PAOB HBVIW THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FRIDAY, JANUARY 7, 11)21. e . ) )) PORTLAND MAN HAS GAINED 21 POUNDS S4nty Towles Says Tan lac Built Him Up So He Is Ready to Go Back On Job Rheumatism Gone. "Tnnlnc cortalnly proved to bo tlio mcdlclno I ncodod for slnco 1 began taking It I hnvo gained 21 pounds and um ready to go lmclc to work," said Andy Towlcs, C22 Murkot street, Portland, Oro. "For two yours beforo I Htnrtcd taking Tnnlao I lind Buffered from stomncli troubto and rhoumatlsm. My appotlta was poor and tlio llttlo I did innnngo to oat wouldn't dlgost nnd mado mo mlsornblo for hours it f tor wards. (Inn would form on my stom neh and promt against my lioart nnd lungs until I could hardly lirontlio and often I Just had to gasp for breath. I was always constipated, had awful headaches, thorn was n roaring nolsa In my hoad and I often hornmo so dizzy I could hardly stand on my foot, Tlio rheumatism In my hack and logs was so had I was nonr ly always In pain and my Joints wero so stiff I could scarcoly uso my limbs. Finally I bocamo so norvous, run-down nnd weak I Just hud to giro up and quit work entirely. "A friend of mlno In Scattlo, told mo of tlio bonoflts ho had received myfitof. Woll, sir, It has dono mo so much good tny frlonds nil ask mo what I Imvo boon taking to mako mo look so woll, and I mighty quick toll thorn It was Tannic. I now huvo n sploiidld appotlto ovorythlng ngroos with mo and I am navor tronbled with gas or shortness of bronth, Tlio rhoumatlBiu hns loft mo ontlroly, and I can got nround ns good as I ovor could. I am not bothered with con stlpatlon, novor Imvo n headncho or dizzy spoil that peculiar roaring has gona from my hoad, My nerves nro In good shapo, I sleep woll, Imvo re gained my lost weight nnd strength nnd fool simply flno nil tlio tlmo." Tiinluc Is sold In Klnmnth Falls by Star Drug Co., In Lorelln by Jamos More, Co. nnd In Merrill by South om Oregon Drug Co. Adv. APPOINTMENTS MAIM KV HIKKIYOU JUIKIH YKHKA, Jan. 7. Chnrles J. I-ut-trcll, who oponod his first bcssIou as Judgo of tlio suporlor court hero Monday In tho prcsonco of most of tho SlHklyou county bar nnd county officials, mado his first act tho ap pointment of Frank "Woodbury as court roportor. Ho thon named Chnrlos E. Johnson ns court commissioner, nnd tho fol lowing ns tho probation cemmittee: It. II. DoWtlt, Sarah A. Itelchman, r CALIFORNIA NEWS jrAMIIiTON CITY, Jnn, 7.Tho Jamos Mills Orchard company nt Hamilton City has flnlihod packing tho 1020 orango crop. About 1C cnrlonds woro shipped out. SACItAarENTO, Jan. 7. Senator Clnudo Purkltt of Willows, Is pio poring a bill to mnko It n felony for brokors to deal In futuros In grain "A brokor," says Purkltt, "who contracts to soil grain whon ho hasn't n contrnct from tho growor or hasn't tho grain In stock simply dofcats tho law of supply nnd domnnd. Tho pro posed moasuro would put a stop to such practices. Susanville Sees Bright Prospects; v Railroad Report 8USANVJLLB, Jnn. 7. Furthor doovlopment of tho Fruit (Irowors Malin Library Club to Stage 10th Annual Ball MALIN, Jnn. 7. A masquerade ball Is to bo stngod at tho Mnlln Nai- OTIOVIMjU, Jnn. 7. Tho difficult problem as to how lots should bo Lflrnwn ns provided by tho now county ennnor ror determining tlio terms of tho now board of supervisors was sottlod nftor n long discussion when tho drawing of billiard halls was finally resorted to. Under this plan, Supervisors C. E. Portor of Orovlllo, Jnmrs Craig of Orldloy nnd Honry W. Whlto of Ore gon City drow four-year terms and Frnnk h. Iloohr