The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 23, 1920, Image 1

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Wt lEunmn MttsfiX
Today's News
A Class Ad Will
Do It
l'inir(iTiitll Vixtr. No. fW07.
KLAMATH I'AI.I-H. OHtiOOS, TJft'llSIAV, MXll'MHVAl -!.', HttO.
Price FIto Cents
(IiknIp lii courthouse mill I'kI fir
rli'H today wits tinged wllli mlrtli. im
Hid result nf tin- luteal order of Urn
county court In tlm courlhou.u con
troversy. Uiwyur rnrki'il their minds anil
failed to recall whom mill when ho
torn In tlm hUtory of American JiitIh
prudoiicn, u court of record had ovur
been nurvuil with n mandatory onlur
from ii lower court.
"Tfi'nro was n rumor, too, of mi un
easy Intnrvnl for Coroner Karl WhlN
lock, who called upon circuit Judgo
In tlm rolit of process server thu
shurlff being nun of tlm purtles sorv
oil with trluinvratd'n onlur and nc
cordlngly disqualified for tlm doll
cntn errand-while tlm court consid
ered whuthor or not It would tuko
ognlzanrn of tln contempt-
Actinic upon Judge Cimpboll'i dlr-0f meat by I. Lawronco of tlio Kla
octlon to tho sheriff nt tho opening 'math Packing company, and demon
of tho lnnoroll inurdor trial, thu clr.,trt0D r thn prossuro cooker In
cult courtroom In thn new Main
-..i. !.- n.u Mnln
street courthouso was fitted up and
ocupled. When Judgo Campbell va
catod, Judge Kuykendalt leathered
together his official lares and pona
tes, Including thu court rucords, arid
mored p.
Id ho longthy paper which has
no legal validity because It has no
our co of competent Jurisdiction
prepared by thn county court, It Is
solemnly "furthor ordered by this
court that any records, furnlturo, or
other property belonging to Klamath
county, that may hare for any pur
pose been removoa from tho court
house of Klamath cdunty Into said
aw building, which la now and ha
bMn for some tlma subjsct of imita
tion, be, by the officer legally en
titled to possession or ssld proporty,
replaced In tbe courthouse, of Kla-
V- nath county"
When tbe reporter visited tho now
building today, all was calm and
there waa no ovldenco that a remov
al was contemplated.
"TIs a weird document that was
concocted In a frenzied final strug
gle to mulnlaln the slipping foothold
of tho county court In the courthouse
It arrogates unto Itsolt powers more
monarchlal than Judicial. "Sweeping
Injunction" Is no misapplied term In
connection with this Instrument, by
vlrtuo of which "all offlcors, employ
ees or citizens of said county, and
stato officers ot Klamath county, aro
hereby notified that undor no cir
cumstances shall thoy allow any pro
perty or records, bolonglng to Kla
math county, under thulr Jurisdic
tion or control to bo removed from
their presont location into said build
ing on Illock 35."
Upon what dope, doth now- our
might -Ccasar draw. Prunes or pop-
Does tho Inclusion ot tho clttzon
ry of Klamuth operate to croato n
constabulary to onforca tho court's
commands, or Is It morely a blan
Vet precaution Insorted hlt-or-mlss
i to cover legal Ignoranco
Throughout a thousand words of
twaddle, similar absurdities outcrop
at every turn. All law Is founded
on thn cortalnty ot common sonso ap-
' plication and If tho paper woro val-
ld, courts would bo onvolopod In
jchaos, for, upon tho whim of n coun-
ty's executive officer, tho bonch
' might bo Jerked from beneath the
blghoat mnglstrato of tho county,
. dowu-slttlng In all tho dignity with
which his Judicial office clothes him.
Tho law contemplates tho playing of
no such schoolboy pranks upon the
judicial sorvantH ot tho stato, but
schoolboy minds nro found oven In
high oxoeutlvo placos.
