I I'AOR RHVIIN THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON TUEHDAY, tKCi:.Mlti:il 28, 102O. n H MUST BE 1 IL i I MIC L II liiMrucll(in mill jiractl o In running Llnit(ir mill In limnilnK tho construe- iidii nnn euro or tractor motors mill ollior fiirm iiiacliliKir. "Many Ktiinll ropuini mill niljimt in' i!m cnti tm timilo only with tlio alii -f nlioii iixpnrliiiirti," says I'rofewior UHmoro. 'TIiIh experience cim lit ob tallied with comparatively llttln trnln litK Unlnys In making tlm repairs, itlmngli, ii ro iiflmi nxpunslvit In both I'OI- (linn mill money." I nit mi-mom mnl tit hnr students Ink OltlKION Adltll'I'l.TI'Ui: WAIl), I'lirvitlllM, Dim.' 2H farmer (if Imliiy opiinituit inuro kinds lug Hk-ho courses will have tho bene in iniiciiiiinry mnl has morn respim- ,flt of 12 makes iitnl models of true slhHIty In Iholr euro nml efficiency torn, provided for tint purpose. Snv than t tut iiviiniito iirefoimloiiiil inn- Jornl pructlciil representatives of emit. rhmilc In tlm city," imy w. j. cilt- irn factcirlcH Imva promised, to bo morn, In miiioiiiicliiK lili trnctor nml on liiinil to help nut In tlio tralnltiR fiirm machinery short courses nt O.I Mnny types of fnrm machinery and A. (J., nturtliiK January 3. Onn course miuliunoiit nrn brought In for oror ...in ..... .. i . win nir nvii hithi umi inn inner naming hy tlm students, under supor for 18. A second two-week cinirsii will vision of tlm Instructors. litiKln Jmnmry 17. m , Tlm twiMx.nk courso In aimed to , W.WDIIItl.fKr Al.l.Y Shell Be First Woman Rabbi lmlp tint fnriunr seloit (tin typtt of trnctor liNt suited to Ms neeilx. mnl to ovnrliiiitl It mnl IiIn other machine for upkeep nml repnlrs. Much prnc- or maihm: coups nml tiitilllpln ryllmlcr eiiKlmwi. mnl In running trnrtor In nml mil doors Silvcrtonc fectcd. is now per- W A HI It NO TON, Doc 28. Tlint restlessness In tint tnftlt tiriilirwnltirt.il licit will lii. Khitn In operating single clinrncli.rlillc of tint present dny American jmilli In strongly Indicated liy figure covering 920 Imyn of mil Itury ni'.n who wore enlisted nt tint I'nrrln Island recruit depot of the Mnrltin corps In November. Tlm ln slnt for trnvnl was tint reason ghen hy ' pur cunt of tlm recruit Vo StlVCrtonC IS photORTA- c,ltl1""1' ""'I "durational nmhttlona hi.iiii w;i.imi nun (ill w I M' will. WI till) niliinlnlntr IK nnr rent Inrk (if .employment Inil with ton per emit, Imllltiio triiluliiK followcil with nix ,. '"r crnt nMl1 "l0 remaining two por StlVCrtonC 18 the CraZC cent confessed to ambitions to be- .1 . rottin nvtnlfim. fc -- Ul 1413 CiUBI, phy's latest advance-' ment. Silvcrtonc is perfection of the art of photog raphy. m:w ji:iwi:v wa.nts ahtici.i: Tho Bchool Nbwii of Nnw Ji'ruey, nn eilucntlonal mnKiicIno, linn rcquoatnl Jn copy of tint nrtlcln "I row to Pre- pnro Nowii Note for Niiinpcm," I prepared by thn iichool of Journal- SilVCrtOnC Can Only be ,,m "f u, Vnremlly at On-con nnil IPUUII 111 IJU nillli UUl IU IIKt IUKM feCUUOl seen at hENLINE'S STUDIO cnrllih touclinm of Orrxon. Thorn nro 3300 coal minri In tlio llrllltili Men. iHrP -tBBBBBBilllB bbbbbKV bbbKibR BBBBBBBife' MbHIV BBLIIHrLIH BBBBLIiiHBBK''' Hlk. .-KtM iBBBBBLV Wim BBBBBB .bbbbbibT Bii H ItItItItItItSi' ' BBBBBBBH v "bbbbbbS bbblv n bbbbbbbI BsjBsjBh' 'J'BBBPl -fc as)Bs)Bs)Bs)Bs)BBB lBBBBBBBBS)BBr X. BSjBsjBsjBBBP Bj)))BBBBB' KkwA r . VBBBH BF- Vr ataltlfBBBBBBBBBBB m m w 'laaaaaaaVaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB i IBBBBBa t BBBavBBBBBBmP BBvBvBvBvjBvm BvBvBvBvBvBvBvBvBvBvBviX IBBBBBBBBBBBjM F ' J' s- 1 .