TAomrtvM rscrr CANADIAN Miaillini oppohkh i-i:aiui: plan (My Associated Pros) OBNIJVA,, Doc. 8, Plan for tho formation' of ate clinical organltntlon Jn tha league of nation, denting with finance, health, and transportation ware sharply attackoil In today' ses Ion by Newton Wesley Howell, for raofj president of thn Cujindlan privy council. ! .11 III 1 1 .. I l',l'. .Mil" I ii TIlACIIintH KX.UIH Wlf.L UK IIICI.I) IN MllltAUV Tim teacher xiniiltintlorin will be hold on December lfi, 10, 17 In tha county library building, It was an nouncod today by Mis Twyl Head, county 'school superintendent. Tho chodiita of examination wan given In Tho Kyonlng Herald tho first of tha week,' . . !..! . J !.! - .1 IP .11 I t ----------------- i----")-i-,- iVi'i't'iivrAi'rAnrifuuu-juJ jsanLaffSslBss m THE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON VmiTT r Peraonal Mention ii i i ii Announcing? , That the Scandinavian , Hall Will be com, pleted and wUI Wormiaix 4pety ,.' by the Catholic Ladies with a ' t BIG Bazaar Dec. IS, 16, 17 and 18 The Public is Cordially Invited. ..-.. ...I- -l-TirnJnnni-r)n(ru-u-tnj MMAMMMVVWM I M -t The Heathen Chine'e Ifc an Artist a. ; -Hit work is beautiful and he sells' it very cheaply. As a Christmas gift nothing can be more appropriate than the products of the Orient al workmen. See our won derful display of Celestial Art, Trinklets and Novel ties. THE GIFT SHOP "The Art Store of Klamath Falls" 709 IVjain Street isira I .... ... . I Well, I Now I I :; Then! I I I '-.ii Hi,&! ;', '. . W!wiii ' SH - - ' -- ..i,.. M Clonn Chlldors returnod last even ing from -tho Roguo River valley, whom hn ha been for tho past weok on a qloasuro an 4 business visit. William Fordney, proprietor of tho Lorella Mercantile company, la Injtho county neat on matter of business today. Mr. and Mrs. A, B. Oslo are here today from tbrlr ranch In Langell vnllny. Charles Hogue la In town thla wock from Sacramento on business. Dick Klynri ,of Malln waa In town yesterday looking after business mat torn. A. It, Campbell -who operate ' a ranch at Pine (Jroro waa hero lat ovenlng purchasing supplies. A. J. Ifanan who ha a farm In thit valley la n county aeat business vUltor today. Charles Hood waa down from Iho Indian reservation yesterday. Mm, Perry Oreonaugh and Mrs. QUbert Lcltoy, who have been hore from McCloud vlsltlbg their parenti, Mr. and Mra. 0. W. Perklna, left thla morning on their return trip. Mrs. A. M. Friable left thla morn ing for Pato Alto, where she will pend tho vacation daya with ber'alt Ur, Mr, mow, Mr. and Mra. T. E. Woraley left thla morning for Athland to spend the remainder of the winter months. , Fred Itansier waa a eltv visitor tfterdy from Dorrl, California. Mr. Mary Korton, piano teacker or thl city, left tbl morning for California, where be waa called by rs vWKDNKftTMY, DKCIftihini II, lao. fho ill heaKb? of her dft'ugHldr? Mf Norton .wpectsi to be book by th'e flrt of tho ycar'ot lcat Mr. and Mr. B, C. Hamaker nfe here forin eatejided visit with their, relative and frldtfd. ' -' Mr. abd Mra, Joel T. WardJeft yes terday for Portland where they we're called bjr the, serious lllneiu of Mr, WardVmotber. Thl changed their plan somewhat a tnoy were expect ing to upend a vacation for omo time In Ban -Francisco. P. Wynne of Merrill I In the -city for a fW day to attend to business affairs, Charles Twohy was In tho city this wrvjK from Chlloquln. Frank Cacka and John Cacka are among Merrill resident to visit Kla math Folia today They aro regis tered at tbo Will to Pelican hotel, W F. Orab Is hero for a few dak from Chlloquln on business. Dr. hV O. Wlsecarvcr and Dr. P. M, Noel, both cromlnent dnntlitm of her company, I a city visitor today from hi homo at Iionanza. Mr. .Zimmerman, of the Mills llrown Machinery conpany, Is a bus ne visitor from Portland this weok. Mis iane Moore left for Ban Joao thl morning where sho will spend thrt holiday with her relative. Hoy ftloan, who ha been in the office of the Warren Construction company for the past few month, left thl morning for Portland to spend the winter. A leap year dance In to be the fea ture of the entertainment given De cember 24 by the Lndles'of the II. P. O. K. All member and their la dle aro Invited to attend this brill iant affair. NEW TODAY WANTED Odd Job about town. dzu n. lutn Ht, 8-1-1 WANTEfo 20 good .wood barrols. uox 240, city. 8-10 FOIt llENT 3 room, platerod, un lurnlfthofl AtlArtmnnf. fn.n In 1. cated nt 638 Oakr tret, in tho now Ht. Francis Apartment. For full par tlcular see, II, C. Dale, 834 Main, phone 370. $ The Christmas Gift Supreme. A Stephen Salient Six. We'll deliver it how. or in the spring. Metropolitan Oarage, lltn and Klamath. 