Llko othor notions tho attempt
ed lovy of tho $50,000 Itom for Hot
Springs courthouso construction, for
instance tho prohibition ot tho
county court against occupancy ot
kibe Main atroot courthouso Is grand-
stand ulny. Tho pooplo eloctod tho
wresont county court to perform a
' npecltlc thing, to comploto tho Hot
$ Springs courthouso. Tho county
court might havo boon In a position
to carry out tho contract had tho sit
promo court not rovorsod Judgo Ham
ilton. That Judgo Hamilton would
be rovorsod novor ontorod Into tholr
(Continued to Fago 4)
Bend Close to
Top In Drive
to Aid Starving
III:NI), Doc. 23 Tlio official op.
onlng of tlm ratnpnlgn for contrl-l
bullous to aid tliu starving children'
of Europe did not open until Mon
itar, tint nlrony $1,300,00 of Bend's
liiotn of f 1,760 linn linan turnoil In,
It wnii announced by tlio local com
inlttoo. Tlm nmount In wull In ox
conn of two-thirds of tlio rlly's nl
i lotmnnt, Boforo tho week's end
Bend's present obligation to human-
,lty will lin discharged and Chrlstmni
ilny mny limuijoyoil without a nuiilm
of coiuclonco fur a duty neglected
Tlm final session of tho four day's
convention of members of tho Kla
mnth county form bureau was hold
this afternoon. Had weather reduced
Ithn attendance. Initructton In cuttlns
i ., . i .... ..
prapnnng mo lougnor cms uy
Ksnnle Virgil, domostlc selonco teach
er, formed an Interesting part ot tho
afternoon program for women.
Discussion of drnlnago and Irriga
tion problems by K. I. Applegsto was
a feature of tho morning session,
Much good has resulted from (bo
farm bureau convention, through
tho Interchange ot Ideas between
members and the Instruction In
farm methods and use ot farm ma
Livestock breeding was given a
great Impetus through tho offers ot
local bankers of blooded stock to
head boef and dairy berds, and also
swine and sheep breeding.
While bad weathar and bad roads
rod u cod attendance far below what It
would havo been had tho weather
been more favorablo, the very fact
that so many Ignored tho woathor In
order to attend the dally sessions Is
convincing proof of the Interest that
Klamath farmers aro taking In tho
work of tho farm bureau.
Well, boys and girls, who want a
sled for Christmas horo's your
Santa Claus, or at lost his repro
sontntlvo, called on tho Herald edit
or yesterday afternoon and submit
tod a proposal to bo passod on to
tho Klamath Falls boys and girls.
Ho promeses to g'lvo tho boy or
girl, under twolvo years old, who
wrltos tho best letter to flantn Claus,
In their own hand writing nnd with
out any aid from othors, a handsomo
slod tho brand-now, flvo dollar
Tho slod went onto oxhlblttnn In
tho Horald window today.
Tho contest closos at ono o'clock
tomorrow and tho award ot tho slod
will bo nindo as soon as Santa Claus
has dotormlnod who Is tho best cor
This Is protty short nottco, ot
courso, but Santa's roprcsontattvo
has Just arrlvod In tho city nnd Is
giving as much tlmo to tho contest
nil possible
And, boya and girls, It you'll sit
right down nnd start tho lottors as
soon ns you'vo read this, then bring
thorn to tho Horald otflco tomorrow
morning don't mall thom for thoy
may nrrlvo too lnte you will hnvo
plenty ot tlmo. .
Evory lottor rocolvod up to ono
o'clock Friday will bo consldorod.
Santa's frlond Is Intorostod In ed
ucation and tho lottors will bo
Judgod from, tho viewpoints of neat
ness, good penmanship, grammar,
punctuation, English and composi
tion. Thoro la no catch anywhoro. Tho
conditions are: Ago undor 12
yoara; lottors wrltton without help
from anyono; and thoy must bo In
tho Horald otflco boforo 1 o'clock
tomorrow (Friday.) Placo all lot-
tors In an, onvolopo nnd address to
I'Santa Claus, cara ot Tho Horald."
Tho slod Is In tho Horald otflco
wlndod. If you boo It you'll want
i D
Dairying Great Industry For
Upbuilding of Klamath County
Declare the Men Who Know
"In tlio Wnko of tlio Drought."
