MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, lWft, THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON l'AOH KOVIt The Evening Herald R J. MURRAY . . WIED KOUI.i: City lMltor liUtor Published dally oxcopt Sunday, by Tho Horald Publishing Company of Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Street. Entered nt tbo postottlco fat Kla moth Knll. Oro., for transmission throuRh tho malls as second-class Eanttor. MEMBER OK THE ASSOCIATED PRESS. Tho Associated Vtcsa Is exclusively entitled to tho uso for republication of all news dlsnatchos credited to It, or not otherwlso credited In this paper, and also tho local nows pub other herein. Everett True iv;.,-.. . - j Ay, v riv too- CMC a. IK.VO. inw r-r- io). n VGPfrl SUtrpRACSCS eANr5NDM5WT HA-t3SeSN ADOPTS-D JUST foHAT OOT VOO OR Atf OTHoR. tVOMiK) S5T1 WT OV IT 1 CN'V 350 ''J, i i ;; ;? IV MONDAY, DECEMBER 27, tlK-O, carleksnems with hius A fair years ago, careful study of fire causes In nearly one-half mil tnlon cases was mado In evory state of tho Union by tbo actuarial bureau ot the national board or fire under writers, and the conclusions reach ed established the clear case ot pro vcntablllty. I An examination made by tbo tire marshal Into tho causes ot fires In three boroughs ot New York city In a slnglo year shows that putting out tires Is futile unless flro pretention is enlarged. Tbo examination showed theso causes ot fires: Careless with lighted match cs, 13C6. Children playing with matches, 354. Carles In smoking;, 970. Carless with candles, 409. Carlessnesa with gas lights, rang es, etc., G30. Orerbcated stoves, pipes, etc., 44C. Chimney fires, 509. Bonfires, brush .fires, etc., C98. Miscellaneous partly preventable causes, 659.. Conccntradtcd attention to fire pretention, more efficient methods of tire fighting and more efforts at leg islation designed to apprehend and punish carelessness and willful caus ing ot fires are necessary to bring about a decline In losses. Persistent Instruction in forming habits ot carefulness In the home and school It Imperative. . ',Js 'coNtiaot "QMOl By Condo TNIII IP CHI TC DripM ! IliSW TREMENDOUS TOTAL :(),(((M),(MM lUHTI-l-S AUK HOLD IN Hl. YEARS Celebrated Mofllrlno Him Heroines KoiiHntltm of Drug TrmW All (her Amerlrn anil OiiiimIii. llmi People of Country HitriMlao It, 'mnnelou record Hint lias been mnde by Tnnlnc, and It Is now consorvu- , lively estimated that tint Kales by tlio end ot the coming year will reach the estonlsblng total of 30,000,000 bot tles. Tanlac sales Inst year amounted to 1,079,948 bottles, establishing n now world record for tho sale of proprie tary medicines up to that time. This record now pales Into Insignificance, , however, as orders received during I tho first nlno months ot tho present wfvji0&&vviiii0,,i year rencneu a total or 6,a0u,ooo Dot Sales for Present Ywir Show InrrciiiMi ocinmeml It to otlinrn because. It linn of Almo-t ()ii Htimltvil IVr vnt !'hi1oi1 tlioin. Tnnlnc linn been on tint Owr IiHt Your. I market now n little over flvo yenrn It tuts stood tho nclcl test rif tlmo It Is known and honored In every city. town, village nnd hnnilet on the American continent from Key Went, Florida, to tho northern wilds of Can nila where oven tho Indians and fur trailers have lenrned or Its wonderful powers an n medicine. Tanlne la composed ot tho most ( Although placed on sale something jbenoflclul roots and herbs known to over flvo years ago, tho demand for the scientific world. Tho rormulu. tun- tho celcbrotod medicine. Tanlac has forms with all National and State increased at most phenomenal rate uro Food and Health laws of both nnd iinnouncomont bus Just been tho United States and Canada. AN .made by tho mnnufnrlurors that tho 'though Tanlnc's claims for superior Itotnl sales will reach approximately Uiy nro abundantly supported by ,20.000.000 bottles by tho end of tho lending authorities, It Is tho people present year. themselves who have mado Tnnlnc To say that Tanlac now has tho what It Is, Urgest sale of any medicine of II. ., m,on ()f , u kind In tho world does not begin lo peoplo ,,f , ,,,, ,mv ,,,, toll tho story, for no other preparn- .... ,, ... ,. , , .,,, jtlon has over even approached the ,, ,, for Uipm T(nt ( w)y Tnnlnc tins become the real sensation or tho drug trndo nil over America. Tanlac Is sold In Klnmnlh Kails by Star Drug Co , In lorelln by James Merc. Co., nnd In Merrill by South ern Oregon Drug So. Adr. IH'.IKtrriVII I'l.l'l! CttUHH OK HIIII'PINOTON IH-A.H. A ilofectlvo sttno plpo cnusod a Ninnll roof IiIiko nt llui homo of Joi4 ry (lanulalatols at HIillipliiKtmi ubdut iiomt ClirlstnwiM ilny Thn flro de triment lespmideil and con fined tho damage I" not more llinn $10 uss Over 43 per cent or Inn world's sailing tonnage Is owned by thn United 8tates. 