TNE EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOH TWO tuisday, dkckmrkr t, 1020. Seek Missing Bride playground equipment are expecting to rcoclvo approximately $20 n for tho material Tho big tonnage ot pnpor was nuKomliloil by tho joiing slurs for tho most part with counter wagons. Tho drlto IahIoiI for two weeks, tho klddlei making n hotiso to-houso cnnvitsii. NOTES FROM TI ASPIRIN U.D. CO. FACTS I L CENT 00 (Contributed) Tho teaching forco ot the Central school Is mnklng everr effort tot cecuro regular nnd lmnctunl attend-, twice. During tho pint month ti gen eral nrcrngo of 07.3 per , cent win' xnndo In nttendnnco. Tho seventh grndo hml tho banner room, hnMng Wtho highest per cent ot attendance 99.1 por cent, nnd no tardlo Tho fifth nnd sixth closely followed vrlthi 98.4, and tho eighth' 9S.1. Owing to1 tin epidemic of measles In tho prl- mnry grades, the nttcmlanco was not OB encouraging. IJt of VMtors In tho fifth grade, wo havo rccnt ly had ns visitors. Mrs. Yaden, Mrs. Cnfor, and Mrs. Chanoy We nro always glad to haro our friends call. Wo hnvo added two now pupll, but " wo also have lost two. Mary Frasler came to us from Ynklma, Wnshlng ton, and Rowland Cdhk from Straw, California. Gorda Ltrson left hero for San Francisco and Leolo Dick went to Redding. Among other visitor, to our build Ing. since tho last report wcro Mes domes It. M. Young, T. n. Skllltng ton. W. H. Kllngerberg. T. U Stan ley, F. J. Rlloy. Henry Young, 0. E. Oriizlc, Fred Fleet, Alvln Itammol, nnl Mrs. Kllcn Hnnnon. Ellis TruloTc, a bright llttto lad! of Monroe, Oregon, dropped Into tho otflco early Monday morning to reg ister in tho sixth grade. Ttuuik.s;hinc InRrnm On Wednesday before Thanksgiv ing tho eighth grade (live wires) gavo a program to which they Invi ted tho seventh grade (Central) stars) their teachers, principal and superintendent. Herbert Phillips, president of the class presided. Tho first half hour was given over to practlco In parliamentary drill, followed by selection arranged by tho committee, as follews: President Wilson's proclamation read by Clau dlna Witt: Thanksgiving song, by George Condrey, tanler Wallan, and t ' ' .' Jft- C !SBBBBBSSSBBBBH7SSBBBBTLr ..jMjr " I vT s. &u.SSSSlSSSSSSSKSSSSSSSa . '" u'.f f H i"BSBBSBBBSBSsSSBBBBBBBMfc . Xv jssvv HilllllllllBlHv ts t jLKpBftv jvHPn. - J?" sssBBBBBBBBBslssBBBBraMlk 1 - V St. jfc.."v .V -BSSSr $35 i&- UBTf JFJWJ'Sfl 1'OUTI.ANI), Doc. 7 As n to sult by north end bootleggers thut tho hard elder and "iipiloJnck"-lileli they sell to 'their patrons Is lieond tho daimor mark of alcoholic con tent when It comes to thom from tho factory, Municipal .liulgo Ross man directed Deputy City Attorney Htitdtor to prupnro n court order giv ing tho pollco a right to procure sam ples of elder manufactured In exory plant In Portland Christmas cards Drummond Print Shop, Fourth mid Pine. "'. iiisroiti.w WltlTCS OS ()lti:i NOILMAI, MIUMII.N A4GS DO&OTHV f. VACKE&S NEW YORK Police ond detectives are combing New York for trace of Mrs. Dorothy K Vackers. IS-yonr-old bride of four das. who ranlshed on tho wav from her home to confession at church, nvw blocks away Police of other cities have boon askod to aid In the search becomo a journalist nnd write as fol lows; "I wish to apply for tho position of Journalist la your office. I hopo to bo one somo day, and besides by holding )hat position I might gain knowlcdgo ot that bulsnos. Mrs. Carr, trust, wilt rcccommcnd mo. I have learned that you will ac cept no one without her recommenda tion. Respectfully yours, HAROLD 11ATEMA.V. DomrMic Science Work The various grades aro doing riTnS .i in ; tPlcndld work In domestic science. Donald Veach; Thanksgiving story by .... , .. , r. Harold Bateraan: reading by Geo Bradley; song, eighth grade girls; and a reading, Clara Wilson. "Tho Star Spangled Banner"' sung by both classes closed the program. Answer "Help Ads" To an advertisement for office as sistants, placed In rooms 