nr fflqv laitftrouj Todays News ) Today A Clans Ad Will Do It Foiirtiviilli Vi'nr. No. WHO. KLAMATH 1'ALLH. OKKUON, TUEHDAV, DCCE.MIIEIl !iH, ItfM. I'rlro I'lro CcnU l&tmia r FIUI'S MAYOR ASKS CIELIA FOR ARMISTICE ' (lly Associated l'nHi() LONDON. Doc. 28 Them I" nm ' Von to bnllnyo that Flume linn Iwim occupied by IIhIIiim regular (roups, I'roinliir (llollitl di-Harml at n I'ti'i" fonfori'iicn In ll(iiiii) today, nayit a dispatch. IIOMIJ. Doc. 28 Tim iiiuyor of iKIiiimi Iiiih naked Ouiiiirat Cavlglla, commander of tlm Itnllnu forces, fur n hiidiii'MhIoii of hostilities, say a riumo dispatch. It In suld Hint j Cavlgllu ntlptilutix) two condition,' onii fit which linn already been nc-j coptod. It l expected t Ii a t complete t tnrnm of tlm armlallco will ho ar ranged toilny. TRIEHT. Dec. 28 Onbrlel D'An nuiizlo win wounded In thu head by n piece of shell whllo convoking In til palace, iirrorillnK to thn Intoit udvlcita. Foreign Trade in November Dwindles Decreased export and Import In November, ni compared with Octob er of thl year and Novomber of last year orn ahown In a atatoment Issued today by tho bureau of forolmi ami domestic commerco of tho depart ment of commerco. KxporU In November amounted to $675,000,000, against $762,000,000 for October, thU year, and $740, 000,000 In November, Ul year For tho 11 month cndlnic with Nor member, 1920, tho export wero $", C07.O00.O0O as compared with 17 239,0.00,000 for tho corresic"4'Jfr period last year. November Import were valued at 1321,000,000, a compared with 1334,000,000 for October thin year and f 425,000,000 for November laat your. Kor tlm 1 1 month period end ing November of till year tlm Im port wero 15,013,000,000 again! 13,524,000,000 during tho corrr. ponding period of Uat year Import of gold during November amounted to $57,000,000 und exceed ed thoao In Novomber last year by 154,000.000. but worn $00,000,000 Ion than those during October of thl year. Import of koIiI during tho 11 month ending November of thl year worn $372,000,000 agalnat $I4, 000,000 for tho corresponding per iod of laat year. November export of gold were $20,000,000 agnlnit $20,000,000 for October; and for the 11 month period thu gold export wore $306,000,000 this year and $322,000,000 laat year. Import of llvor for Novombor worn $6,000,00 and for thu 11 month period wero $83,000,000 Sil ver export amounted to $'3,000,000 during Novombor and to $108,000, 000 for the 11 munth period. JIOIU) IMM1 IH ON Till ItOAI) AOAIN LOB ANOELE8, Cal., Dec. 28. "Twonty-throe," a dog of uncertain nnccstry, also known a "tho hobo" Is riding freight again In Southern California nftor Itnvlng been n pn tlont In thn Hiuithorn Pacific yard hospital hero. 'Twunty-throo" camo to .I.o An golr three month ngo In nn other wlso ompty box car und Southern Pn flclf yiirdmon adopted hint its u pot. Ho'uiudo trip out of town whanevor hit found u "door open In nn outgoing train, hut Invariably rotjiirnei). HI nnmo wiih bostnwod upon him ho cause n two and a thrco woro tho flrnt numornl of n long string on tho car ho occupied, when ho first nrrlvod. iWhllo In tho yards lila favorite pastlmn woh rldlni; running boards of switch nnglnoH. Ono day his tall wan' nipped uiulor a whool and ho y;aH taken to tho hospital, ONI J KTUDKNT IH IIAIUIKIt Last hu minor's occupations of men Btudonts of tho University of Oregon wero varied, Ono man was doputy sheriff, nnothor wns skljjpor for a crulsor belonging to a mining com pony, nnothor wiih a brnkomjin on n train .nnd still another was n bur or. i j Holds Big Post HHNHi Zafflu. .HUH IWV0 LA PORTE WAHIIINOTON, Doc. 28 Ewlng ha I'orto, J lint appointed nmiUtunt secretary of treasury, li thu young- eat tnnn nvcr to occupy thu Import- imit pout. Ilo graduated from Oeorgo Wuahlngllil unlvorlty In 1910 ond,ly engaged In the llventock buslnesl, ufter serving In tho army became anjln thin way, hn gained some first- attache