7' ip Tsli thai asms nssaand monotony out of avary-day tntatsl A botlU of DEL MONTE Catsup on lbs Ubla will h you do It, Sarvt It wllh, gam us ll In couklngt Its rtdtlpa to mato flavor adda Kit to almost any othtr food. pi-ffl i V4LXiRaVasftamana'!sfl Society The table was cleverly decorated with Christmas place cards and flowers and the room, too, was In harmony with the decorations ot the table. Present were- Mr. and Mrs. V. A. Delzell and family and Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Shlve and family. One of the larger family affairs Christmas day was the dinner and Christmas tree at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kred, Mills. A wonderful dinner was served at 2:30 for which 17 covers wero laid, and at a later hour the handsome big Christmas tree was lighted and gifts distribu ted. Those present were: Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Lee. Mr. and Mrs. A, J. Voye. Mr. and Mrs W J I.ce, .Mr. and Mrs. K H. Mills. Mrs. Minnie Henry. Wllford, Jerome offd flowne Henry, Mrs. Gertrude Moore, Muriel, and LcRoy Moore, H6b Coffman and Tho joys of the Yuletlde season are 'many, but the one that brings the greatest pleasure Is the entertaining ot ono's friends at Christmas by means of dinners, dances, teas and cards. There were several dances during the week given by lodges. ,i ,..,, . . clubs and Individuals. One ot the I successful affairs was J bo dance at thn U'hlto Pllri? VTnlal 9s'iirlnv night under the auspices of tbe'f.n,n "'"nl Young Peoplo's club There was a crinrt nffAnrlnnra nnd IriAivntinrop mat frolicked to their heart's content. toithe ' ,core nt 00' whlch 5" tbo most Inspiring of good dance Hachnmnlnoff " showing an Increase of almost ;100 per cent over tho corresponding period of last year. Ileatrlce Walton taj winen mo ueart is toung i . . Dudley Duck ' The enormous and overlncreaslng (b) Slumber Hoat Jessie Oaynor popualrlty of Tanlac Is the ono great Jennie Fyltlng Melby , out-standing proof of Its merit. Tho A cordial Invitation Is Issued to greatest drug firms of tho country any'ono Interested In the work of have voluntarily como forward and these pupils, to be present at thojttated In plain, cold figures tho program Tuesday . 'record breaking sales everywhere. No , medicine or less than superlatlvn One of the best sacred concerts quality could possibly attain such n ever given In Klamath Kails was that huge sales record nor gain, as has at the Methodist Church Inst cven-tTanlac, the unqualified endorsement ing. The audience was' to thojpf thousands of well-known men nnd occasion expressing Its opinion thnt'women from all parts of the country the evening entertainment wns thn who stand tor the best In their com climax or tho "Christmas Woeklmunltlct. 8peclal mention might bo uindn of" xho greatest test of any medicine the different solosists. duet and of 'u tho "repeat" sales It enjoys. Tan- tho quartetto yet each selection was lac's phenomenal record has been pos enjoyed, tho Christmas spirit rernllible becauso of tho fact that the men ! On Monday afternoon Mrs. Gold tho Kntre Nous club at tbo homo or Mrs. J. J. barker. Mrs. Leslie Terwllllger won music. . T ' Another dancing party, of-note was that given by tbe. Ladles of the D. P. O. E. December 22., Tbe affair was termed a Leap Year dance and created a great deal ,pt, fan for the Elks and their ladteslt will only be equaled In elaborateness, by tbe an nual dance to be given on New . year's Eve by tbe. brothers them selves for the entertainment ot their ladles. Miss Geraldlne Watt, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George .Watt, well known residents ot this city, has ar , rived home for tbe holidays. , Miss Watt Is a freshman at tbe University of Leland Stanford Jr. Mrs, James Blsbop Foster was hostess