and A. H. Mahon, both of Chlco,. tho two-year term. Ucsslo Oenny, Othu A. Wllklns, Suo from Tanlac and I decldod to try It' P. Cornish and I.oula C. Jaquotto, The CENTRAL Hotel STEAM HEATED ROOMS BY THE WEEK, $5.00 AND UP OPEN ALL NIGHT Cigar Stand A fine stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobacco NEWS STAND Latest Daily Papers, Magazines and Periodicals 1 lw r. GUY GARRETT, Manager Telephone 155-W g(AnAA)AivuwiirirAVYri,i Vfi'n'iv i ...? rtt 05 ABigDrop , in. cJell-0 lz-'t ni.iMi;? ' ' II M f packages The Genesefe Pare Food Company, Le Koy, jn. x. -Q- SAN FIIANOI8CO, Jan. 7. A transcontinental air mall service piano caught flro and was destroy ed In a forced landing two blocks from tho city hall, but tho pilot, S. S. Hoggs, Oakland, was unhurt. Half or mo ZTU-pouna mnll cargo was burned. Supply compnny nnd tho Lassen tlonnl hall Saturday, February 12, Liumucr nna uox compnny sawmill plnnts In this city, Irrlgntlon project dovolopmont, highway construction, SiiBnnvlllo municipal Improvements, resumption of lumborlng and milling operations at Westwood on n largo iicalo, posslblo rnllroad building and "subdivision of resldenco and farming properties nro n fow of tho fnctors that nro oxpoctcd to stnmp 1021 ns a bright yenr for Susanvlllo und Las sen county, Tho Fruit Growers' Supply com pany nnd tho Lassen Lumber and I)ox company hovo spent sovoral million dollars during tlio yenr In tho do volopmont of their big plants horo. May IMcnil Itallrnml Humors havo been current that tho Southorn Pacific will this year com menco work on Its extension from Westwood north to Klamath Falls, Oro. by tho Mnlln Library society. This will bo tho tenth nnnual mnsquernde ball, for tho benoflt of tho Komenlus public library, nt Mnlln. Tho library contnlns moro than 1000 books, which nnyono In or around Malln may borrow. The pro ceeds of this dnnco will bo used to buy moro books for this library Tho prizes, which amount to at least $100, will bo displayed at tho Knllna storo, two weeks beforo tho dnnco. A, Knllnn, nnnounces thnt ho ordor Is placed In his hands at leant two weeks beforo nocilod. Tho ransquerndo dances nt Mnlln hnvo been nttended by nt loant 100 masked couples every year. Light lunch Is to bo sorved at midnight In tho hall. Punch is tho only drink to bo sorved. Music will bo furnish od by the Malln orchestra. Tho ladles of both Malln and Al turns nro reported to bo energetical ly working nt masquorndo parnpho nnlln. Unmasked porsons will not bo allowed to dnnco bofof'o tho clock strikes 11. According to ono eminent scien tist, tho tempernturo of tho moon la below that of melting Ico. From tho seventh to tho 13th cen tury tho year In England was rock will order mnsqucrado suits, If tho onod from Christmas. CHAMJiKitiai.v is mrrmi ItKPOItT OF PHYSICIANS WASHINGTON, Jnn. 7. Physici ans nttondlng Senator Chamberlain of Oregon today expressed confldcnco In his ultlmato recovery. Ho will soon bo nhlo to rccelvo visitors, they said, SACRAMENTO, Jan. 7. To nuth Crowley, ll-yonr-old daughter of Sonator John J. Crowley of San Franclaco, goes tho honor of being tho first girl lcglslatlvo pago In this state. SACHAMENTO, Jon. 7. Sonator 13. S. Klgdon of Cambria, San Luis Obispo county, will mako another nt- tompt nt this session of tho Icgls lnturo to hnvo enacted n pure sod law. A similar moasuro was passed by tho Inst leglslnturo, hut It wns ve toed by (Jovornor Stephens because of Its wording. Flowers growing In tho PoHr re gions soldom havo nny porfumo. ITCHING ECZE1 DRIED RIGHT UP WITH SULPHUR i SAVING INCREASES