The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 23, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TnimfWAY, nnonMnKn an, loao.
llotullnm come from tlio noil mill lit
tint tlm result of tlio luollioil of cun
ning olive or otluir viiKntnlilon.
'I'M In scientific discovery wnn kIvmi'
to tho wurlil by tli ii mini who nimbi
tlm illMr((vnri'y Dr. J. (J (lolgor, sur
geon United Htiitcit health norvlco,
nponkltiR nt tho ronviiiitlon of health
officer lit tlio Motel rortlnml. Fur
thermore. It win nn outbreak In Kln-
Intllll l.'itll.. fir wlilrli Hiitiiillfiil flmi
.., ,, ., .. ,, ., minute ii it nr pressure, which
mlnnlng link In tlio Invent iKatltm nn , ., ... nn , , .
, ... i.i. .1 Imnken tlm product nnfo. This, jio nt
to llin cniun of death from ontlng, . .... ... , ,,
..ii.,.- ii. mi i . .1 ed out tho nventlgntor, I more thnit
olive. Dr. (lolgnr explained t lint tlm L. . ....
, ' . . ,, tlm homo rnnimr can ilo, for tlio
luventlKntlnii wnn rnrrli'il on by I)r . , '. ..
,, ., ... , ...... ii. htmio-cntiiier doe not hnvo tlio
I. IT. IltrlfBtiri nf Uliiiiftiril imlvnrillv
' Iftftlllmiifinf Inrrlflft
. i'iiiv.i. aw. w. ...
fnctoil food cniiio from garden or or
chard wlinro manure wan used for
(Jook WVII, Ik Ailtlro
To piny nnfo ngalniit thin dondly
hiiK. nlorlllxntltm I tlio only proluc
Hon Tn leu rntinoil food ruiil cook It
'for nt lonl 10 minute before outing,
jiidvbicd )r, (Inlgor, nliil always throw
nwiiy npolled food.
Commercial cnnnnm, iindor nun
gontlnii of tlm commlmiloii, nro now
nidi) to rid Hi fil r product of tlm dun
gor, hut tlm hnmn-rnntilng Industry,
pnrtlrtilnrly In California, nnM tlm
ncleiitlnt, In In n lind wny. The hurt
hn been iihlo to rnnlnt 230 degree
of bent for 30 mlnjiteu mid boiling
for four hour, recounted Dr. leii:er.
'to hIiow botullnu ImcllliiK orn cx
Itroinnly hnrily. Now cniiiinm null-
Ijnrt tlio food to 240 degree for 10
Horse Saves 1000 Children
lr. K. K. Moynr of tlio ynlvonilty of
(.'nllfiirnlii mid himself, ropronoullng
tlio Hulled Htnte nurgoon Kiiniirnl'ii
offlre. Imt Dr. l.nwnmro HolltiiK of
I'ortlnnd, who wnii In nttntnlnnco nt
tlm convention Informed tlio mmom1
hied Imnllli officer Hint Dr. (lolgor
wan tlm scientist wjo hnd tracked
tlio germ to tlm noil
Ollim I lino Clenn I lit I
When ii number of death occurred
In varlnu part of tlio country from
xntliiK Cnllfornln ollv, tlm tint lonnl
ennnnrn' nnnoclntlon rnliod 150,000
tn-flniwiro an Investigation to dlncov
r whnt wf. wronKi whether the
fault wna In tlio proem of prenorvlng
tlio ollvon or wliothcr anmulhliig wan
wrong with tlio food Dm, l)lrkon,
Moynr and driver worn lalnctod to
carry on tlio work and hnvo pinned
down on n concrnto fact tlm nourca
of tlm fatallUe In In tlio earth. Tlm
olive hnvo been given a clonn hill of
health Insofar an thny nro concerned,
but tlm (Miotic Jinn hecoino urn red of
olive and a 30.000,000 Industry In
California tin henn ruined.
Ilncllliu liotullnim, explained Dr
(lnlciir, U wldenprend In naturn and
tlm InventlRatora liaro ncarcnly
ntnrled on tlio aubjnet. Tlio nporea
.Iibvii boon found on vrgiitnlilei, fruit,
meat and flih. Whom the InventlKa
tora hnvo been able to follow up out'
b'rcnk thoy bavn found that tbo In
i i i . i , m. 1
Let's j&o
K Jnttuftw.y to
N,i KWlDAarment
tr'OT '.."fir"".
