Stye Ituemttg IteraUi Today's News Today tv A Class Ad WW Poll I'ourlo'iilli Wiir, No. Ifrllll. KLAMATH VMAH, OUIMJON, TUKHDAV, JHX'KMIIKH II, IIISO. Prlco Fire Cent HASKAYDEECO. UNDERSTANDING Paving Matters I Only Business I Before Council Tho city council olnn Inst night not n rocord for brevity, lusting ap proximately on hour. Don J. y.iimwnlt, city engineer, prosenlod plan for pavlrig strnot In (ho vicinity of tlio city hall, In- "J" , - eluding Fourth iitroot from' Klam- numor oays oo ana mat ath nvnnuo to oak, Firth from WITH BUNNELL? USEFUL COURSES MOVIE STUDIO FEATURES OFI MA1T BE HERE S UIEI I Plan nrn now complatoil (or tlio holding of tlio tint annual Farmor' ninth Falls, Docombor Inclusive Tha wnok I In- - J j J nf .. s 1. . ... . 1 tionuoa m im chuck run or goou prac- Mrunuaiunu riu 11 mi.vuu ior concrete, soa.uuu ror ca, trainiK for fnrmor,, mockmon, Appease Supporters. b''u'K"' " .ooo for on mac- d lh0r famUl0ii rr r V dam. Tho city attornoy wan In- u.rninff Knon Proposed $50,000 Klomoth to Willow, and Walnut bo-1 Voclc In Klau Construction Levy Is ZZ iVoui! Ilaekof the nronosod levroMGO.r 5. t0 " " ro,lo,u,,on of Tlio forenoons will bo glvon ovor Hack or the proposed lery or i&u.r B(ropton M,orln( th0 ipoCf (cations. to ,)rnctcnl ,ranlnic course Ono 000 for work on tho Hot Bprl... ,0 bo .ubm.tlcd to tho counc... g iTXSS c!S. courthouse, lies a deal, If Damo Ilu- A petition for paying tho alloy v 0ut) of "corvalll. who -will pay mor poak truthrully, tint ha for between Fourth and Firth treet,ip,JC,a, nUunlon ,0 Iarm inventories, Id purpo.o tho settlement or tho ea,t Maln WM rold rrom fnrm C0)lt accountnK, and incomo courthouse quMtlon. tho saving of 0V9ttf 0Wliar" n.d, doptod.nt teportll, No farnu.r who u nnx. much or tho monoy that tho county P,"M fof holpr.,DC wl " ,,r,wn'!lou to find out how to keep hi ha Invoitod In that property and Permit to build a private gnrago f(irm book proJM)r,y hould mlM "saving tho racn" or tho court, two wfl" "uca ,0 ' T' Cornish, and a ,, opportunty t0 KCl ,omo funda. or tho member or which were elect- ""'"" ur " """,r " "' od at tho recent election on a plat- 0M y rorm to complete tho Hot Spring T S ARE OHIO structure. During tho campaign ttin sup porter ir llubiinll and Short vo hemnntly itatnd that thn county would absolutely lose tho Hot Spring courthouse It It wero not' completed and occupied. Opponent!, contended otherwise, making tho, -""" claim that tho FleUchhaker Inter-. POIITLANU. IMc, H - The Oro rati would permit ot tho ia!o to Ron Joint fUh and Kama commission tho school district and tho proceed mooting lait nlicht decided to put to thn bulldlnR or hlithwaya. t aild.Mho McKenilc, Tumalo, Hut That la Juit what la ttolnic to hap- lr Fallt, and Ktimath countyMiatch pen, U what tho little bird am "'In ax trout batchorlo under thn whUporlnic U Irun and the proponed aupervlilon or the mmo commlmlon. IC0.000 Item dooa not ko Into tho Thn Ilonnuvllle, Klatiklnle, Hlui-; liudxct ror neil year. Hero Is tho law, Umpqua, Coo and AUea hatch story, the authenticity or which can rlw are donlcnated commercial not bn vouched ror by Tho Herald, hatcheries under tho aupervlslon or thoiiKh tho ourro ha alwayi proved the Mali commlnlon. reliable: Tho OakrldRu hatchery will bn Immediately rollowlnic the ded- used ror tho propagation ot both alon or tho aupremo court, the counJtrut and almpn but will bo opern ty court reilUed that they. wro ted as two epaato unit onthe aue up axalnst a stltf proposition, If ulto. Action wn deferred on the (lold thn decision wero respected and the Creek, Kantlam and Tahalera hatch Main street courthouse occupied, thn erl-s until