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaB BBBBBBB BBBBBBB yjr MBMBMBMBWlUBMBMBMBlr iL-yLit. LUI 1 1 L lf:E C Llmhor ttpl Don't autferl (lot a iimall trlnl bottlo of old, honest "St. Jncobs Oil" from nny ilriiu utoro, and nftor tinlnc It Junt onco you'll forgot that you over hml tmexneho, lum baco or aclatlcn, bocnuno your back will never hurt or cnuao nny moro misery. It never disappoints nml haa been recommended for CO years. t Adv. Hub Ibiclinrlm Awny Willi Trin I llotlln of Old "8t. Jncolm Oil." Hmnll Hack hurt you 7 Can't atrnlfihtcn up without feeling sudden pains. sharp nehes nnd twinges? Now listen I That's lumbago, sciatica or maybo from a strain, nnd you'll get relief tho moment you rub your back with soothing, penetrating "St. Jacobs Oil " Nothing else takes out sore ness, lameness nnd stiffness so quick y, and out comes tho pain. It Is harm ' tn.. ni.l .InnsMn', t....M 1 1. .& tf "... HHU UUVailll l UUIII II1U BIW1I Ono of tho most general miporstU tlons about people born on Chrlstman dny, a superstition that will bo found In mnny countarlcs, Is that thoy ifnvu tbp power of healing by "laying on of tho hands," and of second sight. They nro hold to possess somo hid den magnetic power which ennhlei them to sootho nnynno In pnln, nnd so help them on their way to recov ery nnd perfect health, , Copper Is snld to have been firs? You simply rub It on your back .'""covered in Cyprus. A classified Ad wl!i sell It. "' MARTHA NEVjr-tAOK. Upon completing her courso at tho Hobrow Union College In Cincin nati, Miss Martha Neumark of Cincinnati, wilt becomo tho only woman rnbbl In thoUnltcd States. Miss Neumark Is tho first girl to tako up tho rabbinical course. HUICIDKH TO KHCAl'K rnv.K.isa o.v way ST.lftTH fuh K.IIUI TO JAII information rclatlvo to tho estab lishment and maintenance of a fur farm has been requested from tho ex tension division of tho University of Our Monuments 1 MAHKIMIS AND HK.W.STO.S'lM KiiiUhI)' IHkuII)' nml DUllnrllim They urn designed, cut nnd built with particular regards for Individ ual requirements. Long established In business, unexcelled facilities and modern methods make poulblo tho nttraetlvo combination of suporla tlvu quality and modornto prices, our work affords. Klamath Falls Marble and Granite Works 1040 Main St G. D. Grizzle, Proprietor tMAAMAMAAAAMMMMMWWMWWMWWWMWWMWH SANs'Ns'SsMsrfMVMMssasSsa, IJLpJ-mrBTrimiHSS SSS-2"""""""""" (Hy Associated Press) UAVIli:, Mont, Dec. 28. With leg uroKon, wnen nt. mulomolille 0re(Jon by n Southorn 0r,gon ,,. was wrecked north of hero Krldny. !,,. .. hBV ,,,,,..,, . J. flM.I MM.1,1. A M ... - .t ' MW -MO, KMVM1 -... -" f - "'""-'""animals as tho mink, muikrat. had crawled for n mllo In ten below gkunk Bnd poum.. zero weather, "I.ong" Oeorgo Fran-i els, who was to roport hero tomor- " row to start serving a prison term Coffeo costs tho peoplo of tho for horso stealing cut his throat and l'ltcd States moro than a million died. dollars n day. If the Wood Dealer Sold Service i Wo do not sell cuircnt; no sell service. Tlint sounds odd doesn't It? Well, suppoM? the uooil dealer sold serTlca Instead of wood, ho would tend to jour furnace nnd jour ranee, tako way the nshca and clcun the flues. You Mould buy so much hent. Now you buy so much light, although yon pay, according to tho current you consume. Itut tlio service Is performed for you by tills company at tho substations and power plants. That Is what we want to give you efficient service. It Is tlio arm of Oils company to havo none but