. J yrXTr nvimmnwui
x . w n .
i All .
ijiT ; - r.
U03TON MA33. "WW" v
ii ml n r prennuro to brliiK about thor
mi ith nturlllintlon, Knliium ennnnra,
ho nnld, will como to n realization
that tin iinnrmotia cook will bo nnc
omnry, but 240 doKrooa for 90 min
utes will clear unlinnn of Imllllun ho
tutlnun. iMoiliol In So Help
l.von nlcoliot, unleim n vory high
piirrontaxn, doaa not foanu botullnua,
Dr, (lelKer told of n man on a Call
fnrnln farm who toniod nil tlm Mate
fruit on the placo Into n bnrrol, throw
In nomn yennt, dlicovorcd tlm ruault
had a "kick" nnd orRimlzed a pokar
party. Twolvo men who participated
and drank tlio ntuff died. Tlio nporea
hnvo been found on urnpen, but (bun
far tbo Invontlicatlon hnn not dlnclon
ed tbo nport In wlno; aomethlnic In
the procean of fermentation may den
troy them, but Dr Oeliter In not pre
pared to illicum thin mutter with au
thority yet.
IteipondliiK to a qucntlon by Dr
Andrew C. flmlth, Dr. (Iclcer nnld
that oil inndo from Infected olivet
carry the Iiuk! that tlio ollvo oil op-
licarn to bo n Reed carrlor.
1(1.1 Cimrn In Kouth
Tharo havu been 1C3 known cane
of botullnm In California. IlccnrdlnR
tho olive which started tlio Inve-itv-Katlon,
thoy came from two yard,
ono at Orovlllo and tho othor at
Mndney, two of tho bent yard In the
ntato. Ilaclllu botutlnu wa found
Ui tho dint on the olive. Canon
havo boon traced to tbo public mar
ket In Kan Kranclnco and nearby
towna and cnen dovolopod nt Sara
toRa, Cal.
Klamath Falln, Or., nuppllcd tho
final claw, where a comploto hlitory
and IntentlRntlon wan pontlble. Kor
u number of yearn bean hnd been
Rrown by n woman In her garden and
homo-cannod by tbo cold pack pro-
cuu. Iint winter tho woman opened
a can of beann; they did not nmell
wholenoina and nhe throw thorn out
to the chicken. Noxt mornlne all
were ifend aavo ono, which had "llm
huriKjck " Dr. OolRor nppeared on tbo
nceno Ho found that tho beann hnd
hoeti canned In tho sumo mnnner nn
In pruvloiu yearn, but Hint tho gar
den for thin pnrtlculnr crop hnd
, The Fortune Teller I Zw
i r--Tz i mm.
.iw mtv
s -. i viva - vzymw ' i
vAwtxvj iJmi ami. rtAiurX 4 iLtii f A-,Miitl fAiii. WftwJU . I
f unuur wv i,- virwi iwrm-,! i uuK.uinwwnw i itMiit,vwn. r a
I to otT a ntcKTtt, JJLM' nt ut this ) vsMQfynZm,- tf tSfSHtSSKKMBSA
been fertilized with mnnuro. Tbo
InvcnllRntor Rot nomo of tho beann,
tho chicken nnl dug up noinu bcan
ntnlkn and noil nnd carried them
away. Tho annlynln (Unclosed that
baclllu botullnua was In tho soil. DHSTItOV IIIItD
i'.m:mii:.s or ql'aii.
IIOM.IHTKU. Cal., Dec. 23. 8an
Ilenllo county hunters are preparlne
for n big Jay shoot to bo hold during
tho second week of January an a
Noto Tho lions who succumbed ',... ,,,i ,u ,; i ihi.
to tho effects of tho boan feed re-L.ctloni Thu ,,, jaVi accordnB to
Order Your Suit Now
: : Prices of Woolent have been reduced Per
' feet fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery.
i our inspection invicea.
Merchant Tailor.
forrcd to, woro owned by Mrs. Btrnn
Johnson of thin city. Dr. Qelgcr
tamo horo last sprlnR and remnlned
for thrco or four days Invettlgutlng
tho case. At that tlmo ho an
nounced that ho wan satisfied tbo
botullmus bacclllun was bred In tho
soil, and was quoted to thai of fan
In local papers and over tho Asnocl
nted I'rots circuit.
