I'AflH THItKIl THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON MONDAY, DKCKMDKR 27, 1MWW Lumber Magazine Predicts Great Future for Klamath A rocont Ifinuo of tho Amorlcnii i.umiiermun, unvoiud two pokoa to n description of Ktimmth Falls and tlio lumliur Industry In tlio Kliiiimth bu-Bin- miyliiK: TliU city In dnntlriml to lie, In tlio not far distant future, tlio center of ono of ttiu Kri'iitiml lumliur mnntifnc t it r I ii k rontons In tlin country, for thoro nru already marked Indications of tlin development of lumber man rifnctiirlliK operations In (hi section that will tnnan much to tlio Imnlior Imtuiitry of tlin west. Trllmtiiry to Klamath Falls In what In termed tlin "Klamutli roK' Ion," IncliiillriK privately owned, Wont mirvlrn and liullan department tlmbor, thoro In estimated to ho In tlio neighborhood of 30,000,000,000 foot of ititmlliiK plmt, nnil If tliuro In nmmrnnro of n market for It n number of laritn mill operations wilt bo developed, Tim plnnt nt tho'oll can Hay Lumber Co. burn Is tlin larxosl manufacturing; operation, but other urn Incruailnic their iiawliiK fAcllltlon ami nrn planning to enlarge tholr operation still furtlinr. Anions thenn nra thn AUoma Lumber Co., nt Aluomn, n I n ii mllei north of hero, nml tlio Modoo Lumber Co., nt Chllo quln. Tlio latter concern acquired lomn rrtonths ngo n large trncj of tlmbor about 76 miles east and n little north of Klamath FulU In whit mlRht Im tormed thn lakovlew dls trlct and It In plnnned to erect there n large modorn plant during the noxt few year In nddltlnn to Incroas Inic lt capacity by biilldlnR a new mill at Chllnquln tlio coming winter. It l nlao within thn possibilities that thn I-ong-IMI Whlto I'lno Co. wilt within tho noxt few yeara arrange fnr manufacturing tlio timber on tho uxtonslvo tract acquired n cnuplo of yean ago from the Oregon I.and & Livestock Co., tho romalader of which was takon over by tho Modoc Lumber Co, I 'rotable ItAllronil llullilliuc Already thero are n number of mailer mill that have gone In the lait year on or near tho Htrahorn railroad running out east from Kla math Falls, which thn builder In tend ultimately to extend to connect up with the Oregon, Washington JUIIroid Navigation Co, and tho Hill Intcrost at llend, ai well ai to croM the hunch gran country to Vale In eaitorn Oregon and Join with tho Oregon-Washington there. In fact thero aro ninny posslblll tloa for railroad connection! for Kla math Fall that wfll remill In tho do velopmont of tho lumber Industry of thin great tlmbor region. Thn 8trahom road may go on to Lakn- Vlow, ono hundred in I lei vast. That point la thn terminus af n narrow gago running north from tho West- orn Pacific railroad not far from Itenn, Nov. It la bollored that thn Western Pacific may eventually so- euro tho narrow gngo lino running to ).akflvlw and broaden It, thu mak ing an eastern nutlot for thn lumbor made In thn Lnkovlow region. Then, too, tho Southern Pacific may extend It lino from Wostwood north to con nect with II lino running from Wood, Cnllf., to Klamath Fall nnd on north to Kirk, It Im long been tho drmim of tho riillroiul prophet of thl region Unit tho Houthnrn Pacific extending north from Klamath Kntl 40 tulle to Kirk would bo intended on through tho ('nuclide mountain and connect with tho branch of thu anion rond extend ing Noutheaxt from Kugono to Na tron nnd on toward tho CiihciiiIo mountain, Thl wn the Idea of that great railroad builder, 13. II. Ilarrl man, for many year bond of thn Houthern Pacific nnd It allied roll- roud, hut hi death, tho war nnd other thing eimed to put an ond to consideration of thn projnrt, Wonderful (Imivlli of KlmiUMli 1'aIIn Klnmntli Tall during tho lait year ha shown moro building Improve ment and growth In uhtantlal way Ihun nny town of It lzo that wo not nffocted by n "war boom " It growth ha been (toady nnd ha been backed by tho actual nnod of tho community Btreots hao been pav ed, In both tho business nnd the rcil dentlal sections, nnd now huslnc block, beautiful and artlitlc bunga low and biiilno atructurc of nit kind add to tho general appearnnco of RUhitantlal growth. In iplto of It alt, thn hoiulng qucitlon Ii Juit a sorlnous In Klamnth Kntl today a In tho title of tlio Pacific coait and tho oaat. Company In Knlnrglng (Krntlon At Chllorjilln aro located the Mo doc Lumbor Co, and thn Chlloquln Lumber Co, K. A. Illockllngcr I at tne head of both tho Chlloquln Lum ber Co. and the Dorrl Lumber & llox Co , Dprrl. Calif , south of Kla math Kalli. Much of tho lumbor cut In thl plant at Chlloquln I mndo Intot box shooks at tho Dorrli plant. At tho head of tho Modoc Lumber Co. I J. O. C-oldthwalto, formerly of Portland.' who a few year ago took hold of tho Xfodoc Lumber Co, and ha m'ado a tubitantlal concern out of It, cutting noarly 40,000,000 feet thl year, with plan to construct a now mill In place of tho old one for operation tomo tlmo next icnion. The power plant now under construction will ho oqiilpped with two 1000-klIo-watt genorulor, ono of which will fumlali pownr for operat ing the plnnt nnd tho oilier for run ning tho logging railroad, which will extend out Into thn timber about 17 mile. Tho log will bo brought In by nn otoctrlc locomotive, Tho Modoc Lumbor Co' now saw mill will ho equipped with ollhor two bnnd nnd thn preent gang, or throa band, tho pronont mill bolng equip ped with n band nnd n gang. Tho mill wa operated thl year two nhlft until early In thu fall. A 20-com- portmuut dry glln will a I no bo constructed. Thn plant of tho Klamath Lurnhor ft llox Co., nt Klamath Kail, form' nrly thn Klamath Manufacturing Co., ha been running two xhlfti, turning out 30,000,000 feet thl year, n largo part of which goc through Iti box fnclory. Thl I tho plant form erly owned by tho Into Co, Itobort A. Johnson. It wa told last Rprlng lo thn I'mtI Krult Co , of Hacrnmonto, which uo box hook extensively In It business. Joseph Il-(orglo, of Hncramento, I president of tho com pany and W II Trainer, also of flac ramento, I vlco president nnd gen eral mamignr. Ous A. Krauio I secretary nnd local manager. II. F. Davis I hi assistant and cashlor. Tho same Interest alio opcrnto tho Pine ft Lumber Co., Yakima, Wnsh. Tho Klamath Lumber ft llox Co. ha been running two shift tho last sea son and It year' output will bo about 30,000,000. (rent Hot Manufacturing Center Tho manufacture of boxes I a big Industry In thl section. Tho out put of tho imallor sawmills goc to tho box factories at Klamath Kalli, iDorrls and Dray In fact tho total dally otltpu,t of box shook In till section I estimated to bo about G7G, 000 feet, or a total of 27 carloads, not Including the box plant of the Weed Lumber Co.. at Weed, Calif., which I Just outside of what I com monly known a tho Klamath district. Tho following aro the plants: Illg I.uko Co., Klamath Falls, DO, 000 feet. Cbolsoa nor Co., Klamath Falls, 100,000 foot. Klamath Lumbor ft llox Co., Kla math Kails, 100,000 feet. Ewauna Box Co., Klamnth Falls, 125.000 foot. Algoma Lumber Co., Algoma, Ore., 80,000 feet. Dorrl Lumber ft llox Co., Dorrls, Calif., 45,000 feet. Assoclntod llox ft Lumbar Co., Dorrl, Calif,, CO.'OOO foot, llrny Lumbor ft llox Co., IJray, Cnllf., 70,000 foot. Thn Jiwaunn llox Co., Klamath Kails, bq tlio largest box factory In this section nnd thin yonr It will handlo about 35,000,000 foot of hook, O. 11. Crlslor I prcsldont of tho company; Kred Bchallock, soc- retnry nnd Clnudo II. Daggott, vlco prcsldont. Mr. Daggort lookrt aftor tlio lolling nnd I nn authority on tho! box situation In this region. Tho liwauna llox Co. last winter built ndojaccnt to It box plant a sawmill which storied In May nnd ho u dally capacity of 'OG.OOO fcot, a largo part of which I used In tho box plant. Tho Illg Lakn llox Co., consisting of Mori West, IJIrgo Mason and A. J Voyo, will put through It box fac tory horo about 24,000,000 fcot this ywir. Thl concern also ha con structed a sawmill In connection with It box plant, with a capacity of about 50,000 feet dally. Tho Chelsea llox Co., tho third box plant hero, wa bought by tho Orower' Packlnc & Warehousing Association not long ngo. C. F. Betzor 1 manager of thl plant. An Old Tlmrr Hero A woll-known Oregon lumberman Is (leorgo A. Stephenson, now secre tary of tho Swan Lake Co , of which Alfred Collier I president. This concern I cutting about 0,000,000 fcot this year at It now mill at Swan Lake, about ten mile from Klamath Kalts. Tho lum bor I haulod by tho Strahorn road, (leorgo Stephenson has a lot of good friends among north coast lumber men. lo comes of tho