The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, January 03, 1921, Image 1

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Today's News
A Class Ad Mil
Don i
il 4)flHR afl 'MBa.
.1 SS
Nil. not i.
I'rlco Flro Cents
all on job
Lloyd Low, C C. llrownr mid I.
I,, OiiKtinKiui, iwwly elected iilnirlff,
prosecuting attorney, and Justuo of
tlio peace, respectively, look their
seal today. Thu otlwr county offi
cer, some of whom worn rn-nlurted
wit limit opposition nnt cuntlimliiK tint
oven tenor of tliulr way without any
ahiikuups lu tlmlr office forces.
JJcrt I:. 1 1 ii w k I ti n linn been ratnln
oil nn Hhnrtff Low's chief deputy, nml
U. C. mvi, father of thu pronoiit
sheriff, ninl sheriff himself fur a con
plo of term, will ho tlu othur deputy
Mm, lliuel Oro mniiil Mis Mr In
Chnslnlii will remion In thn offlro a
clerk. Hhurlff Low itatcil Hint no
now deputies for out of town ills
trlcts Imvu been appointed, ami that
a fur n Im cnulil lern thnre win no
Immediate reason (or replacing any
of the in
County Clark C. It. Rnl.ap will
keep hi offlro forcn intact, with thu
nxritptlon or Slli Vera Houston, f.
HtiK clerk, who ha itoiio to Eugene
to Attend irliool, llur place ha been
filled by Mint Kminn It. Htucky.
Lloyd It. IM.ap will remain a clork
of the circuit court, and (larrutt K
Van Itlpor and Hoy N. Fouch will be
found at their old uccustomed
The other county officer who ba
Kin their term today rp J. P, I.eo,
assessor; Ml Twyla llad, county
superintendent; C. T. I)rlay, county
aurveyor, Karl Wblllock coroner, Q
K. Van Riper,, treaiuror, county
Judge, It, II. Ilunnell, and jHurrell
flhort and Aia Fordycn commUilon
I,. I,. Oaghagan, Juitlce of thn
peicn, will maka hi office In the old
courthoum building In the room
formerly occupied by tho Judge and
clerk of thu circuit court.
Dorris Postmaster
Starts Year's Term
In Yrcha Jail
W V. Fox, recently sentenced to
on yenr In tho Hlsklyou county Jnll
In thn United Mates district rourt
nt Hiicramonto, tins begun serving
Vox, former postmaster at Dorrls,
('ill., plmiilMil Kiillly to tho theft of
ffiOOO In ciirrcmry nml n iiuiintlty of
registered mull from thn pontotticu
Inst November 7. Aftor thu thoft hu
ot flro to tho building to conreiil thn
crlmii but It wa only partly destroy
ed. HiiKplclou wnii ntlracted to tho pott
mntnr when hn begun upending
money rather lavlahly. Tho purchase
of nn automobile from n Klamath
rail denier win one of tlio clue that
led to hi arrest and on being brought
to thn local jail hn mnito full con fen
"Ion fn thn two poiital Intpetcor who
urrosted him.
Tim Jong nwnltcd decision In tho
Lahorcn wilt cusu wn handed down
hy JiiiIko It II Ilunnell Into Friday
ovtmlng, tho decision uphoMInK thu
vulldlty uf tho will In detail Ily the
terms or tho will .Mm Anltu Lnborco,
Oiicnr 0 Lahoreo's second wlfo, ro
main In possession of an citato vnl-
iu:i:i fiirrn decision in
"Wild mil" Hrert wpn tho decUlon
on a foul from Willie Median, Han
Francisco heavyweight, In the tenth
round of a Now Year' hout nt Phoe
nix, Arltona, according to an Assorts
ted Pre dispatch.
Iloed'a local friend lout track of
him lout Novomhor following hi
fljtht with Joo Ilond In Medford. Ho
lout to llond In tho fourth round.
