The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 13, 1920, Page PAGE SEVEN, Image 7

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    1'AUK 8NVIJN
1. 1. C. ELECTS
NEW HI I l: I.
Pavement blocks As Fuel
ffL- j
JWMSt jUitt VteB- 1 I 1 lfJL rt I
At Hi" lust mmitliig or Hid Wo
imiiii'n ltdlli'f Corps wlili h wim hold
Decumbrr 1, tlio following iifflniin
worn itli'iliul'
Mm. Myrtltt Miirtln, pri'ttlili'tit
Mm. Horn Cmmlll. Hr , vlco-pm)
iluntj Mrs Hllii MrMMImi, "3r vlcn
lirt'sldniit Mm Aiimiulto V. Wright
linn kindly consented In rmiliiln iiu
tri'iisurnr iinlll April, 1U2I. Mm
Ili'iirlnllii llrimkflolil was nliirlnd
tliniillii. Mm Jmnilu Ttiii-ii guard
ninl Mm (Inorgo llumphrity ronduc
Irn. Innlnlliitloii will hit lii'lcl In Ihn
livening. Hi" iliiln or which will h
published nt ii Inter iliitn It wllli
lin miniii tlini) In Jiiinniry Mm. fit
col In lliiKiirillin will hit (hit Instiill
IliK offlrnr. j
Thjt fiillnwIiiK delegiiti's woro also
rloctmt lo thu department mimm-1
lien: I'lrst ditlegalit. Mm lliiiiniil
(Jrlgsbyi mtrnml delegate, Mm lint-'
tin (Inrrntt: ihlnl ililii:atit. Mm '
Jitiiiiltt Hunt Allnrnntn delegates: I)IS" KNOW
i-irm. Aim Anna i, iieau; second,1
Mm. Aiuiiittii V. Wright, thlnl. Mm
t.l tl.......
.... DI.'H MOIMSI. In, llnr. 1.1 -A ItKVAI., liithoiila. Doc 13. Horo
n u..., whin, w,. ,, ,, , , , ,,;,
llvn miit. arrangements with made' m'-min jnui.o in i wna murn ..... .. . , ,.
to send Hut cnrim' l.,.r.. ,,r .,. mirtrli.t (o flml slut wh lo Iiu pnlil ""' """ ,l """ "" """ """ "
SirlM L , .. .. u H.m , "" "" " "" K- T r.,u... ', '"" "Wro not nfrnld of
ho n I u,l.u ' "" A rntin election Judgu ' "t iho money Is worthier.
IIOIIIII III llllltltlllirk I . . ... ' ". lf11Vi.ii .ni.rniiinnl linl.. I.n.l nvi,ll
Tim I...M ... ii.i. .cniiiu iiiio mo nuuiinrs oiiice -........- ...- -...-.. .,..
nn i mini' id noi'iii ihii niiw vitiir
Wlll I..IW ntl.l II.. l..l..rl ,.n.l ll..''l" 'Vr OlKllt llDIIW
moiiiliiirii Tim iiIIvit ton Una ni
rnTnOOIlAD Fuel In bo earc In I'ctroicrBd paroraont aro
?ilnic lorn up nnd tho Iilockii uiiod to keep homes wrm. Deturo
iliiiwn n flnruymnn nnd a eludcnt homgwnrd bound with a load of tbs
wiwiiImii fiiul
V.H 'IY)
in: I'.Mi)
I . .. l'il 'ur ti to mm n hnlf fur nil wurk MmU "r l,l,l'"r monpy ,n uala elnco
1914, nml Clio poiimntn nro imvliiK
naoh variety In tlio liopo tlmt mnylio
niltfiirllnnil In lin, Hitrnlil will lm
K)itiiml. tint Hitiit Imlnr m ni-nr
tlio hiillilayn whvii ull iiiotliurn mid
h'ood wurkem urn lumy
ri.'ittr iiih I'liti;
HIICIIS 1'ltll.M CA.N,I)
(lly AmocImIuiI l'rcm)
VANCOrVUII. II (', Iipo. 13
Tlirro Joriy rows unit on it hull ilo
rondml from I ho fnmnus Sopliln l
nil frotu tlio ltullPrfnri herd lit Van
, rtiiiror Ulaml. harn lin ghlpiil t
Ciixcii, Poru wboro ilioy will fnrui
tlio nuro of iho ('rat Jersey br '
In Iho South American rejmhlle. '
Thirty HoUteln wm ulilpitoJ fron
the provlnco a few wrnk nKo to form i
tlio flrai hont of that vnrlnty n ijnlrj j
rnttln In Auilr.ilh Tli8o rhlnmrrti.