satisfied customers. No matter what It Is, If you havo a grievance, or are dissatisfied about your bill or do not understand our rates, please come In and ace us or write us about It. If you have any suggestions to make, we will gladly avail our selves of them as our aim Is constantly to Improve our service to you as fast as the development of science and human ability permit. MMMWWWMWMM California-Oregon Power Company When storage batteries freeze It means a now battery. Well tell you how to nvold such a cntaitronhv Mnk Illvcr Dattory Station. 18-31 r lWWVVWWWWWVMWMW.VWVVVVVVWMWVWVWMVVsM COMFORT COSY The CENTRAL Hotel TIE ITS TO RUSH KIDNEY'S lit Ixm Stent It You Frvl Hnck. achy or llno Illndder Trouble Tetephone 1SS-W GUY GARRET, Manager CLEAN MODERN Steam-Heated Outide Rooms Reasonably Low Rate "T ' CONNECTED NEWS STAND ssy All the Latest Magazines, Newspapers and Periodicals, Come here for your daily. OPEN ALL NIGHT Cigar Stand With a New StocXof Cigars, Cigarettes and Tobccco. Smoke up here. Mont forms uric ncld which ex cites nnd overw-orks tho ktdnoys In tholr efforts to filter it from tho system. Itogular caters of meat must flush tho klilnojs occasionally. You must rollovo them llko you rcllovo your bowols; removing all tho nclds, wasto nnd poison, olso you feel a dull mlsory In tho kidney region, sharp pains In tho back or sick headache, dizziness, your stomach sours, tonguo Is coatod and when tho weathor Is bad you bavo rheumatic twinges. The urlno Is cloudy, full of sodlment; tho channels often got Irritated, obliging you to get up two or thrco tlmos dur ing tho night. To noutrallzo thcto Irritating nclds and flush off tho body's urinous wasto get about four ounces ot Jad Salts from any pharmacy; tako n tnblospoontul In n class ot water bo foro broakfast for n few days and your kidneys will thon act fine and bladder disorders disappear. This fa mous salts Is mndo from the acid of grapes and lemon Julco, comblnod with llthln, and has beon used tor generations to clean nnd stlmulato sluggish kldnoys and stop bladder Ir ritation. Jnd Salts Is Inozponalvo; harmless nnd makes a delightful at fervoacont llthla-wntor drink which millions of mon and women tako now and thon, thus avoiding serious kid noy nnd bladder diseases. Adv. tgssssB assstssanasMggi , i f " 7." ,,' C.JL, ;f' Women kde Itpung Drijht ya3, n clear skin and a body full of youth and health may ba yours if yon will ktcp your oyotorn la order by regularly taktnu GOLD MEDAL Tbo world's standard romody for kidney Uvor, bladdor and urio acid iroublcs, tt-. niici'..loj of lllo and looks. In usa clr.es JW0. All drupgl"ii throo slsas. Look let lK nm CoU MJI on tiaty n c.' wcrit tu LUllaq About Other People--and About You ! There are two kinds of newt in the paper. Part of the news is about the affairs of other people; their sayings, doings and goings to do; things that have happened may happen didn't happen. i i ft JP "W, 4t Dut there's also a lot of news In this paper it yoa know where to look for it aboat your affair. That's the part est the news you'll find 1b the Advertise ments. There's valuable sews there about things yo want or wtlkwant; perhaps about things you have that others want. Every Advertisement carries i message to someone. Many Advertisements carry moss ages of interest or value to you. You can't afford to miss the Advertisements because so many of them are sews relating directly to you or to your affairs. in .' , fL V Ht-J lil X ' 'VffJ .,T. . f. ' . & 'tWt1 .' 4 j A i, f WLQ-Lrw, i-i .lw,wA.vvAvvlvvvA(yywvvvv,'