l'Atilt FOlH fUUILSDAV, DKOKM31KK 00, 1020. THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON 'v I).VK PINK NKW8 Wm. Nloman lias gono to Itlch Jnond, Cnl. to apond tho holidays with bin Bon. Clyilo IlrnJloy hnn sold hi ranch to Mr. Corum of Merrill. Tho KlRor fnmlly took dinner Christmas with Mrs. Klger's sister, Mrs. llnnnon, near Merrill, Tho Lono l'lno school had n Christ' mas tito ami program at tho school houso Christmas ovo. Carl Harks has gono to San Fran Cisco (or tho holidays. Miss Walvo Drew Is vtMtlrtR at tho Knmnn ranch. Mr. Slgtonl has built an addition to its houso. Jcssa Johnson and family spent Christmas with Mrs. Johnson's broth er, Henry Semnn and (amity. New Itcoorl. IVtrl Shcptionls. flO-it MondaleTheater TONIGHT ONLY HARRY CAREY in "The Gambler's Honor" Also tho 1Mb; Western Featuro "The Stranger" TWO SI10WH 0:30 Mil 8:30 Personal Mention COM I NO HUXDAV The World' Orcatcwt Picture "TIIK WHIP" A bottU of Dk. Month Catsup on tha Ubla will add wonderful zest to very-day dishes. Many women n joyntwwl repots tfcra for cooking by oak It freely In tha Uchen,too. ife . . ., ,, MrTTT.l i P. II. Mills s out of town (or tho day on matters o( business. Tho Fireman's ball last night ro allied a (Ino attendance nnd those present report a delightful time. Mrs. Kd. Duval and daughter vis ited hero yesterday attornoon from their homo at Chlloquln. Hoy Tniott of Mcdford Is n city visitor this week looking nttor busi ness affairs. Curtis tiarrett o( Itochester. Now York arrived last night and Is a guest at tho Whlto Pelican hotel. Krancls Hucchlor n resldont o( Fort Klamath Is spending a (ow days here attending to matters of business. George Neuncr Is a Klamath Palls visitor from Hosqburg. Ho Is a guest at tho White Pelican hotol. S. V. Burroughs, a Southern Pa cific engineer, operating In Los An geles, arrived hero last night for a visit with friends and relatives In Lorclla. Matt Kagan, manager of tho Al- goma Lumber company, left on tho Chlloquln train this morning (or tho mill, but expects to return soon. Sid Latta mailo a flying trip Into town yesterday to purchase supplies (or the Latta ranch which Is located In tho Henley district. J. H. Wise, a hotel proprietor o( Fort Klamath who has been In town (or several days, returned home this morning. K. North with his son, Kmmctt, led yesterday (or Portland whero they will visit Mr. North's parents, Mr and Mrs. W. H. North. J M. Alnut, proprietor of tho Pastime pool hall, left this morning (or Portland for a week's pleasure trip. K. W. Dee, who has been looking after his logging operations on tho west side of the lake (or tho past (ew days, returned from Odessa last night. Mrs. W. S. Sroogh and Mrs. E. S. Phillips went as (ar as Chelsea on tho train this morning, where they will visit with Mrs. Durvln (or the day. Mrs. Jennie Clinton transacted business heer yesterday afternoon from her home near Wilson Bridge. Mr. and Mrs. L. D. Allen drove Into town yesterday afternoon (rom their ranch home on the Keno road. Miss Vera Houston, who has been affiliated with the clerk's office for tho past year, will leave In tho morn ing for Eugene where she will con tinue with her studies In the Uni versity of Oregon. The sunshine this morning sent a thrill through orerybody about town and greetings botweon (rlonds along tho streets carried remarks rel ative to tho weather, Theso days nro false Indications tit spring, which Is no doubt several mouths distant. I'q nipped with a flno snmplo of mint oil produced on tho compnny's land In Klamath