," ?. ri Paw Three THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH' FALLS, OREGON l WEDNESDAY, JAJfUAJltf 4, ,1MI, The Office Cat Till: MOlMIItN OIIIL The Modern girl's morula nrn not what Imr mother's w-ro I wna talk Iiik Din ollinr inurnliiK l n morn Irt III mii ultrn-moilorn IiiiIIiIiik milt. "My hired chaperon," itlin nail), na she brushed ii tilt lit nmic twin Imr bare, riiunil kneo--" my hired clinp run rnught mo Muslim n married in nil laat night." "(Inod heavens," Hit I1 I. "Wlmt did you iloT" "I dlaelnirgeil her," Nnld llin mod ern Kir). Till': LIMIT I've atom! for Volatund prohibition, Hut (inn thing I will uuvi'i- stnud; Wlic ii I urn railed unto my fnthnrn, I'll go without n monkey glnndl When labor lonfa. Hint U mnllti. gnrlng: when capital lonfa Hint I liuilmmi deprcailoii, aya Krnla llulih. i (toll alncklnga are: llko rcpiitntlona hnrtl to keel" up. ' Till! ONI.V LM'K Mothor Well, Nellie, In your (toll kitchen romplctely furnished now? Nelllo No, lunula, I atlll need n pollcomun for thu cook." ttt.Mi: Tho rrlmn wan mayhem, liut They freed John Drnyer, When ho Idt olf (hn ear of Of a saxophone player What happened to n man who mar ried hla mother-in-law r ahown In n nrtlcln Inkeu from llin Mndlann's County Domocrnt Thn Marriage of Oenrgn K. Wilder. 4 4. ut Cedar Hup. Ida, Iowa, last I'rlday. make him tho grandfather of sis of hla children nil stepfather of hli former wlfo. Ho married hla mother-in-law Mra Julia Davis, 4K Hn was dlvurrrd n fnw week a iikii from Mra, Kva Under, daughter of hla now wlfo nml mother of thn all llltln lladcra. Of rourae there nre otheri, hut one illfferenra la Hint tho rhlckena on (bit farm go to hed.enrlliir, suggeata Ouy Merrill. HMD. yt'LMKI.NH O. V. I'. Aaka. "Why do they call a eaxaphon- a mualrnl Inatrument?" Nobody knowa O. V ttny a!a,0i"r than they know why n crow thlnka It ran alng. There arn nf rourao a great many Ignorant people In tho country, but If we were looking for u d n fool who thlnka hi, la imirl. w, wmittl in' to n city to find him. A I.AIIV OKIMHI.It "W'p mual treat our now rook with reaped, Hhn belonga to tho llorolu tlonary Itamea where aha came from." "Whore'd alin coma froml" "Mexico." And whlln ordinary beauty muy bo nnlv akin ileen. n illtnnln'a ilniilti ,ln 1 penda upon how fur )ou fall for It, plnca Hill l.oreni. eni: it.i.