The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 18, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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b ,7
Parkhurst Hindered
in Improving Lodge
By Lhcft of Money
1 'x
(Continued tiom pngo 1)
II Is largely upon tlio stntumunln of forded tin duo accommodations, main
tlioHo imoiilii Hit wn Imnii our nsior- ho of tho committee visited olhor
lion Unit nftor July 4th ttioro warn
rooms nnd found Hint tlmy woro slut'
llnrlv nrlllltmnil .fill! wlinf llin hriflfff
lltllii or no grounds for compliilnt for t,H criticism wan your commit
regarding quality and (inutility of ton doos not know. Inquiry among
food and otlior service. Tim commit' ,"'nr Ktiemin Indlcnlml their sntlsfnc-
lon linn letters from other persons 'YfiirilnT
who woro kituntM at Orator Lnko com-, n, Tj', criticism In wnll founded
mmulnlory of tlio trentmont tliuy ro- lint ngnln wo must rollnrnto a tho
eolvod at tlio hand of llio mnnngo- ra""0'. ",,:K "r "nnnens. inidroum aro
. rapahlo of considerable development
" ' I fltlifu ttnHlflllfir Tlin ImilH nrn rnm.
l.odn NwmU linprimtm-nt foHalilo; mntrnnson, nlllowit nnd beif-
3. Thin rrlUclnm In In somo respect ainnil holm? of fairly good utinllty.
well foumliid, Crntnr Iiika lodge Ini ' u.,. u .. u......
?J"JX?L !:!"'!!''," "!!!l EL 2 tiu criticism i. n;,o ju.tini.
3S. That an existing chiIhIiIo flro
lilaco wn not properly sheltered from
thn wlndi
30. That gnrnRo iiecoiiimodiitlonn
sviirn not nffordi'd the clients,
CommlKoc Wiw lltisy
Votir commltlco hold wivoritl wnll
allondod mnntliiKit of It mnmhorsf
nnd a npn
of Messrs,
nd Clialrmaii Vincent, Journeyed tol". mipnclnlly lo Improvo tlio nppenr- ,,aH ru lorl of wat "
urntnr iJiko lodg
dltlomi (hurt). I'
thU ruiort inirh
will ho connlilurinl snpnrnioly In tho t,lnl "I" criticism and others, pos- , kr()p 10 ,nnk flI)y. BUppllod at
numerical order iih tlmy nppenr
Oim (linrw llaxclrwii
1. (a) Tho commlttno readied tho
conclusion that thnro wan llltlo upon
which to baso thn chnrgo of short
skii of food at Annn HprliiR enmp.
Thn cnnip In located flvo mllos from
tho main holid and take euro of
tfanslnnts, and on occasions, over
flow from thn main hotel Our In
vestigation disclosed no Individual
'omplalnt rcRnrdltiK thin camp other
than that of Mr. Mather himself.
Kdltnm I'nriNl ( K
(h) Votir committee In satisfied that
upon thn occasion of thn vrsrt or tun
National Kdltorlnl association In
1919 thnro wan not n shnrtngn of
fond at Crnlnr l.ak lodgo. On tho
othnr hand, wn arn convinced Hint In
.... ,.. ..... ... .... i. -i. - . . " . .-..,.. . . iiuiiiunr
....,,..., ,....., .u ..uu, vn ",fc ""' "" ", ",,"" """ " prolmhlo durlns that gonon that
line at V ahout tlin 4th nf July iriiol. ,Rrcnt dlntnncn from thn chlof con- L,..i. i i....i . .,. .
won. not tnlcnn enrn of In thin Pr.i"".ofIt!1pnu'nr,l?n taiiJJl'.iJI"!,'!!! woro oprlwd of thin onjoyment bo
tlculnr nn thny should hnv. h,n In u IM Matn' MKl.wal ? m mml.Xn "",'", 'n "' '" """
Ifal. connnclon It I. only fair .0 Mat. MXSm nT& Xk MWkhM'
that thn noa.on had hnrnly '""W'im
at that datn and that a nhor.-Rn of !n,nt,;,,;'0nV,.rnn,. SWR lST "'
-npil wan dun to lack of trnnn- moit any othnr, with thn pnnilhln nx- comParftlv,1", " oxpunnn.