Ilond I known In rlnit circle a n
"has-been" and fight follower claim
ed hi lctory over Hoed resulted
t from a frnmo-up, On tho day fol
lowing tho Ilond fight Heed loft
Medford and tho Moohan match Hire
thn first general nowi of hi whoro-
J J Milter, of (fan Francisco, or
rlreil horu yenturdnynnd ha oiium
ed hi duties a uKunt- of the Houth
nrn Pacific here, vlco M M. CallaR
han, who ho resinned Mr Miller
and Mr, Callaxhan wera about the
city thf inornlnic gottlng; acquainted
with buslncs men, and taking care
of other thing Incidental to tho
transfer of tho office Mr, Callage
han said that It would bo about 10
day before the complete transfer
wilt be effocted. He has made no
definite plana for the future, but In
tends to forsake railroad work, at-
least temporarily, thli chunge baring
been contemplated by him for tome
Mr. Callaghan will be mlssod by tho
people of thli city, particularly the
business men, who have not forgot
ten the chaotic condition In which
tho freight business In this city wa
at tho time Mr. Callaghan was sent
hero a agent, filnco ho aiaumed tho
duties of agent, tho business of tho
company has been handled In n man
ner unequalled by any predecessor.
Another sourco of trouble that ho el
Imlnnte wa adjustment of claims.
one that aggravated thn business
men of tho city to a point of drsporn-
atlnn. Blnco Mr. Callaghan became
(9 1b1b1b1b1b11s11111bI'
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Freshet Floods
Portland Docks;
River Is Rising
POIlTI,ANTJ, Jan. 3. Tho WIN
llamotto river stood at tho 17.7 foot
stago this mornlntr. Practically all of
tho lower dock lovols arc flooded hut
llttlo damagn Is expected as tho dock
operators wcro warned fn tlrho.
Two o'clock this nftornoon Is. tho workers wero busy all day yostcr-
hoar set br tho county court for con-iday amoving materials from tho
aldcratlon of tho nudnot estlmntn for!I'ronl "trcot docks. Tho water Is rls
settled In tho saddlo ho handled this
moat voxlng quostloi in a manner
that satisfied tho business men, pro
tected the Interest cf his company
and eliminated most of tho roj tape
that had previously bo in ,tbe s.mrco
of much friction,
Ily a scoro nt 28 to 0, tho largoit
pcora ever mndo by a western loam
against eastern Invaders, tho Unt
voralty of California's "wonder team"
dofoatod thn Ohio statu university
champions In tlio Now Year football
Itamo at Pasadena,
I.ocnl schools roopnnod today aftor
tho two weoks holiday vacation,
Many of tho tnachors took ndviin-
' tago of tho vacation period to visit
felatlvoa In othor cities.
HACK KltOM Tltll
MAI, IN, Jan. 3. Mrs. Jorry Johns,
.vrlfo of Jorry Johns of this place, has
fijust returned from Walla Walla,
yashlngton, whoro ho visited with
hor"pnronts Mr. and Mrs. II, II. Tay
Mrs. Johns spont threo wooks at
, Walla Wnlla and reports nn onjoy
' ablo time. '
Claims Holdups
Took His Cash
Fred Ilocbart, residing at the
Country Club rooming houio, roport
ed that ho had been hold up and re
lieved of $H6 about 12:30 Saturday
night, as ho was passing tho yards
of tho Dig Ilasln lumber company.
Ho was accompanied, It Is said, by
"Dutch" Reed, who mndo his got-nw-ny,
with $300 on his person, Ilech
art's watch and Jowolry wero not
Inquiry from Chlof of Pollco Wil
son this morning developed tho fact
that tho robbery hnd not boon ro
portod hy tho night offlcom, Kurthoh-
Sfrs. Anita lUtoUra IUcrco'
ued at $100,000 or more, tho chil
dren of the testator by his first ruarl
rlage, Hon It. tabaree and Mrn.
flladyt Keller, who were the plain
tiffs In tho ce, receiving no aharo
In the property. Tho first Mrs.
I,abereo wa not named as ono of tho
beneficiaries, her status In tho case
remaining the same. Tho caso will un
doubtedly be appoalod to the su
premo court.