(ii:it i:.oi'!ii Home derndna ngo thorn wna n riot down In Tenia nnd n hurry call fur help waa rout lo thn Teiaa rangera, an orgnnltntlbn that In thnao day waa aomothliiK dlfforcnt from thn col. lection ot mail-order cowboy of to day, Tho Oovornor wired bncki "Itnug. era on roulo." Thn ahorlff mot tho train. Ono lonely Hunger little nlo Illll Macauloy got off. Tho Hhorltf anld: "Oh, my Lord, whor'ea tho mat of thn outfit! "Host holl!" auld Hilly, "you nln't got hut ono riot hero, If you aavn your pennies tho dol lara will tnko caro of the lawyer who bronka your will, ' Bbo (to fnlrkfrlond) I'm not go ing with Ilnrry.uny morn." Fair Krlond-"V7iy not':" "He known ton many naughty ongi, "Old hn alnrt, thorn to mvi"" "No, but ho'a nlwnya Whlall rg llin tunoa." Thoro nro nlwnya ahnwem for tin brlrto, but thni'gronm cnlilioi Hum der. i.. Henry Knril lum limited all over Chicago for ncopy ot McOuffo-' Flrat nonilor," Does lloury oxpoct to i be croia-quoatloned again hoiiio Umo. The old practlco of drawing n chalk line to keep off nnta la otfertlvo on an Inverted,'' vortlcul or consider ably sloping surface, Tho looae par tleln giro way under tho ants' (let M4 t'lirY drop t? tiii fropili ' AMWMW(MVW(MV(VWWWWWWWWMrfWSWWVWrf Outbursts of Everett True By Condon Of 3TSN To TKIS, - -r-j MN IN C. 501 MlATTI.i: MAN IH (JIlKATLV Hflt- ritiHi:i ,t tiii: iii:m hah hi:ci:ivi:d "To l. frank nhout It. I .ll.ln'l ex-i I f ''A-mttV iii'lK . y"T - uiuiviunL infli. ' K EXPECTED, pert much from Tnnlac. uud I took ,, ltl0 2Ut ,ny of Mny 92l ,0 n It only to pleino aouin frlenda whothla offlro Kworn Btiitemeiit nnd Ap- kept InalatliiK that It would belli m... It would be Ip iiih, piicanon, ro uiw.s, to purcnnie in lor inn Una lietn . .. H 8U.1 Hof,on 23. d Jninea lie. 210'TW1,1I, 37Si nanR0 3K. Vnm- an whnt It bna doni n big aurprlan." and Thiimaa Ht., Kentlln, Wnali "Aa a rcaull nf atouiach troilliln I bad gotten to wheru liotlillig I utn agreed with tun, nnd I almply dread ed to eat on account of the mUery It rnuaed mo. My aleen ut nlcht wna troubled nrlil broken and In tho morn. Inga I felt ao mlaerabln I could hard ly drag myaelf out of tho lied. "Tanlnc haa mnde a complelo, chungn not it fitly In thn way I feel, ""J ' nnl pr'f '" f,l'ort of. n'aum of $ir.7 .M. with Intercut there ii thn war I look I havp'i,.,,pl 7.7 ""'l '"i ,.,il.,',m1nt. n " "1 "' M'" "' " l",r '" lr henlih nnd atreiiglh bark llert C. Thomna. U 8. Commlaaloner. ,rr 9- alll (ur ,1P (rtiu.r (Uiii bit' nao Ii gotten my . i nnd mil full of life and i-uorgy again. i iiamntn ruiia, urcgon Thero Unit n doubt In my mind lhal',11An)r Pc" ' liberty to prot-at Tanlar haa no oounl " l".'1" I,urfhn" heforo entry, or inniar jiaa no oguni nlo n contrat at any time before pat- mni.o nun i.n... ,rKeianin nil - "0,,, b' J' "' erery where. Adr, DRY YEAR HtALItlli Atwenro of ItiKk anil lt)r Dor Not Prerent I'nrumonla Drrra-aac Tho flgurea for tho flrat ton I inontha Indicate n lowering nf thn dentil rnlo among policy bold era from 9.8 In 1920 to S.24 In 1921. Dnaplto thn nbieiiro of Hock nnd It) n, pnnumonln decreased .'