of thu American legation or Thu Hague, Hu reilgned to enter the otflco of Assistant Treuaury Hc rotary Juett Hhouin and whwi inhnuan frelgned wai appointed In !) yiULU, IF BAR ILL ALIENS hS (lly AMOclatOd Press.) AVAaillNOTON. Dec. 28 Con trloQl leader wero called Into CMfOrenco today, regarding necotl- CALIFORNIA Mif --botweeu tho atat dewrtjWield, found hi pig and flro mem ana ino japainvao imninanor, Shldehara, for tho formation of now treaty A proposal will Imi sub mitted to California to enact a law barring all alien from acquiring property In thn atato a a lubstltutu for thn anil-Japanese law recently enacted. LONDON, Doc. 28 Nowspapor arn asking that tho United States, Oreat llrltaln ami Japan agreo to rurtall naval expenie by mutual agreement. Wisconsin Woods Camp Raided By "Dry" Law Agents iriTHLBV, V1 Dec. 28 Forty eight federal prohibition enforcement officer from Chicago walked In un expectedly on Hurley' wldo open saloon today. They Belied n largo quantity of liquor and arretted 47 persons, Including soveral well known local inun. Thl cuiup town hu been tho cen ter of antl-prohlbltlon feeling for suv oral mouth. Whole district In this part o't tho north woods Imvo been regarded by dry officials us law-do-fylug comlnunltles, Iloforo tho raider got through 70 persons woru urroMed nnd 37 saloons raided. Two bobsled loads of liquor wero aolzod, CAL. LKOIHLATCHK TO PAHS DIIAINAdl LAWH RACIIAMKNTO. Calif.. Doc. 28 Loglslatlon to facllltato organization of drnlnago districts In California will bo sought from thu forthcoming Joglslaturu., nccordlng to Sonator L. L. Dennett. Ho plan to Introduce tho bill iproparod by Professor Wulr and Profossor Shaw of tho University of allfornln, which woro pussod last HOHslon, hut failed to got tho gover nor's slgnaturo. Soniitor Donnutt snys thoro Is no satisfactory drain ngo law nt prosout. - NON-HKCTAIUAV HOHPITATi LOS ANOKLN8, Doc. 28. Throo children, all of whom woro unnhlo to walk when they enmo Into tho caro of "tlio society, hroko ground horo recently for a now hospital to bo orqetod by (ho Los Angolos orthopo dlc founduttou, iA uingruKiitloual mlnlstor, it Jew ish rabbi, n Cathollo layman who Is also a Judgo, and several women rep resenting social organizations, pnrtle Ipntod In tho grmtud breaking coro-monlos. 'S m BROUGHT That "pig In pigs," will not ho denied liy iinyonu, hut Hint thorn In ii great (lirfiiroiicii In pIkn will not ho denied iilthor by unyouo who has hiul much experience with thorn. Llko (Iriawold, tlm humorist, who stated Noliiniily that liu wan hrouKht up In Cincinnati "right among 'cm," O. D. Murko, president of tlio Klamath Htntii bank, nlio clulnm to Imvo nc tuiil experience with tho porclno fam ily, iiml at on i) Of tho sessions of tho farm bureau hold horn lail week, Mr. Ilurko told a iitory that substanti ate IiIn claim to pltfralslng knowl edge Yearn ago, when Mr. Ilurko lived hack In Nebraska, tho promtcr corn and hog Rtatn of tho union, ho often wont to nearby fair on assistant to hi a brothorln-luw who wai extensive- hand knowledge regarding tho re quirement of prlio winning ex hibit. Ono day, O D. was presented with a pig, ii runt, wun instruction iu, tukn caro of It and prod It along toward real plg-llku proportions, This, pig, by tno way, nan iosi un inuiucr. and Mr Ilurko states that, even If ho lay so himself, ho mado a very ro- sponslblo substitute. Tho pig was of tho Yorkshire breed, and theroforo had a good foundation, a fact of fhlch Mr. Ilurko took cognizance and legitimate advantage Tho pig outgrow Its runt-llko pro penalties. Finally, ono day In April, during one of the worst billiard of the season, O. D. went out Into the llttlo ones, carried them homo, warmed up the llttlo fellows bohlnd tho stove, and gave them all the caro possible Thoy woro hi pigs, nnd prldo of own ership undoubtedly was a big factor In tho caro heaped upon them. Kvontually the