The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 18, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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satwidav, nrxnMiiKH in, loaa,
Nrj VOUK, I.- Ik a
mfiil t '""'I " organisation up '
pOtr.l t "l Ullllltllllltiil Ilium, f ,,,
lord's ilX nlllanrn fur utrhitr .,,
isrianrn nl Him Hnlilialli, n launch
.,l hern by unvornl i'tttK ,)
niii"ni1''"' rnltlnllcmi. r,ll,Ur
hi tlilrrtint lufiit I HimrlltiK -. r i,
Kfforla iili will lm mnii i r '
,nro llm new governor I tin' (ll
pipiiI l iKnllit llm riiinrli.i rrfi.ri
0f aullin republicans lit rtiii i,r
,m'"1 sporllllg ltgUlslloti ..i.Ii ,.
hn boiltlg law nml lltitiitnr baseball ilurliiK (lovnriinr HimIUi. ,i
A fnrt "f llm stnln also K,
la part "' "m campaign by llm J
n organisation. II wn ..1,1. fr I
Iba piirpii" "f prnniillng pnlllluna
a inn governor favoring a lllirrnlj
KinilUlra llry Hrlir
Tha Itnv Harry Howlliv na
lion snrrelary f lh l.oni itnr l
JUor.v aava Ihn program of Ma
SI ' l'l lli II liw ,
I .7
.. t -J I
f .
' f ? y -r "7-t.ri
-' '!"
.?iu. -ir.'iKt'
. Slftt
asrrz r.,i
'tt , -t- SJT Zt3SlX,-i
: w z. t.r v. ts J,r.
Harding Consults
Bryan Upon New
League of 'Nations
Miss lorralno H. Wooster, atato
superintendent- of public, instruction
In Kansas, In not ono of the womon
who look with tolerant 07a on My
Lady Nicotine. Minn Wooster, who
has her office In tho nlnto capltol
(lly Associated Press) In Topokn, In in fnvor of prohibiting
MARION, O., Doc. 18. William J. itho uso of tobacco In tho cnpltnl.
and haii given notice of hor lnton
Hon to no ndvlso tho exocutlvo council.
Hryan was cnllod Into consultation
today by I'rcsldcnt-olect Harding, ro-
gitfdlng a plan for tha association nf
Inntlorm. It In undorntood that tho na-!
turo of arbitration trcatloii ncgotta- Thirty-four women were elected to
tod by Ilryan n necrotary of Mate local town counclln In tho recent inu
waa ono of tho principal aubjecta of
Ifinline' Inriulrle.
nlclpal elections In KnRlnnd.
I Bee Winters for bargain In Uruns-
wick and I'atho phonographB. 1C-18 Hloro
How about thai Acollnn phono
graph for Xmas. Winters Jewelry
H f
i, v
32x V ohr WJirn !.. ..nii. t. . ' ' ' "' ,uc"' M"- "inncno norei, a
aB- m h , r.. n " " t , : "rur ac ,,lf,ur,, ,,ut whpn mouth 0Ut
jU 1 1..Z hr ,.,". :.c""n.': "or "" pr,,u,,,,,t n" u'tllc,,l won""' in "
? IM I k J ff '" "' for '. ' MH Nor. .tlcck. to the legitimate atagu.
.. --Ti
Kcr h-ar of a 'Jnkyll and Hyde" face?
Mile, lllancho Norel,
French actress has
and cares her oyoa
Many morlo directors
orgsniiaiinn In
- srwd piping1 hoi
with pure crm
TMxnU brr ,hurrh . 1 . . orUMn ""' ,,,,Cftu"n ""r Mt ample financial resources. Tho
m '.' '' 1 .rm7." IT .",;'"',';1 ""J"" """ w" h.r.!.,o,e.ut churAe. and rellg-
- ....r. .. I 1; 2 n " ;'M',,c,h,0K,1, " C'n",Dl l" KO ,0 u"-i,ou- "" organisation, giro
iH l. m.J Li lb. .T . . ' ' ' I u. money, and wo have received
! I S liin. , ""." i'W """" "" " '-train the large sum. from the very wealthy
5 T -. . ""lilrrnth amend .ale of guaollne for pleasure auto-'men.
-. I tnPtlt In til rnnilllMlli.n 1 .. I
m mm
mnii lo thr runtiitutlon
Wn arn wrll flnanr...!
plalnrd Our lobbr
...r.u.i,-., .,! urge oiner meaiurrs r.,.,T u'n 1 .h.n .
lhai will atop Hunday automoblllng nniIwer .. to lha, bu; , ,bnI1
in anil Inn IiIImh f . lit & a 1
one. W. shall o,k In every eon- back. hu.. h h... h.. '"''""
grcis district In
pry eon-, back, because we believe that thn
every state We , Ixinl'i iliv ihnubl i .In. f ...... 1
,shall cause votrrs to write unceas-,for man and beast Escurslon steam
Ingly tn tbrlr rrprrs.ntatltrs In con- er rides on Hunday will be opposed
grr.s until no ooe who rarra lo stay by us on the ground that they are
,ln congrrM will dare refuse to vote unnecessary to the moral welfare of
for our meaiurrs These were the
tnrthods utd bjr the anti-saloon
rgu., nj they were rffretlve
T Kt Stinilay llirtng
Chrlstlon America.
