The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 03, 1921, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    VAflis nnvKN
IIV hoozi; VAHVM
tinil courts of northern Cnllfornlu
lmvti nlimit 3000 I'imtm of ulliiuod vIii
Intliiii of iirnlillililoii Iiiwn on their
docket, according (o John L, Coil
sldliw, riuluriil prohibition enforce
ment agent.
Tim court urn about two yours bo
lilnil In tlinlr work, on ncrnuut of tint
congi'stlnti or cnncn, dmnldlno wild
recently. An n remedy ho niiggontud
Flume, niny not bo lliu Inml of ttio
Iron, tmt II'h tho homo of frro verso.
HAD AU'J'UIj UVA'AY hpixlh ah
"After suffering for ton year with-
'out finding nnyllilni: tlmt would do
tlint mora federal Judgun Im nppolnt- inn itny good, Timlnc lin restored my
(id to try lliiior canon exclusively, jlnmltli uiitlndy and t linvo gained ton
pounds In weight nlnco taking It,"
mild Charles F. Hon, of 111)1 ICnnt
Thirty-third ntrcot, North, Portland,
"For all thorn your my itomach
linn Klvan mn troulilo, and often I
wiih bolhurnd with rhaiimatliim In
my Joint. My npputlto wan very noor
and my ntomnch wan no onnlly upnot
that I hint to ho vary cnroful iitiout
what I nto or I would ho In mliiory
for hourn nf forward. Tho rhnuma-
! tlnm In my Joint pained mo no hndly
at timed I could hardly stand It, and
minietlmen I had torrlhlo fainting
spell and would fall unconnrlim.
I had no energy, fill tlrnd anil worn
out nil tho tint tlma and when I Im
' Kim taking Tanlnc wan In u hndly
run-down, wenkenod condition.
J "Aftor tnkltiK tho flrnt liottln of
Tnntae I began to fool ntroncor and
bettor than 1 hnd In yearn, and an I
contlnuod Inking It my Improvement
wan to great that In a short wlillo
I wan a well mnn. I now hnvo a
uplendld nppotlto, cat anything I
want and iiocr havo any trotihlo nf
tarwardii, I am entirely froo of rheu
matism and havn not hail ono of
thom tcrrlhln fainting nprlln nlnro I
started taking Tanlnc. I novcr hare
that tired, worn out fccllne ."id am
alwny ready for my work, whkh I
can do wlthotlt n pnrtlclo of trouble
In fact, nlnro Inking Tanlac 1 feet
Junt llkn a different person and It 1 a
real plcnnuro for mo to recommend It
to other."
1 Tanlac li told In Klaninth Fall
'hy Star Drug Co., In Lorclla hy James
More Co, and In Merrill by llouih
'urn Oregon Drue Co. Adv.
The Office Cat
l&fce Home
a. tioxen.
before jjjkr eyes!
Innlilo Ktuff
In building a column,
Tho part that' tough
I writing tho flrnt
Now linen of ntuff;
It' oany when onca
You're on tho way.
Ho wo'll mako thin do
Kor u ntart today,
ourcaoN AoiticuirimAL coi
hWllJ, Corvallln, Jan. 3. Klnmath
county ha five agricultural student
Farmers Inventory
Advocated By the
Agricultural Dept.
fund, has boon forced, In Uofnult of
those moans of Increasing Its io-
In tho collogo who havo comnloted !ource, to annotinco nn Increano of
tholr flrnt term' work of thin hcIiooI tho t,llllon !on "t tho university
year, Thcno tudonln nre: Karl W.',rom i0 t0 7G tt 'luartor. This In-
Mack of Klamath Fall; and llohcrt lcrcn" "ccome ortcctlvo at tho bo
ll. Gordon of Fort Klnmath, nopho-'KlnnlnB ot t,l no,t academic year
more; Scott W. McKcndrco of Kin- ' "" " w noi appiy 10 any
math Fall, frenhman! Fm,! finnifn "uaonl rcglntorcd boforo that lima,
of Fort Klamath and Grant II. Nel-
Htanford unlvornlty, confronted
by financial difficulties which havo
cauncd older InNtltutlon with larger With another noaaon of farm work
and wealthlor alumni bodlon to ear-jdrawlng to a cloic, tho United Slaton
ry on campaigns for additional, dopartmont of I nrglnK
on of Worden, vocational.
All of tho Oregon counties
LANCABTKIt, Cal Jan. 3 T,
W. Edward, realty ODorator. cele-
ruiironcnicn in mo senooi ot ogn- bratcd hs 74th ann venarv of hi
culture with tho oxceptlon of Curry 'birth hero by kicking a hat oft tho
iiarnoy and Jefferson. Honton coun-ihcad of a man six feet, two Inches
Tnko It from u n girl with pretty
oyu has no troulilo In holding a
mnn' attention that I until a
girl with protty legn panne by.