big Trans-Mlssls-slppl exposition at Omaha opened Its door to throng of Intorostcd people There wero exhibit In all the live stock lines, nnd Mr. Ilurko' sow and flvo pigs wore among them. To mnVn n irnml tnrv ihort. tho runt i i I that wai, now grown nnd groomed idled Intestate, and that they, a near Into a wonderfully well developed jest of kin. Inherit his fortune. They sow, won tho sweopstnkes In horjmalntaln that Inasmuch as tho fund class, and with tho flvo pig carried jwas not given for a public charltiblo nwuy nore prumiumu. "That sow wa In Hplcndld hapo," said Mr. Ilurko. "1 scrubbed hor, pol ished nor. dieted her and did every thing necessury to bring homo tho bacon, nnd I want to nay tho medal I rocelvcd Is ono of my most prized possessions. I iittrlhuto my succos first to her pure bred ancestry, nnd,atlvcs second to tho caro I gavo her from tho tlma sho wa given to mo as a seemingly hopeless runt. "What 1 did nt that tlmo can bo dona on a moro extonslvo scale hore, and that Is ono or tho reasons why I, In tho namo of thu Klamath Stato hank, am taking so much Interest In tho effort to bring puro brod llvo stock Into this county. I know tho valuo of pure-blooded stock to any cnmmnunlty, and I might ndd that It Is thu only kind of stock anyone cun rulso with a view to making stock raising u profitable venturo for him." Family Left in Need As Result Garage Fire Lust night's flro was it hard blow to tho Wolmer family. William Wolm or, u barber employed nt thu Mars bliop, his wtfu aud two chldron baro )y oscupod tho flume when their dwelling, udjolnlug tho Cull guragu, wus burned. Thoy hud no tlmo to savothulr belongings aud-lira In need of clothing and a placo to llvo In, It wus ruported to Tho lloruld today. Temporarily thoy uro being shelter ed by tho Whlto Pelican hotol. Mrs, Wlllluni Oauoug, socrotury of thu Hod Cross chapter, stated this afternoon that sho would mnko In vestigation at onco. It Mr. Welmor Is an ox-sorvlco man tho Hod Cross cun mnko direct provision for tho fam ily's needs, but It not it will bo forc ed to tako a roundabout course and got donations from friends for lah spoclflc case, RELATIVES SUE TO BREAK TROST FUND Tho $700,00 trust fund created by tho lato Dr. Ilnrnard Daly to provide collogo education for tho young pt-o-plo of Lakn county, would bo broken ami tho money distributed among tho surviving relative, In a suit filed In tho federal court at Portland. Tho 15 Nilrvlvlng relative of Dr. Daly, whoso homo are scattered from Ireland to Italy, sook to break tho will which established tho educational fund, on technical ground. Dr Daly, who died recently, was on uld-lltne cltlzon of Lake county and he donlrcd to lcavo tho fortune which ho amassed In Oregon, to pro vldo college education for deserving young resident of hi home county. In his will ho created a trust fund Jot his ontlro fortune, tho dividend of which were to be used In cnamg tho young people of I.nko county to Oregon Institutions of higher learn ing. Ilecauso of tho sparsoly populated condition of Lake county, It was con- sldcred highly probable that tho fund would oducata all of thoso who de sired to attend, Inasmuch as not more than 15 youths from the county would bn ellRlbto or available each year, P. L. Campbell, president of tho Unlveralty of Oregon; V. J. Kerr, president of tho Oregon agricultural college, and W. D. Htoryford, J. D, Heryford and Fred Itoynolds, direc tor of tho Hank of Lakevlew, were made ox-offlclo trustees of the edu cational fund, and as such, thoy aro codefendsnts In tho suit brought by tho, relatives. . .Th? fund I tied up In litigation over Inheritance taxes and benco has not been avallablo for the educa tional purposes. Tho attorney-general has ruled that an Inberltanco tax of $180,000 Is duo the stato from tho cstato, and this ruling Is being contested by tho board of trustees. Besides this, tho federal government seek a