Tho Instrument, accepted as Oscar
O, Itbereo's last will, was made on
March 13, 191C, and was filed for
proliato on November 33 of tho samo
year Tho will according to this
record, was made tour days aftor
Oscar O. I-nboreo was married to Miss
Anita taurenco, or Rhodes, as sho
had previously been known. In Seattle
According to tho will Hon H. I.ab-
crco and Gladys Kelley, children of
tho fiscal year of 1021, and It Is prob
able that u schedulo of thu coming
year's expense will ho adopted, al
though ii circuit court Injunction
stands ngalnst two Items Incorpora
ted by tho county court In Its original
estimate tho $C0,000 for Hot
springs courthouse construction and
tho $11,000 miscellaneous fund Item.
What action tho court will tako In
regard to these two Items remains to
bo seen, although It Is not deemed
probable that thoy will risk punish
ment for contempt by passing them
over Judgo Calkins' prohibition .
Speculation exists, howovor, be
causa of tho action of Good Govern
ment loaguo members In tho last fow
days In circulating petitions asking
tho county court to pass tho two pro
hibited Items,
Tho number of signatures obtain
ed will bo revealed only It tho peti
tions arc presented to tho county
court, of which there appears some
doubt. One member .of the league
said this morning that ho did not
athlnk It likely that any petitions
would bo presented.
Ing very slowly today and may not
pass tho 18 foot level unloss tho
heavy rains should continue.
A soctlon of tho Terwllllger boule
vard was torn out hy a heavy slide
Ktigcno and Oregon City oro re
ported to havo practically been mado
Islands of high water cutting oft tho
roads leading to the cities.
:i mnn ununm:
Elks Ladies' Elect
Officers Tomorrow
tho decedent, and llttlo David I.ab
oree, wuro given $C each, but tho
wilt plainly atatos that David should
bo provided for by his mother. Tho-
plaintiff's questioned David's pnren
tago, but I-nbereo, In his will, clearly
claims him as his son.
Tho caso was bitterly fought by
both sides, John II. Winters of Port
land, and O, J. Ferguson, acting as
attorneys for tho defendant, and O.
C, Mooro of Spokane and Auguatlno
Donovan of this city appearing for the
petitioners, Tho attornoys for tho
plaintiffs endoavorod to show that
tho marrlago of 1-nboroo and Anita
I.auronco was tho result of coorclon
and Intrigue, thn object of tho young
woman being to gain possession of
the I.nhoreo osfnte. Much testimony
was Introduced reflecting upon tho
character of tho young wlfo, and tho
Invalidity of tho marriage, but tho
dofonsa declined to nnswor those
chargos, taking tho stand that Lab
oreo hud n right to will hla proporty
The ladles club of tho D. P. O. E.
will meet tomorrow afternoon In tho
Klin' temple, this being the date for
tho election of officers. A social af
ternoon will follow tho business
meeting, with Mrs. IL N. Moe, Mrs.
Henrietta Melhose, Mra. I,. M. Mar
tin, and Mrs. A. O. Melisner as host
esses. A majority of tho members
aro expected to attend this meeting,
and the ladles hopo to add many new
members to their roster at this time,
Tho retiring officers aro Mrs. O. H,
Coxard, president; Mrs. II. M. Ack-
ley, vice president; Mrs. A. O. Melss
ner, treasurer .and Mrs. Golden Lin
coln, secretary.
Funeral services for Frank Tuck-
or, the first overseas hero who lost
his llfo In the late war, to bo brought
homo .or burial wero held In tho
Presbyterian church yesterday after
noon. Tho church was crowded with
old friends and others who wished to
do him honor, the American Legion
being represented by approximately
40 members.
Tho Reverend E. P. Lawrenco con
ducted the service, reviewing the life
of the decedent to the day he lost his
life In tho Argono Forest fighting
bravely for humanity, and quoting
from the beautiful words of Plylady,
tre English chaDlaln: "lie has done
his blt.and ether lovingly expressed
excerpts., -
A slmplo committal serrlco was
held at tho grave, the post escort-
marching with the body to tho last
resting place.
(Ry Associated Press)
WASHINGTON, Jan. 3. Tho Joint
resolution to revho the war finance
corporation as nn aid to farming nnd
othor Industries was passed by the
senate today over President Wilson's
veto. Tho vote was C3 to 5.
Tho president's, message, returned
with tho vetoed measure, said that
tha flnanco corporation was created
to stimulate exports during tho war,
and tho object of the proposed re
vival was to increase exports so as to
raise prices In this country.