.0 per rent from 1920. Morn prospermia non-drinking Americana, however, woro nbln to nf ford aiitomobllea, with thn result of Hi per rent Increnao In deutha from niltomolillo ucrldenta. Thn 37 compnnleR aupplylng thean Smith's Sister cutlon duly la.urd by the Clerk of the ""'J "f tifrt l"'''"'tlou lee. 2S. NKW! YOltK, Jan. 3. Thn Now circuit Court of thn County of Kla- '-' ...... York TIiiior rcporln tho conclualon t ninth. Slnto of Oregon, dated tho nth ,,0offl CH u,iViVm. i ..Lniinii iir.,p;... ""--.""' - -- - -!.iT!rrlMKa Picture Framing' , """''"""" "'"" "" " llnnk or I.akevow. n corporation, n I .,.... , . ,,;', .. d :.,., ni,f ci.-, healthleat year In the hUtory of both , tff. recovered judgment agaln.l ' ,,.A or.n.cV. 'u.r.,,h l'l""'. btlllSOU ThotO Shop thn t'nlted 8tntea nnd Cnnndu. W. T. Onrrutt. Mary i:. (larrelt nnd' ' " ..... . ,., .. tMTr .- anK HHa-tair - ei BSTiIIBIbm4hi Midget Smith aaya he owca mucn ot hU success in the prlisflght ring to bU slstor. Vera- She cooks his mtals, supervtiss hla training and lomiUmti puts on the mltti with htm, Smith rfccntly MMUtrtSd M mm f?rmtr Hfmimnirfifiif ?ipF!9n. mm ' tTt"" MR. TR.U127 I NO4h4 rllSJ IS POfC A 15VORCG e.ecvusc. his wipe (.augess to ti.;' Coo'B nf ... I figure tranauct about l0 per ten' til ino Hie nimirniiie nusinuss oi me country There wna u Inrgn ili-creami In deaths from tultcrculoila. MtTIVi: Hilt Pl'IILICATIO.V (Publisher) DLPAIITMKNT OK Till: IKTKItlOlt Vfif rml Inrnt rilS III!. . ,n( )fr at Lukevlew, Ore 'gon. Dee 30, 1921. NOTICI) la hereby given that F.,"k1S,,.l "J? ..''"SSL'i-" nil lilrcM la Klamath Kalla, Oregon, did. plication, No 011728, to purcbnie letto Morldlnn. and tho timber there- on, under thu provlalona of (ho net of June 3, 1878, and ucta ameiidn- tory, known na the "Timber nnd Htonn Law." at auch value might bo fixed by nppralaement, and thnt 'purauant to auch application, tho land """' ""''S1" "''f0" hv", ''7s n ? IMiiiaefl, ruui iiiiuiiiru r.iKiiij iui- Inra, thn timber eatlmaled 320 M board feet nt $1.00 per M, nnd the land llfiOOO: that anld applicant will . ... ;. .. .: em laauea, uy tiling a corroooratcd ulfldavlt In tlila office, alleging facta Hnicn wouiii cioirat ine entry. , .'uut- win ,k i-uunnupti ior n.no 1 ennmeiilltia u.-b. In Ik- UIhm-1 ronaecutlro wecka In the Klamath ' Herald K l LIGHT, ItegUter J 4-11-1S-2S K 1-8-1S-22 M I Hlclmrtl M Kltin, mid ogiilnat each ot mom, in ino aunt oi tour inousinu (lollura (4,000.PU) with Intere.i thereon ut the rnlo of night per cent per a n mi m from the .9lH day of IV cumber. 1920, until paid. In thu fur ther aum of tlireo hundred dullnrx (fllllO Oil) nttorneyv a fe, ;., ,iu,l eoata nud dlaiiiirae iieiiin t -d nt 1.1J mi. on thn Mil il.i uf li.-'.-inliei'. )'il Notice la linroi.j gli.n that 1 "I.I, on NOTK'i: OK NIIKItlKKrt HAM! Ilu !. 