portatlon. nunntUIrn ofnuppllct holnit coptlon of thn Yonomltn. If Crator ,, .I"'M, lly Klnnni
.1 Mcdford nwnmnK ...Ipntnnt Into J-J. I. g .ll.ld,?H ptaij;. t "-J ZSfo IhTr. .'rt
thn lake, (a dl.tanco of 86 mile.) ."".Sd on "l?.WJa.lopMt In ?" " "P?" f Mr.
nd to an unprecedented rush of rls-ltho nnxt B to 10 years Wn hntard ' r"hurt I compelled o mkn trlpn
Horn, for so narly In thn soninn Ithn opinion that IIiO.000 should hn '? Mo"'l nnd aUnwhnro. durlnR
Mim.,i 1.. nt-.... ".forlhcoinlnic from somn sourcn t,tho season, and In his ahnenco tho
Hic,rt t. II1ai.u. oncf f0. ,921 ,JftrB0pmBnlli w, paid rnanoRar mny havn had moro
It Is apparnnt that tho slnward Inia llkn amount to hn spent for snvornl Wi $ man co"1 hlln"
charRn. (oan Murphy) In addition tojrl'nf Kw Whllo It I. tho ,?&"Z
............ u. ...... mum r,y H)0(lklllK H ,, r,llllr, r,lu - ,,nlt bo found IhBl on m.
mcliil coiiimllloo cons Ut iir hulldlnic. howovnr. should linvo n eon- ommittoo round mat on soV'
..,.., ., , , ."""ii.i.K. nowoTiir, Biiiiii.u ii.iTi! n run- orn 0CCHn ,juo t0 iucy 0j n,jn,
n. Chll.ln. Vnwtnr. HlninntniUldornhlo Htini of monoy spont upon ()lml() IMlni,IK flictl. tho hotn
vinreiii. joiirnnyeii 10 i"".. ""." " "V,",' ri"..- jWm run short of wator. Mr. rark-
Ign In liivosllRntiicon-l?nrV f "H .l,",,1r'"r' w,,lc', ' m"ra hurst oxphilns that ho purchased now tlio iiuriKisi... ..f ,0ri..,M" ,cru,lB- ."TV,"', ,mr, CT' "iulpin..nt for thin sna.ons opnratlon
1 or inn purposes ot mitten In convinced that had Mr...,'. ,..,, ro,ir.,.ntatlon of thn siiotily
. of thn 2a;nrkh,.r.l Ih,,.,, ndnqualnly financed ZZZ S worn mlcqSato
' V. .-. "" . i"'- , heop tho tank fully suppllod at
slhly nnvnr would hnvo henn mndo. n , ,,ul mt U0 maMnor,
1V "inn''?1. Wn ?r;""Ur;. 0e1l'", "' "! Pe- Wo find that
a ou 100 rant from ho holol, dooa , nntonB rk orv,co wnil of con.
not iirnsnnt a ilensltiR ap pnaranco ,.. .., ..V , ,. ,
and that Its roof tins hnon allowed lo 7 :'"""": ', "' "'.". "'"X Z, .
i '?m1M. "! lI,,?r",",.r,.,II,II,h?r nrwnKlnit lo Install now machinery
on In this rnport othnrs matlorn In .- ..... tnn .,..
thin connection will ho dlscunnod jror ,M0 ,, , """V"1, . ,
.. 1 . , 1 I uov't Ih'lnynl IIoiiIm
i ti :.V.Tii ..i.. . x. 13. Your commlttno finds that tho
,,,i: T.,'.0iCrlt Cli"ml,',nt l:a!" ,n.k "l "llpmont nt Crator I.nko con
odRo had not heen complnted prior , of irco ,Q foot Xaunehon, flvo
? 2mB;J?.H,",nC" ' . "n, 1'oun,''", .wooden row hoals, Inn 1C foot stcnl
M,Lr.C.lnlr? ' MP"Jlturo o a'row ,)()nnn(I ono 122W foot launch
nX - 7 . '.," '"f 0, '"."m1" U' nil Hint thero was completed thin
rn,X.unJl nl .'i? hJiL" i."' "" !!w y "" "nal 10 foot launch. It
',7" " ". .' "."' '' n,, I? m-l -r r: P-rkhunt that
t ill! fin r tlin siAnain nf Ifllfl n nlnnd
money donn not urow on trees, nnd "r .?.."'" ".""":? . ' :.'.......... ,:.""1
-it.......!. ... (i ....... .... ... t "' ." i.i ( i.ii.u
ed tlmn nnd nRnln f rcapllnl with
which to complnln thn Crnler l.nkn
resort project, hn linn mot with Indlf-
to permit their uso on tho lakn that
senson, was not dollvnrod nt tho de
pot nt Mcdford until on or about
AtiRiist I Gth, too Into for use, Tho
-. . t a ""rfc
fc- i- ;Lim.... . iL- '. s' failure of tho trnnsportat on com-
1m.?., ..' I? nyenl 1"h"I' P"X. w''"ch H'n under govern-
. 1, e i.""tC " W,,lv' """l operation to mako prompt de
to tlirnn months.) and beenunn of Its ,, nf ,.,. i,,lm,. i, ,.