Ho said It would ralso falso hopes
among tho people whom It Is design
ed to help and would bo hurtful to
the natural and orderly processes
of business.
Twenty-five guests at the Holland
Houso woro entertained Now Year's
evo at a surprise luncheon. Tho sur
prise was sprung by A. Van Kralln-
gen, proprietor of the hotel, and was
comploto. It was n homollko party,
tho ovonlng following tho feast being
spont In reminiscent conversation.
t f J Is n liA Klnnanil ndfetm tttAiifvlft
more, tho chief stnted thnt ho tolk- ." " ' ",li -"
,. win. ii..m,,. n.i .i.. .h i ' bonoflclnry should bo his mis
Threshing Is still being cnrrlod on
between storms In tho Tulo Lake dis
trict, according to roport from ranch
ers from that soctlon visiting horo.
Much grain wns unthroshoil, nnd n
consldornblo amount uncut, when the
wlntor rains startod and wonthor for
tho past two months has nllowod
only Interm'ttont harvesting.
od with lluchart and that tho lattor
was somowhat reticent nbout tho uf
fair. From tho conversation, however,
ho hollovos tho robbory was tho ro-
suit of n tramo up by. acqulntancos
who know ho had tho lu'onoy. Mr.
and Mrs. Ingorson, who 'oro return
ing homo soma tlmo boforo tho hold
up Is said to havo takon placo, stato
that thoy say n couplo of mon noar
tho pi n co of tho holdup, but did not
sco anything that might load thorn to
think thoy woro bont upon mischief.
A sou camo to brighten tho homo
of Mr, and Mrs. Phillip rotors, of
411 Ninth stroot, Thursday, Tho llt
tlo BtrniiBor has boon named Jnmos
Rniiibo Potors, Vory satisfactory ro-
ports of tho babe and Its mothor como
from tho Potors homo, Mrs, Potors
formerly was Hazol Glvan of this
This enso nttrncted moro than lo
cal attention, as I.nhoreo was a well
known figure in tho northwest, hav
ing built tho first rnllroad Into So-
ward, Alaska, bcsldos hnndllng othor
nolablo contracts. It was In Alaska
that his ncqunlntnncoshlp with Anltn
I.auronco began and rlponod Into an
Intlmncy which culminated In his
marrlago to her In 1916. His last
yoars woro spont on his ranch near
Rly, In this county, whoro tho young
widow with hor son, llttlo David, still
Dlvorco actions havo boon filed In
tho cffcult court by Ren Mltcholl
against Annn R. Mltcholl; Magglo P.
Ciilbortson against Joseph E. Culbort
son, and Oscar A. Smith against Mar
guorlto Smith,
X-Ray Detects
Airplane Flaws
up-to-tho-mlnute application of X-
rays Is used In alrplano construction
to show up dofectlvo matorlals.
workmanship and weak metal cast
ings, which would otherwise escape
tho observation of an Inspector, ac
cording to John S. Shearer, of Cor-
noil, In speaking hero on "Recent
Advances In tho Production and
Application of X-rays,"
"Grains of wood In alrplano parts
nro brought out remarkably,"
ho said, "and It Is easily dif
terminable where two different
woods havo bcon Joined togother,
a point of construction prohibited In
alrplano work. Knots In tho wood
aro also shown up, as Is unsatisfac
tory gluing togother of parts.
"Kloctrlc heater colls nro Impact
od by X-ray and tho plates show
tho manufactureor whoro air hus
caused tho Insulation of the coll to
disintegrate, and whoro tho wiro will
ovontually break."
Wallowa Man Will
Take Kiddle's Place
SALEM, Jan. 3. The governor to
day appointed Jay H. Dobbin of
Joseph, Wallowa county, a member
of tho stato highway commission to
succeed tho lato Edward E. Kiddle.
Mr, Dobbin is a prominent stockman
nnd president of the Oregon Wool
Grower's association. Dosldes being
extcnslvo sheep grower he is a breed
er of horses and mules and Interested
In banking In Joseph and Enterprise.