That wnH tho tltln of nil nrtlclo which
aipiiiinil In tho Country (lentloman
of December 28, 1918, thu nrtlclo
tolling of thu struggles of farmer
in tho Kfoat dry country In norlliortrcompuU-nt corps of farm,' bureau
Montana, or which Havre, Is tho workers, Is promoting thn Introduc
mutropolls, during tho two preceding 'lion ot pure bred cattlu, tho Hhort
growing sensons, years when not n horn breed bolng selected as thn best
send germinated In land which had;briod, In their opinion, for dual pur
produced prollflcally In 1910. Ac-( poso cattle. Tho recent successes of
compnnylng tho story In tho Court-1 tho ontrymen from this county at tho
try Cvntlcman was a vlow of the Pacific International livestock ei-
Onorgo Forgo homestead, showing,
flumes on either end through which
u little water trickled from tho cou -
Ico, not vory much, but still suffl -
dent to gormlnato seod even In tho
vory dry year ot 1918. Mr. Korgo
still owns tho homostoad near IUvro,
but ho has forsaken farming llfo.
perhaps only temporarily, and ' Aleves that this county offers oppor
now In business In this city as gen-' . . .. Hoionmn, of tho
oral agent for the Montana Lite In
surance company.
Htorius with a kick, tho kind ot
stories that produce results, must bo
founded upon rollablo facts and corn-
parlsons. and now, after a residence
here of only six months, during which
Mr. Korge has had occasion to visit
almost every part of Klamath coun-
ty. ho feels that he is competent to
presont compronensivo comparison.
between this region and tho region
In which ho lived for years and which
would still bo known as tho home ot
contented, and successful farmers, It
thoy. tho farmers, had accepted tho
doctrine of diversified farming and
raised stock, and then mora stock,
more extensively than they did. Mr.
Korgo spoko particularly boUt cM
tie, dairy cattle, of course, but hi Is
a firm bollever In the raising ot
cow . .u-.. ------""
his experience that the dairy business
. . . a tl nJ tnnwa fAt
can bo developed hero to a
ful extent. It was done In tho big
dry country of Montana what then
wh ere
aro tho possibilities here,
droughts aro unknown, whore we.
havo Irrigation, giving to tho farm-,
era water when they want It. and as
much as they want ot It?
PIrh From TlilMlr
Mr Forgo tells
remarkable. )ct
icrcdlblo stories ot
successful dairy
ventures which grow from very small
beginnings, back In the Havro coun
try. From n land of only a fow scrub
dairy cows big creamory Interests
havo developed. And, , unbolleve-
ablo as It may seem, Mr. Forge states
that during tho drougth ho harvest
ed an enormous crop ot Russian
thlstlos, tho kind that grow best when
tho weather Is driest, converted It
Into sllago, and ted It to his cattle
with splendid results. Compare tho
mllU producing properties of tho vic
ious Russian thlstlo with tho milk
or cream producing properties ot tho
alfalfa, bluo grass and sunflower
crops that can bo successfully grown
boro year aftor year without Inter
mission, and you havo one ot the rea
sons why Mr. Forge Is so enthusi
astic ovor tho opportunities open to
vmrLnj-irii-ini-y-.-.-n- - - - - - - , - - - - - - - -
It mon nnd women 'aro not omployod, thoy cannot con
sumo. It peoplo don't consume, tho farnior cannot soil
his crops, the merchant his stock and tho manufacturer
his product.
Mon and women cannot bs omployed unless you keep on
buying. Keop on buying now that prices aro down don't
Oy no't buying what you need, you prevent tho consump
tion ot things on which you dopond for your own living.
Why wait, now that prices nro down?
Waiting moans less work all down the lino In factories,
railroads, banks, retail and wholesale stores, otc.
Waiting only moans unemployment, unemployment means
less consumption of tho products ot farm and factory
nnd goneral business stagnation.
.Which moans broad-linos.
You can't soil your crops or your labor to tho broad-lino
Koop on buying what you need now,
I -.i - -
f.wmon horn to dovolop this region
'into a wipurlntlvoly successful dairy
At thu present tlino, County Agent
K II. Thomas, with an unusually
position at Portland Is well-known
to all llvo Klamath county residents.
, Sufficient to say, Mr. Thomas Is on
'tho right track, particularly In tho
'endeavor to weed out all excopt rcg-
litercd sires.
Hern Dairy Future
. ,, Thom.. .,ko , Fon.
dairy Industry on on extcnslvo scalo,
and believes that Holstelns, particu
larly, embody the qaullflcatlons nec
essary In tho cattle which must bo
Introduced If thn county Is going to
como nt0 jlt own a, dairy center,
. .. .. ., Thoma.