ntflcct thu iluvotopinvut of ttulrylnn
In ii prnrlnro that until u fnw )cnr
oki win nuti'il only fur lu lumlivr mul
luliiiui output
KOiuronu of tho r.'ivurnmi'iitK will ro
turn to powur nml mnko iiomo of tint
ntonry rnml, iiVronllnn to lied Cross
offlci'ni hero.
'i in: hwii: oi.D. oi,D sroitv
OKI MCOMA CITV. Okla . Dec. 13.
Oilinr Orilnlu, no thay say, didn't
know It was lotidcil. Charlie llohlnon
fnll dudd The coroniT Is lnvostlsnt
IlrliiK lnr a box. of randy
Tho llluo lllnl
It Is t'Mliunti-il Hint nvnr 140 mi'
lions of pccpl" Ii of speak I In- llnu
llili ImiKUiiiiiT; ovrr 61 millions tho
Kronen, 7C millions (Icrinnn.
'million linllnn, 43 mllllous fit"'i
lli. 11 millions I'ortuguino mul
7C millions IliiMlnn
who makes a
oclcncc of good
Mon7k Catsup in
mnny of his most
delicious soups,
sauces and ra
vlcs. And it will
help you mpko
better, too.
Try it.
TOO MtW Tll:iTS IV CllUltCIl
MUMI'IUS. Tann. Ie. 13.
Tt Inrs ate Rotting prntty bad nt tlio
Itaptlst church hurv. complains l.ulu
Wilson lo Iho coin. 8omebodyBwlpod
her porkiihook contnlnlng $4 nnd n
pair of noldrlmmed glnssus whllo
slut ii.i UK n hymn Inst Sunday. Tlio
cojih can't flRuro It out.
Alt tho wnspn of n nost tlio In tho In Chlnn, tho oldest, largest and
wlnlnr, mrcitpt n low fomnlcs, which most ilonsoly-populalcd nation In
Jilhnrnnto In n nolo or under n stone, tho world, thero nro no pollcomon,
Nonrly fifty kinds of wlno woro oxcopt In tho cities controlled by
known to ho ancient Itomnni, In- forclRnors, nnd In tho forolsn com-
'cludlni; sovcrnl vnriotlcn used for pounds of Chlncsa cities, Tho head
inodlclmil purposes, of tho Chlncso fnmlly Is encpectod to
kcop order In Hint fnmlly nnd ovory
No mnrhlno tins ynt been Invented Inlinhltnnt of a city Is Jointly ro-
III Ikniico which enn supersede mnn'sponsllila with ovory other cltlznn
mil labor In tho mnnufneturo of for Its trnnriulllty.
clinmpnKno bottles, Tho men pur-i
formlnl; tlil difficult work nro well
lion't worry or hurry. Iluy your
Clirlnlmiis iilfts at tho Catholic I.n-'
ill' -' Ilnxanr. 11-18
Tho land crab of Oubn
speed than tlio horso.
iinitAM) ornei: now on
i:ioirni ht., niiau maix
Tho Ifcrnld offlco hns boon
moved from fourth 'street to tho
new quarters on Eighth strcot bo
tweon Main and Pine, All de
partments nro now In tho now
place, Tho phono numbor hna not
beon chnnged It Is f till S8, ,
Howovor strong n nnlo mny bo
hns mora blowing not n brcnth of wind Ii felt
by tho occupants of a balloon
Tim lochonologlcnl Instltutn nt
Toumk Is tho only higher Institution
of learning In all Siberia.
