The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 04, 1921, Image 1

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    iuumimi Herald
Tonight nnil Thursday, rain In
Wm, ln ,""1' PrllHii of titulo)
warmer tonlKlit In oust I'urtluti.
Member of the Associated Press.
Fifteenth Ydi No. (Hill
..i r
; i
Permission of Interstate
Commerce Commission
Now Expected
PORTLAND, Jnn 4 Robert K.
Strahorn, who brought ult against
Ihn Oregon, California & Kislorn
railway for recovery of $472,000 In
capital slock ami an Interpretation
of an amendment lu Iho tranapor
tatlou act, was granted n Judgment
Immediately after llin conclusion
of arguments.
Thn suit wa. l.rourM ,, H,,..
horn borauao (ho railway comp,My
feared hal carrylnic out Ita con
tract with Htrahorn might havn
been a violation of thn amendment
Tho pffeel of Judgn lloan'a deci
sion will bo to nllow Htrahorn to
itUpotn of $560,000 of railway
bonda, $300,000 of which will ko to
tho city of Klamath Kail. In fn.l
turn for Ita municipal railroad
Thla aull waa purely technical,
made noceaaary by rcaiou of cer
tain provisions of tho transports
Hon act thai stood In Ihn way or
Mr, Htrahorn securing (ha approval
of tho Intoratate commerce? comnila
alon for tho bond laaua of $560,
00. It ha linen known hero ror
aoms 1 1 m h that Mr .Htrahorn had
succeeded In marketing the bonda,
but before tho deal rould bnroa--animated
tho Intoratate commerce
rt.mnil.alon had to approve of the,
laaue. Investigation revealed tho
fact that tho transportation art
tood In Iho way .and It was to re
rnova thla obstacle that Iho aull
above roforrod i0 was lnatltuled.
It la to bo presumed that thn ap
proval of the conunlssluu will Ixi
forthcoming as soon as tho usual
formalities connected with It huvo
been compiled with,
With thn floating of (ha bond Is
aue It wilt bo now poulblo to com
plete thv railroad to Hpracue river,
put tho road bed In first clans con
dition and secure sufficient equip
ment to operate thu road Mr
Strahorn haa been waging a lone
battle In New York, Waahlngtnn
and, Portland, pursuing his well
known policy of alienee, nnd the
news that lie ban won will ho glad
ly received here.
With Iho completion or tho lino
to Spraguo river will couio tho
opening up of Immense bodies of
the beat timber In thu county. It
will also 'mean tho Immerllalo com
pletion and operation of tho Haddlo
Mountain Lumber company mill, as
well ai tho construction or othor
sawmill. In that vicinity.
It la understood that If tho lino
la llnlthod to Hpraguo river that
Mr, Strahorn haa assurance of ouf
flclaat assistance to onablo him to
stead the line to tho
timber In (ho vicinity or 'Yumaoy
dkad, a iNJunnn is
BAN FMANCI8CO, Jan. 4. Slip
perjr ' atroeta and reckless driving
war asilgnod today by police aa tho
cauia ol al persona being doad and
SI other Injured In automobile ac
cident In and about tho Kan Francis
co bay district and Northern Califor
nia during tho Now Ycnr'n celebra
tion. Another acoro aro lopnrmd by
the police' to be uttering from m'nor
cut and brulsoa.
Although the Cyclo-Stormagraph
St Underwood' Pharmacy shows that
the barometer haa been rising for tho
pait 34. hours, at the tlmo of making
tbla report the tendency was again
slightly downward. If thla develops
Into a movement of any co'naoquenc
Un ehssco for clear weather I not
Tory good, Tho proaont reading fav-
or clearing tonight.
Forecait for next 24 heur:
Unsettled with indication .slight.
lr In favor of clearing.
The Tycos recording thermometer
registered the following malmuni'
and minimum temperature today,
Hllh h
iiiihakinu or K.vns.vri:.
