The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 30, 1920, Image 1

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ilwnitm Mvrmb
Today's News
A Class Aa"WiH
Do It
ill iixir. N. wil'J
I'rlrc Five Cent
lupiter Pluvius Will Be Good To IBMI) SALES APPROPRIATION Shasta Valley Irrigation Plan Is
"Dry" Farmers This Season EACH
UcorJs of Reclamation Office Show Rainfall
to Date Exceeds Seasons' Total for Five Pre
ceding Years; "Wettest" Year Fore
shadowed. Tn innlwirnloglral rerorda of dm fnlte( Hint ri-rlniniallin service
Iofflta n "" r,' ""'' nimpirnoii inai aur;ura wen fur itm Kmln
..J oltinr farm crop to lm harveati-d m-it ear A) ha been aptly
.i.t II la tho full, winter, Mini anrlmc urn ature that lnflunnrea tliei
iralh or crl' """ rnlhr than iha wintar. spring, ami full molaluro. jrnl tho fucl ,llnl "'Ivortlslng l,u,u
u4 !! month. November, wm favored Uh pruclpltntlnn to tlm amount Inatead of Jerkin. Therefore, they
0(tl inchna, a greater amount limit In nnjr year alnro J910. when tin know that Ihn aucceaarui auvoruanr
rtcotilt ihowed 6 III Inrhea thla in mi Hi. to date, them hm been pi.,-judvortlaea In nil seasons of tlm year,
jlpiui.un to ihn amount of 2 41 inrliri. mom than full during DiTrmlMiri"" adapts tho nature of hi advor
( tit ear Ordinarily. January haa Imin a comparatively wet month, jtlnlnu to tho acaaona.
Hi I'obfuary hat bem wetter Hill March, according to Ihn record, all Now. thn ltvn onea of thla city havo
i... i l..r tnan. liaa hail an aieria-n rainfall nf llrlnlv ! Hum m fallen In linn Willi a well lesion au
,- " - -
. i -
Klnmnth Full merchant nro "up wtilio tiotti nouses or congrcw
ii ml tomlng"' all tho tlmo That' Iibv yot to pnas upon tho $1,213,000
oim of thn ninny mason why tho appropriation for tho Klamath mcla
city In wlilch limy nro doing bulneinatlon project, reported favorably
la "up ami cotillon" also. jyeateriUy by thn hdiiso npproprla-
Uliiueallonably. tho foundation of .Hon cointnttton, nccordlng to a ape
tint success of thn business lualllu- elal dispatch lo Tho Herald, tho com
tloim of tho city la ilu.i to thn nbll-imltteo' report will carry great
lly of tho men behind to rocognlin
thn vului) of advertising, and to
iDtfa and "hell April ami .May roll around, thn rropa, generally, arn In
t (found TJm hsrveat will llirn depnd upon thn ainuunt of inolatiim
la tha (round, and Ihn cultivation and earn with which thn growing crop
i favored Indlcatlnna Milnt lo a rooiJ harveat nmt year.
lr.x la a tabln taken from thn local reclamation office, and pm-
IhdIi intrreatlng Informalloii, particularly lo faruiira. Mho arn nbln to
compare lh" moUturn of any year with thn crop harvcated:
10 II -i: 'II II '1ft 'IC 'I? '18 '19 '20
;,a l 3 93 3 31 3 67 4 l Ml 2.tA 13. S 117 0.14 0 3$
r.b 3!) OK 1.7 O.0S 0.: 1 4 O.tO l.l 1.02 3.03 0.10
ir 0 51 0.41 I.0B 0,10 0.03 07 1.31 0.14 0 79 0 99 IIS
Apr Oil 110 111 1.01 0.10 0 91 0 31 1.34 0 33 0 48 1 CI
y.y 0)7 0 77 1-48 0.71 1 7 1.73 0.S& 0.73 0 13 0.00 0 31
Jib 0 19 0 34 3 10 2 64 1.(3 0 00 0 76 0.03 0 OS 0 47 0.S
J. If 0 31 T 0 IS 1 37 0.00 0 14 167 T 0 26 0 17 0.6
Aur 0 Oil 0 00 119 0 71 0 03 0 10 0 02 0 l 0 08 T 0 01
tap, Oil 0 63 101 Oil 0VI 0 13 0 00 0 63 186 0 0 17
Cxt 1(3 117 0 61 0.33 1.33 0.1 T 0.00 1.83 0.2S 102
Hot 6 11 0 17 3 61 1.19 0(3 2.(1 1.19 2.(0 1.46 0 48 3.C4
DK II) 116 33 3 1( 0 24 110 177 0.45 0.66 221 T. 43
19 70 9 73 13.18 13 15 1171 10.9S 10.14 9.67 9.40 13.07
Not- To dat.