1.. i. n llHi,tii.ii.a.l .... tho 7th day nf Januur. I !:.. at tho.OK OltKHON. "oa Hro hornliv renutr. front door of tho County Court House cd to-nnpour .tnd answer tho Com nt Klamath Kalis, Klamiilh County. ' piutut filed nv.dnst : uu In the above Oregon, nt tho hour of ten oVIork entitled iu ou or before tho I3tb In tho forenoon of said day. null ut ,)ay uf Januuiy. 1922.. tlit being tho List day within which defendant His Trainer public iii''ll'in (o I lie IiikIm'-i hidilur for rush Mn follow liii: i.-crll,e real property, lo-wlt All of ai'iiioti thirty-Hirer, iriai: mirlliuiiat iiuntt'jr of (teuton thirty four (ill), township tlilriy-alx f.'jui Noutli of riincu foiirlui.'ii (III cflai or tho Wllluiiii'llii murldlttii, Nnrtlii'iiHl i uur tor of llin miMlirnut iiunrl"' of ncrtiou twenty t'l); wert oni'-linlr, of thn ruullittUHl ouurtcr of am lion (iiiiiy-(inn (21 ) , nml HUiitlii'iiiit ituir Inr of thu iiurlliweat iunrtor of nee- iiuii in uiujeiKiii inr. inniiHillif .tlilrl-aucn (37) nouth foruiiKu four ti'dil (II) runt of thn Wlllnmulie iiierlilhin. tho iiorlhunid iiiirlcr of' aei'lloii alx (li); thn nortli one-lmlf of Hi" Hoiitliwifil iiuurt'T, aouilii'iiiit 'liinrliT of tho nuiilhHi'at ipmrter of auction "jlHlit (i), nud Ihti norllKi.iNi iiunrt'jr of tlm iiorthwi'1,1 itinrf cr of wcidii antenteeti (17). tonnaltlp 'forty (40) aoulli of run km llilrtcii (1.1) enat of Hid Wlll.'iuiettn iHCrld- 1 Inn. nil lyluK himI helne In Klnmulli ('ounly. Or'.'son. lull. hi nml lesHd I upon iii llin property of auld defend iiiita, V T. Hurrell unit Mory V Uiirreli: AIkij thu wBl one-hnlf of IJli' u t oiin-half of an'tlim Iwnity-elilii ' C'M. IohiihIiIp Uilrly-nlne Cldi -1)11 1 ll of rlltlRn leu (I'll nimt uf tie Wllliiuielli) iiuriilliiti. In Uliini.ifli t'uiinly. Ort'Keu: inkmi nnd tilled upon iik thu propei ly of tlm defoml .nit. Illi-li.ird ,M. I'bnn; Or n milrh tlmreof na inny lw ne en.ir to mills!)' auld lUilKIIient In finiT of auld llnnk of I-ukmlew. "nrporutluu. ncnlliai mid defndal)l mil i-uili of Ilium Willi Intormit, ut l'itli" a feen, mill till imta mid ilia l)uraeuinilta tlint luitu aceriieil or ma ,ni taif. lil.inialli t-,'alj Oregon, dnt, . l Die 'ail day of KWumbnr. ld.l. I. . LOW. Khirlff of Klanmth I'uiiiilt irejron lit llfllT K HAWKINC. Meputr OT tl -I L'H J '4 Mnin: or ri.v.u. sirrif.r.Hi:vT .Nullie in Iiereli) Riven thot Iho I Miide reigned ndnrtnlatrnior of the iHte uf John n !'lfinli ilwin.id. "l.l filed In the f'oiIMM 'l.jrl nf Hie Si'ile nf Oreifoll fur lil .in. i Hi ( ulllili (lie fluul account bin Hihuliii.lra. ion of Mild twta'o wl He ili('iirt 'Ii.- fixed January .. IU33. at - I u'. luck I' 31 iu the Unix, and tU. nurt room uf anld uurt as the , iii'c, for thy hcarlic of ald final i n count anil for tho toulvuiunt Ibcrr- I of. I'.itnl llcei'tnlnir 2. 