Would Affrrt Jrwa
"Aliteen denominations are behind
this move Iteally, wo have soven-
The Hluo Illrd for Xmas
j Wr propo.e to pais no blue laws jtem, for while thn Lutheran Synod
Dohmh JO?
mere arw no sum things as blue did not Indorse this movement of-
lawsnever were And we don't .flclally tho Lutherans are with us,
lpropo to leglilste people Into Only the Itoman Catholics, the Unl-
church. We propose, by legislation, Itarlans, the Seventh Day Adventlsta
J to make It easier for peopl to go and the Jews are outside this move
to church In other words we shall, inenl. And, to be perfectly frank
Iry to close the basoball parka, the with you, they will have to conform
golf links, the motion picture and to the laws If we succeed,
other theatres, Ihn concert balls, thel "The Jew will bavo to observo
amusement parks, the bathing beach- our 8abbth. Aa a matter of fact,
ea and so on We shall fight all, ho might Just aa well, because 8at
amuMimmts where an admission fro urday Is not; after all, his Rabbath.
'la charged We shall oppose golf. Ho Is wrong by thu revised calvn
tennis bsseball. football and other dar. Therefore. It will work no
sports even If purely amateur and
void of financial cost 10 those watch-
Rheumatic Pain
Rwb it right out-Try thfr!
Ilheuinallsm la ' pain onlr
Not ono rase In fifty rriuira In
rial irratment. Hiop drugging' ilu'i
thn misery right away' Hub !
In. fntrintraUng Ml Jamba o 1 li
rectlr Into hn aorn ill'f Jc. n' '"I
BlUsfles and relief romrs Iti-lanih
"HI Jacoba Oil rnntlrrs pain It is
a hartuleas rlieuiuulliiu euro wliiih
never dlaappolnta and dues not bllil
hardship for him to attend bis syna
gogue on thn samo day we attend
our churches.
I "No, I see no reason why the pub
lic libraries or tho art galleries
.should remain open' on .Sunday Wo
shall seek to eliminate thu lingo
1 Sunday newspapers and establish a
'censorship over tho stuff that gotn
Into thorn mi other days.
. .. --. . ..r. kLIMu T.t f rtl aslta-
u small trial lioltlo ot oiu-iiiiim bi , .....- .-.,,
Jsr.ilm Oil at nny drug storo and In "I might ndd that n sensible cell-
just n tnumenl yoii.ll lo free from ,irhp should bo laed over suclH
Min. soreness una nun- Kn,,r,rf nn tno Metropolitan Mu
,uff.r' He lef nml n cure
11 . is f Ui I....V. fill" " " "" --.-
.rn n m jiuuim wn
clatlcu. 1I0U
1 Mmlx-r up' Quit complaining' (let
Whon The Herald undertook
the publication of The Ifonor Roll
Lot Klamath Connty, we expected
to complcto the work In a few
montha. Unforseen difficulties de
layed the work for over n year.
During this time some of tha sub
scrtberxto the book moved away
and we have been unable to get
Into touch with them, Aa a result
we have a few copies of The Hon
or Holt left, and these we will sell
for $7. to a copy. This book makes
an unusual gift for Xmas. It will
never be republished, the number
of copies Is limited and wltbln
a short tlmo It win be priceless lo
those fortunate enough to possess
a copy. If you had a friend In the
war, or a relative. It you want to
give him something that he will
always prlzo. we can auggekt noth
ing more appropriate than a copy
of tho Honor Holl. As there arc
but a few copies left, It would bo
ndtlsablo to Immediately call or
phono and Iinve ono reserved for
IF Kilt' OR
nrsi Inm I
analta mi
Is Hut aa good for
ralgln lumtygo. b.ickucho,
and RMrllliigi
Order Your Suit Now
:: Prices of Woolens have been reduced Per
;; feet fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery.
lour inspection mvnuu.
Merchant Tailor
lilt Iah Meat, AImi Take (Slant
Sails Itcforo lilting
forget tho ahttmo that overcame mo
sprains n" 'lr1 tlmo I went through tho
pbiro. Certainly I should put
Ailv breeches and skirts on somo of tho
mnli' statuary thorv ami restrict nil-
- - - - - "" ...... mission to mnturo adults.
''''-r'v-r-rlrT7 of course, wo shall back no law I'rlc ncld In meat excites tho kid
;; llut would compel u man or u wum-meys, they become overworked; get
1111 to attend church Hut, wo bo-iluKKl8M- ncll0 J ft'd like lumpc
:: lloo that If wo take nway n mnn,i' ,a-, .T1'0. u,r," . hvMC c'"l !