Stophcnson family of lumbermen, of Menominee, Mich., and Marinette. Wis., but has1 been In tho west tho lost ten or 12 years, a considerable part of tho tlmo at Coos Day, Ore. lto was ono of tho organlzor of the Valloy Lumber Co. at Klamath Kails a year or so ago along with Henry and Robert Davis, formerly of Eau Claire, Wis., and sons of Honry D. Davis, of that place. Ho severed his connection with tho Valley Lumber Co. when ho wont Into the Swan Lake enterprise early this year. Tho Valley Lumber Co. oper ates a small mill near Klamath Falls. , Tho saddlo Mountain Lumber Co. has built a mill out on the Spregue river, 37 rallos from Klamath Falls. The Strahorn railroad Is expected to bo oxtended soon to within four miles of the mill, which is equipped with a Ircular and Is expected to say a cou ple of million feet of logs on hand In tho Hpraguo river thl fall. F. Hill HJinlor, tho Klamath Kail mill build er, ha hnd chargo of tho construc tion of this plant.. Ho nlso Mi lit tho mill of tho Illg Lake Dox Co. nnd Is looking nftor tho construction of sev- ornl other new mills In this section. Tho Saddlo Mountain plant Is loca ted at what will bo tho Junction of tho Htrahorn road and tho Spraguo rlvor. This plant will cut about CO, 000 fcot a day and It Is tho Intention to roplaco Its circular saw equipment with a band mill later on, Copt. J. W, Slomcns, n plonoor banker of Kla math Kails, In president of tho Sad rlo Mountain Lumbor Co. Thoro Is a "flock" of mill along tho first 20' mile of tho Strahorn road, running out In an easterly dl-! roctlon from Klamath Fall. These mills aro not all on tho railroad, but haul their output to tho railroad for shipment. Thoy Includo tho Swan Lake Lumber Co; Bchultz & Parks; Whlto Pine Lunber Co; Parker ft Hammaker; Dee & Qulgley; tho Orlsoz mill; tho Saddlo Mountain Lumbor Co; D'Armond Dros. Lumbor Co; Nino Dros. Lumber Co; tho Ham maker Mill, bcsldos tho recently burned plant of tho Crane Lumber Co. It Is estimated that Increased output of the mills In tho Klamath region for 1920 over 1919 will bo 118,000,000 feet. w Mills Underway Tho Klamath Pine Manufacturing Co. Is putting up a slnglo band mill on tho lower end of upper Klamath lako Just north of and adjoining tho plant of tho Pelican Day Lumber Co. D. W. Doc, tho manager of this plant, I an old tlmo western lumberman. KJfteen years ago bo was sales man agor for tho John O'Drlcn Lumbor Co., at Somers, Mont. Ho was ono of tho founders of the Dawson Lum ber Co., Llbby, Mont., now tho Lib by Lumber Co. Ho was on Coos Day for a tlmo and had charge of tho con struction of tho new plant of tho Ap pacho Lumber Co., at Cooley, N. M. Tho Klamath Pine Manufacturing Co. as this concorn Is called, Is being oqulppcd with a circular, but It Is purposed to replace It with a band later on and also to add a gang. Its alto occupies 40-acres and F. Hill Hunter, of the Sawmill Engineering & Construction Co ., Is building the plant. Tho Shaw-Bertram Lumber Co. Is another new plant under construc tion on tho shore of Lake Ewauna, south of Klamath Falls. The offi cers of this company are J. R. Shaw, president of KJamath Falls; A. W. Norblad, of Astoria, Ore., secretary; W. O, n. Smith, Portland, vlco pros dent, and W. J. nortrarn, Klamath Falls, treasuror. Tho company Is In corporntcd for $150,000 and Robert S. Shaw, of tho Itobort S. Shaw Lum bor Co., Portland, a brother of J, R, Shnw, I a director and Is Interontod In tho company. Ho was formerly for years managor of tho Hammond Lumber Co.' operations at. Astoria, Ore, and was prosldcnt of tho West Coast Lumbermen' Association dur ing 1919. J. R. Shaw was managor of tho Hammond Lumbor Co. oper ation at Mill City, Oro. Tho Shaw-Tlortram Lumber Co., has an excellent site and will build a mill equipped with a slnglo band to start with. This concorn last sum mer purchased a unit of over 100, 000,000 feet of excollent plno timber on tho Klamath Indian Reservation, not far from Kirk, nnd tho logs will brought Into Klamath Falls over 'tho Southern Pacific. Mr. Bertram waa formerly manager of tho Oooch Lum bor Co., at Oooch, near Mill City. It Is expected tho now plant will bo In operation early next spring. Tho Lamm Lumber Co., whoso plant Is at Modoc Point, 19 mlloa north of Klamath Falls, rocently In