No. of
,. 770
Carping Criticism
Thin critlcrsm Is
available) at
Kresh milk Is raroly
uraior l.ako IoiIko.
dairy herds within reasonable dis
tance of tlio lodge. Members of our
committee hnvo beo nadvlscd ;hnt
condensed milk Is nerved nt Mt.
Itanlur nnd other national pnrks.
21 t.nck of horses for tho ac
commodation of clients at Crator Lake
lodKo may also bo attributed to lack
of finance Mr. I'nrkhurst contem
plates tho uso of donkeys for next
season, If tin In surriciently flnnnccd
between now nnd tho tlma to permit
their use, nnd thn erection of thn
necessary buildings for tho accom
modation of tho animals.
No lee Nredc!
22. This criticism apparently Is
hardly a fair one. Tho night temp-
oraturo nt Crater Lnko Is very low
nd Ico In not necessary for (bo keep-
nc or roou supplies, It In not serv
ed on thn tables or In tho guest rooms
for tho reason that tho puro moun
tain wnlter available at tho lodge
Is practically Ico cold at all times.
Xo Kouvmlr Knlewnuin
23. Mr. Tarkhurst states that ho
has nover pushed tho souvenir busi
ness, or permitted the soiling of nov
elties, preferring to forego tho pro-
nt which might thus bo bad. than. to
appear to bo exploiting his guests.
Thero was available, at tho lodge this
year beautiful souvenir books, pic
ture postals and somo novelltles, but
their sale was not pushod to the ex
tent that It might hnvo been for tho
reason horel nstatcd. Mr. I'arkhurst
states that If snch solos would add
to the happlnesn of his guests, he will
put In u special booth for such purpose.
Htovrnnl At Fault
firm. .fun npnln Itt Intlf nt ttnnnfn. M
itovenun. I'nrfchurit has carried a lnrgo supply
12,701.87 of gasoline and oil for tho nccommo
4,283,4n datlon of his guests and Intends nn
4,C88.r,9 soon as ho can get tho necessary
6,742. 3fi rnonoy to Install n first-class garago
7,870.4 4 or lnrgo dimensions,
13,244.27 Lack of a sultnblo garngo undonbt-
13,474.41, edly hn"causod automoblln tourists
14,190.05 to cut short their stay at tho hotol.
14,020.07 Tho almvn answers tho main crlt-
30,810.08 Iclsmn which hnvo been directed
49, a&a. 48 .against Mr I'arkhurst and hln man
agnmcnt.of Crater Lakn lodgo. Your
, ... . commltteo has cnrofully considered
all tho phnscn of thn situation com- .u, ! llottnrs of cndorHomont of Mr Park-
hurst's treatment of his guostfl and
o ftlm genornl ntmosphoro at Cra
ter I.akn lodgo. l'robably our great-
owt criticism may bo directed against
tho toilet system which prevails at
tho hotel.
Pirkliiint Trlcl Hard
Wo hellevn that Mr I'arkhurst has
mado a faithful and earnest effort to
mako Crater Iiko lodgo a resort of
morit and noto and that ho has In a
measure met with success, as Indi
cated by tho Increasing attendance
at tho resort slncv 1910, set forth
In (ho statement herolnbcforo shown.
Wo find thnt Mr. I'nrkhurst has re
ceived little, or no qo-oporatlon from
any source watsoevcr, except bank
ing accommodations. Tho national
park servlco through tho superin
tendent of tho park has extended
numorous small courtesies, but so
far as wo were ablo to ascertain the
financial burden has bv. nborno by
Mr. I'arkhurst alone.