Fred Mill sny Hint oven a man
n tall n ho nometlmcs finds him
self short.
ISyAy 2 JwEZfffl I
Jt I proposed to supply paper
handkorchlefs freo to Ixiiulon school
children who nro not no equipped
Healthy Automobiles
4i n n n i
JSt'4 ! Immmi lmuri hJ TW3
You cannot oxpoct your car to bo honlthy all wlntor unions
you glvo It propor protection.
Sick Cars Are Expensive
Kxposuro to weather causes trouble, deterioration nnd rapid
depreciation. Wot wires causa short circuits wator on metal
parts causos rust. Tho paint on tho body will chock and crack It
nolsturo Is allowed to colloct nnd stand.
Keep It Out of the Hospital
This company will holp you.
Big Basin Lumber Company
Exclusive Representatives of the National
Builders Bureau
I'lKtiiv It Out I'Vr Yiiumclf
I know a lad
Whono parent had
HI future doped out to n tco;
They thought they know
When ho was two
Exactly what their son would bo
Flvo years or more
Ills mother woro
Ono lint, for his dear snko to savo;
Hho didn't mind,
Ills father shlned
Ills own shoos went without a
"Did ho mako good?"
Wo know you would
Inquire, but wo'ro compelled to say
Wo do not know;
'Twas long ago,
And 'bout that tlmo wo moved away.
ty load with an enrollment of CG,
Multnomah second with C3. Twenty-
six of tho Oregon counties havo 79
of tho 1A4 federal rehabilitation men
now onrollcd for agricultural workMn
tho college Multnomah county has
If, of thcno rohnbllltntlon mon, Hen-
ton nnd MVirlon 8 each, I.ano C, Uma
tilla 4, unkor, Clnckamas, Linn, own
Union, Douglas and Washington 3
tall, without losing his balance
"When I nm 100 years old," re
marked Mr. Edwards, "I shall tako
on a much taller man."
again tho nlcklo Is coming Into Its
that an annual property lint or ln
ventory bo mado by ovory fnrinor. It
In tho only means, department spec
lallnts say, whereby farmers may
know accuratoly their net financial
worth, what progress they nro mak
ing from yoar to year, and how tholr
Investment In farm proporty Is being
distributed. Property lists, or Inven
tories, mado In accordance with a
plan outlined In tho office of farm
management, United States depart
ment of agriculture, are not difficult
to mako nnd are of great valuo to
any farmer who Is striving to hotter
his conditions overcomo obstacles to
success, and place his business affairs
on a sccuro foundation. To drift
along year after year, not knowing;
whothor toward success or failure, In
not tho practice ot business mon.
Specialists of the dopartment nro pro
pared to glvo complete directions for
(making a farm Inventory that will
Following tho dron In tho nrlc of P"1 tho farnl on a business basis.
enen, lunmnui. i'oik, Morrow, I.ln- n cup of coffoo from 10 to 5 cents In
coin and Yamhill 2 each, Crook lako,many of tho city's eating establish
IJoschutcn. Wallow. Columbia, Hood ;,nent, comes tho announcement of a
mver, loos, Wasco, Mnlhour and, big restaurant In tbo city that ploi
New Itconl. EnrI Hbcpbcrds. .'M)-.T
Jackson 1 onch
In addition to tho federal rehabil
itation mon, tho stato has 11 Indus
trial rehabilitation men onrollcd at
tho collcgo for special training In
agriculture Tho act under which
thcno men nro sent hero to nchool
was passed by tho special session of
tho stato legislature In 1020. Tho act
Itself Is an extension of tho original
workmen's compensation law enacted
In 1913.
would be G cents per cut. The same
bouso only a few days ago was charr
ing 20 cents for "coffeo nnd."
nr Iloconh. liirl Khcphrnl. .10-3 1
San FItANCIBCO. Jan. 3. Seven
of tbo 12 men holding tho distinc
tion of being tho first group of stu
dents to completo collcgo education
at tho University of California are
still living, It was learned following
tho completion of a census of alum
ni. All nro mora bors of tbo class ot
Nptlco Is hereby given that tho un
dorslgncd administrator of tho cstato
of Henry Mason Bristol, deceased, has
filed In tho County Court ot the Stato
of Oregon, for Klamath County, tho
final account of his administration ot
said cstato and said Court has flxod
January 24, 1921, at 2:30 P. M. an
tbo tlmo and tho Courtroom of said
Court as tho placo for the hearing at
said final account and for tho set
tlement tbcrcof.