Wednesday afternoon to a number of tbo younger married set. The afternoon was devoted to'needle work and a delightful tea was served at 4 o'clock. Those, present were: Mesdamfes Roy Durbln, Leland Hain es, Leslie Terwllllger, John Enders, Roderick Smith, C. H. Carter, Leo Houston, Glenn Jester, Charles Moore, E. M. Bubb, Jack Mann, and Miss Verda Cozard. The White Pelican hotel held a Christmas celebration Friday night for tbe entertainment of their guests and friends. A wonderful Santa Claus distributed tbe gifts from an enor mous tree which stood in tbe center of the room, a gay spla'ah of color for tbe darker finishing of the lobby. La ter dancing was Indulged in and everyone present reports a wonderful time, Mr, and Mrs, Charles Stcmwell en , tertalned on Christmas day at a din 'ner at which seven of their friends were present. They wero Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Watklns and wife, J. Wat kins Jr., Mr. and Mrs, Fred Wygant, and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Darnell h Mr, and Mrs. Charles I. Roberts were hosts Christmas day to several relatives and friends. Tho affair took tbe form of a family reunion. I Prelude in C. Sharp Minor played throughout tbe afternoon and a consolation prize was awarded to (Mrs, Glenn Jester. After refreshments were served tbe guests gathered around a Christ mas tree and drew numbers each re ceiving a pretty and useful gift by this unlquo method. Present were: Mesdames J, H. Carnahan, J. H. Car ter, John Enders, Byron Harden brook, John Martin, It, E. Deweese, Glen Jester, II. p. Lloyd Stewart. Leslie Terwllllger, L. Q. Van Bellen. Charles Moore, Tom Waters, and J, J. Parker. Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Krause enter tained at their charming borne on Third street with a delightful Christ mas dinner, Tbe house was lovely with various holiday decorations ac was the table. Present were: Mr. and Mrs.' W. T. Ludden and Dr. and Mrs. WJright. , ' ' Mrs. Don J. Zumwalt's musicJ pupils club will meet on Tuesday evening, December 28, at 7:30 In tbe Christian Science ball, corner of Third and Main streets. And tbe fol lowing program will be given: , Polonaise .... Splndler, Op. 93, No. 1 Katherln Ulrlch (a) Gray Days ;. Johnson (b) Somewhere a Voice is Calling Tate Margaret Grlmshaw Tbe Happy Farmer Schumann Zepha Rogers (a) Guando a to lieta (from' Faust) ............ Gounod (b) Could My Songs Their Flight be Winging Hahn Fays Sugarman (a) The Gipsy Trail .... Galloway (b) Lullaby from Jocclyn Godard Ellzabotb Grigsby Serenata f Moszkowskl Elizabeth Manning (a) At tho Making of Tbe Hay Lehmann .(b) II Baclo (The Kiss) .... Ardltl Harriet Sugarman (a) By the Waters of Mlnnoton ka : - Lleuranco (b) Morning Oloy Speaks Dorothy Elliott ing in all. Mrs. J.'H. I.lnfesty, director; Mrs. Fred H. Cofcr, planockt and tho choir members ere to bo cjiiKratu lated. , Following tbo custom of other years. the choir ot Sacred Heart church, ' under tho direction of Mrs. J. E. ' Ilambcrry, prepared special and women who buy ono bottle Invar iably return for tho second and rec- KU.MMOXB in Tin: cincuiT rornT ok thi: KTATi: OK OltKGON ,KOH KLA MATH COUNTY. SBSBsVSsWSBSBSBStfSBSBBBabZiirS3l SBBBSBBBSSBitBBY ll RUV" Kasssssasssssssssll iM raTt. sBBalsaLsiVatVsriaEIlT-T li, u. V IV.M. (I Ilryan J flunford. plaintiff. music Gladys I). Hanford, defendant. vs. for tbo high mass Christmas day. i This year Leonard's mass In E flat Bamberry. In the name ot tbo Stato of Oro gen: You are hereby required to aDnear nnd nnnwnr thn cnmnlalnt was sung and tho success attending filed against you In tho nbovo en- Fred If Cofcr. nlsnl.t nml th 'titled suit, on or before thn 23rd praise accorded the choir and Mrs.l?-: "January, 1921. that being tho ma. u7 u. iuo yuuHcaiiun ui mis Summons and tho last day within which derendsnt Is allowed to answer Snrnn tiiilin! In thn nhvalmt !. herein. OS fixed hr thn court for nub- , . w ... .. w ,...,-,,.... -,..