county last year, K. E. Harpham Is In Hoseburg, says tho Nows-Uovlow, as stock sales agent for tho Pacific Coast Mint company of Klamnth Kails. At Annei. foreman of tho lltg Ua- sin lumber company's mill, received Injuries to his hand, when It bo- camo ontangted In tho Jig saw yes terday. Hnports from thn Klamath general hospital today states thnt amputation of tho thumb, at first (oared necessary, will bo nvolded. Members and (rlonrts of tho Ep- worth league of tho Mothodtst church are being entortnlned this evening nt thn homo of Mr. and Mrs. K. M. Chllcote, GOt North Tenth street. Since a good tlmo Is assured It Is hoped that thero will bo a good attendance of tho young people of thn organisation and their friends. Mr. and Mrs. It. A. Kmmltt are planning an extonded vacation In Florida' and will Icavo about Janu ary 20. Inspiration (or tho trip was (urnlshcd by two tlckots received' by Mr. and Mrs. Kmmltt (rom Mr. nnd Mrs. Paul Johnson who am living In St. Petersburg, Fla. Mrs. Johnson Is their daughter. pun for book i circulatien: A plan (or circulating tho books to tin rend by tho members of tho study department of tho Library club has been worked out. Tho nimmltti'o In charge of tho study department Is vorv anxious to have members road each book before It Is brought up for discussion. One copy of tho honks to bo read nnd In somo cases two copies will bo available at tho pub lic library. In order to facilitate mat tors tho books will be circulated In tho following order. Mrs. llrldgoford will receive from Miss Hawkins and when through with tho book will pass It on to Mrs. Harrison; from Mrs. Harrison It will co to Mrs. Pike, from Mrs. Plko to Mrs. Mortenson, from Mrs. Morten- son to Mrs. Cummlngs, thence to Mrs. Wnttenburg. from Mrs. Vtteuburg to Mrs. Momyer, thence to Mrs. l.ud- den. from Mrs. Luddon to Mrs. 11. h. Wright, Mrs. Wright to Mrs, llnrt Thomns, Mrs. Thomas to Mrs, Prod Mills, Mrs, Mills to Mrs. Krausn, Mrs, Krauso to Mrs, Klmbln, Mrs. Klmbln to Mrs, (laming. Mrs. (Iiiuoiik in Mrs. 10. 8. Houry, Mrs. Henry In Mrs. W'olst, Mrs, W'olst to Mrs. linker, MrH, linker to Mrs. Kliorloln. Mrs. Klmr loin to Mrs. W, II. Itobortson, Mrs. Itoherlson to Mrs. Htnwart anil Mrs. Htnwart to Miss Hawkins. Tim hook will always begin to cir culate with tho loader. In tho ovimt that there nro two copies thn leader may keep one. passing tho other to tho person following her In thn cir cle. If thn lender tins a copy of hnr awn shn should pass one ropy to the person following her mid glvn tho other lo soineonn halfway down the lino with Instructions to pass It on III thn order given nlinvn. Honks should lie rend nt oncn nnd passed on Immeillntely An attempt has been mndn lo arrange thn rlrrlo accord ing to tho locality In which thn mom bors live, where this has not been jiosslhlo the book may be left at the library and thn next In llpu notified to call for It. Anyone wishing to Join thn study club should notify Mrs. .Af the Theaters (laming who will son that hnr tmma Is placed on tho circulating list. ' Oonlos of t in first two hooks to no studied have nlreitdy been received liv thn 1 lirary and tin lenders III chitrgn should see that they are start mi circulating at oncn. When storage hatturlns (room, It menus u new buttery, Well tn you how to avoid such a catnstrophy. Link Hlver Mattery Htntloii, 18-31 i m ' Let us telt you niintit batteries (reeling In cold weather. Link Itlver llattery Station. 1K-31 Btorngo batteries (rfieio. ,Ask us about It. Link Itlver llattory Htntloii. 