Tho abovn tabln tnlla at a (I ancn that 1912 waa I lie "Mel"
Mir. cloaolr atrrachlnK 1910, thn "welteat" year of thn decade. Blnco
lit tk. ti.ilnltMllnn liaa altttillltf ilwlntlt,t litll Ift9l aMma tltlM tfi al lirlCCa inai
. ,..,.,-..-.. .... .. ..., ... .... - . ,
part of thn aeaaon recorded thn pro-'Prlcea, when crery imaao u. m -
uatlon la conaldorcc.
Purlhermoro, tho money thoy thua
irlrrulata In San ITanclaco, Chlcaro,
vertlalnis achi'inn inn mon i iu
have bargain daya nrory Wedneaday
On thai day each advertlaer will put
oin article on aalo at a remarkably
redurtlon. and aa a lame number of
local merchanta will bo Included In
thn Hat. thn town dweller or Mr. and
Mm Parmer can tako a Jaunt through
thn bualneaa aectlon and aecuro bar
raim in tiractlcally oTcry line. It
wouLI bo Juat one hlu, nlorloua ahop
plnPoxpedltlon. Hut, thnro la another mollro bo
hind thla movoroent. It la too truo
that tbero Is a larno number of real
denla of thla community who do a
atcady bualneaa with malt order
houiea. They do thli In splto of the.
SCI fact that tho reaulta of mall order
2.4J'J,urcllB,,n' ',r from-aatlafactory
In apllo of tba fact that wncn tncy
buy from mall order houiea they nro
buylnic aomethlDK they haro not had
an opportunity to examine, and Kt-n-erally
al a loaa of precloua tlmo, and
the not really low
itit a comeback, aa with only
dotation eicrrda thn total fur thn prvcedlnx fln yeara
D'AnnunZtO Yields; 'Joy UnCOnfined at Inow York, and other mall order ccn-Iho
Amnesty Given All County Infirmary'. w.ui.i i of annico to them it wwc!
l wero circulated In their homo com- rri
TUIKflTK. Dec 30-lloatllltlea at Another dance will 1m. clren at thn munlty. for It la a fact that when Iho
nam ended laat nUht and 1 An- county infirmary Saturday nliiht. an- local merchant recehca any money
tiailo la reported lo left Ihn cily nuunrea J II Short, auperlntendent. he apenda It rlRht here at homo
ly ilrplane Admlaalon will be II a rtiuple and the and Iho bu)r Beta tho benefit from
Udlea are a.ked to l.rinK a baakeiii ellher directly or Indirectly. Hut
LONDON. Doc 30 Tnder the .upper Mr Short will furnlah cof- lie ijeta tho benefit Jual thn aame.