191 v i: citllTITII. Adiulniatiulor of ' tlm i:inie of John II. Urlffltlt. I)c- I f.l : inn 4-H-ls-:" sr.M.MONs if. tiii: cntcriT coiiit ok thl .l TI- OK OltlXiON FOIt KI.AM- i ii or.vrv J I llarraiiK. I'luliitlff. V II Vtnion. Oefendant Tii A II VINHON. Defemlani IN THK NAMi: OK Till: STATK OK OltKliO.N )on nre herrti com manded .itid rciiilred lo npiear nnd ,.,. ur. ilit.m)).0 ,dt.;,d to tho plnliitlfr lompuiiit on lllo herein. .ii or boforo tho lilli day of Kebru ir. 192.1. nnd If ou fall lo ao np pear unci uliawer or utherwiae plead In until rum pin I nt within mild tlum for wiint thereof tlm plalnlirr will lak j,i,meiit ng.ilnl )ini for the '( $;(i Vl) .monicyS fi-n nnd for the ' further aum of IP.im mid fir the liiltl-'piainilffa root nnd iimbiir-iiicitt In n, action. T.. illlllu u uncd iinun will ur puidlculloii In thu i:eiilng Her- ai(i for tlP ..ri04i uf ix ronfliutt.- ncekn. itci, Upiihh. cummenctuR ... . witti the Unite r iH-reinticr :. Wi and ending nlili tho Ijhu- nf Keb ro ar v S. 1922, purauunt to un ortli r dul made, reudert-d nnd entered un the 27th day of Decumber. 1921, In tho Hon I). V lii)ki'tidall. .ludKe ( the uIionp eutltlfd ( imri iv Tin: .nvricivs contr, ins- finer or llvkvilli;. kl..ilth t ot'.s rv, tiitr.tio.N. Mllllllllillt J. V. Cordoza. Plaintiff. Kr.incljco Iferrura. Dafeudunt. To rrjiulicu llurrctu, tht abovo nnmed defendnut:- IN THU NA51U OK TUK STATE m nllnwed to nnawur herein, us fixed by thu court for pulill.atlon of tins , hiimmoiiR nnd If uii fall k to an swer, tho plutntlff will hike Juds Iment ngalnst you fur the kuiii 1 Hi 00 together with platntiffa cost., wind disbursements heroin. TliU aummuui Is published lu The i:enlne Herald, a tiowspaper pub llshed' Jti Wnmatlt Kails Klamath County, Oregon, by order of tho Hon jourulu l.em Ja ilafliauoii. Justlui ot 'the Pence, Dlitrlct of Llukvlllo. Ida ninth Count), Oregon, dated Novem ber 29th. 1921. directing such sum moni to lie published nut less than onco a wcok fur six vucctintlvu w eoks. Date of first puhllcatlmi, Kot em ber So. 1921 joiin mwiN. Attorney for Plaintiff. Post Of , flco and office Address, No. 12S North 4 th Bt., Klamnth I'alU. Oregon. Nov 30 Dee 7 14 21 2S Jan 4 11. NOIIt'i: t)K IINA1, ACCOl'.NT NOTICK IK HUUnnV OtVEN Thnt tho iiudernigued. ua Administrator nf tho i-stnle of Daniel D Murphy, drreosed. hu filed with tho County Court of tho Stite of Oiognn for I Klamnth County, lil.i Ktual Account of the luliniiiHU'tuuii of said csiito land that tlic iiid Court haa fled Monday, .laumry 9, 1022. at 2 o'c'ock . P. M , us tho time, nnd the County Klnmiilh Kiills, Oregon, ua the place. for hearing objections, If iluy, to suld Account nud Ilio suttlement thereof paled Doeeinhor , 1931. 