It Is tho understanding of our com
mltteo that at other national parks
thn government has expended con
sldorablo sums of money In various
ways, not only to Improvo park con
ditions, but to provldo for tho ac
commodation of guests at these re
Illnme Murphy
Our commltteo discussed tho cul
inary department with Chef Clarke,
who Is a vory competent man. of long
oxporlcnce In tho hotel business;
Whllo Mr. Clark had somo criticism
to offer, becauso of lack of certain
supplies at times, his main com
plaint was directed against tho man
Murphy, heretofore mentioned, and
being nn excllenhto and arbitrary In
dividual, rvfused to permit thn chef
nnd other kltchon nnd dining room
tirlp to serve meals after tho accus
tomed hour for closing tho dining
room, In spite of thn fact that thero
worn a number waltlnR to bo serv
ed. Tho man Murphy appears to
have madn a fair record In thn man
agement of Anna Springs camp
1919, and having been called to tho
lodgn to hlep out upon tho occasion
of thn visit of tfln National IMIIor
1st association, conducted himself In
a manner to convince Mr. I'arkhurst
24 This criticism In admitted and 'who was dismissed by Mr. I'arkhurst
li answered In a previous paragraph. .Our Investigation of tho culinary dc-
ihurst was partmeni snowed it to he a clean,
ledford on'ordorly place, the dining room was
Important business In connection icleon and neat and tho meals serv-
with supplies and other Incidentals ed, whllo wo wcro there, which were
for tho comfort of his guests, and (said by tho Chef Clarke to be typl
was unaware of any complaint until cal of tho service rendered during
after his return. Ho claims, and the the latter part of July and August,
chef confirms his statometnt, thnt 'were excellent. Chef Clarke told us
tho fault was due to thn dictatorial that 124 persons were served during
and obnoxious methods of tho chief tho luncheon period on July 4th; It
steward, ono Murphy, who was dls- was reported to Mr. Mather by Mr.
missed a few daya later. Murphy thaj he" believed that 400
26 Mr. I'arkhurst admits that tho persons were served, wo round that
nnininn nf .. r....n.i... k.. h.... sire to bocotno personal, but Its In'
hn. i.nnn mnmn ,.i. nt mnn.. o, Qulry among porsoas who have been
Crater munt bo granted thnt nt ,n!' J11 thin season elicited somo suggestion of B. O. McCormtck. vice Mr. Parkhurat had approximately 30
.Mr. rarxnurst wont in thnro nn a v" """ " " " president or the southern raciflc. persons on nis payroll, this wouia
pioneer 10 years ago. taking up tho Kor "Ppears that tho managor that ha build a stockade or wind Jlndlcato that senice at tho hotel must
nave Docn rainy good considering
that tho avnrago dally guest roll was
approximately 00 persons. Crater
Lake Is tho youngest of the national
parks, so far as resort purposes are
concerned and Is the most Inaccess
ible, being SCmtlcs from a railroad
and a great distance from the large
centers of coast population. Crater
Lake lodge has an elevation of ap
proximately 7200 fet. being over
1000 feet higher than Paradlso Inn
on Mt. Itanlcr.
YtmrmitA Clot Money
Your committee understands that
absolutely raw proposition, having to 'w,, l times negloctful of tho wlsh-lnrek roun(i ,j,0 largo outsldo flre-
ovorcome traffic transportation nnd r,ot "omo "r tno guests. hetbnrpiCo of tho lodgo Is a good one;
nmer hnnillcnpn; that ho han work- "'" ""uu"' ru" "' "". iempor-(that ho has In wind the bulldlnc of
nd ununr sucn ndversa conditions that "'"'. u's"l"' r .u um riram;
had-ha not mad mlstakns. had some ul ,no maiiaBer, your commiuee noes
portion of thn Investment not been not. J ,'a,n' v, I"eo that
unu ar, i-arKiiursi neon bdio 10 on
utnsin.i w m un.ii.i
In ins par excellence. ,'on "l0 ground" constantly that somn
0 This criticism Is well found- "' ,no criucism in mis connncuon
ed and Is explained by Mr. I'arkhurst iwoultl not '" hcn forthcoming,
tn lack or tlnanco. .. tMtan Tlircr In JUnI
miiria An, lAi-kino- 10. This critlclinr In admitted. The
0 Herein probably lies subject for members of the National Editorial tton of thn wind break of substantial
gros rrltlclsm which might attach to OMoelatlon wore advised In advancn ,n(1 nr,,tc chactcr.
