VffiRS b feii ! Evening Herald I'niirl Hli Veiir. No. niMIH KLAMATH I'AI.LH. OUIJUON, I'ltlDAY, DKCILMIIKK , linso. Price- FIto Cent 1 I Yr w.juw"".j ii ' CrssllmC Li. v iKmJ t AUTO SHOW HUDSON CARS PLANED FOR HOLD CONTRAST NUISmiNl) .An nillo show for Klainnth Knll. Thin l not only n possibility, hut n probability. In fact auto enthusiasts nnd dealer In thin city huvn talked over tlin mutter frmii Hi many Angles, nml tlm preponderance of opinion norm, to t thnt thin city la ideally located for mi niitorprlno of till) sort, and Hint thn miidelii shown and sold luini by lucul dealer rup rnnont tlin inbit desirable cam thn nutnlnic world possesses. In order to properly stugn nn auto how, thnni mint he sufficient d In piny room. Moro than Hint thn ills- play floor mint l to situated that can can ho movod upon It without difficulty, and plnnty of light In nn ot her requirement Needless to my, n central location U very desirable. Previous to thU limn thn absence of n nliow room waa a positive hnndlcnp to thn arranging of a show or thU somewhat pretentious nut tiro. Now, liowatur, tha romplotlon of Hcandl nnrlau hall eliminates thli handicap, nnd t ho floor spare afforded there. CSxlOO feet, with a haiemonl alio BVallahlo It It U needed, will Iniuro nil thn room necessary ThU ahow will not ho held until prlng, prohahly latn In tha spring, nnd thern U plenty of tlmn In which to arrango every detail. Thn promo ters nrn enthusiastic nrer thn out look for a tremondoiiily successful ahow, nud their plana will ho grad ually unfolded nn thn spring season approaches. To net nn Idea of thn riimnrknhlo nlrldnn mndn In tlm building of motor rtirn In thn Inst'decado, one (weds innrely to ant mi nnrly model of nny mako alongsldo thu lattor day product of thn anmii factory thn contrast la rathnr startling nnd to a enrlnln extent humorouii In a measure thn mi in n effect la produced hy plncliig plcturei of thu early nnd lute moileln nillo hy nlile Thn lludnnn supnrnilx cnhrlolot, thn nnwent, nud certainly n mont nt- trnetlvn nddltlon to tlin lludnon linn, In nn Inclosed two-anatnr. Hornral of theni havn nlrnady been disponed of hy Mnrold 1. Arnold, thu Call fornln dlntrlhiiter. It mnken n par ticular appeal hecnunn of Ita beauty of hody linen, Ita aninrt flttlnRn, Itn eleicancn of flnlnh nnd Ita Interior comfort Ttio beauty of Ita linen Hon largely In tliolr almpllclty, which, however, nrn relieved of noverlty liy thn Krnrofut curre of thn roof, thn hell of tlm body and ttio molded fend ern. I'lnUlinl fn Itlrli (Irera Finished In a doop, rich green, the body In effectively not off by thn black, lung-grain leather top, black fnndnr nnd lack striping on tho louvres, Tho top Iticlf la atallonary, thn eiternaj bown adding to Ita rigid ity nnd lending distinction to Hi appearance. Thn Interior In uphol sturud In dark green fabric to hnr moultn with tho hody color, whllo tho straight aeat cunhlon In unusually devp and comfortnhln nnd provide" n mrplui of room for two persona. In complatnnoin of dotal! thin mod el In worthy of special comment, A visor protects tho eyen of tho drlvur OF ' (THIS C01V 5TUDEBAKERS I IS YOUNG BUT HASARRIO I IN (Continued to Togo S) Htudnbnkors, n wliolo cnrlond of thorn, huvu Just arrived hero fur del ivery to thn Dunhnm Auto company, Just supplying a demand which baa been turning K. A. Dunham' hair gray for many months. Sir. Dun ham, hy tho way, In tho proprietor of tho Dunham Auto company, nnd la one of thu pioneers In tho business horn having been selling autos to people In thin vicinity about 10 years. Thin shipment Includes big sixes nnd special alxon, nnd Is going to mnku several prospective purchajon happy. Mr. Dunham nlso wishes to remind Htuduhnkur ndmlrcra that a shipment of light sixes, "(ha perfectly bal anced car." will arrive beforo a groat while. Thin car In low priced nnd ban u string of admirers ns long as thn Houthern Pacific railroad. Of courso tho Dunham Auto com pany does not bandlo tho Studcbakcr exclusively, Kronkllns, nnd Starling und Republic trucks being Included among thn many cars sold by It. Hlxth and Onk strcots Is tho location of .this company. IXKI'KCTINO PISTON HINtiH Among tho nowcr business ontnb llnhments In this city Is tho Shnsta Auto Top company, this concern on 'torlng business Ufa hero on tho 'fourth of December. Frank 0. Illst land John I'auly aro tho firm mom 'born, and they mako a specialty of jmnklng nuto tops, repairing them, land upholstering seats or nny other Whllo Infants In point of ago among business firms boro, they aro rathor husky youngsters, tholr