18-31 Colonial Itooms, lltli nnd Main Hts you get it good bed nnd n good hath, H2 gals, of hut water constantly wnltlng All outsldn rooms. Ktovo hent In each hull, extra stovo heat In each room If desired, 30 m ..- New HiMiinU. Knrl Hhcphenls. fto-ll I . '.J n Rowing at the ai glALlT A rroi ic -winfr JACK PICKFORD H "The Man Who Had Everything" H Hero's Jack'it King-Pin Picture. M lie Hurts You Bee It. M TOMORROW H H01SAKT I10SWORT1I In H "BELOW THE SURFACE" H A Thrilling Story o( the Keu. H NEW TODAY f LOST Fox tcrrlor pup, thrco months old, black spot over eye. Phone 4G2-M. 1205 Worden Ave. 30 FOR BALK Modern (our room bungalow. Improved homo, lawn, parkrow, shade trees, rose bushes, current and gooseberry bushes, largo garden and garago. Phone 269-J. 30-31 FOTl SAL?: Ilairon-Tancrcd strain of whlto Ioghorn cocks, one year old. Fine, vigorous birds, $3.50 each. Uaby chicks samo strain, $'1C per 100. Hatching eggs $1.25 (or 15, $7. CO per 100. Season February to June Inclusive. Our stock Is bred (or utility and Is very choice. Our records are proof of the money pro ducing quality of our stock. Sent by express. Safe delivery guaranteed. Order now. MATWOOD POULTRY FAIIM. Corning. Calif. 30-4 W. H. Harris, Mgr. FOR SALE Ford touring csr In good condition. Very cheap for cash. See Chllcote It Smith, 633 Main St. 30-3 FOR 8ALB Friday 10 a. m. Many good articles. See Dick, corner Cth and Klamath Ave. 30 WANTED TO I1UY4 to C room house. Can make small cash pay ment and pay balance like rent. Ad dress Dox 422, Klamath Falls. 30-31' LOOSE HAY FOR 8ALB Oat hay. wheat hay and beardless rye hay, SIS per ton. Pcoplo's Warehouse 30-6 FOR RENT 2-room furnished cabin, (or bachelors, inn m. near jiain 30 r Dance New Year's ove at Scandi navian hall. Bveryono invited, ao-ai- Big New Year's Dance FRIDAY EVENING December 31, 1920 At Malin, Oregon Everybody Invited Beef cut from fat 3-year-old steers, at these prices, delivered: Loin 30c ; Round 25c " Roasts 18c and 22c Boil 13c and 14c .?."" FRANCIS P. HANNON Phone 253-J Vow INm-omN, I'-nrl Nli-ilnnls. -Jlll-ll "TILL TIIK TIDKH OK TIIK OCKAN IIKI'UHK TO FLOW." Frank II. RohlnsbnV latest song succoss. Now on sale nt thn Klamnth Falls Music lfousn. TIIK l.llir.UTV THKATIir. Hetty." said her (rlend, "I'm Just n gypsy trooper! I agreed lo go down to mommer-ln-lnw. but I've got cotd teet. You go down nnd ho poor drowned Johnny'Ss widow hero's tho certificate nnd thn ring. Hotter grab this chnnco (or a good homo whllo tho grabbing' good so long, kid!" That's how llttlo netty Itlnlr.4 worn out nftor n bard season on tho road with a cheap theatrical com pany, camo to bo occupying tho false position in an aristocratic Southern family of widow of tho only son. Tho death of young Hale would have made an avaricious cousin heir to tho cstato wore It not for tho wid ow whom the cousin tries to provo phoney. The return of tho supposedly dead hero turns tho story Into a spicy channel when ho discovers hU bogus widow and Is forcod because ct his mother's 111 health and tho machina tions of the villain, to keep up tho decoptlon. Tho entrance ot tho real wife on tho sceno brings tho story to a climax as surprising as It Is happy for all except tho villain. Sylvia Ilraemer and Robert Cor don aro admirably cast In this spicy romantic comedy entitled, "Respuct nblo Uy Proxy," and showing nt tho Liberty theatre tonight. A New Year Dawns The story of on author who wrote a successful play only to (Ind on the night of tho promler that hn hns based tho plot on tho Indescrollnm ot his own wife and has madn her tho subject or gossip (or all Paris Is artfully told In "Tho Devil's Pass Key," a Unlversal-Jowol photoplay produced under tho direction of Krlc von Stroholm, an dwhlch comes to tho Liberty thoatro on Friday. Mr. von Stroholm was author and derector of "Illlnd Husbands." 