CANNES, Jnn 4 To suvo
Europe from loinplnte ocoiium-
Ic disintegration mnl keep thu
onlcnta from fnllhiK npurl, arn ,
tho (nulla underl-inou Iiith, by
lrenilcrn l.lnyil George, nnil 4
llrlaml, who opened private,
conversations huro In proper
lug a iiroKtain for ihn nllicit
supremo rouncil wiurii con-
venos hero Friday
sjcil muDTrne nM
iia-vr (uuiiliu vn
More Mario Hrraur of Ijitrp Floor
Hparr Avnllabln In Firnrr
llAnk llulldlng
Thn California Oregon Power com
imny aomn tlmn (his month will n.rv.,
from Ita prrannt location on Keventh
alrcet to the former First National
Hank bulldlnK at Fourth nud Main. II
waa announced today t J C lloyle.
local managnr Tho .reent learn,
will bo retained until May
The move la belllK made beraiisn
'''he 400 a-,., aro fe.,t of additional (
rioor aparn mailable In thn now ,
quarters, and bocaua,, tho miglnrorlng ,0 10,nt (ll.,,K,ialB,, I10Br tbo
department can bo housed In tho, ,,., eorn(,r of IK)Con 3( ,own
amn office rather than In other of- ,,, 3, , rfln(!c ,7 oM lhmn
rirea a at pre.ent to rontlnuo In a we.terly courao
riDC-r Aii-rrkC ADC cninlll,'"11 U, Kromonl national ror.
vTlKol AUIUd AKE. JULUlni to llonama Tho reaolutlon
Wliltn IVIIran Oprna Htwon Willi
Hnln i.J T"o fan.
Tho first reportetl aalo of un auto,
mobile for thn year comes from thn
While IVIItan garage, Um Arena an-
i.iiinrliii. Hint llila ttitirtilnp tin Itirtl-
p), oTor o Bhwff Wooifoek of Uko
county a "490" Chevrolet touring
rnr and an Kll :imvrolet touring car
in V I. K...r llnlli ..Mllrllll.n.U
-,k... i i.nw.,,w.nrriv.i
. . i. . . i- . i
iju nrru iri owi'iiihh iiis i'
thn return tflp this monilng, taking
with thin their now purrhuscs They
state that thurJiad a hurd time or
It coming over,
Mr. Arena atatea that ho looks for
ward to 'one of the best yeara ho' haa
epf experienced In the automobile
business. That thorn Is keen rhalry
between Ihn Chevrolet and tho Kord
not only hero but throughout Ihn
country, Is recngnUed hy nilto deal,
era, and Ihn predictions are that thu
Chevrolet will "carry ofr Ihn bacon."
It Is claimed ror tho Chevrolet that
notwithstanding the fntt that there Is
only $6R,dirrorenco In tho rirst cost,
them la In Ihn neighborhood or $200
dlrrerenro In values, when tho equip
mnt Hint goes with thn Chovrole't la
taken Into consideration. It Is tho
protpneta of this demand ror Chovro
leta that la causing many of tho dent
era to fear that It will so far exceed
the rapacity, or thn laclory that bo
fore Iho season la half over there Is
going to bo groat dirriculty In secur
ing cars.
le VnlerA Would Vtinii Trvnly of
Amity TV'lth flreat Britain
DIIIU.IN, Jan. 4. On reassem
bling tho Dall Klreann today received
a now vorslon of I)o Valera'a amend
ment to tho Irlah peaco treaty pro
posing to make It. a treaty of amity
and nn association belwoen Ireland
and the government's of'nreat llrltnln
and other atatea or tho British com
monwealth. Da Valera, altor sharp
exchanges with Orlfflth nnd Collins
ovor "documnnl numbor two." an
nounced ho would move for his alter
native proposal tomorrow,
IlKI.FAST, Jan. 4. Six deoths
Mve resultod from tho presont series
dlaorder In Helfast. ono victim bo
P!I i child shot In Its mother's arms
POrtTLAND,' Jan. 4. Cattlo alow;
"ors 25ft to3Bc lowor! Prime Jlght.
9 in . t!,6tri aiieon weak: eggs 5c
1 - Uiijlnr "rco 30c to 3Kc: Tint
ter; atoartv, -Wheal ''. to $1,011, .
BOSTON, Jan. "4, The battleship
Nerth Dakota collided with the Brit.