busi ness having grown beyond tholr most sangulno expectations, Tbo Shasta Auto Top company Is located at 228 Sixth street, at tbo cornor of Walnut. STEP ON HFi SHE RESPONDS JOINING CHAIN KSUti A good check on tho condition of tho piston rings may bo had by fool ing tbo crank caso. If It Is hotter than usual, It Is probable that thoro Is leakage past tha rings, which cither aro worn or stuck In their grooves becauso of carbon deposits. Tho easiest way to join tho ends of a driving chain Is to Jack up tho rear whcol and then engago tho links of ono ond of the chain with -tho teeth of tho countershaft sprocket. If the rear wheel Is then turned until It Is posslblo to engago tho first link of tho other ond of tbo chain with that tooth of tho sprocket which brings tho links to bo Joined togeth er and If tbo wheol Is then turned back far enough so that both ends of tho chain aro held on tbo sprocket, It will bo an easy matter, especially It a small center punch Is used, to lino up tho holo and Insert tha con necting pin or bolt. Tho automobile Industry In Franco employs approximately 200,000 poo-plo. "Yes sir, I own a Lexington. Dought It from C. L. McWHIIams last summer, and drovo all over tha country with It up to Crator lake and dozens of other places. Tho bost I can say for tho car Is that ovcry tlmo I stepped on hor sho responded And I'vo nover had to walk back home, either." In theso words did W. C. Davon- port glvo his opinion of his Lexing ton car. It Is a six-cylinder macblno, known as tbo "Minute Man." Itepalni havo been trifling, and summed up brlofly ho says tho car Is a better ono that ho oxpected to get when ho mado tho purchase Of courso It has ono fault In com mon with all other cars, and that Is that It wont run without gas, but at that says Mr. Davenport, "I don't bellevo It requires nearly so much gas as othor cars of Its class," Mr. McWHIIams, agent for tho Lex ington for this district, Is In busi ness at 3C Main street, and believes that tho Lexington is duo to enjoy a run of popularity hero that will eclipse anything It has enjoyed In tbo past. TlltK NTMIIKK OF VAM7K Motorists havo a'valuablo asset In tho soria! numbers appearing on tho aldo walls of their automobile cas ing. Recorded, thoy cnablo tbo owij era to traco casings lost or stolen. Tbo repair men are glad to Icoop theso figure tacts for tholr custo mers. These aro also useful In de termining mlloago records and ser vice, according to Miller tiro of ficials.. . 1921 WILL BE BIGGEST TEAR an c u "Thoro Is nothing to It," was the torse manner In which Gun Dlad dis posed of tbo questien: "Is tho tight money market affecting tho nuto mobllo business?" Mr. Dlad is dis trict sales manager of the Maxwoll Motor Sales corporation ot Port land, Oregon. "Tho automobllo bus iness Is picking up nil ovor tho north wost, and In no state quite as fast as In Orogon. Money Is not scarce so far as legitimate Investment Is concornca and banks look upon tho automobllo business as legitimate. You can put it right down in your little book that 1921 is going to be tho biggest year In the history ot tho Industry. Already Impulse Is being folt. The MaxwoT company Is mak ing eterr preparation necessary to resumo normal production on Janu ary 3, and thoro will bo no let up un til tho end of the year. "Tho financing ot automobile pur chases has been so arranged (bat anyone who really wants a machine can get a Maxwell, and Mr. Howie, as tho local representative for tho Maxwell wilt explain Just what Is nec essary to becomo possessor of one." Mr. Dlad roturned to Portland this morning as enthusiastic over Kla math Falls as bo Is over tho Max well car. As good as the best that's what It's going to he. Speaking ot tho com ing Auto Show, ot courso. Snow does not Interfere with auto traffbln Krsraith'Falln they're all out as usuaf. '' SfrSS.M$ Announcement WHITE PELICAN GARAGE IS NOW OPEN IN THE NEW IMPROVED LOCATION IN THE HAUGER BUILDING, STREET, ACROSS FROM WHITE PELICAN HOTEL. MAIN . i 1 CHEVROLET Sales and .Service .. -f i . COMPLETE STOCK OF CARS AND PARTS WILL BE HERE ABOUT THE FIRST OF THE YEAR. WE WILL HAVE A FULL STOCK OF ACCESSORIES AND EXPERT FACTORY MECHANICS AND ,YOU CAN DEPEND ON PROMPT SERVICE. A GOOD ASSORTMENT OF USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROlti NOW. E&CELLENT BUYS. CALL AND SEE THE NEWEST GARAGE IN TOWN. I ' t L O. ARENS, Prop. .!.,- x'7 fff $' . r' .k.i 'V ify tnti -. f I'.f PHONE 49-W rf ':rw ; ., H JV it.tf'. I fcWtt ?. fcj..Ctfj JpnrH lsJMi Hat t T T t T T t t T t f .ittwm!,! -rs(. ii$KH .himmt aM tl B if,- - V F.