stalled a new CoTlIss 22x30 engine mado by tho Allls-Cnalmers Manu facturing Co. This will glvo It mora power so that It may also add an au tomatic trimmer and a lath machine This concern turns out about 60,000 feet dally, which will give It an out put of over 12,000,000 feet this year. Tho Big Lake Lumber Co., oper ating a mill and retail yard at Kla math Falls, not long ago received a consignment of western red cedar posts from the E. T. Cbapln Co., 8po kano, well known shippers of "life time" posts. These .were without doubt tho first split cedar posts to como Into Klamath Falls and have proved very satlifatcory. Heretoforo native lumber has been used for posts. W. H. Kllngenberg is mana ger of the Big Lake Lumbor Co., hav ing succeded Merl S. West & year or so ngo, when tho latter decided to devote alt his tlmo to tho Big Lakes Box Co., in which ho is heavily in terested. Mr. Kllngenberg was for merly with tho West Tnrlock Lumber & Box Co., at Turlock, Calif., and waa also at one 'time with tho Thur man Door Co., at Madera, Calif. The Ackley Bros, mill, tho pioneer mill at Klamath Falls, waa this sea son changed from a circular to a band 'head "equipment, and has mado a good season a cut. A-A!A wr- l2HgM?MVMMl HUMMOXH , Hqulty No. litti IN TIIJ3 CIRCUIT (X)UIIT OK THK HTATi: OK OKKdON, Will TIIK COUNTY OK KLAMATH. Charles O. Swartzfagor, Plaintiff, vs. Hannah Hlmpson, alio known as ' Hannah Swartzfagor, Defendant. . To Hannah Hlmption, also known ni liannnh Swartzfagor. In the namn of tho State of Oro gon: You nro horoby roqulrod to nppour nnd nnswnr tho complaint filed ngalutH you In tho nbovo en titled suit on or boforo tho 24th day of January, 1921, that being tho last day of publication of thl sum mons, and If you foil so to appoar, anwor, domur, pload or otherwise mova, for want thoroof thn plaintiff will apply to tho Court for tho relief prayod for In hi complaint, to-wjf for a docroo of this court annulling, sotting nsldo and decreeing as void tho said marriage between plaintiff nnd defendant, and for such other nnd furthor rollof a to tho court may soom moot and equltnbla and propor, Thl Hiimm'onH Is sorvod upon you, tho' said defendant, by publication thoroof In Tho Evening Herald, n nowapnpor of gonoral circulation printed and publlshod In Klamath Fallu, Klamath County, Oregon, for six, (C) COIlBOCUtlVO wookH (bovou (7) Inxorntlon,) tho first publtcntlou bolng Docembor 13, 1D20, and tho last publication being January 24, 1921, by order of tho Honorable D. V. Kuykondall, Judgo of tho Cir cuit Court of tho Stato of Oregon for tho County of Klamath, nnd tho said ordor was mndo nnd datod tho 28th dny of October, 1020. All procoBB nnd papora In this pro coodlng may bo sorvod upon tho un dersigned residing within tho State of Oregon, nt tho address horoaftor montlnnod, WALTKIl O. VAN HMON AND AU(1- U8TIN DONOVAN. Attoruoys for Plaintiff. Address; 200-10 Wllllts Iildg., Kla nath Falls, Ore, Doc. 13-20-27 Jan. 3-10-17-24 ? t X 'All Evening and Semi-Dinner Gowns in cluded in this sale ANDROSS-GLOVER Style Shop 707 Main St Phone 341 W .. a. ; .M.M See Our Window Display and be Convinced of OurWONDERFUL VALUES SHOP IN KLAMATH FALLS : Announcing Our First After-Chrislmas Clearance Sale of Dresses, Coats, Suits at Reductions of I T ? t t t K Price or Less - Every garment representing our usual standard, of Style and Quality. Not one but what is marked at Cost Y, X Ptir4 Ann mn nvr svir hnAfii rm- pAtifFminfv urifK ru vrl . f-k nauai rmrv (ynnnAntf aviii ats Iibva risaoirlaorl . that all must go now Our entire stock is absolutely without reservations and at Prices that will amaze you. X Everyone marked in Plain Figures. Come in and make your, own selections. Just & I n XA of Price Marked on Ticket $ Remember, you are buying exclusive, well selected merchandise and at a shop which nas only been open three months. So you may be assured that you are not getting left-overs. Many garments suitable for early Spring A fi "i . ' wear. 1 ma is your opportunity. ? t T T r I & LJM f Reduction on 4 1 nil OslOL 707 MAIN STREET Andross-vJover otyle ohop klamath falls BLOUSES. PETTICOATS, KAYSER UNDER- WEAR, SWEATERS, FURS, CREPE DE CHIN5 $ UNDERWEAR, SPORT SKIRTS, SPORT COATS, & CREPE AND OUTING GOWNS X !:! 707 MAIN STREET X XKH$v.t