7-8, very In teresting applications have been made. The following was written by Joy Evans: "Your advertisement o ntbe sev enth grade blackboard attracted my attention. I wish to apply for the position of tnlneograpb operator, I have had some experience In this line; you al ready know my ability. "I will try not to let It Interfere .with my other school work In any way. "I have not been absent or tardy since school started this fall. For recommendations, I refer you to Miss McAundrews, .Mrs. Murray, and Mr. Wells. Respectfully yours, JOY EVANS. Harold Bateman thinks he might OREGON BREVITIES f I'NIVKRHITY OF ORIUION. En gene, Dec 7 That tirfrmnl school presidents In Oregon received as low as 11M10 a Joar back In t'JUl Is brought out In . The History ot Ore gon Normal schools," written hy Al tnack, nsalstnnt director of the ex tension division of the Pnhorslly of Oregon Some of the prtifesitors re ceived ns low ns MOO u year nnd very few of them received as much ns Is now tho minimum salary for rural teachers In mnl Oregon coun ties This arttcle, which wns publish ed In tho Oregon historical quarterly, Is ono of n series of monograms on tho history of education In Oregon, being edited by Dr. D. II. Sheldon, dean ot tho school of education. SALEM, Dec 7 Registered nu tomoblles In Oregon at the closo ot business December 1, aggregated 103,418, according to u report pre pared by tho secretary of stnto Oth er registrations Included 3509 mo torcycles. 3366 chauffeurs, 7S1 mo tor dealors ond 137,043 operators, from which tho total fees amounted to S:.0S1,790.25. O O I WEATHER RECORD I o o Horenftcr Tho Herald will publish tho mean and maximum tempera tures and precipitation record us tak en by tho V H. Reclamation servlra station. Publication will cover tho day previous to th paper's Issue, up to o o clock ot the day. PORTION!), Dec 7. -Thot tho 10 per cent differential In freight rates from thn district south of tho Snakn turn to their work after a short va-!rivcr awarded to Portland as against cation. Tho seventh grado havo'Astorla and Pugct sound by tho dc their now problems well begun. Tbolclslon of the Intcrstato commerce Christmas Photographs tj-uuuuv' JrnlMl "t1 - Are a most suitable gift. We deliver perfect pic tures within thirty-six hours after you place your order, SEND HER SEND HIM SEND THEM A fl4ne PHOTOGRAPH Special Two Genuine Gold Tone Portraits for $5.00 Fbatographa are actually toned wltb. 24-karot PURE GOLD PhoB for appolatmeaU tor commission will be fully effective within tho 90-day period prescribed was tho general opinion of Portland shippers and traffic experts. stitches on their dresser scarfs show skill and care. Thelma Grluel and Elvira Call are tho first to finish their towels In the sixth gradeSJean Rogers, Helen Chaney and Hera Walnlo ot the fifth grado show a marked improvement In their work. Hand ball Is now In season. It was going full blast at the Central school. Gordon Smith, Charles Johnston, Tom Watt, and Hugh Currln are some ot the best players In the 7th grade. Oordon Smith and Charles Johnson bavp the championship of this grade. 'AUiIetir The grammer school football team maoe us ia appearance oi me sea- pnni-T.AVn rw r Mr. Ms son at Modoc park last Thursday A' arn 35 mB WftICO iree, game had been scheduled with the W, ,,raoJt ,nUantly at ltb and high school frwbmen but the latter Washington streets Ih a three-corner-failed to appear and gamo was for-'C(, coliIon belwccn tho family au felted to the grammer school eleven, i tomobllo ,n wncll ,ho wnl rIdn(Cf The grade boys have taken a Broatianother nlltomoblIo nnil a Itrccl car. Interest In football during the past sho w lakcrl t0 tho cU). omcrgcncy season and have learned a lot about nolu, , ,no automobllo of Mr. nnd tho fundamental points of tho game,1, ,,. !