in
when I started to tako this medicine
It took Just six bottles to mako a well
man of mo. I now have a flno appe
tite, everything tastos good and my
digestion Is perfect,
"My wlfo was also troubled with
indigestion at times and it rcllovcd
her tho samo way. You may pub
lish my statement wherovor you
llko nnd If nnyono doubts It, Just
toll them to see mo."
Tanlic is sold In Klamath Falls
by Star Drue Co., In'LqrcJIn by James
Merc. Co. and In Merrill by South
cm Oregon Drug Co. Adv.
Ouch! Lame Back
- Rub backache. Lumbago, Soreness
and stiffness away-Tty faisl
Back hurt you? Can't straighten less and doesn't burn or discolor the
ud without feellnir sudden Dains. skin.
sharp aches and twinges? Now Lls- Limber up! Don't" suffer! Oct a
ten! That's lumbago, sciatica or niay- small trial bottle from any drug
bo from a strain, and you'll got .store, and after using It Just onco,
blessed relief tho moment you rub
your back with soothing, penetrating
"St. Jacobs Oil." Nothing elso takes
oat soreness, lameness and stiffness
bo quickly. You simply rub It and out
comes the pain. It is perfectly harm-
you"ll forget that you over had back'
acne, lumbago or sciatica, becauso
your back will sever hurt or cause
auy more misery. It never disap
points and has been Tecommended
for 60 years. Adv,
Healthy Automobiles
& t IAm " .MUfr
ZfVlTW.' i i ...j,
(CHfatytt i
r "xwbbWW
You cannot expect your car to be healthy all winter unless
you glvo It proper protection. (
Sick Cars Are Expensive
Exposuro to weather causes trouble, deterioration and rapid
depreciation. Wet wires causo short circuits water on metal
parts causes rust. The paint on tho body will check and crack If
molsturo is allowed to collect and stand.
Keep It Out of the Hospital
This company will help you. '
Big Basin Lumber Company
Exclusive Representatives of the National
Builders Bureau
The Office Cat
Oh, let's go to tho show,
Whoro "beimo" lino up, row
"Means," of course, you know,
Woro heads In long ago.
Flat heads.
Fat heads.
Egg heads.
Peg hoads.
Thick heads.
Quick heads.
Thin heads. .
Pin heads.
Hound heads.
Sound heads.
Full4licn(ta. ,
Dull heads. ,
Shock heads. ,, ,
Stock hoads. .
Red hoads. ' -'.
Dead heads. ,
Dig heads.
Prig heads.
Goo'd heads';
Wood heads.
Dono heads.
Hard heads.
Lard heads.
Dattlo heads.
Fattlo hoads.
And cold and catarrh heads
Oh, come on, lot's go
This Is a bum show.
J '
Among tlia CIiim Ails,
Presumably all ad-lots In tho "help
wanted male" columns of our howb
papers aro bonntido Items express
ing noeds for men workers. When
persons advertise for holp thoy usu
ally have a serious purposo prompt
ing tho action. Dut, thuro aro some
exceptions which provo tho rule.
Very often, Uttlo mistakes In tho
wording and punctuation mako
would-bo serious ads comical. Tho of
fice cat has found tho following ad
laughs in tho "holp wanted malo"
columns and fcol suro they will tickle
tho rlslblcs of our roaders:
WANTED: Man who can run car and
wlfo. American Medical Journal.
WANTED: Man to look after garden
Milk a cow with a good volco, ac
customed to sing in the choir.
Connecticut Country.
WANTED: Dartcndor capable of mix
ing mince pies Dallas (Toxas)
WANTED: Fifty brlcklayors; high
est wages plonty of parking space
for automobiles. N, Y. Dally
WANTED:Mlnlstor of the Gospel for
lumber camp. Must bo a good crap
playor. Winnipeg, (Canada,)
WANTED: Dookkeper and assistant got by.
to club mnnngor. Meridian,
'(Conn.) llocord.
WANTED: Man to collect accounts
not over 40 years old, I'lqua, (0)
Dally Call.
WANTED: Gentleman who can fur
nish ono-hnlf dozon oggsto my
ono-hnlf pound of linm. Object
mntrlmony. Montreal Star.