further Inheritance tat of $30,000. The surviving relatlvoi uow abk that Dr. Daly lie aociircu 10 nave purpose, tlio document snouiu- ue de clared null and void. They further bog that tho board of trusted creat ed under the provisions of tho will. lira enjoined from carrying out its or (provisions, or from distributing paying out any funds or Income from tho estate The prayer oi mo rci Is couched In lengthy legul tonus, and takos up many pages or typewritten matter. Tho realtlves aro represented by Voailo & Veailo of Portland, aud two eastern legal firms. Thoso contest ing tho will, aro Hugh Daly, Jamos J. Daly, Mary A. Duly. Hugh J. Daly, llosotta Daly Duffy, Edward Daly, Mnlnlo Daly Damoro, llrldgot Daly Doador, John Daly, Hannah Daly Macklln, Margarot Mullen Halrc, Jamos Daly, Patrick Daly, Mary Daly, and Kdwurd Daly. Tho plan of tho board of trustees buforo tho filing ot tho presont suit, wit to meet ovory Juno uftor tho completion of high school, and solect tho 15 most worthy students ns re cipients ot tho scholarships. Councilman Lavenick Couldn't Do It Alone Councilman Mlko Lavontck was tho only meinbor ot tho city council pro sout In tho council chnmbors last night when tho tlmo nrrlvod for call ing to ordor the last sosslon of this yoar. Tho clork was absent also, but City Attorney Carnahan was at hi post, nnd soconded Mr. Lavon Ick's motion to adjourn beforo con vening. Tho motion prevailed, five cttlzona who wero presont voting un animously for Imraodlato adjourn ment. oT prosorvo agnlnst lightning, tlio Orooks favored the bay treo, suld to bo Impervious to storms. Tho with ering of tho bay tree propheslod ovll happenings. I tl Peace Post Her Plan OATHSRTNE rXAMiGATT WA8HINOTON, Dec. 23 Miss Kathorlno Flanagan thinks tho pres- odont's cabinet should havo a secre tary of poaco as well a a secretary ot war. Sho wilt advocalo a peace department as a part ot tho program to bo adopted by tho national wo man's party at Its convention Febru ary 15 to 18. "A woman should havo tho position," says Msls Flan agan. S l (By, Associated Press) PORTLAND, Doc. 28 Two depu ty shorlffa started this, morning for Minneapolis to bring back John L. Etherldge, ex-president of tho bond ing houso of Morris Bros., Incorpor ated, who was arrested In that city lato yesterday. Tho aMalrs ot Morris liros. are In tho hands ot W. D. Whltcomb, temporary receiver, who Is complet ing an audit ot tho firm's accounts. According to tho statement tiled with tho petition ot bankruptcy to day, all assets found totaled 11, 495,315; whllo Interim certificates on bond purchases for $2,006,000 had been Issued. CAL. WILL LEND AID TO ItKFOHKSTKATIOX SACRAMENTO, Calif.. Doc. 28 Reforcstratlon ot timber land In California through stato old will bo urgod by Edgar S. Hurley, assem blyman, at the session ot tho Cali fornia legislature oponlng January 3. "My travels through tho moun tains slnco tho last session ot tho legislature," said Hurloy, "havo con vinced me that Immedlato attention should bo given to our young for ests." Tho assemblyman said ho would support tho California Stato Irriga tion association's plan for for a stato wldo Irrigation project and for mora cqultablo distribution ot tho tax burdon. IIOMKHPU.V HWT IH ' OX LOOM l-'OU HARDING IIOSTON, Mass., Dec. 28. The homospun suit mudo for Vlco-Prosl-dcnt-olect Coolldgo during tho elec tion campaign Is to bo matched by a suit of homespun far President-elect Harding. Tho fabric Is bolng woven on a loom 1C5 ycura old by Mrs. Laura A. Jackson of this city on whoso farms In Bethel, nt., tho wool was clipped from natlvo sheep. Mrs. Jackson, notwithstanding advanced yours, put tho wool through ovory process necessary for Its conversion Into cloth. When flnlshod tho fabric will be ot hoathor color In a subduod shade. DLL MONTE SOCIETY" ' PIiAXS A VOX HUNT MONTEREY, Cal., Doc. 28. Dls covory of n bluo fox by' rnngors In tho Del