Ambrose Tlscbler, one of tho Kla
math Dro Works most valued em
ployees, will leave tomorrow morn
ing for a long trip overseas to Aus-trls-Roumanla,
bis object being to
bring back his wife and four chil
dren, when he returns hero about
three months hence. Mr. TIschler
has not seen his family for 11 years,
and during the war period no word
came from them for 3 years and S
months. However, he has heard
from them lately, sad everything Is
well with them. Mrs. TIschler has
been reluctant to leave her old bosse,
but Mr. TUchUr-rill tell her all the
good things lid bos learned about the
good old U. 8. A.', and does not an
ticipate, any permanent regrets on
the part of his wife, after sho Is safe
ly domiciled In a home in this city.
City Flooded By
Oil Strike Rumor'
Reports that a gusher had broken
Jooso nt the Klamath Oil company's
well on tho Manning ranch were ro
colved by tho Herald today from
practically every quarter except ono
which would stamp the rumor as
authentic. Captain Siemens, presi
dent of the company, refused to ver
ity the report. Nell Campbell, su
perintendent, arriving from the well,
said there was absolutely "nothing
to It."
WASHINGTON. Jan. 3. Ludwlg
C. A. K. Martens, Russian soviet rep
resentative to this country, whose de
portation has been ordered by tho
Amorlcan government surrendered
formally to Secretary of Labor Wil
son today.
'A pool and billiard parlor Is bolng
Installed In the basement of tho Ar
cade hotol, and a rest room for ladles
Is being- fitted up. Chris Dianas, pro
prietor, declares he Intends to keep
tho accomodations of tho hostelry
abreast of thoso offered by uny ho
tel of the class In tho stato.
Friday, while at the cemetery, Cor
oner Earl Whltlock's Paige car aud
donly began to blaxo, tho flro prob
ably being caused by a defective elec
trlct circuit. Being near the tool
house, Mr. Whltlock secured a
shovel and throw dirt upon tho bias
ing engine. By the tlmq this blase
was extinguished the front seat
caught fire. After quick work, this
fire was extinguished also. Tho
engine Is In bad shape, and the seat
will have to be replaced, but other
wise tho car was not seriously damaged.
"Adverted" He Calls
It Something New
E. S. Payne of Portland Is in tho
city for tho purpose of Interesting
local buslnoss mon In nn advertising
specialty that ho has boon selling
throughout the Pacific coast. Ho Is
an advortoct something now In tho
way of a profession, for ho not only
plans advertising but ho writes It.
Ho Is tho creator of tho "Rill Spiv
ons" advertising series that has met
with such success whorover it has
boon run.
George Chamberlain, well-known
contractor, who underwent an opera
tion in a San Francisco hospital last
woek, Is reported to bo progressing
Tho Rev. E. P. Lawrenco nnd fam
ily wero hosts Saturday afternoon
to tho Row C. F. Trlmblo and family
and the Rev, J, S. Chaney and fam
ily. A dinner was servod at tho
Lawrenco homo and ,tho afternoon
was afterward spent In games, raus
lo and conversation.
Fugitive Head of
Bonding House Is
In Portland Jail
(Dy Associated Press)
PORTLAND, Jan. 3. John L.
Etherldgo, former prosldent of tho
Morris Dros. bonding houso, arrived
today from Minneapolis whoro ho-blll endorsed by the votors nt the
(Ry Associated Press.)'
OLYMPIA, Jan. 3 Tho stato u
promo court today upheld tho con
stitutionality of the soldlors' bonus
wns nrrostod last week on a lurconcy
charge. He was not put In a cell on his
arrival but takon dlroct to tho district
attorney's office. Ho permitted pho
tographors to tako his picture.
District Attornoy Evans said that
Etherldgo declarod that "I had no
Idoa when I loft, that things woro In
such an awful shape. I hopo I shall
bo able to 'make up dollar for dollar
I on everything that is missing."
last oloctlon In a referendum meas
ure. Tho bill will glvo each service
man a bonus of $15 for each month
servod during the war.
REND, Jan. 3. Mike Angland,
Deschutes county stockman was fined
$58.75 by the district forestry offlco
for crossing his 1S00 sheep across
national forest in Pine mountain dis
trict without a permit.