WANTED: At onco In Pittsburgh, nn
honest lawyor to proaocuto n
irooked ono. Pittsburgh Dispatch.
"Wood nlcohol would euro nlmost
any man of a deslro for drink," says
nn ciiBtorn professor. And, ho might
add, tho euro is permanent.
"Extromes In dross aro vanishing,"
says a fashion review. That's so wo
hnven't scon nn extremely long skirt
In hoiuo tlmo.
Oh! That Wiiy, Kr!
Tlmo hangs heavy on his hands,
Although n busy man Ib Hotch;
'Tls slmplo when ono understands
Ho wenrs a dollar brncolot watch t
Many n man who wouldn't think of
dropping moro than a nlcklo In tho
collection pinto at thb church will
pay $1 to seo n pnlr of pink tights
nnd think nothing of his oxtrnvo-gnnco.
Tho avorago legislator's chlof nm
bltlon Beoms to bo to look liko Drynn.
Not thnt It's any
Of our dnwgono
Duslnoss. s
A Wolf is listed In tho
npolls city dlroctory.
Tho saddest day In tho life of a
colyumnlzor is when tho exchanges
Another kind of tour-fluBhcs Is tho
follow who stroltB through a hotel
lobby to get to tho dairy lunch.
Alnt It n grand nnd glorious fcling
on thoso" eklddy mornings when you
feol yourself slipping nnd you'ro nl
most down Just thon you recover
your cqulllbrum nnd glvo the othor
follow tho hn-hn whon ho was just
gottlng ready to glvo It to you? Ask
Nlck-ho knows!
Leather Market
' Mending, Tannery
Will Run Again
NAPA, Caly., Jan. 8. Annonco-
mont that tho plant of tho Sawyor
Tanning company, Idlo for tho last
flvo months? will rcsumo operations
nt halt-capacity within two weeks has
been mado here.
The announcomont by II. II. Saw
yer, vlco president of tho concorn,
states tho leather trado Is return
ing to normal and that thoro Ik a do
mnnd for the products turned out in
tho Napa plant.
Notices havo been sont tho formor
employes of tho company, stating
thoy aro to bo given preforenco when
thoy apply for employment.
Tho Amateur Athletic Union of
Canada has left no room for doubt
as to whoro it stands on tho ques
tion of amateurism. It it has Its way
anything in tho shape of vollod-pro
fosslonallsm will havo hard work to
Baby Registered For College
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbBsbbbV"'-bbbI'bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbI I
bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbVbbbI v?'IbVbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb m
H bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbLJ 9'. aJt . y'HUJFl , .IbbbVbbbbT H M
Wr - i.feyr1 iiaiaHiaiafl I
Jf 'l, I 1 1''-VMBBBb! SB
j BbbbbW!bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbWbbC
SEATTLE, Wash., Jnn. 8. Tour
ist travol for 1920, which greatly
oxccedcil that of nny provlaiis year,
lins boon followed by plans In sov
ernl 1'aclflo Nortliwost rltlca to oroct
liotols In nnticiimtlon of cvon great
er traffic during 1021. Among tlio
cities whoro now liotols havo already
boon flnnncod or aro hotng promoted
nre: Walln Wnlin, Evorott nnd Ornyn
1 larbor, Wnshlngtou, and Corvallls,
Oregon. Othor nnnouncomontN nro
expected to follow.
Tourist trnvol to Ilnlnlor Notional
pnrk ovor-taxed hotel accommoda
tions thoro nnd 200 additional rooms
aro bolng provided. Also communi
ties nro Improving their cnmpliiR sites
for automnhllo tourists nnd addition
al communities nro planning to pro
vldo sites. A check of out-of-Btnto
auto traffic mado In Portland, dur
ing tho yonr, showed flvo times as
many forolgn niitomohllos In thnt city
during 1920 than in 1919. Itovonuo
rccolvod from tourists In tho Pnciflo
Northwest during tho yonr Is placed
by tho Pacific Northwest Tourist as
sociation as approximately 4R,0U0,
000. Tho 1921 tourist travol will great
ly exceed tho 1920 business, accord
ing to Horbort Cuthbort, exocuttvo
socrotary of tho Pacific Northwest
Tourist association, who returned re
cently from a trip through tho coat,
whoro ho mado nrrangomeuts with
tourist agencies nnd railway traffic
officials to Bend a much groator por
tion of tho tourist traffic to tho Pa
cific Northwest In 1921 than in 1920.