ttrmi accepte.1 by D'Annunilo at fe Thn procreda will be uied lo Local merchanta aro entcrlnc thla
riume hla lerlonalrra will bn dlt- ,,, B pament on a blllard lablo harnaln day project determined to
wired All will bo granted amn'aty. ju,t imrrhaied Iy Mr Short for tho ahow locul people that It pn to iu
D'Annunilo la necled l ko to atiiuaeineiii of thn liunatea lie aaya at homo. Frankly they aro KolnB to
they re RPtllnK larKn amount of offer for aaio arucies m u.u -
ple.aure out .f Ihn Ra.nea. 'price., price that cannot bo owr
They al..) have Iho now phono- jlooked. and they kW that when tho
Kraph working oertlm. iind tho per.on who takca advantano of tho
mu.lral al.noaphero la ,alo entora a atoro. It will not bo a
throuith i.rfornianrea on the now very ,urd matter to call tho buyer a
.... , ii. I..,. I,, iim niialliy and prlcea of
nrcmi. a Vliriaiinaa kiii " '...." - .
l.'lilKupal Riilld of thla city
South America.
AT MimiODIST I'lll'lll'll
Wal'linlKht aervlrea will ho held
tomorrow iilxht at thn Melhodlat
tkurch Thnro will bo inualc, itamei
nl addreaaea to while away the
trrnlnic All aro cordially Invited to
Voraf Is Over,
Says Philadelphia
C. of C. President
I108TON, Doc. 30 Hcllet that
tsilnea adjuatmont and prlco dffla-
tloa la moro than half com plot ml
il that tho worat la over was ex
Preaicd today by Allon II. Johnaon, of thn I'onnsylvanla atato
nJ I'hlladolplila chambera of com
O'rto, In an addreaa to tho lloalon
(umber of comniorco.
i4sTrM: unti:iitai.n.mi:nt
On account of the holiday ruh and
of proaalnit bualnen uiattcra to como
before tho 1.1-Rlon Toal .m). a oi n.u
American URlon. at their rcRular
meetliiK t'li January 4. It haa been
decided to potpono tho entertaln
innut which aa to have been Rhen
on that nlRht f'T Hi Woniana Aux-
lllary to a latter dale wnicn win uo
announced nt miiio fuluro tlmo.
Hall Again Head
of State C. of C.
MAI.IX DAXfi: Wll.l.
1'OUTI.AND. IVc. 30--Chr.llci
Maiahflold waa ro-omcie.i
chamber or
Hull of
preMint of tho ittttto
Much Intnreat la belliK Inknil III the
dncQ to ,o Rlvun In .Mulln on Now
Vr evo, Krldny nlRht. ami ""'
Proceed of tho dnnco will ho mid ml
to Iho Mulln flro department fuml.
"i Iniomat luia thoroby boon ln
(reawd, (noa mualo and ft Kod
"mo. Thnt'a Iho word that lm romp
t from Malln. Kvorybody la Intl-led.
t'ONniiMLi MitPlil.KMHN'TAHV
A docroo conflrmlnR tho legality
' tho ncta of illroctorS of tho Klam
Vh IrrlRntlon ilUtrlct, roaiiltlnn l
" oxocutloti nt n nupploroontary
(ontract with tho Unltod tllatos for
10 hulldlliK of canala niul other lr
Tlllon workH by tho govorninont
Uiuod hy Jiidgo Kuykomlall
TMtenlay, t,,0 ,)olniotl for a com
"rmatory order was net protostod
rummorc- Ulo ioatonloy aftornooii.
j T Horlch of Tho Dalloa, I.. I..
llro.Ua of OrcKon City and W. !.
tVllrlon of A.torla wcro elected vlco
prealdenta and I.oilio i.uuer ul ..-
Illur. treasurer.
wi:atiii:k ixim.i"-
nliiirmacy com-
roRlator a rUltiK
four o'clock this
thus Indicating mo
ondtllons of tho foro-
inencod to
nreanuro at
aaimirlnir r
noon. Blnco noon tho harem
5o7 hn. boon falH"K tawly.
A4 tho prowuro la atlll very low
another atorm may ho approach-
'" Forecast for next 24 heura:
rrohahly Wr-coolor, with
J wliuli which will dtmln-laU.
othor urtlclea. onu to convimu .....
or Mra. Hnyor that Klamath Kolla
merchanta can do bettor by them, i
montha In tho year, than any mall or
dor houso In tho country can do.
