The Evening herald. (Klamath Falls, Or.) 1906-1942, December 13, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, DECEMBER 1.1, 1020.
The Evening Herald
VllKlt heuli: ..
...... ...Editor
...City Editor
Published dally cxcopt Bunday, by
Tho Herald Publishing Company of
Klamath Falls, at 119 Eighth Btrcct.
Lap, County Clerk of Klamath Coun
ty, Oregon.
- r- 'NOTICE TO 1)1 DDK 118
Didders nhnll submit proposals for
the completed work ai outlined In tho
specification, Including tho furnish
ing of nil materials, except wire,
staples ind cuhorts. ,
Kach proposal must bo accompan
ied by n certified check nmountlng
to 10 of the estimated bid, and
mado pnyablo to tho County Clerk
Entered at tno poatomco nt Kia-j
nth Falls- Ore., for transmission
throufth thn malls. n .second-class i of tho Klamath County, Oregon, ni
matter. a guaranty that tho bidder will. It
'.successful, promptly execute a snt-
MllMRER OP T1IK ASSOCIATED slfactory contract and furnish bonds
PRKHS. (satisfactory to tho county court of
Tho Associated Press Is exclusively .Klamath county Oregon for tho faith
entitled to tho uso for republication .ful performance of tho work required
The Office Cat
of all news dispatches credited to It,
or not otherwise credited, In this
paper, and also tho local iWi pub
lisher heroin.
Sealed Proposals will bo received
At the office of tho County Clerk of
Klamath County. Oregon until 2
o'clock December 27th. 1920, for the
construction of approximately mile
of Market Hoad at Bonanta, Ore
gon. This work requires tho excavating
ot approximately 9,095 cu. yds. of
material, mostly earth.
For particular address C. R. De
Lap. County Clerk ot Klamath Coun
ty, Oregon.
'Bidders shall submit proposals for
the completed work as outlined In
the specifications. Including the fur
nishing of all materials.
Each proposal ntust be accompan
ied by! a certified check amounting to
10 of the estimated bid and made
payable to the County Clerk ot Kla
math JCount. Oregon, aa a guaranty
that (he bidder will. If successful,
promptly execute a satisfactory con
tract and furnish bonds satisfactory
to the County Court ot Klamath
Count, Oregon, for the faithful per
formance ot the work required by the
specifications attached hereto.
The proposal must bo marked
"Proposal for the Construction of
Poo yalley Market Road, Bonanta,
Oregon," and addressed to the Clerk
ot Klamath County, Oregon.
The name of the bidder should be
written on the envelope enclosing the
proposal. 13-24
Sealed proposals will be received
at the office of tbe County clerk of
Klamath county, Oregon until 2
o'clock December 37th.. 1920, for the
construction of approximately 6V4
ndlt ot Market road at Bonanta,
Oregon. -- y
This work require. the, placlng.of
approximately 3000 rods of fence and
excavating ot approximately 20.000
cu. yds. of roaterlafrmottly earth.
For particulars address C. Tt.'Po
by tho specifications attached here
The proposal must bo marked
"Proposal for tho construction ot
1-augoll Valley Market Road, Bon
ansa, Oregon," and addressed to the,
Clerk ot Klamath County, Oregon.
Tho name ot tho bidder should bo
written on tho cnvelopo enclosing
tho proposal. 13-24
It Is always Intensely Interesting to
seo how a book that one has enjoyed
and admired between covers fares
when It reaches the hands ot the mo
tion picture producer.
Millions ot readers found In Sam
uel Merwln's best-seller, "Tho Koney
Bee," a story of unusual theme, fas
cinating character studies and extra'
ordinary appeal the story of a worn'
an In revolt against her empty, love
less, childless life; a womvan between
whom and the little honey bee .the
author traced a wonderfully Interest
ing analogy. Millions found. It not
only an entertaining story, but one
with the rare quality ot having the
brain-cells sometimes to do, yePalso
at times wrinkling the corners of the
mouth. '
Bring our dressmaking and sew
log to 1404 Worden Ave. 11-1'
There will be a regular communi
cation ot Klamath Lodge No-77, A.
F ft A. M. Monday evening, Decem
ber 13th, 1920, at 7:30 p, m. Elec
tion of officers. All Master Masons
are requested to attend.
11-13 GEO. CHASTAIN. Wi. M.
Call at our otflco, 633 Main St.,
and get a calendar tor the new Year.