'JOHN SJIKSlKNa, Jlt dmlnU- tnitnr or eatnlo of Pnplcl P, 5H'ilr))tVi ilrMiiaod K n,HDiMi MWVVWWWSWWWVWVWrr E EAT T at the The White Luncli Hume ('(inklim Miiw.lltJ 'IIIM ov cahm: ( ihm:hi: nooih.im SI MAV IIICKI N IHNM.'lt 7.V naa mai.i HTintirr wwrvMwvwwwvvi -h - iirn" r'ii- r nr-iriA DENTISTS Dr. E. G. Wiecrvr niOMS ern Dr. P. M. No riiorrn t M (M t;ai1rro-rJ' Hffalh d Mala HlrrU Limb anb Block F. II. IIEfLBRONNER J. II. REA Phone 195-J or 239-R i MECCA TAXI Ni;V (T.OSKI) CAMS rne.vi: is;i E. D. LAMB lirmCIAN AMI KUItliLO.M I'hunr I7W 17ft 11'kidii I nnd While llulldlni C. V. fishi:r, M.D. diskasks ok Tin: r.vu KAIt, NO-K AND TllltOAT (;i,s.st nrn:i) a.nd rt;it.siMii:ii riioiie 117 Itft lnln St--I FRED WESTERFELD IIUNTIPT Phune 434W. .t-ltay Laburaior Ixximla lllrt... iilama'J. TalU mi. i:it.i.i) r. vitm:.v DENTIST IVriiien.intly located t Iorri, Cnllf. KI'KCIALISI' IV Crown anil Ilrliluo Work Tricon lti'ii(innble. Cunrniilivil Work NEW -BUICKS for Hire Phone 7 7 KLAMATH FLOWER SHOP kii mun siiir.rr IMione .1M! I'liiui'iii f.ir nil oic.lilons. ?OH-na?ii3r5-Ka?iS3ias-.Tai tl Cold Weather Coniiii"; Let Us Replace Your Broken Glass E. C. STUCKEY tlth and Pine Phone 177-W WWVW-" awVMWVWWVV 5IAMK IN KLAMATH Alfalfa Meal FOH SAl.l! . Munpiiv'H pi:i:n htoiik andkiwon'.s (iitocirrr.itiA , ' 8UNHKT (1HOCKHY Nig. by llAIIHY li;i,H)ltli ( rrVWVWAwwWirva DR. F. R. GODD'ARD Osteopathic Pliysiclnn and Surgeon ! Offico nnd Residence Phones 321 I. 0. 0. P. Temple V1 wvswiiiwt xftjsiM v inwm jesxeptxefi? J. O. CI.KGHOIt.V CIVHj RNOINERH AND BunvEYon I'hnno 1I2J 133 H. Illrcrtldt CHIROPRACTORS l)r llerhorl II. Mnllelt Ir. 0e3 k. Mallett Offtco oi-ur Undorwood'a 7th ft Main Phone S39-J DR. G. A. MASSEY Koortb and I'lne flu. In Warren Hunt Hoipltal Oft. Phona 417 Rf. Pbon IIM VOCHATZER BROS, wct.ii iiltiM.cus Give r A Tin! Phone 57U-W. iMXWMWi Coe's Auto Service Hudson, Buick, and Dodge Cars Country Trips a Specialty rne.vi: irtH United Cigar Store nU SI A IN STHKKT I j- -ri fwwiria-J"-J -vi 1 --- - ---!- -- -!-- -h-r JUVfV'Jlfualla1"l" "T" f "i " -- -- Offlce Phone 177W Hei 177R Dr. H. D. Lloyd Stewart I'hyalrlan and Hcrgeon White Diitldlnc Klamath ralli Oregon VWWWiWMMWWWWW GLOVER MAKES Your Watch Keep Tl me. 511 Main St. Klamath Falls rilA' SCHOOL OK POPUIjAK Ml'SlC t baTO constructed thru years o! vxpcrlcace. the only crune that 'eachraycu to play thu piano b; NOTK'and'by EAIt la 10 to 20 les ions Write fur particular, 701 tltb U . Klamath Kalli. Oro. Phono 3S7U Charlie's Tire Shop GAS and OILS 6th & Klamath Sts. I L. D. Gas's, Mi D. j i:yi:. kah. nosh a.nu tiiiioat l.ssi:s ruuNi?HKi) I O .O. K. Dldg. Phone 99-Wj Hnoms 202, 203, 204 lira. White Pelican Hot-l. Phone f 6th Street Bakery "BETTER BREAD" 126 S 6th Street CHIROPRACTORS Dr. Herbert D. Dr. Gee: E. Mallett Mallett Office over Underwood's 7th & Main. Phone 539-J. Holliday .Dairy Ylilea.ilo nml llctiill ..I'astiulreil Milk nnd Cream.. Phone 501-J. 1R. 0. A. HAMHO Dentut I. O. O. F. Hulldlag PHONE 01 jA''.'aVlVrr -i---.