Tho mall ordor house, local mer
chanta and other considerate poooio
nay. haa no Intoroat In tins commun
ity othor than that ot extracting from
It ull tho money posalblo. Tho local
merchant Is not actuated uy sum
principle. Ills homo Is hore. his In
.nr..Ht. aro hero, nmt ovory tlmo ho
cun pleso n customer ho lws dono
something to hind that customer to
him. and to tho community, and all
this Is n potent factor In urn upuuim
Ing of his home community. Your In
terest ro lib interests, and during
these Wodnosday bargain day sales
ho Is going to demonstrate inai me
mall order business Is n inenuco that
enn forvo neither your Interest nor
hl- .' ...
You can Imy nt homo as cneui-iy
m l.n ...nil nriler llOUS-
US you can iroiu m" "
os. Moro than that you got tno anus-
faction to which you aro onuum..
Thut'H tho gist or tno ioti "
chants contention. Thoroforo, ho of-
fera you those bargains and in onor
InK 'thoiu ho knows thut you aro go
Ing tp consldor thorn roal bargains
In ovory souse ot tho word.
Tho merchants who Is going iu m
r.., tho.,, Wodnosday bargains will
. .1.. !.. i.rtlnln llO SOloCtS tor
iniinhtor In Tho Iternld ovory Mon
day. Furthermore, ho will place n
iilncnnl In his window which will toll
you thot ho Is ono of tho llvo ones.
You httvu a chanco ovory Wodnosday,
i,n.rinn!iiir noxt wcok, to do n mighty
profitable day's shopping. Road tho
nds In The Horald every Monday.
wnlRht, and tho outlook for congres
sional ratification of tho appropria
tion ns recommended la bright. In
other words thn committee's report
put tho big appropriation well In tho
clear and smooth sailing from now
on la anticipated.
At ono tlmo It seemed poaalblo that
tho local appropriation would ho
trimmed to about two-thirds of tho
alio reported, olng to opposition
from other communities with big pro
jects underway, but apparently that
oppoaltlon Is overcome.
Moro than any other causo tho
flattening of tho opposition Is duo.
thoao on tho Inaldo know, to tho In
fluence and Indctatlgablo efforts of
Congressman N. J. filnnott. whoio
Interest In this district Is undivided
and supreme.
Tho $1,213,000 appropriation will
giro tho local project approximately
threo times tho fund for development
that was avaltablo for tho current
year, said II. D. Newell, project man
ager today.
The appropriation will be used for
tho furthoranco of four pending de de
veeopments: tho completion of the
Henley flume; hangell valley de
velopment; Horsefly reservoir de
velopment, and tho completion ot
canala and diversion works to bring
the Tule lake lands under Irrigation,
There nro other rocommcndatlons.
but these aro the big outstanding
projects that will bo speeded by tho
Tho Tulo lako development means
construction ot tho C-O cutoff
h will allow tho flow of water,
ed from I'ppcr Klamath lako
throiiRh tho present canal system,
Into Lost Illver. the building ot a di
version dam In Lost Illver bolow
Merrill, and then building of canals
and laterals to convoy the water to
tho tortile lands ot tho Tulo lako bed,
which oven under "dry" farming thla
season produced stupendous grain
Klamath can count on unrelaxcd
vigilance ot Congressman Slnnott and
his colleagues In congress to put tho
big appropriation through as It
stands and tho application ot tho
fund to tho project will mean an
advancement that will Increase tho
wealth ot Klamath county many fold
In tho noxt few years.
8ACHAMKNTO, Dec. 30. Plan-
tor tho Irrigation of some 136,000
more acres of lands In tho Shasta
valley of Hlaklyou county from wa
ter that would bo stored In Klamath
river havo reached tho stage where
It appears feasible, but the need ot
a comprehcnilvo survey to determine
tho coat Is needed.
This Is according to Major I'. M.