InvvatlKatlon.rnn bo made. "Iat dltchors" ror tho Hot Hprlncs, hnlldlnit would never forglvo them.!MKlHK l.;K UIVI-X They could not sell tho Main street t WAV TO Al'.XII.IAHV bulldlnK until tho Hot flprlnits hUlld-J In wa finished and If they wore The Woman's Auxiliary of the prevented from making thn levy, American legion post No. 8 Is hold thoy would bo occupying a position 'lng Its second danco of the season that would bo difficult tn tho ex- ror tho entertainment of exservlco tremo. linen and their friend tonight at tho It was then proposed that ropro-(Whlte I'ellcan hotel. Tho community aentatlve or tho county visit Hor- as a whole aro giving tho ladles their bert Flelschhaker In Ran Francisco aupport to make thn entertainments and sen what could bn dono. As a success; with this In mind tbe man thn story go, Judgn Hunnell and ugomnnt ot tln Mooso hall dance nn a lawyer did so and nftor various nounced today that thero would bo no and sundry plan worn discussed, danco In tho halt tonight. With tho tho following was agreed upon, ) danger of this counter attraction re Damo Humer: Imoved tho danco at the White Poll- Tho county court wa to Includo can tonight should bo well attended. In tho next budget IB0.000 tor workj on tho Hot Hprlngs building. If It! MAUItlKD'HATUIlDAY, worn prevented rrom Including thl.j ft wcddi ftt Wh,a urn In tho udgol Mnally adopt- , R 7,30 8nturi,v , h, cd, or If eventually thl money could , Alexander becunw tho 111 rannu, moil ill" imu...i wmwi- ,,.,.. , i,i.ii, n'f'nlln-l,nB Tim bride or Jorlmlah O'Callnghan. corumony wui prerormod by tho Itov. montal fact of tho practical way. Tho other morning course will bo that ot farm tractor work. Thl work will bo In cliargo of expert tractor men sent by tho big tractor compan ies of Sacramento and I'ortland. Tho courso will Includo locating motor trouble, caro and repair ot bearings and valves, and Igultlon trouble, Thl courso wlllbe held In tho nuichlno shop nt tho hlg hschool with actual dcmonstratloi.'. Kvery tarmer who has an automoblln or tractor should try and tnke In this period. Afternoon Krlon Monday afternoon will bo elven ovor to tho forage crops, Wcdnosday will bn livestock, and Thursday Ir rigation and drainage. Tuesday will be farm bureau day and tho ontlro program wilt be In charge ot tho farm bureau. ' The women will have special course which wilt Includo how to buy and Judge clothing, first aid In the homo and homo nursing, tho proper, cats ot meat and tho uov or tho pressure cooker on the tougher cuts of meat. All those subjects will bo handled by practical pcoplo and will bo rory Interesting. -. Ctilldrrn'n Hour Thn children will be taken care or by a play hour In charge ot a play tcachor and there will also bo a story telling hour. Tuosday thero will bo a course tor tbe boys and girls who ara members or tho county club which will bo In charge ot Miss Helen Cow gill and 1.. J. Allen ot Corvallls. Asldo rrom theso heavy atudy per iods thero aro going to bo a tew re laxing periods such as tho farm bur eau luncheon Tuosday, and tho cham ber of commorco luncheon Wednes day. Farmer and stockmen, and their families from all sections ot Kla math county should arrange to be present on a many ot theso days as possTb'lo a thexn course nro going to Unpractical and welt worth tho time. (let a ropy ot tho prograpi und at toast bo thorn on tho day that tho courso Is most Interesting to you upmont company world consent to I. .! I, t ,l ....,. I., ... .""" - ....... . 