-X---. waiAAAAAAAAAjQ Klamath Falls Plumb I iiig & Heating Co. HTsT WW NTt HIONjv ? Kx-Mviai wen, ATrarrnoN e KUnttn Pot No; I, American l.cxlon aeeta nt tho City Hall on tho first nml third TiiMiUyi nf each month. Ki-acrrlcn mo'n are Invited to at land tho meeting. Kor memhorahlp cnriij or Inturma tlon ex-iorrlco men nt4 rcqueatnd to u ut wrlto tho following- efflcari: J. II. Carnahnn, Coumander, Hoy N, roucb, I'oat Adjutant. For relief of employment ee or rlto ths Clmlrman of Tho Hollef and Kinployment Committee, Francla ')lda, caro I.akealdo Lumber com pany. Premium Dairy Olde( Itrtall Dairy In TOnm Ranch Phono 22F2 Office Phone 490-J Excavating Teaming Let ua make you a prlca on dig (Ins that baiemont, or other ox caratlng you cootemptat. Wo a'uio lo team work ot erery deicrlptloa. Phone 426-J f WILL Take not Cellar- or Pill la Lata CON MURPHY RI7 Mortimer Bt. Phone BI1.W DR. L. L. TRUAX WAltRRN HUNT HOSPITAL J liny Phone. 47 Night Phoae. BM I- ..r.na-. a Pn Dr. Lola C. Ilrldfe. Orcr Flrat State and Sarlng Dank Rulto 10S Phone 102-J ' . TAMALE PARLORS Chinese Needles Spanish Dishes 240 Main St NEW CITY LAUNDRY FINISHED WORK FLAT WORK ROUGH DRY "Put Your Duda In Our Suds" PHONE 154 Corner Main and Confer r Phone 1J DR. W. A. LKONAIlb Dentlat Sp(lallit It. Extraetlnnt. Oral , Surgery and dlieaaea of the mouth Room 10 over Golden Ilulo haw .mill n.-GiNi:rm.'a a coxsxnccnoN co. i Dcalgnci. ruul builder cf mod ern anw mills, platitn mllla and box planta. Dredging. Pile driving. Phone 400-W Office Corner Hprlng and Oak Near H. P. Depot PCLICAJJ n.T HU8 Fare I So each way Leave Res Cata Leave. Pelican City 7:45 a. m. :00 a. am. 11:46 p.m. 1:00 . m. 5:00 p. m. 6:80 p. m. Rkard Beat Berrtoa 26-tt Phone 7 DR. T. C. CAMPBELL PHYSICIAN AMD SDRQHON 1. 0. 0. 9. aalldlng Phoue MO Residence I2B Pine St. Phone -00-H. Klamath Lodge No. 11? I. O. O. F. I Meets Friday night ot each week al '( O.O. F. hall, 6th and Main streeU. Chas. Newman .....,- ..N. O. )V. C. WelU -V. O. O D. Mangue - owy. I W. D. Color ..... .Treaa. ENCAMPMENT 11. V. Drown . ..-- .. J, V. Brewbakor .a. p. 8. w. icrib L. J. Meolure ... Ntto Otterbeln .- Treasurer Klamath Fall., Cyclery n. t.A in r.rva von. an i'.im in serve tou right. Motorcycle and nieycles. Parte and AeeaaorUa. -Tiro and Tubes, that will stand, your Inspection, aa we carry the beat la our lino. Ilepalr shop la ! connection with Harley-Davldaon Bprrlca. rnoBe sib W WV Klamatk rUf C,)t,9W ; 3ocb