Narboe, assistant stato engineer. In
Outlined by California Engineer
r t
Link River Dam and Storage Reservoir in
Upper Iake Essential to Project for Develop
ment of 135,000 Acres; Might Close Copco
nomlcally and without sorlqus Injur
to any other projects within that
Tho Klamath river flows from tho
Upper Klamath lake south and west
through Southern Oregon and North
ern California to the ocean. Tho pro
posed diversion is near Keno, Ore.
Binco tho river has no considerable
tributaries between Keno and Upper
Klamath lake, it is upon this lako
a statement regarding tho status of 'and Its feeders that wo must depend
Mrs. Thomas Hampton, ot this city,
Is now tho owner oKtio boautlful
1600 Kdlson phonograph which has
bcou the object of so many covotous
glancos nnd words by ovorybody who
has scon It for practlcnlly tho last
month In tho Star dr;ig store.
Mrs. Hampton did not hold tho
first number drawn om ' Christmas
uvo, but she hold the second ono, nnd
when tho holder of tho first numbor
did not present himself or herself
within tho prescribed five dny limit,
slit) claimed tho Instrument. It wns
delivered to her today.
Frank Ottoman and Miss
Hlnncho Wockerbauer, both ot Malln,
worn married Inst ovenlng by tho
Uov. S. J. Chnney nt tho homo of Mr.
und Mrs. Morris Ilryan n l.incoin
Btroot. Tho bridegroom Is n stu
dont nt tho Oregon agricultural col
lege. Tho bride Is u rocont arrival
from Hohemta.
Cameron 8. Wilson, employed with
W. IX MJlIer, contractor, and Miss
Nola A. Follock, ot this city, wero
also mnrrlod lost ovenlng hy tho
Rev. Mr. Chnnoy. Tho woddlng
took placo nt tho Mothodlst parson-
Then stop out and do your duty to
yoursolf, your family, and show a
llttlo consideration for your pocket
book. Soolng Is bollovlng. nnd you
nrn eoliiir to see something when tho
Wodnosday bargains nro announced, that
the preliminary work tor tho pro
Home 30,000 acres ot lands In the
valloy now aro being watered from
tho fihajta river, a tributary of the
Klamath river, flowing from tho
northern slopes of Mt. Shasta. This
acreage Is all that this stream can
water. Desire for added Irrigation
In the district, in order that somo
135,000 acres more may be brought
under irrigation and to a higher do-
grco of fertility, thereby increasing
crop production has caused landown
ers to consider tapping the Klamath
rlvor. To obtain this water storage
must bo resorted -to the Klamath
lako being dammed at the lower
end and lands at tho nothern end
diked. In order that they will not
bo Inundated.
Owners along the lower margin ot
tho lake also would needs be reim
Dr. Klwood Mead ot Berkeley was
in Washington, D. C, last week con
forrlng with Secretary of the Interior
John Ilarton Payne. Ho Is seeking
to havo tho United States reclama
tlon service mako tho surrey to def
initely determlno the cost ot the pro
ject. The feasibility ot the project
from a physical standpoint, accord
ing to the state engineer's office, Is
well determined. Tho diversion from
tho Klamath river would be largely
by gravity.
The power company recently find
ing that tho flow through tho Kla
math river Is largo during tho winter
poriod and small during the summer,
cannot obtain tho flow needed during
tho dry season to add to the generat
ing capacity ot Its Copco power plant.
Water diverted higher up tho
Klamath river and taken into the
Shasta valley and then dropped Into
tho Copco plant would generato a
greater amount ot power due to the
greater water fall. This would be
duo to tho tact that tho mean oleva-
tlon ot tho Shasta valley Is consider
ably In oxcess ot that at tho Copco
plant. Uxampllng this is tho state
ment that halt tho flow ot water
drbpped Into the plant from an alti
tude somo 240 feet higher would give
tho snmo generating capacity now
given by tho plant.