4 ............. K ,, Uwri.ncn BI, witncHHed by Mr, would best servo tho nolf.ra or tho Mrg CUu(1(l ,, ,,,, Mr roumx um. ... "7 O'Callnghan Is employed by tho opment In tho greatest degree. Such w .inn .1 xtnrtnr liat ta UMi.M.wi witi'wmj vxwv a course, It was agreed, would provo very snttstactory to nil Interest. Inquiry In San Frnnclsco . pro duced thn following onllghtonlngjln formnllon: "Herbert Flelschhaker rotuses to dUcuss any nnglo of tho courthouro matter." (Point und It I thero that tho newly wod will mako their homo thl win ter. Tho bride, who has bcon hnre for soma tlmo, emtio from Montnnu. Mr. nnd Mrs, (1. A. Krauso loft this Parks Mill Had Successful Run, Reports Owner U. I). I'ark report that tho Park mill nt Pine Flat closed for tho Rea son December 10, after cutting 3, 500,000 feet of lumber ror tho sea son. Whllo tho mill has only 18,000 teot a day capacity It season' pro- The ehaniW ,.r rnh,mrrn I. mt,. ductlon, Mr. Park ay, leads most lng arrangement with tho Ooldwyn lof tho 30'000 foot m,,h' Tho IaTkt rr.mnr.iin. ri. fin. ,. 1 ... mill started oorller and closed later UN ON STAND EH 1MER In tho reason than other mills, Thl was the tlrst season's cut for tho Park mill. Tho timber supply at tho present location I nearly exhaust ed and the plant will bo moved next III Angolei for tho establishment hero ot a branch moving picture studio. For sotno tlmo tho Ooldwyn peo pie liavn been casting around tor 1 Chanro In sennorr and In dolnr oloa na ln0 have asked the chamber nf rnmmBre nrnf- " has not been dotinltcly de- to furnish Information regarding scenery, tho distance to and from certain points, hotel accomodations, and photograph showing some or tho scenery. Tho cbambor ha submitted to them CO photographs and aro now In re ceipt ot Information that they wilt undoubtedly be hero tho coming sea son tor summer view. With the coming of tho Ooldwyn people, (here Is no question that It will open up I It thero wa any ono thing need- tho vast possibilities ot tho remark.-, od to (tart the flow ot Xmai shop- clded whero tho next location be. BIG CHRISTMAS IS N able and varied acenery within a day run of Klamath Falls nnd some day tno moving picture Industry may bo 'sales that havo been pat on by tho ono ot the big Industries ot this sec tion. To further tho work ot Interesting ping that every year at this time i almost at top ipeed, It wa the big various stores In tho city. All of a sudden tho people loomed to have awakened to tho fact that tho pay- tho moving picture people, tho cham-etiological moment bad arrived and Der or convnerco would appreciate they jumped in wun a vim mat rair- any photograph taken of iccenos ly took the merchant off their feet. that are particularly attractive. ThosolTho buying wa not confined to tbe who have scenes are asked to bring stores offering such unusual bar thenj to tho chamber ot commerco gains, bnt It spread to all the other quarters. ANOTHKU ALLW1F.O HOOTIifXrGINti CAKK tjuslness establishments, tho public Morning to realize that the mer chandise held by theso was at bed rock, or they would also bo making special redactions. Tho war on bootleggers who In- A roond ot tho various business vade the Klamath Indian reservation house today brought forth tha In eontlnue and the latest victim of tho'formatlon that buying Is at tho laws W. M. Ilaymond arretted Sat- flood-tlda and that tho next etght urday by Walter O. West as he dls- .hnnnln- ,1 ,T will adoBfcterfbr W embarked .from the Chlloquln stage. tho' bljrtent In tho history ol tbe A chargq was prefered against hlmelr-.