I MONDAY, JAWAnV . 1021. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON Our First Annual End - of - the -Year CLEARANCE SALE fl A Sale of High-Grade Ready-to-Wear Garments at such ridiculously low prices as those we are offering is not an everyday occurrence. We therefore urge you to be on hand at the stroke of nine o'clock sharp Tuesday morning, January 4, 1921 .? CJIItJIJJ5J The very garment that you have been ad miring but have delayed buying because the price did not quite meet with your approv al. But See it now What a cut What a sacrifice Seeing will hardly be believing. Do not delay. Be here early so that you will have no regrets. Hats Every hat in the store at One-Half Price mh Special lot of Ladies' serge, tricotine, velour and wool poplin suits, while they last, $15.00 Ten Days Selling Only EXTRA SPECIALS! You know by this time the meaning of Our Extra Specials. 100 DRESSES Silks, All Wool, French Serges and All Wool Jerseys Si 0.95 100 SPORT COATS All Wool Jeneyi $10.95 PETTICOATS For practically lp of their worth, $1.95, $2.50, $2.95, $3.95 Blouses and Waists Silk Georgettes and Tricollettes at almost l$ their real values, $2.95 $3.95 sA M' a I flhfmm I JSw4nfl This is not a .ale of a few different items, but EVERY Suit Dress Coat must be sold to make room for the new 1921 Spring Arrivals which arc now coming in. rurs Every Fur Garment in the house reduced at least One-Fourth We have assorted all our High Grade Suits, Dresses and Coats, (Except Fur Coats) into nine different groups. Many of them will be sold at One-Half their Actual Values. GROUP No. 1 I GROUP No. 3 GROUP No. 5 GROUP No. 7 GROUP No. 9 $15.00 $24.50 $39.50, $69.50 $97.50 Group No. 9 gives you GROUP No. 2 GROUP No. 4 GROUP No. 6 GROUP No. 8 the choice of any Coat, $19.80 $29.50 $49.50, $89.50 gpgg fefcb Do not delay coming in until tomorrow or the next day. Some one else will probably be here first. v$ . REMEMBER This sale starts at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning. Be here early. A slight charge will be made for alterations, FINEST LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Klamath's Finest Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Shop LEADERS OF FASHION I'AOH TWO