I I 7 YS I ' Ri:i)UINO, Jnn. 7. Tho city trus tees nro enforcing tho now soft drink ordlnnnco nnd backing City Marshal John W. Helves. On his report, they unanimously rojected tho application of L. J. Rcdflold for n llconro. COLUSA, Jnn. 7. -Tho Colusa chnmbor of commcrco now In pro gress of orgnnlzntlon, has ndoplid a constitution nnd by-laus undor which mombors of tho chnmbor )loct n board of 1C directors nnd select' n president, vlco president nnd treas urer from among tho directorate Tho dlrcctornto In turn will name tho secrotnry. Sweeping Changes Proposed in Ftsh and Game Laws PENDLETON. Jan. 7. An entire npw gamo codo Is to bo rocommond ed to tho legislature this session by tho stato fish nnd gamo commission, said Marlon Jack, commissioner. Ho will rocommena an Increase In tho charges for hunting nnd angling licenses and a chnngo In tho mi gratory bird law to conform with the federal open season. A specialty In Jnmnlca country houses is "plmontb cordial," n liquor mado from tho plmonto berry. STEMS W MR It's Grandmother's Ilocipo llring Ikick Color mid Lustre to Hair to That beautiful, oven shado by Sark, glossy hair can only bo bad by rowing a mixture of Sage Tea and Sulphur. Your hair Is your charm. It makes or mars the face. Whon It fades, turn gray or streaked, Just nn application or two of Sago nnd Sul phur enhances Its appearance a hun dredfold, ' Don't bother to prepare the mix turo; you can get this famous old roclpo improved by the addition of" otbor Ingrodlents at a small cost, all roady to uso. It Is called Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound. This can always bo depended upon to bring back tho natural color and lus tro of your hair. Everybody uses "Wyeth's Sago and Sulphur Compound" now becauso it darkons so naturally and evenly that nobody can toll It has boon appllod. You simply dampon n spongo or soft brush with It and draw this through tho hair, taking ono small strand at a time; by morning tho gray hair has dlsappoarod. and after another application it becomes boautlfully dark and appears flossy nnd lus trous. Adv. Any breaking out of tho skin, oven fiery, Itching eczema, can bo quickly I overcomo by npplylng a llttlo Men-tho-Sulphur, snys n noted skin spec ialist. Uecnuso of Its gorm destroy ing proportIo3,( this sulphur prepara tion Instantly brings easo from skin Irritation, soothes and heals tho eczema rlgljt up and leaves tho skin cloar nnd smooth. It seldom falls to rellovo tho tor ment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin troublo should get a llt tlo Jar of Xrontho-Sulphur from nny good druggist and uso It llko a cold croani. Atv. SAVING INCREASES YOUR EARNING POWER Have you ever considered how saving increases your earning power? It gives the incentive for more and better work en courages regular bank de posits which make your money grow at interest. Start an account now with the First State & Savings Bank. 9 4 Interest Paid on Sav ings Accounts. RrstSwe &SavingsBank Klamath Falls, Oregon; .afrftSTOA I ? I r. 'A 8S I k m I Weiss & Rosenthal's I ARMY GOODS STORE JC . 1136 MAIN STREET y t T T T Prices You Can't Resist: U. S. Government Inspected Bacon, 12 lb. cans....$2.75 'Army Wool Overcoats 8.50 All Wool Sox, per pair 50 Slip-Overs , JL25 Blankets :.:... 5.50 Leather Jerkins 6.50 f Corduroy Pants 4:65 X Phone276-J mm.$m M$$M$M$M$ T T T t T T t T f t T T T T t t T !: LUTHY mi V Is at The Reed Auto Supply Co., Klamath's New Auto Supply House Telephone 298-J Eleventh Street, Near Main . Adjoining Metropolitan Garage- f frM$MM$M$M$M$ A. A. A i Jl