Ish schooner T. K, Bently off Cape
Cod lt nlitat. NtltVlf wl t)tmad
.Proposed Road Would be
18 Miles Shorter, With
5 Per Cent Grade
Construction of an all-year high
nay (rom (.akiivlow to Klamath
'" "Mcli woul.l leavu the Illy
road at llm school hullsu In Drews
Vol In)-, then run aouth nnil west to
(lin north side of Langcll Valley,
th UK thortciilng by IS miles tho
present route via Illy, haa been
proposed by Ihn Lakovlnw chamber
of commerce, which probably will
take up (he matter formally with
Klamath county. Tho proponed
route would liaru a maximum grade
of t per cent, It I. claimed
Th(, Ukolw rlan,)er of coln.
,ni)rro ,, WMp n .,, urR.
,- ,. from . ni01I.v .. .
.,, , ((f , lko C(jny
l)0M(lIi , ,,, of $ )(J
. . ...,.,., . ,,,,. ,,,
urites that tho forent aurvlro co-op-
erato with tho county court of Lake
county In providing funds for con
y. ?.. tlaldwln, or I-akovlew, has
advised President Gordon or tho
rhamber or commerce that the atato
highway commission la In favor or
thla road, and that Judgo Smith, or
l.akorlow, nnd Hupcnlsor Drown,
J if lh.. Lv..tnMt .iilfi...l .....
' "" ..".. mini, ru
""'" ""! from a conforonco
..!"' I'ortland with tho district for-
ejter, who was reported a being In
favor of tho road Co-operation on
behalf of tho forest scrvlco would
effect a rating of thousands ot
dollars tor both Klamath and Lake
counties, lluldwln ;ald.
Tho roud already has been sur
veyed by tho county surveyor of
'.ako county, who reported that a
S per cent grudo could be main
tained nud that a largo portion of
the road wouM be on aouth slopes,
thus ghlng un all-) car road.
Thu resolution points out that n
highway on thl routo would ho of
great valuo to tho forest service,
thu forest users, tho traveling pub
lic, local
resldenta and tourists;
Willi llu'cpllon of l.iikeNhlo I 'I it,
lmi for Vrnr Would Ho l
inly DIII,2MI.U7 !
llnil It nol been for the I.ukenldn
litimbnr company fire tlm total firu'
loss ror Klamath Kails during 1921
would have been only $14,281.27,
according to thn report mado last
night to tho city council by Klra
Chief Ambrose.
Tho report showed tho tolul loss
paid to Iihvd been $S9,181.27.
which Includod $4 4,900 paid ror thu
Lakcsldo. loss. Tho total Insurance
risk on proparty dnniaRcd by rim
wus 1404,010, which, without tho
lumber company tors, would Indl-j
-... . -.. .!.'
coiii mi rL-ciieiii return iur iiiut
ycar. I
The council puased to Ita third .
reading and adopted tho ordinance
providing for payment to tho Stutz
Klre Knglnu company tho amount
agreed upon for tbo new fire equip
ment. The question of better lighting
ror Klamath avenuo between Ninth
and Klovcnth was referred to tho
light committee.
Tho rinanco committee was In
structed to mako.n survey of tho
city hall heating problem with vlow
to reducing tho expense.
Pormlt was granted C T. Atlln-
sou to tnovo a smalt houso from
lot 10, block 94, Klamath addition.
to Main street near tho brldgo
across tho canal. Tho following
applications to operate rooming
houses wcro referred to tho fire
cemmittee: Clalrmount, Fourth
nnd High, N. K. Dennis; Star, S36
Main, Martha I.. Kails; Kloventh
and Klamath nw-uuo, Jas. C Smith:
Murdock building. 21 G Main, Ktlicl
IM.NK.SS (.Wl'hKH lONTIM.VI3li:vr
MlliWAI'KKi:, Wn . Jan. 4. The
Denny lootiard.l'lnklo Mitchell bout,
which was to have been atnged here,
Monday afternoon wns post polled un
til January 9 bec.iusu of tho Illness
of Mitchell.