, ; J.....O. t0T thi
purpote ,her reputltion for bolng
unibe , KV0 f0od results Is colder
cmi,, b,nt more fanecd than real.
Land In this county, can bo de
pended upon to produce consistent,
If not wonderful, yields ot barley and
oats. These grains make very satis
factory silage and splendid food for
Alfalfa, at least two crops every
year, grows proflflcally here. And
sunflowers, averaging from 25 to 30
tons to the acre, considered among
the 'best foods tor cattle, can be
grown here with tremendous r.uecess.
,,inmin .k?
lVhat more can the dairyman, ask?
Tno government is iakuik u wai
ter of Irrigation In this region very
seriously, and water, tho dairy
man a ocsi menu, can ou icturcu iu
Tfu Iutrbrcxl Hulls .Vow
At tbe present time, according to
approximate figures by thi county
'agriculturist, there-aro not more than
10 registered bulls In tho county. The
registered fcmnles nro nlso vory few.
However, while the situation In this
county Is Improved every tlmo n reg
istered femnls Is brought Into It, still
tho big endeavor Is to have noho but
registered sires, and In that regard,
tho offer ot K. M. llubb. ot tbe
American National bank ot this city,
to present a sire of dairy breed to tho
community which, within a year
makes tho best showing In tho lm
potratlon of dairy females. Is worthy,
ot the highest commendation.
This county is divided Into 14 dis
tricts, bounded by school district
lines, and a commltteo from the farm
bureau will collaborate with the
bank In working out tho details ot
tha competition, and In making the
award. Equally commendable is tho
(Continued to Page 8)
- - - - - mmm www w
Houston Argues
Against Passage
of Bonue Bill
II y Associated Press.
WASHINGTON, Doc. 23 A gross
deficiency In tho national flnancos
ot $2,100,000,000 for this fiscal
yoar and $1,600,000,000 for tho
next fiscal yoar was forecast today
by Sccrotary Houston boforo tho
sennto flnanco commltteo during
consideration ot tho bonus bill for
ox-sorvlco men.
Ho said that federal finances aro
In such ehapa that now sources of
rovenucs must bo found to meet
tho deficit and no now burdens
should bo added.
For many weeks tho workers ot
tho Presbyterian Sunday school havo
boon very busy making preparations
for tho first Christmas entertain
ment In the new church. It will
take placo Friday evening, Decem
ber 24, beginning at 7 o'clock. If
present plans carry. It will be the
finest eVer given by this Sunday
The entertainment will bo differ
ent In character from any ever given
bofore. It will bo "Tho Holy Story"
In pantomlne. It will be given In
ten scenes on tho platform under
tho spotlight from the sterooptlcon,
while a reador reads tho stories
centering around the brlth of ChrlsL
There will also be an accompani
ment ot soft music during -r-oft of
the scenes.
The ten scones of tho play aro
as follews:
Scene 1 Zacharlas and the an
gel. Scene t The annunciation.
SieaW-iJ Joseph 'ad -Mary at
Scene 4 The Shepherds In tho
Scone 5 The Holy Night at tho
Scene The Presentation In tho
Scene 7 Tbe Wise Men.
Scene 8 Herod's Palace.
Scene 9 Tho WIso Men at the
The Misses Gertrude Parker,
Waive Drew and Graco Farrand
havo worked hard on this play nnd
dcoervo commendation for Its ex
At tbe close ot tho play there will
bo a real, honest to goodness Santa
Claus with bags of candy and nuts
and oranges for every child presont.
Theso havo been prepared by Mrs.
Slough's class. The girls' high
school class have decorated the
church In a most artistic mannor,
all ot which with the largo treo
makes a nice Christmas setting for
tho evening entertainment.
Tho members and friends ot the
church and Sunday school aro cor
dially invited to be present and en
Joy tho evening with us.
The offering that evening In all
tho churches will bo for the starv
ing children ot Armenia and Europo.
Everyone Is urged to brln ga liberal
otforlng for this purpose
Methodist lYoRTam
Tho Methodist Sunday school has
arranged a program for Christmas,
which will be given tomorrow even
ing at the Methodist church begin
ning -nt 7:30 o'clock. The program
Song "Joy to the World"
Christmas Lesson
I Ilov. S, J. Cbanoy
Tho Christmas tory, with Luth-
or's Cradle Hymn .......... ..
