TAGB T T T T t T T ? t T T T t t t t V y T 7 T t T t t T T T T T t t t t t t t t f Y t T t t t ? .? Y t t Y t T T f x TintKn THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON FIUDAY, JANTTAllV 7, 1MU JANUARY "fe ,fK"" , w , A-rf-'fr j f iiiX ; SALE rt' it GROCERIES WE ARE OFFERING OUR ENTIRE STOCK OF GROCERIES AT PRICES THAT ARE FAR BELOW THE REPLACEMENT VALUE. NOW IS THE TIME TO STOCK UP FOR SEVERAL MONTHS' SUPPLY. GROCERY SPECIALS Sugar, limit $1.00 "to customer, 10 lbs. for $1.00 Wesson and Mazola Oil, per gallon $2.25 Apples, per box $1.50 to $3.25 Petite Prunes, 7 lbs. for '. $1.00 , Italian Prunes, 6 lbs. for $1.00 Bayo Beans, 8 lbs. for $1.00 15 Bars White Navy Soap $1.00 Pearline, per package ., llc Standard Corn, 18c can; per. case $4.15 Beauty Peas, 18c can; per case $4.00 Drifted Snow, per sack $3.10 Geuttard's Chocolate, per lb i...41c Hills Coffee, per lb . 49c White Navy Beans, 13 lbs 1 $1.00 Corn Meal, 10 lb. sacks 69c Brer Rabbit Molasses, gallon , ...$1.89 Potatoes, by sack, hundred $3.00 Onions, by sack $3.00 Goo'd Brooms, special 89c .Rose Bath Soap, 3 for 25c Milk, by case ! .; $6.85 Cottolene, 5 lb. can $1.10 Cottolene, 10 lb. can $2.15 Maple Syrup, bottle 20c Fancy Jap Rice, 8 lbs. for $1.00 White Rock Syrup, gallon $1.69 S. & W. Peaches, can 53c S. & W. Apricots, can 53c S. & W. Grapes, can 49c S. & W. Fruit Salad, can 49c Salmon, tall can 23c SHOES AT THE PRICES WE ARE OFFERING ON OUR STOCK QF SHOES, EVERY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD IN KLAMATH COUNTY SHOULD BE WEARING A NEW PAIR. THESE SHOES ARE BELOW SPRING PRICES. T m t ? T t t f t T t t T ? t t t t t ? X SALE PRICE OF SHOES FOR MEN AND WOMEN 20 off on all Suit Cases. ' Men s Brown Calf Dress Shoes, regular $10.00 now $ 5.95 Men's Black Calf Dress Shoes, regular $10.00, M nw $ 5.95 Men's Ralston Shoes, smart last, regular $15.00, now $1 1.45 Men's Heavy Work Shoes, regular $6.00, now S 6!45 Men's Solid Leather Work Shoes, regular $7.00, now i $ 4.45 Men's Black Kid Fine Shoes, regular $11.00, now $ 5.95 Men's Straight Last Black Kid, regular $8.50, now.... $ 5.95 Men's High Top Shoes, 16 inch, regular $12.50, . now ., .$ 8.95 Men'- Chippewa Pack, regular $19.50, now....$lg.45 Men's 16 inch Shoes, regular $20.00, now $14 45 Men's Work Shoes, regular $8.00, now $ 4i95 Men's Heav yWork Shoes, regular $5.50, now..$ 345 Men's Army Last Shoes,-regular $9.00, now....$ 6i95 Ladies' Dress Shoes, regular $18.00, now $13i95 Ladies' Brown Kid, French and Military Heel, regular $18.00, now $13.95 Ladies' Fine Dress Shoes, regular $12.50, now : $ ft OK Ladies' Black Kid, Military Heel, regular $10.00, now $ 7 .45 Ladies' Cushion Sole Shoes, regular $10.00, now $ 7.95 Ladies' Phoenix Silk Hose, regular $1.95, now $ 1 J35 Ladies' Fine Oxfords and Pumps, regular $10.00, now $ 7;95 Ladies' Black Kid Dress Shoes, regular $17.50, now , $13.95v Men's Gum Boots, regular $8.00, now $ 595 Men's Knee Boots, regular $5.00, now $ 415 Our space is too small to put each and every item in, but we guarantee to give from 10 to 20 off on every article in our grocery department. With every $5.00 order we will give 1 lb. of Hills Bros Hillvilla or Tree Tea Free. Sale Starts Saturday, January 8 During the sale all Ladies' Pumps and Oxfords at 20 reduction. We invite our outside friends to send us a trial order for their next pair of shoes. We prepay all Parcel Post on shoes and guarantee you satisfaction or money cheerfully refunded. Sale Starts Saturday, January 8 Sixth and Main Sixth and Main ,4K??frKfrS !$$$ $$$$ iVs- v