A statement as to tho plans, pur
poses and claims ot tho district as
made by W. W. Watson, cnglneor
of tho district, Is as follews:
Its ultimata purposo Is tho Irriga
tion of Shasta valley. Its Immedi
ate purposes Is acompleto Investiga
tion ot its possibilities. It Is ex
pected that that lnvestlgrJlon will
bo mado by tho United Starts reclam
ation servlco and financed by tho dis
Shasta valley is In Siskiyou
county, California. It extends irom
Mt. Shasta on tho south to the
Klamath rlvor on the north. It has
an avorngo nltittido ot 2600 or 2600
feot and n cllmnto which provides
for four crops ot alfalfa por year,
It contains npproxlmatoly 126,000
acres ot tillable land. Its fortuity
is alroady demonstrated. Its rain
fall Is hopolossly Inadequate. Al
available water within tho volley haa
boon appropriated nnd put to work,
This Is serving a small fraction of
tho whole area. Irrigated, this valloy
would probably (and comfortably)
sunnort 20 times Its present popula
tion. It needs Irrigation and Is worth
Aa part ot tho Klamath drainage
basin, Shasta valloy is entitled to ir
rlcation with Klamath river water,
All data at present available Indicate
this can bo accomplished eco'
for our water supply, Thla supply
Is adequate. The mean annual' run
off measured over a period ot six
teen years, has been 1.600,00 acre
feet. All the lands ot tho Klam
ath basin above Keno, which It has
been planned should bo Irrigated with
Klamath river water, will require
loss than 600,000 acre-feet. The re
maining 1,000,000 (or more) acre-
feet, under the present scheme ot
things, aro not available tor Irriga
tion and aro producing very llttlo
This water will continue to ba
wasted until the runott shall havo
been regulated by means ot a dam
at Klamath Falls, Ore., and dtKq
to protect the marsh lands and man
ufacturlng plants north ot Klamath
Falls. Such dam and dikes aro prac
ticable and are essential to the var
tous Klamath Irrigation project and
to the development ot power In large
quantities with Klamath river water,
available for the Irrigation ot Shasta
valley. Dam and dfkes will be built
In any case. That waste will not be
allowed to continue.
Tho California-Oregon Power com
pany, under contract with tho re
clamation service, has undertaken to
regulate part of this water supply la
order that they may havo a more
stable flow for their plant at Copco,
Copco hs lower than the greater
part of Shasta valley. Wator used at
Copco for power cannot bo made
avallablo for the Irrigation ot Shasta
valley or of any other considerable
agricultural area. Our plan will,
therefore Interfere with the opera
tion of the Copco plant. However,
wo propose to divert our water at
an altitude ot 40S0 teet and de-
llvor most ot it for distribution at
an attitude ot 3000 feet. Along Its
main lines ot delivery, then, and
without interfering with irrigation,
this project can devolop approximate
ly seven times tho power possible at
Copco with tho same amount of wa
It seems logical that tho California
Oregon Power company leaso this
power. The company has Investments
and some undisputed water rights on
the Klamath river. Just what would
constitute a fair settlement between
tho district nnd tho company" should
bo determined by a board ot experts.
Wo "aro not conscious of any fight.
Tho officers ot tho power company
have expressod their readiness to
help In tho development ot this val
ley. Wo bollevo that tho project
will bo nblo to offer thorn an ,eqult
ublo settlement nnd n chonco to sup
ply electricity to a constantly In
creasing market.
Urlcfly, the plan Is to Irrigate
Shasta valley with stored water from
Klamath lake, without Interfering
with tho agricultural needs ot any
part of tho Klamath dralnago basin
nnd without reducing the power pos
sibilities of the Klamath river.
Five Year Wheat
Peel Sought By
Oregon Farmers
PENDLETON, Doc. 30. Eleven
representatives ot stato farm organ
ixatlons mooting hero yesterday con
sidered submitting a contract for a
statewide wheat pool to the state
farm buroau federation at Us con
vention at Portland next month. Tho
farmers union and stato grange will
also bo asked to endorse tho plan.
The pool would last tor five years.