Wo believe, however, Mr. McCor-
Ind break of large dimensions
to conform with the character of the
first floor of the lodgo. Tho outside
fireplace takes tho placo of the camp
fire, a feature of camp life, 'and Is a
novelty which has nttractcd consider
able attention. Mr. I'arkhurst. states
that as soon as he Is properly financ
ed hn will proceed with tho consruc-
that ho might satisfactorily semi as'hn hotol luanagemnnt. The tollot fa- p' 'lr coming that, duo to their
atnwar,! fnr th hni.t .l,.rln.cllll,", "" "- ' -Ihey lar1f "umhor. they would bo com-1
.. 1. hol,,11,,ur""c (should bo, or what tho travelling pub- Peo " m three and four In a
., .Mm .., hid ut.vr u.inii.iiiKi'i,ie would oxpect to find Tho various room- "no mcmimr 01 your commu-
nr Inability, lo handtn the 1920 sit- rooms arn toorlir arranced and en- '" happened to have been assocla
uatlon ho was dlchargod by Mr.
I'arkhurst on or about lliu 10th of
AdiMlimto In Volume
In this eonnecjlon your commltteo
found that on sovornl occasions dur
ing tho snason thero wns somo delay
In filling requisitions of tho chef.
However, thnso requisitions general-
orally Inadequate Wo bcllovo that '"d wh thn I'ortland commltteo
Ihn management should have provld- which nrranged for tho editors to novel flroplaco,
en potior racilltles In this particular T,B" "' ,n "' " ni ine en
Tho comialtteo also found that the lertalnmrnt commltteo had been ful
rooma worn not kept ns clean as they 'r advised of tho situation.. It must
should havo Iwwi. Wo also found I'O considered that tho sudden des
that toilets on tho main floor hnvo censlnn upon n smnll Hummer report
not been connoctcd with tho sowor soveral hundred peoplo would
system nnd thnreforo hnvo not been 'cnd to somo Inconveniences,
nvnllablo for tho public. Mr, l'ark-1 I". Your commltteo finds that flro
hurst crodlts his failure to complete escapes v.oro provided In July. 1919,
tho snworago and tollot system to louowing ino complaint ot mo non.
mlck's suggestion should havo been the government has spent something
carried out and at least a temporary over $100,000 for tho Installation of
structure erected, as undoubtedly It an electric lighting system In tho
would havn added to thn com rort or Yosemite national parte, dui nas noi
the guests In tbelr enjoyment of t Ms, spent anything tor this, or other de-
ivciopments at crater lako looge.
0. (laraeo accommodations aro l Acnln Tlin Ovdi
not available at Crator Lake lodgo.) In conclusion your committee begs
to stnto that It Is Its opinion that
thero Is roonWor great dovolopmont
at Crnter Lake; thnt most of tho com
plaints directed against Mr. rark
hurst might bo attributed to tho fact
that ho hns not heen proporly financ
ed and that wcro ho afforded tho nec
essary financial assistance Crntnr
Lnko lodgo would becomd ono of tho
noted resorts, of tho country. Mr.
Parkhurst han almost Impoverished
btmsolt to keop Crator Lake lodgo
going from year tn year, making such
Improvements as his financial capac
ity would permit. Ho hus Invested
n largo sum of monoy nnd should ho
bo rotlred as lonaco, wo bollovo ho
should bo adequately reimbursed for
bis expenditures of time and money.
Cliango .Might Help
Mr, I'arkhurst Is not n hotol man
of tho modern typo, and wo bollovo
In somo particulars tho managomont
has been lax, end that porhaps 1C
satisfactory arrangements could bo
mndo for tho buying out or nthor dis
posal of Mr. I'arkhurst that Crnter
Lake lodge properly financed might
go ahead moro rapidly under differ
ent management. Wo say this In all
klndnoss realizing tho tremondous
burden that ono man has had to car
ry without material help from any
source. Mr. I'arkhurst Is entitled to
great credit for what ho has accom
Call Down Kor Mnllirr
In all klndnoss ad respect to this
Ho. Stephen S, Mather, your com
mltteo begs leave to express the opin
ion thnt Mr. Mather expjctol too
much of Mr Parkhurst under tho
conditions; also tut Mr. Mnthor han
been a llttlo too harsh and abrupt In
his handling of tho situation. Wi
realize the wonderful work that Mr.