I '
i d
i'or mora than two hundred years
Lithuania was tho largest state In'
- wyl lf S lJyj
How To Get Rid
Of Your Cold
If the Wood Dealer
Sold Service
Wo do
doesn't It?
not sell current; ho sell service. That itounds odd
Tlio quick wny Is to tiso
Dr. KInft's New .
A sandpaper label has been do
vliod for protecting peoplu from
taking doses from poison bottles by
mlstakit. When nnpno tnkes up
tho liottli' In tho night, no mutter
how ilnzod from sleep ho may bo,
tho rough unfamiliar fuel of tho
randpnper reuses him nnd bo rnrog.
nlios ut onco that the bottlo con-
tnlnn poison of somo description
Carpenter coitrnrtor, 1C3I
DON'T fool with a
cold. Go to your
itnitn-it t nm! rf n Imlftn
cf Dr. Kinj'g New Discovery nnd start
Uti"s it. Hy the time you reach
lionie ou'I begin to feci better, and
tm'II line a rcitful sleep without
throat-torturing coughing.
I'r. King's New Discover', for over
fifty v-ars a remedy, lus tho
mcdii inal qualities tliat rclin'e con
pet t ion, case the cough and loosen the
phlegm. Con ir.cinp, healins taste,
top. Price 60 cents, $1.20 a bottle.
For colds andcoughs
New Discovery
Constipated? Here's Relief
Clcjntc the sttcm nnd bring back
your old time energy with Dr. King's
Pills. They promote free bde How,
stir up the lazy liver and cet at the
root of the iroutlc. I"ricc, 2J cents.
"' ' IJPrampfYoretCvtoo
Well, suppose tlio viooil dealer sold service Instrnil of wood, lie
would tend to jour ftirnnro and your range, tako nwny tho aihcn
nnd clean tlio flues. You would buy so much licnt.
Now you buy so much light, although jou pay, nr cording to tho
current you consume. Hut tho service Is performed for jou by tills
company nt tho substations nnd power plants.
That is vtlmt wo wnnt to glvo you-efflclent service. It Is tho
aim of till company to liavo nono but satUfieil customers. No
matter nhiit It Is, If you limo n grievance, or nro dlsvatliflrd nlmut
your bill or do not iiiitlcnitmid our rates, plciuio como In and sco
us or wrlto us about It.
If J on have any suggestions to make, wc will gladly avail our
selves of thriii an our nlm Is constantly to improio our sorvlco to
you a fait as tlio dctrlopmcnt of science and human ability permit.
California-Oregon Power
FOR SALE Choice Christmas trees,
price 50c to $2.50, by Central School
seventh and eighth grade boys, for ath
letic fund. Telephone 245-R.
Order Your Suit-Now
Prices of Woolens have been reduced Per
fect fit guaranteed. Prompt delivery.
Your inspection invited.
Merchant Tailor
.ivw T2iVMrTi -r- innBB .
f. i y-7 c jl JxJrVJL WCCA. sB-t-rTT W
A Tip to the Wise Heusekeeper:
The easiest and quickest way to secure a
brilliant and durable polish on old or new
is by the use of
An occasional application of PULLER' FLOOR WAX' to word
pota on any surface immediately restore the finish and brings.
out the depth and richness of the original coating.
", - . I - S !,
XH." .
- Produces o glossy, mar-proof and durable finish.
70 Years
Fee &! by Distributors of W. P. Fuller ts Co.' Products.
d Shioi
A sf A A f "
ana jnno waxi
( r , Tour merchant J)as a littlt
J ' book -which we send'him1 L z
and which will tell him in -v
a minute if the thing you
'want is manufactttrcd'ik
made right here in Oregon.
And hundreds of other products
you'd least expect.
The manufacture of these things
is making Oregon a better state
for you to live in.
So if a merchant offers. ypu any
article which doesn't bear an
Oregon manufacty vcr's label, ask
him to give you the Oregon
made kind.
A ssociate'd. Industries
of Oregon,
V v "&, ,-j
m . ...
't ' .UD W IV 11