A married roundor usually hns a
hard tlmo trying to squaro hlmsolf,
according to Jim Driscoll.
It n cold Ib not treated when tho
flrat symptoms show themsolvos it
will frequently dovolop into moro
Borlous complications.
A cold In tho head or throat Ib
no longer considered n condition
that will correct itsolf without mod
Icntlon. It nut tiro Ib properly assist
od, thlB nllmont can bo corroctod
without bnd nttor offocts.
It Ib unnecessary to tako unplons
ant or obnoxious propnrntlons for
t 111 n purpose Thoro Is n slmplo,
mi to, Hiiro, otflclent nnd pleasant
combination for trontlng a cold. It
Is known ns ltoxall 'l,axutlvo Aspirin
(U. 1). Co.) Cold Tablets, which con
tain Aspirin (U. D. Co.) and whon
combined with Acotnnllldo, Alolu
and Capsicum, Ib widely acknowl
edged -lis bolng of grent vnltio In tho
trcntmont of colds.
Thcso Ingredients nro most vnlu
ablo In rolloving pain, reducing
fovor, drying up coryzn, lessoning
Inflammation, eliminating poisonous
nccrotlons, warming up tho stom
ach and shortening tho duration ot
tho dlsonso.
Oct n box ot thoso Cold Tablotn
of u b today, Tako thorn nccordlng
to directions tho momont tho first
symptoms nppoar and you will ob
tain quick relief.
Wo gunranteo thorn.
The Rexall Store
Fifth and Main Streets
Tho oggs of tho albatross avorago
about o pound In wolght, and nro
much cstoomod by sailors when thoy
can got them.
Oysters fcod only at about tho turn
of high tldo, nnd tho habit ot open
ing periodically persists oven when
thoy nro out of water.
We can doliver
DRY SLiAD costs you less than other woods.
SLABS moro promptly thun blocks.
All our wood is dry nnd woll seasoned.
Deliveries aro difficult nt this season ot tho year and prices
aro necessarily higher, but tho net profit to us is loss, so do not
blamo tho wood man for tho higher prices.
O. Peyton & Co.
419 Main St.
Phone 535
Order Your Suit Now
mmma . jLf sisklkvks 1mm r Bk,AA WAlaaMAl. k '
M. HI.CS U "'' 11CTC utwi ccuuwcu A w - , jj
'feet fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery. ' ;
i our iniDecuon inviiea. ?
Merchant Tailor
OAKLAND, Calif., Jan. 8. Daby Constanco Ifagan, 13-month-old
daughter ot City Attorney Hugh L. Hagan hero, is registered as an en
trant at Mills 'Cdllego, and she'll enter in tho class ot 193C when sho'B 17
years old. She's tbo youngest applicant ever registered. Constance's
1 mother was a member of Mills' (acuity before her marriage.
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
$ Wo do
doesn't It?
aot sell current; we
service. Tbut sounds odd
i Well, suppose tho wood dealer sold service Instead ot wood, be
Mvould'tend to your furnace nnd your range, tako away tbe aSbea
and 'dean tbe flues. You would buy so much boat.
kjfr.'Jjf Now you buy so much light, although you pay. according to tbe
current juu cuiuiujiiu, jufc wo vcrviro ib penurmuu lor you Dy UIW
company at tbe substations and power plants.
That Is 'wbat we want to give you efficient service. It is the
aim ot tills company to Imvo none bnt satisfied customers. No
matter wbat It Is, It you havo a grievance, or aro dissatisfied about
your bill or do not understand our rotes, please come In and see
us or write us about It. s
If you bavo any suggestions to make, wo will gladly avail our
selves ot thorn as our abn Is constantly to Improve our service to
you as fast as tbe development ot science and human ability permit.
California-Oregon Power