Dated: December 20, 1920.
Administrator of the cstato ot Henry
Mason Bristol, deceased.
Dec. 20-27 Jan 3-10-17
Doc (loddard declares that thoro
In a land of pure delight whero waf
fles nro served with mnplo syrup
both day nnd night.
A.U I Ad
A shoo storo In Chicago adver
rise tiiuniy: "Anybody who wenrs
our shoos will havo a fit."
Our Monuments
Embody Dignity nnd Distinction
Tboy oro designed, cut and built
with particular regards (or Individ
uul roqulromonts. Long established
In business, unoxcollod facilities and
inodorn mothods mako posslblo tho
attractlvo combination ot suporla
tlva quality nnd modorato prlcos,
-our work affords.
Klamath Falls Marble
and Granite Works
1040 Main St.
-djSu fSvsBnTS9
Dear Ah-or-aw-fuss-cat
A I understand that you Mill havo
sovornl lines left, I am taking a
chanco and sending )ou these gems
of poesy
Mary gat
A llttlu hut.
Hor hubby gat tho bill.
And after thnt
ICo thought n lint
Was qulto a useless frill.
Mary gat
A llttlo cat.
8ho mado It wear a bell.
And ovcry night
Thnt cat would fight
Tho rackot suro was swell
.Mary gat
A llttlo fat
And thought that shVri re
duce Sho went to work
Without a shirk
And now sho went 'cm loose.
S" J s--5"$""5" 5-55s5"55,$5"",5m,$5""'
Is Coming to Klamath Falls
t !.
. ,4
Hx INtit.'
Theso follows about town
Just budding Into iiinnhood who
enn sprout as many as n'nv -Urs on
tholr uppor Up. havo llttlo enjugh
senso to bollovo that peopln will
think "It" Is a mustncho
LOS ANOHLi:s,vCnl., Jnn. 3.
Iloquosts for "ono spirit hand plain,"
"ono spirit hand clammy" and "ono
vanishing spectro" woro on a list ot
noeds soon hero recently.
Thoy woro not scon, however, In
connection with tho spectral but woro
tho oponlng Items ot a bill ot goods
ordorod from a local ninn who has
built n world-wide, roputntton, nnd a
largo factory, from manufactured
goods for magicians and prestidigitators.
lllco thnt always fall ono wny,
cards that clinnga from spot to fnco,
horns that blow tbemsolvcB and un
winking oyos thnt gleam from empty
dnrknoss nro a fow ot his simpler spa-
DILLION, Mont.. Jnn. 3. Ono of
tho oldest Musonlo lodgos In tho
stato ot Montnnn lino passed out of
oxlstonco. It was No. 16 of Han-
nock, onco tbo capital of tho stato
ono horo.
nnd a plonoor city, Tho nannock
Tho Tolcphonc Company has asked Its patrons In Oregon to pay moro for their
telophono scrvlco. It has placed tho facts and figures ot the situation .boforo the
1'ubllc Scrvlco Commission for tholr investigation and verification. Tho Increase
will not amount to much to Individual subscribers, but tbo aggregate will permit
tho Company to properly maintain and develop Its scrvlco.
Wo havo shown tho Commission that wo aro operating at a loss. Our expenses
nro greater than our earnings. Tho ownors ot tho property are receiving nothing
from their Oregon Investment and tho Interest duo on dobts which should properly
ho borno by tho Oregon properties aro not being paid from Oregon receipts. b
At tho hcnrlng boforo tho Public Servlco Commission not a fact or flguo pre
sented by tho Company was disputed or disproved. Tbo only material contention
mado wns thnt Incronscs wero perhaps Inopportune in vlow of tbo apparent decline
in general commodity prices.
Tho Company Is asking tor a roasonnblo return upon its existing Investment,
vtlthout regnrd to tbo uncertainties ot tho future. Tho Company flics periodical
reports of Its speratlons with public authorities and Its future Investments will
bo tho subject of constant consideration and future adjustments, it necessary.
Salaries and wages mako up 72 ot our current expenses. Wo bopo thoy will
not bo roduced nnd do not think they should be. ,
In tho flvo years 1010-1920 Inclusive, wo havo incrensed tbo wages ot our
plant peoplo 1307,000.00. Our traffic (operating) omployeos 1681,000.00, commer
cial employoes, 98,000.00, a total ot $1,086,000.00 por annum.
Eftlclont and contontedomployecs mean good servlco. It is tbelr duo and our
doslro that tholr compensation bo oqunl to thnt paid in other lines ot business
activity. " ,
Adoqunto servlco Is dependent upon ndequato rates.
The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Company
lodgo has Just boon luorged with