Mather has accomplished for tho
national parks of our country also
that carrying the burden of so many
national resorts, hampered as ho
probably Is by somo of the proverb
ial red tape of government opera
tions, that tho embarrassment caus
ed him by Inadequato toilet and
lighting facilities, especially whllo
tho congressional party was at Cra
tor Lake, magnified the shortcom
ings of Mr Parkhurat'a management
nnd precipitated the condition which
lend to tho appointment of your committee.
Tind Ampin Arccw
Your committee has received only
tho most courteous conslderotlon
from both Mr. Mather and Mr. Park
hurst. Every facility his been af
forded us by both sides of tho con
troversy upon which to baso this re
port and our conclusions. Wo also
wish to express our appreciation of
tho valuablo assistance rendered tho
committee by B. O. McCormlck, vlco
president or the Southern Pacific
railroad, and by Superintendent Spar
row of Crater Lake national park.
People Hjivc Duty
Wo believe It to" be the duty of tho
peoplo of Oregon, cither to get be
hind Mr. Parkhurst financially and
otherwise, or In lieu of that, havo
someono to organize a corporation
which will buy .out the existing cor
poration on a fair basts of return to
the stockholders and to fairly com
pensate Mr. Parkhurst for the ten
years of norvo "recking toll which he
has undergone. We also are of tho
onlnlon that the government, through
Mr. Mather's department, should car
ry some -of the burden of Improving
the Crater Lake situation, aside irora
the road work which the forestry de
partment Is doing.
Your committee begs leave to
thank you personally for your court
esy and the kind consideration which
you have afforded tho members of
the committee In the conduct of Its
Respectfully yours,
Crater Lake Committee.
ly wcro for special nrtlcles and whllo inpk nf fun.i.. i, .i,n .,,. mi ihn Stephen 8. Mather.
thn delay In dollovory failed to permit department at Washington approved! 17 This criticism has been renin
a larger variety of foods on tho tho tollot room plans ns provided. idled by thn Intsallatlon of a well
n.n.i n. .Mt.i.11,,. nn l.nn.i w.,m 8uirnto tollot and bath roomsjlmown electric lighting systom.
menu, tno supplies on hnnd wnro ndo-1 .,', ... .,, ..,.. . ,.,... . is i. i. ndmiitmi thnt in. Ann
nuwuiu m iiMiiiiiaitij-. lift iiutui vur ' --- " -.--..- .... ..,
ployncs, nnd tho Rovernment should Klamath County havo not been paid
supply soveral comfort stations in "X r. raranursi ior snvurai yenrs
widely soparatod sections of tho park
for tourists, campers null others not
guests nt thn hotol.
7 Is answered nbovo,
No Ilrll Iloiw
I'ortor and bollvhoy service has him to devolop tho Crater Lake ro
boen lacking In Its full conception, 'sort, and Crator I-nko lodgo, as It
and might bo Improved upon, ns first should bo. Mr. Parkhurst has had
Impressions somotlmes arn vital In to carry thn load practically alono. He
croatlng lasting happy Impressions. (has had desultory support In one or
Mr. Parkhurst statos that hn does not .two outsldo Instances, but tho money
I .- .... lut .. A.n..ln. WAvas.l.nw H......M tn nl.KA . fl A nmnt If. fllt
nn. Invnallffnllnn ahnu-a rota 1 1 ItcVI'.llS vuill,niiui. . Vftoiunift ..... ... ,.."..., ...u . vw. ... ......
Our Investigation SHOWS Uial... . ,.,,. .,. ,,,., n h. nnaMv. Pln rnmlltlnn hn nnl hnnn forth.
orod to Rot away from tho ovplolta- coming and undoubtodly to this fsrt
tlon of his guosts by bell boya nnd might ho attributed many of tho
Dorter hole. Howovor. ho bollovcs criticisms dlrocted against Mr. Park-
thero Is no real groynds'for complaint itirst
o,uato to moot requirements so far as
volume wus concerned. It Is our
opinion that thnso delays worn due to
tho posslblo neglect of tho employed
managor, Mr. Tourtolott.