7-9 m Carbon Paper and Manuscript Cov- MIDDLE AOB LADY' wishes cooklna; in camp, wporicncod, and a good cook. Call or writo 62 Plnn itrnnt. Apt. 2. 8-H this city;-left this morning for Tort- era Drummond Print Sbop, 4th and land, Oregon, where they will itf Wm. 7-9 course under Dr, Bmjthof Chicago In Ulock"Anas'theMa. The doctors do not expect to retdrn before the first of the year. William Dray, of the Klamath Los- glng company, returned last night from a Imalness' visit to San Fran cisco. " 0 Blx lnVb'es of snow 'fell last night and caused 'a chahged wbrid'to' be presented to, thtt.s'city2cec)ple2f "'this morning. Trees wereweTgfifeiniown with the flakey stuff and IBe'moun tains were brl!lUnt"wllh their 'SStr coats U. N. Orlser ' -Christina cards Drnmmond Print Shop; Fourth and .Pine. 7-9 FOR IlENT Flvo room bouso 3ttt 1 blocks from Main street. Inquire at 1129 Lincoln. 8-9 . Young steer beet by the quarter or piece. 13 to 18 cent per pound, de livered, .Call 253 JT.' 8-12 .Carpenter contractor, 1C32 Wall f, ." ' 8-22 IUis. proposed .lb adapt the aero plane as further discoveries in Dark- ijjtrAfrlca. The llabtfe tra has an averar of er, of the Grise Lum- Ihe inlre yelf x TODAY'S SPECIALS nig level lot on 10th St. Prlco la- only S7C0. Terms. Good seven room house and big evel lot only two bloekV. from Mais St. It baa four bed-rooms 'and will bring good income. Non-resident owner is making sacrifice price of 93G00 for quick" sale. Term. We would liko to talk with 'to about a 30 ft. modem '.brick-building in the heart of the eity. Price if 111,000. Only 82000 caa and 81009 annually. , CIULCOTB & SMITH 633 Main St. C m What would be mere acceptable than a Stephena Saitail, Six for CnriatmaaT At tb MetUUn Oar age, 11th and KlawsUb. 7-( k-SSSSSSKBSBSSSSSSS. gtf j akV aMs9' wJfhStmfE x. iDBaaL rtjT iV VUbbbbbbbbbbbH Hsassflall SsslBsejM&. 9bIbbbbbbb1 Suggestions for Christmas i . S : ' K . ' - BOOKS A good book-meets every demand of a perfect gift and it is especi ally acceptable to old and young. Such gifts are treasured a lifetime. Select from Books of Poems, Stor ies, Fiction, History, Juvenile Books, etc. Bibles and Hymnals are also in demand as gifts. FOUNTAIN PENS The fountain pen has become an everyday necessity but it has lost none of its popularity as a gift. We sell Conklin and Waterman Fountain Pens. They are self-filling and non-leakable. There's a style, size and nib to meet every fancy. Prices $2.50 to $16.25. l) 1"3 f 1 . 1 - ' JmJm.JmJ NOVELTIES Our stock contains many out-of-the ordinary snrt of goods which will make appropriate gifts Ster ling Silver Novelties, Japanese Goods, Odd Designs in Book Ends, Leatho Goods, etc. Come in and ee the various goods we have ast -tbled for gift seekers. CAMERAS A Camera makes an ideal gift be cause it continues Christmas cheer'" throughout the year. We" are' agents for Eastman Kodaks, and have an assortment of sizes, styles,, and prices so that every choice , may be gratified. Prices $3.33 to $35.69. SHAVING SETS The man who' shaves himself will welcome a convenient and attrac tive shaving outfit. Let us aid you in assembling just what's needed Razors, Safety Razors, Brushes, Mugs, Soaps, Powders, Strops, Lotions, etc. A nice mirror will be handy, too. ; STATIONERY Dainty, stylish Stationery makes a . choice Christmas present. We have a superb showing of High land Linen and Crane's Linen . Lawn. These papers represent the latest tints and textures. Some especially holly-decorated boxes for gift purposes. Monogram pa- " pers are popular. Prices 75c to $20. ,r m Wl ft I 'vn &. v:' 1 V P r arwwwwwnnafY ' n. i w saaa saasasi aa KLAMATH FALLS OREGON WHERE PARTICULAR PEOPLE DLLELL1jZ OUY THEIR. DRUGS IaccupacvJ M n URL iz&Eiml Esrr" Sters? 5 vA''