Chllcote ft Smith. 13-23
LOST, a chance tp find what jWve
been looking for lfou don'tvlslt
Davenport's' Jewelry' Store, lnlfyH.
6th St. 13-18
"Always the Best for the Liberty Guest"
If. W. POOLE, Owner IIOGKR D. TOIUtKY, Musical Director
"Ilt Heller"
As tlown-to-the-ntlnute a today's sunrUe.
Tonight we show the last rpbtode of
Starring Champion Jack Detnpwy. The ownership of
flu? lake of oil In willed, the tlllaln is also wttlcil, the
hero gctM one girl, Id friend gets the other ami thry
lite happy eter after.
The third of those funny "IIRI.NGINa UP FATHER"
Oat or Sight 4 '
Classical Dancer Doctor, I want'
to bo vaccinated somewhere ltwon't
Doctor My dear young lady,, I'm
afraid I'll have to do It Internally.
'.'i!.; i ja. i" , .-. ..'.'u1., . , 'n,1;1" - - -
I LW i I.
ffl atsVBaaaUaTsMSns- fsM NM
H ssksMBBBSBBBijB"p i Mi j.annnnnnnnnnxji f Hsm
"TtH ssWB H
Down the I Ana
When asked how their
Tho coat dealer said! Blacky
The police Judge said: Flna.
The Junk dealer said: Picking up.
The gunntaker said: Booming.
Tho tallgrsald : Increasing"
The fruit ofelfer said: Rotten.
(Tho undertaker said: Dead,
-The thief said: Quiet. , '
Tho packer said: On the Hog.
1 The writing teacher said: Florlsh
The Clairvoyant said: Medium.
What Dee Jim Drlncoll Know
About It? Vl
Jim says: "Qlrl babies and bull
pnps are helpless playful creatures,
but, gosh, how they can fight when
they grow up." :
lie also says 'that about the only
kind ot gambling that Is legalised
In this country Is marriage.
How to beat the postoftlcel Ad
dress and mall a letter to yourself
without postage. It will be returned
to you.
The hardest part of getting out
this column Is bunting the sbcarsa af
ter tho stenographer borrows- them.
BUt. maybe when she gets a raWo
she'll- buy herself a pair. t
Bobble Ryan says that a lot of
us "would get the worst of it If we
were compelled to love ouoelves like
we love our neighbor.
Oh! Joyful Land
On Monday, September 27th, tho
New York papers published a dis
patch from Geneva, Swltxerlund, da
ted September 261b, t read:
"The Inhabitants of tho vil
lage of Martlgny face the pros
pect ot being able to drink only
wine and beer for some time, the
result of tho town waterworks
being washed away yesterday by
the flood which swept through
the Chamounlx valley, caused
by tho bursting of a glacier
The Sweetest Gift To Give
Is a box of candy, and nowhere can you find better,
candy, more deliciously flavored, .more, beautifully
boxed than at the Maize, We carry a 'full line of,
Krause's Candies, including chocolate creams Glori
ana chocolate, caramels in chocolate and chocolate
dipped, almond, chebfiy cordials, 'creamed 'Brazils,
fruit and nut centers, and summit chocolates.
The Maize Candy carries the Hall Mark of purity
and perfection. That is why you should buy that
Christmas Candy ai
Seventh and Main Streets
Next to The Rex.
position as cook In ramp, flood ex
perlence. 343 8th St. 13-1C
WAJIM LlrillT nilTtlinM ronmi with
LOST 8lxtecn site Elgin watch I bath 7C cents. Ifomo Rooming
Fancy dial, gold bands. Monogram jliouae, 920 Klsmath Ave. 13-1&
J. il. A. on back. ISO
questions asked. Box
.reward. No
1700 Herald.
rooms. 812 Oak.
WANTED School girl to help with
housework In small family. Room
and board also wage Included. Call
1729 Main 8L 13-1G
$1250 will buy my
Kleiber truck, or will
trade. What have you?
Max Weiw, Army
Goods Store, 1136)
About two months ago there came
to my pjsce, about one-fourth mile
wMt brtlller Hill school house, a
white 3-yrar old heifer with her
calf, brjrrioVd AW on right rbs. 7f
on left hip: both ears creuDrtl: wat
tles cut.trw-ner 'nUy have saino by
proving property and paying costs.