Monto forest has created ex citement among followers ot .tho chase here. Rosldonts ot Pobblo lloach and Montoroy aro planning a sorlos ot hunts. BMMManaSBW ,jjCljmBS1scvj.. . PhBIBIBIBBBBmE asV lilBaB 'Sswlt : B Hk 4 ''wife J ifBaW BBBBBBBBBBSJSM?v I rillLULJIIIUIG E. GARS Flro, which probably originated from a stovo left smouldering la tho building after it was closed up for tho night, complotoly destroyod tho Klamath Auto company's garago and repair shop at 1157 Main street botween ono and two o'clock this morning. A small houso on tho west sldo of tho garago, occupied by William Welmor, was also destroyod. Tho alarm was turned In by Hob ort Ulssoll, employed at tho Whlto Pollcan hotel, who noticed tho blazo, which had already gained consider ablo headway, whllo ho was return ing from tho postoftlco. Tho flro department, somowhat handicapped by slushy streets, mado a credltablo run, and Immediately turned Its at tention to save tho noarby buildings. Tho work of tho fire department was made mora dangerous by the frequent explosion ot gasollno tank In tho cars In tho garago, but they worked with determination, and whllo It became apparent early dur ing tho flreflghtlng that tho garago and Its contents wero doomed, the safety ot the other buildings was soon assured. The garagi was a. frame structure and burned rapidly. Tho heat was terrific, windows la tho Jackson apartments, about 45 feet away, bolng broken. Mr. Call estimates the loss on bit stock of tires and accessories, and 13 cars at 12,000. On theso he carried $6,300 Insurance, $4,300 with Dunbar ft Dunbar, and $1,000 with Frod Bucslng, both ot this city. Jasper Bennett, owner ot the garage building and the little cottage nq to It, 'had-Insured; the former with Fred-BueatnajL- for $1,000, and the latter for $500. Mr. Bennett Is oat of town and hi Joss estlmato could not be learned, but Judged by tho naturo ot tho buildings tho Insur ance will cover the greater part ot it. In addition to (bo 13 cars owned by Mr. Call, tho car loss In- -1 cludod a Ford owned by H. V. Dow, ,a WIUys-Knlght owned by H. A. Thcde, a Studobaker Six. the prop erty ot Fred Duke, another Studs- baker owned by a Mr. Llndsoy ot tho Modoc Lumber company, D. M. 'Smith's Maxwell, and a Ford owned I by Elmer French. I it is possiDior to saivago some parts of tho ears, aomo of tho en gines having been sufficiently pro tected to warrant repairing, but Judged by tho blackened, bent and Icrusneu appearance ot toe umus tua amount ot salvage will bo trifling; , compared with tho loss. Damage Suit and Forgery Case Dropped Suit for $5000 damages, brought several months ago by Violet Turpln, against A. O. Dunlap, was dismissed by Judgo D. V. Kuykendall today. The suit was based on an allegation that defendant hud circulated harmful stories. It followed tho arrest of Al fred Turpln, on complaint ot the Spot Cash Baskot grocery, with which Dunlap was connectod, for forgery. Turpln was Indicted for forgory and his case was also dismissed today by Judgo Kuykendall, both actions bolng dropped for Insufficient ovl denco to warrant prosecution. MILLION DOLLAR ,STAD1UM PliAXNKD FOR V. OF C. BERKELEY,, Cal., Dec. 38. An Issuo ot 10,000 non-lntorest-bearlng certificates valued at $100 oach ro contly was suggostod at tho annual banquot of tho Berkeley manufactur ers' association to flnanco tho erec tion of a million dollar athletic sta dium at the University of California. Thoro certificates will bo .redeemable In tickets to athletic evonts hold on the field. Directors ot the chamber ' ot commorce, who wero presont, pledged, their support and co-opera-ation, ' JAPANESE. POPULATION. TOKIO, 4Dec. 28 Tho figures ot tho rocont census show that Toklo Is tho seventh . city ot tho world 'with a population ot 2,147,190, Tho population of Osaka, the second city ot Japan, is 1,218,066, but It tho suburbs are includod Osaka's popu lation Is 2,579,361. I E