I Lucllo Cook and Primary Children
IArdel Yaden, Dcrnard Brother
ton Tho Christmas Chimney
- Melvln Yaden
.Hurrah for Christmas .
.... Hhrvey Brannan, Ruth Cbllcoto
A Telephone to Santa
May Lelghton
Anthem Choir
Christmas Night Ruth Auten
Recitation by a Quartotto ot Be
ginners Robert McLaluo, Qlon
Brannan, dall Martin, Burke
Pralso Him .... Primary Department
ExorcUo' .... What Makes Christmas
Helen Coter, Elaine Chaney,
JNadlne O'Flarlty, Louise" Wy
nant, Dorothy Upp.
Hy Associated Press.
LONDON, Doc. 23 Captain Oil
bort D'AnnunzIo today proclaimed
that a stato of war oxlsts botwoon
Flumo and Italy. Ho torbado tho
population ot Flumo to loavo tho
city, aays a Home dispatch. Tho
proclamation Is roportcd to say that
anyono speaking against D'Annun
zIo Is llabla to bo shot.
Tho dispatches today say that
Italian government troops havo bo
gun operations against Flumo.
Military outpests along tho fron
tier havo been raided and an Italian
destroyer shelled D'AnnunzIo's bat
Fred L. Houston returned last
night from southern California
where he left his family for tbo
rest of tho winter months. Mr.
Houston reports wonderful weather
and prosperous conditions In tho
southern state. "Notwithstanding;
that business men admit that condi
tions are tight," said Mr. Houston
today, "they ore optimistic. They
have been expecting this period of
readjustment- and wcro more less
prepared for It. It Is tholr opinion
that prices will bo stabilized soon,
and then things will hum along as
The terse and worthy ItaUaa col
ony ot this cfty honors t4y Mr.
Joseph. alMU and his. hrtia. Mm
Elvira Leonetl,'Nhorwero aaarttf-3
this morning at 9:30 by the Rev
erend Father Molloy ot .Sacred
Heart church. Mr. Michael Laura
and Miss - Alfreda Leonettl accom
panied the happy couple to the altar
as wltnosses.
Mrs. Palctta Is the daughter ot
Mr. and Mrs. Moses Leonettl ot US
Pine street.
Mr. and Mrs. Paletta will Tltl
Los, Angeles and San Diego, after
which thoy will reside in Delta,
California, whero tho groom has
Important Interests.
Christmas Mass
In Merrill ChurcH
MERRILL, Dec. 23 High mass
will bo celobrated at 10:30 o'clock
Christmas morning in the Catholic
church in this city, Rer. Father
Molloy officiating. Mrs. M. Qla-
comlnl, who has dlroctlon ot the
choir, has been proparlng special
music tor this mass and has had tho
assistance ot somo ot the best sing
ers in tho city. Tho public, ot
course, will be welcome. Low mass
will be celebrated at 8 a. m. for
those who wish to rocelvo Holy
In Ashantl a child Is usually given
tbo name ot tho day ot tho weok on
which it was born.
Primary Song 'Hnppy As Birds'
'Who Was Horn on Christmas Day'
Margaret Dunntngton, Elalno
When Christmas Cpmo ...,..... .
. Thelma Gentry
Christmas Tlme..i.LorraIno QoBswIch
Exorcist Once Upon a Time
Henrietta Jobes, Gwendolyn Mar
tin, Dolores Vogel, Escalen
Dolly Christmas
., Helen nnd Ixuls Monroe
Anthem Choir
Whero Presents Grow
Mario Sewell
Christmas Time .... George McLala
Hang Up Tho Baby's Stocking
Elaine Chaney
Whon Christmas Comes
... ., , Thelma Gentry
The Sweetest Story
. Mrs. Phelps Class
Christmas In Many Lands Ifolen
Chaney, Gertrude Smith, Mary
Sanford, Ruth Cofer, Helen
Krosslng, Mary Ellen Bradford,
Oortrudo Musto, Dorrls Yaden,
Dorothy Moreland
Christmas Groetlngs -
., Superintendent E. M. Cbllcoto