13-16 J. II. HARNETT
no. i; h. .etici:
FOR BALE Model N. Hupmo- Main.
duo cneap, u you are loomng tor
a car that will do your work during
4ia ! mnnihd Skin f Hal
tuu mukui iiiuiisaiB avu tun uimt, wupv i
overhauled. Charles Sllva 230 Main '
St. 1 3-18 .WANTED- Expnrlcnccd woman for
housework. Call 200 Mouth 5th St
There will be election of officers of
Aloah chanter Nn. 01. O. K. H . TW.
1 3-1 8 lsjr evening, IKc 14, 1920 at Ma
sonic ball at 7 30 o'clock. Alt mem
bers urged to he present.
LOST Cameo ring set with 2 dla- 13-15
. monds, valued as a keepsake,
oral reward If returned to the deskiKOR HALE Ono fresh Holstuln milk
at tho Rex cafe.
WANTED By mlddleiged
13-16 ' cow with calf by hor side Fred
1 'Dlngulor, !'J mllex this side ot Oil
woman. Well 1 7-1 7
Davenport's Jewelry Store, 122 K.
Cth street. Is the placo to find that
X :n as gift ou have been worrying
about, 13-18
A local woman recently ordered
isome fur coats sent up on approval
(Saturday, and returned them on
Monday morning with a massago
"None were suitable." The nnxt day
!sha recohed a courteous communica
tion from tho bead of tho fur de
portment returning her praynr-book
which had been found In tho poikol
of one of the coats.
Rowing at the.
f'l understand you havo told your
wife to throw the oulja hoard Into
the woodbox."
"Yes, I'm not going to liuva nny
such superstitious nonsonso deciding
nuniltlnnH nrnund mv hntlMft. Whnn
I come to a point whom I can't Piuka
up my mind what to do, I simply flip
tho coin."
Doesn't this title teem with Interesting- possibilities?
it does. And the picture Is fall to overflowing with
situations that amuse, Tbe best part of all is that
the star
has taken full advantage of everyone of her oppor
tunities TOMORROW Thomaa Inco's ftperlal
Dear Docter: Your bill recalvod
and I fall to seo where I owe you two
dollars. You simply wrote a pres
cription which I lover had tilled and
which I am enclosing. Hastily,
Oo! Ln! La!
I bear Aphrodite
;is tbe play rather warm,
And since I have heard It'
l'jn filled with alarm.
I seriously fear. t,bat
The censor will beat
Me to tho performanco
And start lo delote!
"I am, perfectly satisfied with tho
pleasure I give patrons who find At
my Jewelry store Just what thoy were
seeking for Xmas gifts. It' Is all the
Xmas present I want," said W. A.
Davenport, 122 S. 6th street. Why
not berniade happy by a visit io his
store? ' 13-18
Telephone Credit
FOUND, nt Davenport's Jowelry
Store a Xmas present that you could
not find elsewhere, "Davenport" on
your present .means the best. 13-18
Tho telephone company will bo compelled to borrow largo amounts of monoy
In tho next fow yoars, not only to oxtpnd Its servlcu to now subscribers, but to tako
caro of tho constantly Incrcnslng'tiso of tho servlco by present subscribers,
A lender In business will domand of a borrower amplo security nml will Insist
that Its valuo be maintained without deterioration. Ho must ho shown thut, this
security has an usuurud carnjng power. Ho must he satisfied thut his Investment
Is safe; that It can bo disposed of at any tlmo without loss and that It will bring
him a continuous return.
At the present tlmo this company's operations In Oregon aro conducted at a
deficit. Its cxpensoH nro greater than its revenue No return is being received
by Its stockholders from their property lij Oregon. Not oven tho Interest on Its
bonds properly cbargeablo to ts Oregon properties Is being paid from Oregon re
ceipts. With now capital scarco and commanding high rates of return, a business show
Ing operating results such, as tbeso will find it difficult, If not Impossible, to socuro
money for Its necessities.
We assume that the people ot Oregon wishNo treat tho utilities doing business
In this state Justly and fairly, and in this belief we, havo nskod tho Public Sorvlco
Commission to npprovo a schedule of rates Increasing our rovonues, Tho amount
asked for Is relatively small to. tho Individual rate payor, but tho aggregate will
place us In a position whero wo can obtain tbo outsldo capital necessary In our
operations. v
Under present conditions an adequate telephono sorvlco efficient and suffici
ent Is dependent upon higher rates. ,'
'The Pacific Telephone and Telegraph ompany