-,one Merchant lUtua thathh for having a.ultcse of liquor In hIsN,ugnMI , twonty'-tlvo per 'cent possession at this time and Mr. West 'ahead of lsef year. All ot IVm re brought him to the city for a hearing 'port substantial lncreatw. ' adding beforo Ilert C. Thomas.. United States tht If .It continue until Xmns all commissioner. Raynwnd waived his 'records will be broken, hearing and Is now at liberty on I Th0ro Is no doubt 'but that price 1 1 000 bonds. havo hit tto bottom In thl city and ' Jin many of the lines them Is sure I.KGION k .o b, a rebound. Ono of tho blr dealh than the gun8hot wound wa. . .,.. .... ....u ......-... mercnaniB sudwbo. k reiin;svaioi.Tjj ug,a,.j . or tub iierrid tilt invoice 1 ana rncr. announcedoxhblted tbe price tbfcets of tho 100 same article. Thceo d'.sMisol the II DEFENSE OF HER HUJBAND Mrs.'Jngersoll Halts iri Portions of Testis mony, But Sticks Gamely to Story; i?e- ' fuses to Be Confused aMartlnStoehslor, brother ot tho vic tim of the Dairy shooting affray, was the first witness today against Oll be'rt T. Ingersoll, who Is on trial for Henry fltoehsler' murder. On direct examination, tbe witness repeated, without material variations, tho details of the unpleasant dialogue) that preceded tho shooting as given by ten or moro witnesses beforo him. With H. M. Manning, spoclal pros ecutor, he recreated the quarrel scene, showing tho poitures ot hla brother and Ingersoll just beforo tbe shooting with their approximate dis tances apart. In reply to a question from tho do renso the -witness said bis weight was about the same as his dead brother's. ICO pounds, Henry was less than an Inch taller, or about five feet, 10 Inches. v Martin denied that there was col lusion among witnesses to testify at the trlat that lienry had answered "yes" wbon questioned by Ingersoll as to whether be bad been unduly In timate with Mrs. Ingersoll. Chester Shuber, 17, also denied collusion between wltaeases regard ing Hcnry'a direct affirmative reply to Ingeraotl'a question. He was tho last wltneaa ,for the state. Defeats I Opened Dr.- B. D. Johnson was the first defense .wlta4."' He was asked whethor'he Artis called to treat. Ing ersoll on July 6. The state'a objec tion waa sustained. The question aa to whether he had' been called to treat Mrs. Ingersoll for a similar disease met with similar objection, which waa sustained. Objection to a reply from Dr. Stewart, next witness, as to whether there was other probable cause of The Amlerlcan legion today that they bad secured Scandinavian ball for tho evening ot fact that tho nrticlei were being December 21, their election night. A ao,i jn the neighborhood of 20 per 300 member ore exQoctcd to attend ,cent below their wholoMls cost. It waa felt there would not bo nearly .when kcd for an explanation be enough room In tho council cliambor 'iad; of the city hall. "Simply this: The burlnesa men all over tho, country r taking tho WOUIJ LIMIT AKMAMKNT jqm ow thaL waa aure f coma In OBNEVA, Dec. 1". Tbe assembly the later ro-adjustmont. Tha poo- ot tbe league of nations went on pi0 aro geltlnic the benefit or the record yesterday a sfavorlng-tho lira- ehango and I believe, judging from Itatlon armament by thu powers for tho way they aro buying, they recog the noxt two ycara by agreement. pzo tho rcat bargains thoy nro got- - m ting." WKAT1IKR UHPOItT 1 And so It goos all do.wn tho lino, OU i:OON Tonight, fair and warm- Everybody is buying; all tho mer- morning for acrumento for n visit or; Wednesday, probably rain In chants aro taxed to their limit to Ada Virginia, Ingersoll, wife ot the defendant, waa tbe next witness. Testimony relative. to her meeting and difficulty with Mrs. Martin Stoehsler waa not admitted, a tha defense had not been outlined and the court was not sore whether the testimony waa material. The Woman' Story Relating her version ot tho tatat trouble, Mrs. Ingersoll that alter tbe crowd ot men and boya left tho