8am do Qrasso, who pluyed tho husahnd In that production, has a similar part In "Tho Dovll's Pass Key." Una Trevelyn, his wlfo, Clyde Fllmoro as a wealthy young American army of fleer in Paris, Maudo Ocorxo, Mao Dusch, Ruth King, Leo Whlto and Jack Mathels aro also In tho oast. The plot Is taken (rom tho story ''Clothes anil Troachery," by Ilaron ess DeM,eyer, TIIK KTAH TIIKATHK Take the proper amount of humor, pathos, thrills, do luxe sets and the best screen talent obtainable, mix to a porfect blending and "Tho Man Who Had Everything" will bo tho result. Jack PIckiord Is featured, and his support Includes Lionel Ilelmoro, Shannon Day, tho "baby vnmplro," engaged by (loldwyn especially (or tho picture (rom tho .Midnight Frolic In Now York, and Prlscllla Homier. A now dance feature Is Introduced by Miss' Day, Tho pleco do reslstanco of tho plcturo, which wl) coma to tho Star thoatro tonight Is I-enoro's boudoir. For oxotlc atmosphero' this llttlo mastorplco of interior decorat ing has no equal. Every article In (lie suite, (rom tho most conspicuous to tho most obscuro, was especially designed, and carrion out tho spider web motive of tha apartmont. The head board of Lenoro's bed Is a groat web curvod (rom teak wood, and tho (oot posts are two nudo feminine figures modelled nftor tho old Egyp tian reliefs. A gold lined ulcovo, woven with silver threads, Is tho sanctum whero Lenore propares tho mysterious .toilettes that lure tho un fortunate fly within her not. Tho quality that marks a moving plcturo for succoss or faliura; tho story quality, was tho first considera tion (or this plcturo. "Tho Man Who Had Everything," Is a good story 'and that is saying evorythlng. m New Ikcond. Karl HUoplicTdi, 00-U Although it is scarcely one month since this new financial institution opened its doors for business, we are gratified with the confidence displayed in us. Our deposits are now over $100,000, which ii substantial evidence of this confi dence. Our banking quarters are now completed and we will be pleased to show you our fa cilities. The safety deposit box coupon rooms are the acme of convenience, where the safety box renter may examine the contents of his box in absolute privacy.) ' i If you contemplate making a change in your banking connection, we would be pleased to have you talk the matter over with our officers. . American National Bank W. '. DAIiTO.V, President. K. M. 11(71111, Vice President. M. H. WK8T, Vlco President. O. V. WIMHKIlLY, Caihler. fT"" iii'" JiiiiJirrr'VirrVrLrVrinjnj'Xrv LIBERTY THEATRE "Always the Best for the Liberty Gucit" TONIGHT "RESPECTABLE BY PROXY" Original Novel Interesting'1 TOMORROW "THE DEVIL'S PASSKEY" SUSPENSE: YOU SAID ITI Whon you noar tho ond o( this wonder drama you will bo on tho odgo of your noa(, unablo to tako your oyo (rom tha screen. IT'S ItKALI IT'8 HUMAN! IT'S LIFE I Matinoes, 1:30 and 3:30. Evening, 7:30 and 0:30 And a Midnight Show, to ushor In 1021. NEW YEAR'S DAY This show will bo continuous, starting nt 1:30 p, m nnd tho spoclal (eaturo will ho Ilia HILL IlUSSELL (n "THE CHALLENGE OF THE LAW" Wo hnvo a upoclu! wlro Installed In tho thoatro and will hnyo roports by plays of tho OHIO STATE vs. UNIVERSITY OF CALIFORNIA ootunii uamo ni l'nsadona, starting nt 2:00 b. m, V jFa