Cattle Tick Is
Wiped Out In
Many States
WASHINGTON, Dec. 23. Tho
cattlo tick Is fast being eliminated
through tho work of tlm department
of agrlculturo and tho co-operation
of tho statos. Of tho 15 state which
woro tlck-lnfosted when tho work of
eradication systematically began on
July 1, 190C, six of thorn havo been
completely freed of tho pest. These
states nro California, Kentucky, Mis
slsnlppl, Mlnsourl, South Carolina and
During tho year ending Dec. 1,
1920 more than SO.000 square miles
woro freed of tlckn and slnto tho
work began In 190C, tho area releas
ed ban been 510,091 nquaro miles.
That In 70 per cont of tho 728.5(15
nquaro ml lei Infested with tho tick
when tho eradication campaign be
gan. Tho area remaining to. bo clear
ed comprises 2111,474 square miles,
all of which Is In tho southern state.
reports to gamo officials, Is fond of
quail eggs and Is an enemy of tho
young quails.
Two teams each contalng more than
30 men will spend the week In the
shoot. The team bringing In tho
largest number of birds will bo tho
guests of the lesicr at at a banquet.
1'ay part down now, and a little
each week until Xmas, and we will
reserve for you any gift you may
select from cur stock. Johnstone Fur
niture Co. CtC
Saturday Is Christmas day. What
aro you going to glvo her! Why not
something usoful as well as orna
mental? All our hato, blouses and
petticoats, clearing at one-halt price
only. Oorturudo & Co., 627 Main St.
Fancy Xmasr candles packed
order at tho Dluo Ulrd.
Call nt 129 N. 5th for cast oft
men's clothing. 22-23
Our specialty Is candy packed, to
order In any quantity. Tho llluo
Tclln Why Kreryone Klioul ii Drink
Hot Water With I'lio-ipliuto
In It llrforo llerakfiut
HEIIKELEY, Calif., Dec. 23 "Allco," a plain aorrel rnaro. owned
by Miss .Margaret Williams, has saved 1,000 ehlldron's lives In tho last
tow years. Every 35 days two gallons ot blood aro taken from tho
homo and mado Into diphtheria serum at a laboratory here. Tho horsa
Is carefully fed and watched at all times.
Hoadaches aro caused by autoin
toxication which meunn self-poison
Ing, I.Ivor and bowel poisons called
toxins, nucked Into tho blood excite
tho heart which pumps tho blood so
fast that It concents In tho nmnllor
arteries and veins ot tho head, pro-'
duclng violent, throbbing pain and
distress, called hcadacho. You be
come nervous, .despondent, sick, fev
erish nnd miserable, vour meals nour I
and nlmojlit nauieato you. Then you I
resort to acotunilld, aspirin or the
bromides, wlhch temporarily rellovo!
but do not rid tho blood of these lrrrl-1
tatlng toxins.
A glass of hot water with a tea-
apoonful ot limestone phosphato In
It, drank before breakfast will not
only wash these polsonn from your
systom and euro you ot hcadacho, but
will cleanse, purify and freshen tho
alimentary cannl.
Ask your pharmacist for a quarter
pound of llmcstono phosphate. It Is
Inoxpenslvo, harmles, as sugar.
It you aren't feeling your best, If
tonguo s coated or you wake up
with bad tasto. foul breath or havo
colds, (ndlgcntlon, biliousness, consti
pation or sour, acid stomach, begin
tho phosphated hot water euro to rid
your system ot tolns and poisons.
t4H1 rfHtfrtttttttTttTit1-i't
We have just completed arrangements
which enables us to deliver your photograph
to you 24 hours after you place your order.
It is unnecessary to call your attention to
the high class work and artistic finish of
Henline Photographs. They are speaking
for themselves today in most of Klamath
county's homes. rA photograph is an ideal
Christmas gift, a constant reminder of your
affection and regards to the receiver.
Remember, we are open' evenings and
Sundays and will finish your photograph
within twenty-four hours so you will have i
See our large stock of picture frames of Z
silver, ivory and wood, the largest stock be- I
tween Portland and San Francisco.
We are offering them at exceptionally
low prices. See them.
'Across from Court House
Phone 39 for Appointments
Our Sale Prices Are Still the Same
Store Open Friday Night Until 8 o'Clock
Clothing, Hats and Shoes One - Half Price
Special Silk Hose Prices Below Wholesale Today. Make
Him a Present of a Box -
M 4.
New Arrivals
Oregon City BATH ROBES
Carhartt's and Head
light Overalls $1.75,
not $1.78
HMiiUB,Ilil-i-i -Illli1IiI'vJB