base ball nicptlng some went first to where Mr. Ingersoll was standing, but eventually all ot them followed her (Continued to Page 4) of three or four days. I west, fair and. cold tn cast. serve their customers aud Indlca-1 history. tlons are that this will bo the rec ord-breaking December of tbe city's JIOIIIIIH I'OHT.MAHTKIt I'l.KADH (1UII.TV TO TWO CIIAIKlKH W. K, Fox, Dorrls postmaster, plouded guilty boforo u United Stntes commissioner at Chlco to cliurgc of arson nnd robbery, brought In con nection with tho thoft ot $r.000 In currency and other valuable and tlio partial burning of tho postofrico No- vombor 7, last. Ifo was bourld ovor 'for trial In the fodoral court at Sao- rumonlo; In default of tho fGOOO bond required ho Is In tlio Sacru imnnto Jail. IMHT 'INHTAM.MK.Vr OF tINCOMi: TAX IH DUK ' Tomorrow midnight mnrlc the tlmo 'limit tor paying tho fourth Install mont ot incomo and oxcoss profit tnxos duo this yoar, Formerly ton laH graco woro nllowod for payment, lmt tbo law has been changed and nil payment must bo In tho colloc .tor'a hand tomorrow midnight. AN UNUSUAL XMAH (IIFT When Thn Herald undortook tlio publication ot Tho Honor Itoll of Klamuth County, wo expected to complcto tho work- In a fow months. Unforseen difficulties de layed the work for over it yoar. During thl tlmo soma of tho sub scribers to tlio book moved away and wo havo been unable to get Into touch with thorn. Aa a result wo have a fow copies or Tho Hon or Itoll left, and theso we will sell for $7.00 n copy. This book make an unusual gltt tor Xmns. It will nevor bo republished, the numbor or copies I limited and within a short tlno It win bo priceless to IhoHO fortunate onough to possess a copy. If you had a frlond In the war, or a relattvo, If you -want fa glvo him Homothlng that ho wll always prize, wo can suggest noth ing more upproprlnto than n copy ot tho Honor Iloll. As thero aro but a tow copies loft. It would, bo advisnblo to Immediately call or phono mid have ono reserved for you. SAW WOOD, BOYS i A CHRISTMAS OPPORTUNITY; rrzjmmmir-TS .c jt s-r?&smr "' l y ' HfKlllly'!dE YOU'LL GIVE TIJ THIS CAUSE It you want re laxation, m.uslc, the fun ot living, thero aro tho movies and tho dances. You're young and earning money and never miss tho few dimes or dollars you spend tor such ummomont. Hut thero nro pcoplo who aro old and Infirm. Thoy havo no money for even tho simpler pleasures, and It will soon bo Christmas. There aro u halt doten old folk In he' Klamath county Infirmary. J. H. Short,' manager of tho Institution has started a campaign to buy a phono graph and records, to put a llttlo Joy into tho lives ot tho aged people dur ing tlio short time that romalns for them " Saturday night's dance notted $118. At least twlco as much is needed. Mr. Short Is taking contri butions. If you aro not ap proached personally but feel that you would like to give, mailed subscriptions will reach Mr. Short through tho local postotrico, sr If you dcslroTho Herald will takol your subscription! and sea that It 1 reaches Mr. Short. Another thing record:. Tho ma chine chosen will play nil makes ot disc records. Here's a ulnce for tbe old records that you've grown sort ot tired ot, You may leave them with any ot tho local phonograph dealers, Mr. Short will call for them. Karl Shepherd, n. A l.'ts, II. J Winters und tho tfquaro Deal Drug company all inl,1 today thoy would gladly eolhei tlio rncord-i, It you have no old rcdords, phono your dealer nnd toll him to add a couple ot records to the county In firmary stack and charge thorn to your account. You'll holp to give thQje old folk, who havo little cause for happiness, a very MEIWY CHWSTMAS.