-. . -- -. :- --- cation department or the University L" , nor ummon horcln; and ir or Oregon,, served at playgrounds ln'ihB nlaintiff will nnniv m th m,,,! structors at various pifrks last sum ror the relief prayed for In the com mer. .plaint filed herein, to-wlt: for a do- , cree of this ceurt: forovor dlssolv- NOTICK TO CIIKDITOHH ''" the on(-1 of matrimony now ex Not'lee la hereby aWn ihm thn on. Wins; between plaintiff and defend D-- --- -.. v .rt. th., .tin .1nMHM.,S mhU.h . IHNt U UUtOilUUU. UlUtUDU name, to-wlt: aiadys D. Gaugh, bo restored to her: and for such other and further 'relief at shall appear Just and equitable In the premises. This Summon Is served by publi cation in The Evening Ilnrald a dally newspaper published at Klamath Falls, Klamath County. Oregon, by order of the Honorable D. V. Kuy kendall Judce of said Circuit Court. dated December 4th 1920, directing sucn tummont to oe no puunsnou once a week for six successive weeks. . vale ot first publication hereof Is December Ctb, 1820. C. O. UROWER Attorney For Plaintiff. Dec. 6-18-20-27 4-1118 de-signed has been appointed by tbe County Court of tho stato or Oregon, ror Klamath County administrator with tbe will annexed or tho estate or George Engwlcbt, deceased, and all persons having claims against said estate are hereby notified to present same to undersigned at his law offices In Klamath Falls, Oregon, within six (6) months from tbe date of this notice. , Dated: December 20, 1920. R. C. QROK8BECK. Administrator with tbe will annexed" of tbe estate of George Engwlcbt. deceased. Dec 2027 Jan 31017 ... YOU DIDN'T CHRISTMAS BUT LET'S DO IT NOW Wo have already started supplying folks wih Music who In tended purchasing ror Christmas, but tor nno reason or another did not get around to It. You simply can't get away from tbo fact that yon must hnvo. Music In the Home to maku It a renl Christmas, hut Man, why not get that Piano or Vlctroln now and sinrt th .New Year right! Stop and think Just remember our convenient terms. EARL SHEPHERD CO. y Only Exclusive Music House 507 Main Street y PHONE UM2-J 4-4 NOTICE OK FINAJi SETTLEMENT Notice Is hereby given that tho un dersigned administrator ot tbo estate ot Henry Mason Bristol, deceased, has tiled in tne county court or tbe State of Oregon, for Klamath County, the rinal account of bis administration of said estate and said Court has fixod January 24, 1921,at 2:30 P. M. as tbo time and tho Courtroom of said Court' as tbo placo for the hearing of said final account and for the set tlement thereof. Dated: December 20, 1920. EDMUND M. CKILCOTE Administrator of tbo estate of Henry Mason isrtstoi, doceasod. Dec. 2027 Jan 3-1017 NOTICE OK FINAL ftKTTLKMENT Notlco Is berebr clven that the unuorslgned administrator of the es tate, or Susanna Leach, deceased, hag riled In this County Court' In tho State or Orogort ror Klamath County, iuo imai account ot nis administra tion or said estate and said Court has rixed January 24, 1921, at 2:30 o'clock P, M. as tho tlmo nnd tho Courtroom or this Court as tho place for tho hearing of said final account and for tho settlement thereof, Dated: Decombor 20, 1920. L. L. BROWNELL. Administrator with tho will nnnoxod or the pfltato ot Susanna Leach, deceased, Dec. 20-27 Jan 310-17 ADMINI8TRATOIVH NOTIGJI FINAL ACCOUNT OF yCvSyttTSjk. x&j&szz&t jfr Wife ypmyjgjgj H N THE COUNTY COURT OP TUB STATE OH OHKOON. FOIl THE COUNTY OP KLAMATH. In tbe matter of tbo estate of Jlcbael Flynn, Deceased, Notice Is hereby glvon that I have lied my final account and report, a administrator oX the Estate of Michael Plynn. Deoeased. and tbo above entitled court baa fixed 2 o'clock In the faternoos of Deoemker 27th. 1020 at the Ume. and tho uuauiT wun vvuiu in mo tsuurfc house of Klamath county, Oregon, n tbe City of Klamath Falls, Oregon at the place when and wbero any Person may present any objection or xceptlon to anything therein contain ed, or to anything dono thoraln by me as administrator, and at tho said 'time and placo the said court will finally settlo tho said account. This notloo Is publlohod pursuant to an order of the abovo ontltlod court, mado on Novombor 27, 1920 and tho first publication ot said notice Is made on Novombor 27. 1920. Maurice Keano, Administrator of the Kstato ot Mlobael Vlynn, De ceased. Nov, 27 pee. 4-1118-20 GAINING EVERY DAY The person who makes regular deposits with the First State & Savings Bank is gaining in financial strength every day. Com pound interest is a faithful worker in accumulating money. Your account so licited. 4 Interest Paid on Sav ings Accounts RrstSivte Savings Rvnk Klamath Falls; Oregon," -(