'inninr car bis coif sticks his Sun- ho M?l,llor ' Irritated, and you may
,. motor cnr. ins goir niicks, ins un- bo oullBt,a ,0 gook ,
;; uay nuwspapur, nis iiura.... ...a im-aa- ,nreo Cg aurlllK tho n,sl w,le
uro ateiimshliis, nmusement houses tho kidneys clog you irurt help
!! and parks and prohibit him from them flush off tho body's uilnous
"'pliilng outdoor games or witness- waste or you'll bo a real sick per
- Iiik field sports he naturally wlll.0B ortly. At first you feel n dull
I 'drift back to church. Wo should """ '" 'i10 jll,noy w. "'
1. . . kiii . .i .i 'or 'rom uackacho, sick headache,
,, no objection to his. taking do- d.,nc -.omnch .,. ..., .
b,llim4.tmtt.m4 f"t recroutlon, such ns walkH In coatod ana you fcol rhoumntlo nvll((..
r . 1 llm country or reading good books c wnon tno weather Is bad.
T healthy conversation. Hut If Uo Eat loss moat, drink lots of wo-
wants to soo basabull or play golf ter; also get from any pharmacist
ru-ae.jiufcji44i . M-.n,i .1 w . -i.-.w-3
Arcade Hotel
Opposite Tontofflc
Modern Throughout.
HlK I-''')-. Kbl n '
turr. Kteav.1 Heat In every IHi OtptIiwiI
IIUIIl H,trni. "So radiator
irnrkhiR t ") "mr"
All outsldo rooms
1.1.1 11,..,... in (inch room
If you want comfort, tn tho Arcade.
A fow moro rooms with '" 'M-
or tennis or go automoblllng, let blm
do It during tho week.
"Why Hhould Ono Hmoko?"
"Wo propose to clone all stores,
phnrmuclos excepted. And It Is our
hopo that pharmacies may bo llm,-1
iour ouncos or jaa sans; tako a
tablespoontul In a glass of water be
fore breakfast for a fe days and
your kidneys will then act fine This
famous salts Is made from the acid
of grapes and lemjon Juice, combin
ed with Hthla, and has been used
Ited to tho salo of medicines only for generations to eloan clogged
011 Sunday. Naturally wo shouldn't , 'y u sumuiiuo mom 10 nor
want to work a harm on tno sick
mal activity, also to noutratUo
... . . .. .' ' 11.. 1. ti.. acids in urlno. so It no longer la
we 110 m.i on'ui.1 i .......i-..-.. ... - HOUrco of ,rrltntlon thU9 endng
things tit onco, but wo shall RC'-Pinddor weakness,
agitating. No. wo havo incliuW 110, Jnd Salts Is inexpensive, cannot In-antl-tohncco
laws In our program. Juro; makes n delightful offorvescent
Tliat Is tho business of otli-u, n' Hthln-water drink which everyone
though I'm sure I can't soo wMt . ,,ol'i lo "' "'' Hion to keep
mrfltfn sl-nuld want .to smoko for l' k'dno" cIt,n nd ncHvo. Drug
1 3l" gists horo any tnoy sell lots of Jad
' ' ' Kilts to folks who bollovo In ovor-
."W.i- uio not contomplatliig ncoinJng kidney troublo whllo It tsj
drlvo for funds at prosont. N J hUvo only troublo. Adr.
Is yoar shed full of dry wood?
Indications are that there will be a scarcity of fuel beforo
At present we have a fair stock of dry slab and block wood
at reasonable prices.
Orders aro being delivered promptly.
Phono In your orders.
O. Peyton & Co.
419 Main St.
Phone 535
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
We do mot sen current; we sell service. That sosaai odd
doeamt lt7
Well, suppose the wood dealer sold stuke Instead of wood, he
wotdd tend to your furnace and yoor ruge, taltp away the aafees
sad eMua Use flrnsv. You would Easy so modi beat.
How jom buy so mtscb light, although you pa7.accordte; to the
csuraK you oauvuae. But tbe service Is perforakd'sor yeur y ykli
MBasr a eke auBaUtloas and sower plassts.
Tfisst 1 what we want to give you effteiesrt aerrtce. It as tad
atat of this musfauy to have aoae awt swtlafled ruatguiWM. He
atatter wfeat M la, M you have a (rteraaea, er saw daasss)asdkad a
your bin or do mot uuderataad our rates, afcase eatne la audi
us or write ua about H-.
If you hare aay suneatlous to make, we wtt gladly avail au
scire of them aa our aim Is coastaatUy to las prove our service .
yea as fast aa the development of science aad huauus ability aw tilt
California-Oregon Power
CHRISTMAS day and the whole house Is astir. Pits
and cakrs and bucuitt arc baking and through the door
it wafted the fragrance of good things to eat. Thtn
out of the orn comet the itraming turkey routed to a beau
tiful turn criip and tender and savory for It was cooked in
a WEDGEWOOD, the range that makes every meal a
perfect success.
Ftr lit hit Sttvti and Rain Japr tit
Next to Postoffice
1 1: