The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 15, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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- baked hjust the
right- "vrn "
ybu' 'Ac
he vay
here Srmi
7afoome aDcgen
fir' ' 'J -JSt
- II ! I I I II II
classified Ad wilt iclt It.
IngeraolVa Fate
Rests With 'Jury
(Continued rtum pago 1)
IiiKWhiII'm Htory
Following tlm ui)iinl questions nil-
utlvii to his Identity," itiirrliign, nd-
IfillnliiliitiritHhlli (itlil uMifir tilniwim at
(hi) rusii lugursiill said Unit ho had
KOtiM In Dairy (in tliu dnjtof tlm shoot
I Hi; to ntlulid n hnsolmll imiiilliig.
Tlmri) was no friction ilurlriK tho
mooting tin said, Leaving tlm saloon
building with til (i crowd, nflor tlm
llttln i:lrl from tlm Htoolislor homo
ran down Ilin road screaming, liigur
noil, with tlm rest of lint Imll toimi,
Irrossitd tlm street townrd thn Jonas
,11(1111111. Then, according to hi stntn
moiit, hn heard threntimliiK remarks
i liy I In r I Allrod, nnd tor xufiity re
tired townrd thn Joitas house with
IiIh hack toward It. Ill reason for
doing t III it, lio said, wan that ho
thiilglt thuro wan going to ho troll-
'bin, and did not want anyone to cut
behind lilm.
i Then, ho testified, ho hoard llunry
loohslcr nay: "If any fighting In
going to hn doni), I inn going to do
It " This wait until before northing
had been said liy him. "Walfn mln-
iitn," thn witness nvnrrod thut ho
answered," "somo nxplnnntlou can ho
imiilo to avoid all trouhlo."
Ily this tlmo, unlit Ingorsoll, Henry
had approached him, nnd tliu two
ini'ii fiicml nuch other with thn rliiht
hand of nun of t ti out upon tliu
shoulder of tliu other, and tho nth
or's h'fl hand resting upon liln ad
versary's nrin. ,
At till Junctnrii IngorsoH's volco
hroko In Holm, nnd hu rolnli'd thn uti
idcnnnnt conversation nhout Henry's
Weds' Riches--Still On Stage
-Despite tlio
fact Hint, at
licr marriage
to Alc'xcnndcr
SmlUi Coch
ran, mauler of
a flO.000,000
fortune, b ho
became one of
the wealthiest
women of
America, Can
na Wnlskn, fu
nious Polish
opera singer,
nays she will
ctay on the
6 (age.
MI elng be
causo I must,"
she soys. "My
nature craves
4bc expression
wliich I can
give to my tnl
cnts through
appearing 1 p
;For ahocr,
love of it, sho
intends to conr
tinuc the work
by whidi she
made her living.
t r Akkmmu d. vsssssfl
full of sediment, ch'nnnofs often cot
saro, water stcnlds nnd you art)'
obliged to nook rellof two or three?
timed during tlio night.
Kltlicr consult, n rood, rollnblo phy
sician at onco or get from your phnr
mnclst nhout four ounces of Jnd
Baits; tako n tnlilonpoonful In n
JKlnBB of water hoforo hronkfaat for a
lfnvo fow ,'ll5,B n'"' yur kldnnyn will thnn
net flno. This famous naltn Is inndo
from, thn ncld of grapes and lorarm
Juice, combined with llthla, nnd ruis
I When you nwako up with bachncho ,,ccn ,""1 rr Koncratlofin to clean
nnd dull mliwry In tho kldnoy,roBlonlnni1 Hmulato liiKBlh kidneys, Man
It Bnnernlly mcan you havo been. lo no"trnllzo ncidg in tho urlno mi It
cntlnK too much ment, nays a. wolN no '"'"' Irritates, thus ending bind-
, known authority. Mont formn uric Icr woaknosn,
ncld which ororworko tho kldnoyaj Jad Halts g n llfo unror for roRiilar
'In their effort to filter it from tho mont catnrn, It Is Inexpensive, ennont
' blood and they bocomo iiort of par- Injuro and makes n dollfthtful, offer-
nlyzod and 1okb'. When your kidneys voBcent llthlawntcr drink Adv.
HnyH llnrluirlm In HIkii You
Ib-rn IjiIIii (imi Jlucli
Ifnf lilllrcrla)i nntt ln, vnti mt.B, '
,1-ollovo thorn, like you rollovo your1 nrlnB her n box of candy tonlBht.
bowels; removlnB nil tho body's xbo Bluo Hlrd. Gtf
urinous wnsto, clso you hnvo lnck- .
ache, dizzy spoils; your stomach
, sours, lonBUo Is coated, and when
Don't worry or hurry, lluy your
tho weather Js bad you havo rhouma-,Cnr',ltnla B"l l tho Catholic I-a-tlc
twinges. Tho urine Is cloudy, dies' nazanr. 11-18
6&.nna. Whisks. Cochran
U (rs Iswwri BtLP I 1
allcKi'il aisoclntion with Mrs. Ingcr- for a long time. Iloss Sutton stated
soil which procodud tliu hootliiK ithnt IiiKcrsoll's reputation was bad.
I.-tI1m- Kliooilnn jno. nlso, did Jnmcs Nail, postmaster
InRcrsoll nnvo his version of ihn'n "n'ry. Mr. Null related specific
troubln up to tho tlmo Martin ! said .Instances In which Ingcrsoll's ropu-
jto havo Intcrpiucd:. "That's tho word, tatlon had been discussed.
Ispcak up and bo a man." When Henry I "Vou nro Interested In this cao7"
jsild yes to his pointed lnt.'rroKatloti,0,,(e, Attorney O'Neill.
'Inuersoll oiaciilnted "What!" I "No mQr ,l'nn to tell tho truth ns
in our restaurant. Our service is equal in every
way to the high quality of food we serve. At
all times you arc assured of obtaining an appe
tizing meal in an environment that is extremely
pleasant. Let us serve your next meal. Every
thing in season at popular prices.
Jewel Cafe
.' , 1 l T
Then, continued lucemoll. Henry
struck at mo with bis right hand. I
stepped bark. Martin Ktoehsler start
ed to kii toward the rear. Henry ro-
sumed the lighting position. 1 reach
ed for my gun and fired. I fired tho
1 know It." replied Mr. Nail.
Mrs Kttn Sutton and Mrs. Ida
Mlrhuel said that Henry Stoolmler's
reputation hud neon good. They had
known him for years, they said. W.
C. Dalton. who lives Just across tho
second shot In trying to wrench my jCTallfornla line, was not permitted to
arm away from Martin. Uy this tlmol,c,"' to ,uo El character borno
Ingersoll's volco wns remarkably l'jy "' deceased, as he was not a
.rtiudr. and his sell composure was resident of tho Dairy vicinity,
again In ovldenco. I W. T. Ilanta said ho know Ingcr-
No statement was mado by him, i80" n tt quarrelsomo person
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Wo ili iotirll currrntt e sell Mrvlrc, That sound odd
doesn't It?
Well, suppose I tie umid denier sold sen Ira Instead of wood, ho
would tend lo your fumnco nnd your rnnite, tako nvtny the ashes
lid clc'nn tlio flueti. Yuu Hould buy mi much beat.
Now you buy so much UkIiI, nltlMiuRh )ou pay arrordlnK to the
current you consume. Hut the scrvlro I pcrformel for you by tills
company at tho substations nuil ovcr plants.
That Is what wo want lo giro you efficient service. It Is thn
arm of this company to have none but saUsflctl customers. No
nmtter what It Is, If you hnvo n icrlovauro, or are dissatisfied about
your bill or do not understand our rates, pleoso come In and see
us or vrrlto us about It.
If you havo any suggestions to make, wo will gladly avail our
aelve of them as our nlm la constantly to Improve our aervlca to
you as feat as tho development of science antTbiunsn ability permit.
California-Oregon Power
Order Your Suit Now
Prices of Woolen have been reduced Per
fect fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery.
Your inspection invited.
( Merchant Tailor
said Ingcrsoll, about lnvvlngeen oth
er gun play, or about hnvlng notches
on his gun. Itcvlcwlng tho occur
ences, Ingcrsoll said that ho asked
Wllllo Jonas to tolophone for the
sheriff to como and get him.
Always 1'arl.ed (Jim
It was his custom to carry a gun,
he said. Ho had carried tho guuj
with him on numbers of visits to
Dairy and other places In tho vicinity,
and always carried It on tho right
J. .hand side.
J Ingcrsoll oxplulncd carefully turn)
jlio fired because hn thought nil tho
J icrowd was going to "Jump onto him,"
J nnd that that was his only reason
for shooting.
"Why did you not .got Into Jonas
homo If you wore ntrald," asked At
torney Manning on cross examina
tion. "No opportunity presented Itself."
replied Ingcrsoll.
Tho prosecuting attorney nlso re
minded Ingorsoll that ho had called
Henry lo him, thus prerlpllntlng
Leonard Parks testified that tho
defendant hnd cnrrled n gun for two
days while working nt tho I'nrk llros.
Ingcrsoll was called to the stand
n second tlmo, but only to testify
that ho was sick nt tho tlmo of thn
fatal shooting.
At this point tho defenso rested.
Itebuttnl testimony
In rebuttal, tho prosecution called
Milo (Irlgsby, who drove Mrs. Ingcr
soll to Klamath Palls on tho day of
tho Inquest. (Irlgsby stated positively
that Mrs. Ingorsolt did mako tho re
marks tormorly attributed to nor
nbnut hor husbnnd's nblll(y as a
crack shot, nnd that ho always shot
for tho heart. Also that ho hnd told
hor not to bo nervous, and that ho
had boon In gun play before Objec
tion was nailo to this testlmon.y
Tho court sustained tho objection.
County Assossor J. P. Leo testi
fied to Henry Stoohslcr's good repu
tation.' So also did W. H. Shook of
Attorney O'Nolll wished to elimin
ate testimony regarding Ilonry
Btoohslor'a character, on tho grounds
that tho docousod had bad criminal
relations with Mrs, Ingorsolt, but tho
court sharply reminded him that evi
dence to that offoct was not on the
Itos.1 Sutton, of tho Dairy soctlon,
said that Honry Btoohslor'a reputa
tion had boon good.
Call IuKePJolI QunrrcWmo
W. H. Shook said that Ingersoll's
roputntlon ns n qunrrolsomo person
This concluded tho testimony, and
the stato rested.
Mrs. Ingcrsoll appeared In court
more attractively dressed than usual,
and tho somewhat worried expres
sion seethed to deepen as tho caso
drew to a close. Mr. and Mrs. Ingor
solt, and tho former's son, Stanley
sat together, Mr. Ingcrsoll passing
his arm around his wlfo's shoulders
to fondle his son who sat very closo
to hor. After giving his testimony.
Stanley, burst Into tours.
Telephone 1SS-W
Steam-Heated Outside Rooms
Reasonably Low Rates
All the Latest Magazines, Newspapers and
Periodicals. t Come here for your daily.
. OPEN .
Cigar Stand
With a New Stock of Cigars, Cigarettes and
Tobacco. Smoke up here.
- - -- - -y fTy!"-! rr" fiViVrYlVfViVrViriVrVrViriViVlVsYsVr
-Shoe j and Ship.
ana jeaiing wax
made right here in Oregon.
And hundreds of other products
you'd least expect.
The manufacture of these things
is iriaking Oregon a better state
for you to live in.
So if a merchant offers you any
article which doesn't bear ah
Oregon manufacturer's label, ask
him tn riv vrn riif Orpcrnn
fcV made kind.
H,- St-T SsBpT- SSSV
-3' m 1
Tour merchant bat a Unit
book which toe tend bim
and which will tell bim in
a minute'if the thinryou
want is manufactured in
Associated Industries
of Oregon
A" ' .
; i ...
' v. I sH III I oH
Vv II sBjsl J sLslslssm.f
was bad, and that hu had heard it