would make mora accessible ror fire
protection and general administra
tion n largo area or national forest;
and would mako more accessible to
the general public the camping,
hunting, fishing and other recrca
tlonal features of tho Fremont nil
tlonal forest this In udditlon to
tho shorter routo nnd less grade,
President Gordon Kald that ho Is'
heartily In favor of thla road, and
will lend his support to Its con-
K 1 WOULDN'T BE ) ' '
Jkl 1 so Bad Eimei? I
Mills Addition Raid Nets
Large Source of Local
Moonshine Supply
A comploto still, 175 ouarla and
" B-Wllon demijohn or nlleKcd
moonshine whiskey was seized yes
tonloy artcrnoon by Chief of Police
Wilson In n house on WTilto avenue
In TIIIm N.lflltlnn ,.n n t.r..-
" ' " .v.v.m. m.-
r,inl iaaded by I' S Commissioner
Hnrt ( Thomas. Dick Ilerard and
IMillo Lohlmler wer0 arretted by
I'ort Summers In connection with the
raid and were stntcd ror arraign
ment thla afternoon before V. H. Com
missioner Thojnas.
The l.l'iuor inn IImiiitiI
Chler Wilson discovered tho liquor
hidden In a largo excavation beneath
tho woodshed floor. The cracks of
the floor had been covered oer nnd
wood scattered about to conceal tho
cache, he said
The raid Is believed to novo cut
off one of tho largest local sources
of supply
Forum Merultcr Hear Aildtit. on
l'iiiNiril lue
Thu meaning or tho proposed
$M)0,000 county road bond Issue,
which It la proposed to place be
fore the clcclor at a special elec
tion early (IiIr spring, was tho sub
ject or an add, ess by County Judge
Duiuiell at tho forum this noon.
Judgo Duiinult said tho bonds
wonld equal 4 per cent ot tho as
sessed valuation or the county, or
approximately JS00.O00, nnd that
practically every main road In tho
county would b(t Improved thereby
K. II Hall mado a short address
on the policies or tho United States
Chamber or Commerco. W. C. Van
i:nion requested oluntecr mem
bers' ror tho Klamath Amateur Ath
letic association, which was an
swered by n large number of thoso
Hurry Dorret entertained with
excellent violin seloctlona. Ho was
accompanied by Mrs, C. W. Kber-
It. K. Wright presided at tho
meeting, which was well attended,
WA8H1NOTON, Jan 4 K-
tabllshmcnt of a Kuropean Fed-
eral Hcscrve bank, providing for
gold secured eurroncy and link-
ed with tho American Kcscrvo
System, was advocated today by
4 Senator Owen, Oklahoma, as a
move toward a more stable eco-
nomlc condition throughout tho
world Ito proposed that tho
I'nltcd States postpone for ten
years collection or Interest or
principal on war debts, and that
final payment bo required In SO
years. I(n also suggested a thrco
percent Interest rate
(liurlcN Hall Han People AffecW-d
by Tax Hlioulil -First bo
I'OIITLAND, Jan. 4. Challenged
by Chairman Meier or tho 1925 Ex
position board to explain his opposi
tion to tho fair measures In vlow or
tho tact that tho State Chamber of
Commerce had endorsed the Exposi
tion. Charles Hall, chamber president
Into yesterday said ho favored the
Oregon 192S Exposition but that ho
opposed tapping the state road funds
to rinanco It until the people affect
ed by tho tux wcro properly repre
sented Speaker Dean said it was not a
caso of fighting tho Exposition, but
of sufficient time to devise means
to rinanco It. William Handler, or
Hums, was elected president of tho
State Chamber, .Hall decllng to serve
another term. K. D. Hall, or Klamath
Falls waa elected one or tbo seven
new members or the'Board or Direc
"Wliltc)" Until Victim or Footpad
In Iam Angeles
"Whltey" Dahl, a rormer cm-
plo)o or tbo reclamation service
who recently went to Los Angeles,
was held up In that city by root
pads who rcllovcd him of $200
Dahl had met a stranger In tho
hotel where he was stopping, and
together they went ror a walk to
view the sights or tho city. While
engaged in this ho wag held up.
and when the hold-up men round
he had nothing but travellers'
checks they compelled him to sign
four or them, each calling ror tho
payment of $50. He gave a good
description or tho mon to tho po
lice, but at last reports thoy had
not been apprehended.
llll.liT.VTi: IHUTS
PORTLAND. Ore.. Jan. 4. Dill
Tato, Chicago negro heavyweight,
won on a loul over Harry Wills or
Now York in tho rirst round or a
scheduled 10-round battle hero
.tlomlay afternoon. The rereroo rnisea
Tnto's hand when Wills crnshod In
n right to tho chin that topVlod Tato
oor, after ho had requested tho two
to brenk from a clinch. Tata mado an
nttompt to stop back to obey tho
command when Wills struck him.