2. This criticism wo find to bo
trun. ICowovor, It Is only fnlr to stnto
thnt tho criticism can only bo based
In comparison with resorts moro
conveniently located, ns to baso of
supplies and lo th ochargos mado for
nt other national parks In particular
sorvlcn charges aro consldornbly
higher than thoso which havo boon
fihtnlnod at Crater Lake. Mr. I'nrk
hurst has hold down his per dlom
chnrgoH to a Vory low figure, and
generally spoaklng, wo bollovo tho
traveling public han boon given value,
rocolvod. This does not tnko Into con
Hldnratlon tho lack of prlvato rooms
with hath, nr other nicotics which
should bo Instnllad at Crater Lake,
hut tho fact should not bii overlook
ed thnt Crator Iako Is 80 miles;
from the nearest railroad station,
and approximately 400 miles from
I'ortland, tho chlof baso of supplies'
Your commlttoo talked with sevoral
persons who had boon guosts at Cra
tor Lnko attor July 4th of this year,)
and found, without oxceptlon, no
complaint regarding service It hap
pouod that whon your commlttoo was
at Crator Lake thoro was also pro
sont tho park-to-park tourist ,party,
togothor with 40 or 00 pooplo from
Klamath Falls nnd Modtord. Somo of
tho Klamath Palls pooplo, had boon
to Crator Lake lodgo sovornl times
during tho HOUBon, nnd mombors of
our commlttoo took particular palim
to quoHtlon somo of thorn rogardlne
tho sorvlca which had boon rondorod
1'iirkliurst ltorc llrunt
19. Admitted. Your committee
finds thnt Mr. Parkhurst has en
deavored tlmn nnd ngaln to obtain
adequate financial support to permit
on this scorn. Your commlttoo Is tin-
ablo to obtain specific Jnstances of
complaint and therefore Is reluctant
to ro into tho mnttor runner.
9. Your commlttoo bollovos that
all of tho bodrooms of tho hotol, not
ITiaxl Own Money
Mr, Parkhurst began operations at
Crator Lake In 1910, taking over a
lnrgo potentlnl entornrlse, using his
own fortune In tho beginning and
continuing to drnw on his own ro
required tor tho houso help, hnvo sources ovor Blnce. During 1910, with
boon mil do nvnllablo tor tho public, tho crudo facllitloa which ho was ablo
At tho tlmo tho commlttoo vlsltod to Install, ho entertained 770 guests.
Crater Lake It appeared thnt nil Ills gross rnvenuo for that soason
rooms worn In use for guosts, with 'wns f 27.01. 87, Each yonr up to
tho oxceptlon of thoso required for 1917 tho gross revenues Increased
tho maids and other houso employees,
Ikid Ooverlmr Amnio
Your commlttoo visited n
In 1917. Mr. Parkhurat entertained
only 2327 persons, his gross rovonuo
for that senson being in.isa.tift.
sldorablo number of rooma and found .This Is the year that tho government
that tho linen --was clean and that urged tlio American public not to
thero was ampin bod coverlnR. In-, travel, In 191C, ho entertained 2808
qulry howovor rovealod the fact that persons, tho gross revenue being
upon ono occasion, duo to the failure 113,474.40. In 1918. with similar
of clean linen to arrlvo from tho 'conditions obtaining, tho attendance
laundry. Hr. miles mstanct, mai some nnu gross revonue was pui nine
of tho bods woro not mado up until gorator than tn 1917. However, In
very lato In tho day. It should bo 1919, attor tho closo of tho great war,
ramomborea, nowovor, mm mora in .mo iiiuuuur ui guests juiu.iuu num
no laundry In connection with tun 2000 in 1.018. to 43r, tno gross rev
hntni nnd that towels nnd other lin
en must bo sont 80 mlloa to bo lnund-
orod. Wo found mat oncn nou wns
onuo Increasing from $14,620.07 In
1918 to $30,810.08 In 1919. This
yenr, 1920, tho numbor of guests was
suppllod with extra blankets nnd. 0037 with gross, rovonuo of $49, 909.
that nddltlonnl hlnnkotn woro nvn.ll- 48, nnd 'undoubtedly had tho gas
ablo for any Rttest requiring riicIi shortngo nut come upon tho Pacific
sorvlco. In this connection It Is do-'const, this soason would hnvo shown
slrablo to Btnto thnt thn rooms occu- a vory much largor growth. For your
plod by tho mombors of thn commit- Information Is appended n dotnllod
tnn wnrA minnuntolv enrod for In this Btntomont of tho operations of tho
(particular, but that to mako certain resort from' Its Inception to tho close
I. .. i. 111 ...- .. I.aIhh at?- ll.n 1Q4A ah ana
4hem on tlio occnalon of tholr vlsltfl..unt tho commlttoo was not boing nf- ot tho 1920 soaion.
.a a
H ssaisiiHHHii h . iiV
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