The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 18, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    HATUnOAY, IKCKMnK!l IN, '1020.
J !
I i
If I
The Office Cat
S'antaclausing Dad
You Know Haw It N
Wo Intcniloil to lend off ttio Office
Cnt today
With n poem magnificent per
fectly swell!
Hut nftcr a strugglo we chucked It
For, somehow or other, the thine
wouldn't Jell,
Basketball Is good fan fodder In
tho winter. Daseball knocks us for a
goal during the summer months, but
football Is the only thing we can pet
n kick out of In the fall.
All, fS'tvan!
"I sco they're going to have a
world's fair In Ireland next year.
'Yes, but I bet It'll be a frost."
Dear Santa Claus:
Please bring mamma a new pan
cako turned for Christmas,
P. 8. You better not wait till
Christmas, becauso I broko tho one
sho had, trying to dig a mole out of
the front yard, and she hasn't found
it out yet. .
3 DAys fctTOry-
A current report says that there
wero one million weddings In the
United States last year, but only
70,000 homes wero built. Which
leads one to conclude that little Wil
lie will havo to sleep with pa and
ma for a while yet,
A WHtti lleply
fc "Jlelld, fed. how's business!"
'Looking up."
'What are you doing!"
"Selling lighting rods."
O, D. Burke u In the other day
and asked this question Did you
ever hear of the doctors, at the
County Medical Society' annual ban
quet, drinking to the health of their
(Prom Medford Mall Tribune)
Next August when It will be too
lato to do anything before 1922,
there will be a spontaneous outburst
of actlrlty for the Improvement of
accommodations at Crater Lake.
Christmas has been coming an
nually for 1920 years, and the pink
suspender wheeze has been in exist
ence for the greater part of that per
iod; but, neverthelss, there are lots
jof wives who will go right ahead and
buy 'em. ,
WfORfc CHW3W5.
Tax Foreclosure
Suits Are Filed
A Cold Saps Vitality
TIki fnvur-nrllnir lnflnmiiintlaii nml
J. B. Watts, a resident of llio Illy ot),r dtsnimwnlilo fenturort olwnyn
soctlon, tins Instituted foreclosure 'j,,.,,,,, Wtn n mu ,m tlininl
proceeding ugnlnst land tiwnail. nc-c.i. i,,,.,,,, your workltiK nlilllly
cording to tlin assessment rolls, liy',.n,i iifficloncy.
Hoboccii H. Ilrown, In section It, If u co, i irmvtod whim thu
township 30. This properly wasi Hyni)lomn show tlinmnnlvoM. It
transferred to tho pnHnt owner by 'will frniiunntly dovolon Into niiiro
mo urogon Valley Mind company, llormll( voiiiiillriitlmiN. IIosIiIim Ihls.
nml tho complaint Is brought In con- ru1,H nr unnecessary. Tlmlr dura
formlty with tho lux dollmiuouey wj, M) Brty shortened by
law, throo years having olnpsed tilth- ,, ,, t t,,xil .im,tv Aspirin
out tho payment of tho tnxoii upon (tr, n, (.,) colli Tohlet They con
" Until Aspirin, Arulnnllldo, Aloln mid
Mr. Watts has nlso brought com- ('upnlcum.
Plaint against II. P. Ilnnrntn, who has rht inKrtxlIiMitH nrn 'most vnlu
not paid taxes on land In tlio hiini.i nMo hl Moving .ln, reducing
section mid totvnshlp.'nnd against f,,vri drying up roryxo, lessoning
Ohnrles I. Kulmrn who lias not pnld rlnmmallon. eliminating potsoiimm
tho tuxea upon his land In section 13, (llcf(,t,mHi wnrmK m, t, toiii
lownslilp 30. urli. and slierlenliii: duration of tho
J. M. Doll wants to foreclose upon ,i(Mini,.
laud In section ft, township 37, thul ( ,K f theso f, tilots of
property of II. II. Kluomlorr. and also,, ,. IMny. Take them according to
against (1. J. Ilnderlsrher and P. II. directions tho moment tlm first
Jeffries, also In section B of town- mploms appear mid you will oh
"'"'I' 3"- tain ready relief
i no lanu. it is niuiersiood, Is vai y0 guarantee them
uaoio chiefly for grating purposes
A delightful datntly lunch served
at tho llliio lllrd tf
' , The Itetnll Htiire
A Classified Ad will soil It. 701) Main HI nit I'ln U.II
I "" "
: Star Drug Store
Up to 12 o'clock today tho medi
cal fraternity had registered no of
ficial protest against knee-length
skirts and low-cut waists.
POnTLAND. Ore., Dae. 18. Ore
gon has the largest amount of stand
ing timber of 4? state In the union.
Over one hhb of the nation's sup
ply is wfthln the boundaries of our
state. To safeguard this great as
set, laws have been acted by our leg
islature, which are recognized as pro
gressive and which place Oregon
among the few states having a well
thought out forest code.
For nearly 10 years the state bonrd
of forestry which through its per
sonnel represents alike the public,
producer and consumer, has confin
ed Its activities largely to flro pre
vention. This will continue
to be Its principal task. Tho
board, however, believes the tlmo
has urrlved to outline a definite pol
icy looking to tho future well .being
of the state and aimed at keeping 'our minerals
productive and bringing to a state are exhausted, are gone forever, tlm
of productiveness vast areas, best flt-lbcr Is a crop and a new ono can bo
ted fpr tho growlngfof succcsslvo for-jgrown to tako tho plaro of one ro
est crops. In doing this tho board moved. The length of tlnvp required
recognizes that It shold be concerned to grow a timber crop does, however,
not alone with those things which dictate foresight, for a long gap be
tho state may do Independently, but 'tween removal and replacement must
nl with those which should bo bo bridged by crops which aru ma'
Mono by the federal government ln-,turlng at proper' Intervals.
deoenJcntll and Id ciMiiterilliiti IUi1 Already soon, of our cUJlU"J can
tho stafe and prlvrtle itwiW.' itts" 'ivo tho limits surrounding their ro-'
slbillty o( prixslo owners in thls'malnlng virgin timber Tho next ton j
whole pnnfam Is not overlooked nor years will sco greut Increnso In ouri
Is M need for public action to lumber production, n Jhlng wo havo
hValto possible practice ol forestry by been waiting for through long dla-(
such prlvato owners. icouraglng periods, uregon touay nas
a largo percentage of all thu stand
ing timber In tho United States but
the time will come when u shortago
Can Be Made Useful and Attractive
Ordinarily wo think tho vast area)
of government owned timber 'ind
held and managed ai national for
ests 'is sufficient. Safeguard for our
future supplies, as a matter of fact
but one fifth of the present avail
able standing timber of this nation
is in government ownership, the
other four fifths privately oivnej
Economists, foresters and lumber
men have realized for a 'ong tlmo
that ss a nation wa aro drifting
toward a future shortage of raw ma
terial to keep alive the lumber In
will exist unless necessary precau
tions aro taken, and It Is with this In
mind that Oregon's state board of
forestry, headed by tho governor, has
taken a step which should, If suc
cessfully carried through, remain for
all time as a monumont to Its pro-
gresslveness and breadth of vision.
Tho policy which follows alms to
touch on our federal as well as state
problems, for wo. must bear In mind nml mnnr other. .t.,endent ! tat a StatO WO havo a decided In
uporf It. The situation Is not alarm-',ercBt ln ,D0 """" of national
Ing. A shortage will not bo apparciA
for many years, but It should bo
realized that we aro dealing with a
crop which requires from 75 to ISO
years to mature.
The hopeful aldo to the question
Is that unlike .coal, Iron or any of
which, when supplies
Women weep at weddings, not be
cause they are brimming o'er with
grief; not because they feel that it
Is another change gone, not for any
reasons assigned In past. They weep
because subconsciously they aro,
aware thatsome day their sons will
be enmeshed In the eternal snare.
j "A lot of men."