This breach or rules cost Wills tho
right. Tho round had about 10 sec
onds to go when tho referee raised
Tate's hand.
Grnvc Registration Emplojo Tells
of Condition of Bodies
WASHINGTON, Jan. 4, Rufua p,
Hubbard or New York, employed by
tho Amorlcan Graves Registration
sorvlco in preparing bodlos of Ameri
can aoldleis for shipment from
Trance, told tha Senate committee
today that on three bodies disinterred
ho found a ropo around the neck and
n black c.ip over each faco. Ho said
thero was nothing In the corrins by
which .tho bodies could bo Identlflod,
and that the. black caps .had not
boon removed before tho bodies were
pipped to the United States (or bur.
SI 5,000 IN TAX
County Court Would Spend
Large Amount for Jail
in H. S. Building
County and' State . ....12.30
Market roads .............. 1.40
County schools ................ 3.20
Attorney and wltncs, fee .35
State Agricultural collcgo .18.
Warrant redemption 53
Carneglo library .... .11
routrhou construction .. .M
High school ........ . 2.15
County road ......... 4.50
Total 25.40
A levy of .08 mills for "court
houso construction", or tho comple
tion of tho Jail in tho building on
DIock 10, which will amount to $15,
000, was Included In tho county bud
get completed by the county court
yesterday afternoon.
The Item was Included In view of
tho fact that "a protest has been
filed against tho proposed levy under
tho heading, ''Courthouse Construc
tion Fund,' to prepare courthouse
building on Block 10, Ifot Springs
addition, to mako a Jail habitable,
thero being no Jail now In the county
In which unruly prisoners can be
centined: and It appearing also that
a petition has been riled ravorlng
said protest, and that 41 electors
havo signed said protest; and that
143 electors' have signed a petition
favoring tho levy." Upon motion of
Commissioner Burrcll Short the court
unanimously decided that the peti
tion against inclusion ot the Item be
For the purpose or bringing to tho
attention ot Judgo Calkins the action
or the county court, it is understood
thnt contempt proceedings will be In
stituted and an effort made to secure
the punishment ot all those who have
had anything to do with the violation
of tho provisions of the Injunction.
Issued last year by Judge Calkins to
prevent tho lovy of $50,000 for the'
Hot Springs building, .
These provisions direct that "they
and, each of them (tho county court)
are ordered not to expend upon such
building on said block 10 any ot the
funds levied ror courthouse purposes
In th,o tax levy for tho year 1918.
(This levy had been collected boforo
the Injunction was Issued).
Another paragraph provides;
"And they and each of them arn
horeby restrained from and ordered
not to enter any contract or Incur any
obligation or any kind or character on
behalf or said county, either In tha
building or completion of said court
houso on block 10, nnd they and each'
or them nre restralnod from and ord
ered not to enter upon the records
of, Klamath county, Oregon, any tax
levy ror any such purpose and not to
report any such tax levy to tha de
fendant, J. P. Loo, as county assessor
ror said county,"
'Another provision 1st
"Or to mako ANY LEVY for tbo
expenditure o money for courthouse
purposes on said block 10."
Another paragraph previde:
"And thai the defendant, C, R, Do
Lap, ns county clerk of Klamath
county. Oregon, be and ho Is hereby
ordered not to make any reeord upon
tho records for Klamath county, Ore
gon, of any" tax levy hy the county
court for'Klamath county, Oregon for
said' or any miscellaneous Item, or
for thn said num. of $50,000. or for
any. othor sum for the 'purpose of
courthouse construction unon said
block 10, Hot Springs addition, or
elsewhere, and from making any ree
ord of any report of any such tax levy
bv said county ourt '"(ci said county
Another provision Is:
''This Injunction order asflle to
and restrain not osjr' tat defend-
.imp. nui ineiryaenutfeeSjaaaiu- ann
olives aid all. nthaf In sftalr.aM n
babalf.'and tpptle musH? iMr .