Said. Mr. Hutt
"Are decent when
Their mouths are shut " I
I.loyd I)n Lap gays that marriage
may be u union of the sexes but It
doesn't pay union wages," I
IloM Take It! '
Tho car was crowded, and the big, ,
stout matron was doing her best to I
bang on the strap.
At -tho same time she was giving
the meek little man comfortably en
sconced In a seat In front of her, a
look which said; "You are no gentle
man or you would give me vour
The loek: failed in Its mission, and
the stout lady, reaching the limit of
her endurance, exclaimed In a laud
voice, beard all over the car:
'If you wero my husband I'd pot
ion you."
The little man looked up, and, In
, an equally loud voice, replied;
"And If I were your husband
madam, I'd tuko It."
Buy your Kfnm presents at Wint
ers and savo 20. 16-18
.. . . ,
Mrs. A. J. Summers-DM heen re
elected mayor of Btnlybrldgo, Kug
land. it
NOW, CUiS slONOS, bj all rev CUT,
You "MV go to lunch, jpl turcef. Tfucs.
X 4jONlT TACTATC. tezT-t2 "
To You Tl-l. THIS lt!ir
'BXSSS bm E9 M H IhmI M M M L smI M Hill I iH s M u
JBjP1prni)iM-W- rlP l liwMmtM m ill ll
forests within our borders, Not only
will operations In these forests en
rich the state by putting money In
circulation and furnishing n field for
labor, but 25 of tho gross returns
from sale of national forest pro
ducts Is by law payable Into tho stato
treasury, whllo an additional 10
can bo used only for roads and trails
In these forests,
Oregon's state board believes that
forest matters bencuso of need for
local application can best bo han
dled locally, with financial assistance
from tho fedoral government, by
thbsebcst ncqualnted with our prob
lems. It Is bollevcd too that If each
statu takes up Its forest problems In
un efficient manner tho federal gov-"
eminent need have llttlo apprehen
sion regarding futuro supplies of timber.
There' a room in -your home you have
never been in. It it the attic. It isn't a room
y , .. ..
Amiwud wall board, either plain or
veneered, will transform this attic into a
neat, comfortable and convenient winter
play room for the kiddies.
Give the Children a Room of Their Own
You, yourself can do the work during
spare, hours. A few dollars will cover the
total expense.
Make the Attic Good for Something.
Big Basin Lumber Company
Exclusive Representatives of the National
Builders Bureau
Hair Dressing and Manicuring
Dooth at Catholic Ladles lliunnr
from 1 p. m. to 7 p. in. 15-17
Ten and Hulphur , Turns
timy, I'mled Hair Durk
and Glossy
Almost everyone knows that Sage
Tea and Sulphur, properly com
pounded, brings back the natural col
or and lustra to tho hair when faded,
streaked or gray. Years r.go the only
way to get this mltxure was to
make It at bonus, which Is mussy
and troublesome.
Nowadays we simply ask at any
drug store for "Wyeth's Sage and
Sulphur Compound." You will get
a large bottle of thla old-tlmo recipe
Improved by the addition of other
Ingrodlonts, at very little cost, Kv
erybody uses this preparation now,
because no ono can possibly tell that
you dakoned your hair, as It does
It so naturally and evenly. You
dampen a spongo or soft brush with
It and draw this through your hair,
taking ono small strand at n time;
by morning tho gray hair disappears,
and after another application or two,
your hair becomeso beautifully
dark, thick and glossy and yon look
years younger. aqt. ,
Telephone 1SS-W
Steam-Heated Outside Rooms
Reasonably Low Rates
All th LaH t Magazinit, Nnotpapera and
Pcriodicala Come Acre for your daily,.
Gigar Stand
With a New Stock of Cigurs, Cigarettes and'.
Tobacco. Smoke up here.
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