-.. n.w f inrtinn.i especially as It relates to good, clearr Hclghu but WM deatl bcforo reach school athletics. Football Is the groat ,t, t,..i Dec. 1 Dec. 2 Doc. 3 Dec. 4 Dec. 5 Max. 43 43 42 39 32 Mln. 34 31 27 23 12 Pre clpltatlon 11 PORTLAND. Dec. 7. Six hundred gallons of wine, which will test 4 to 8 per cent alcohol, were seized, and five men were Jailed In three raids by the sponge squad. Patrolmen Wlllard, Rekdahl and Smith took nine barrels of wine, a wine-press and 22 pints of moonshine from tbo homo of Charles Salvatore and Anglo Marcolalo at 382 East 10th street. American school gamo and ns tho .y.u u , , . ...uri, u,.n.., MKnKORI). Doc. 7. Tho War u popularity is ,ncresinB. ne-j, , , , company expects to foundation of the boy's athletic life,, on' j,, qlllrtll. mint start In the pub Ic rchool school ' , h Meadovs district and It Is gratifying to see tho boy. VecT J0 nn,, tlrn nro now games a. football and baseball. ' , completed. The property Is nJt LLnniJf-M located 25 miles north of Medford. next setion are very bright. nnal TnilnliiK Xotrn PORTLAND. Doc. 7-Although With an attendance of about 250 m0UnWln ,h(Cp bnvo beon (eclarod boys, mis department finds Itself ,oxt,nct n we,tern 0rcKOn for ny taxed to the limit, both In regard to anl( a ,leri, of from 17 t0 20 of work room and store room for un- theso nnlmaU baH bee discovered fin shed work. Tho bo)s all hopo for;,n BOuthwestern Douglas county by locKcra wuorc wieir woric may ue w H Dirrett of Albany. Tho dlscov safely stored, but until our building Is enlarged this would bo hardly pos sible. Several classes missed their usual period during Thanksgiving and will work with ro-doubled energy to make up the lost time. Pointer, window sticks, and shelves v.-ero made last week for tho school In addition to tho regular work. As tioni ore only three more por lods o' day each for the 7tb and 8th"gr i oefora tbo Christmas hol idays, '. ooys will make a special effort ' 'Hh their pro-holiday work In due Vorj rentable work was done laBt wu' b George Condry, Angus Walsh Harry Molatore, Gordon Smith w d Richard Peck. Carbon Paper and Manuscript Cov ers I rnmtnond Print Shop, 4th and Pine 7-9 Fin (lf&s dressmaking, reason able i -ic u, work guaranteed. 4 Vi Main tt. Ajit. 1. 4-9 , m Maemolnollo Naplerskowskl, a fa mous Russian dancer, has Insured her frit fur fCO.000. Tbo ron la worn today by the woman 'm Is not ashamed to work, but in ruilior centuries it was an article of clothing assumed by aris tocracy and even royalty, ery was made less than two weeks ago. ASHLAND, Dec. 7. A conflagra tion ut the Baptist church Tuesday ovenlng, dellbterately set, completely destroyed evidence of an Incumbrance on tho property in tho way of a mort gaga to tho extont or $4000, an act ot "incendiarism," which was accom panied by the singing of "Pralso God From Whom All Blessings Flow," In stead of summoning tho fire department. ROSEBURO, Dec. 7. A large cop per still wan brought to this city from near Olendalo. The crude affair was located some time ago by tbo officers and tbey have been lying in wait for the owner, who failed to put In an appearance. The contrivaqce la fully equipped for making moonshine and had a capacity of SO gallons or moro. BEND, Dec. 7. A thousand chil dren will be entortalnod by Santa Claus-at tho community Cbrlstmao eyo colobratlon To bo held hero at ttlo Y. M. C. A. gymnasium. HOOD RIVER, Doc. 7. Prepara tions aro bolng made to movo to Port land about 12 tons of old newspapers and magazines collected hero by stu dents of the ctly schools. Tbo chil dren, who will use tho fund for their waste paper sale for beautifying school rooms ond the purchase of CL'if.D MKirriNti St. Paul's Episcopal Guild will meet Thursday aftornoon at 2:30 o'clock at the homo of Mrs. Ed. slri- tin. Every momber Is urged to bn present. C-7 Bring her a box of candy tonight. The Bluo Bird. (tt Carbon Paper and Manuscript Cov ers Drummond Print Shop, 4th and Ka 7-9 Tablets Pure and Genuine iMVMVVVrWVVVVVWV'VVVVVV'VVVVVWSWrrVVV 'I lie t'ullril Pmu- Coiiipnii) of Ronton fur-nlnlit-H un with Anplrlii TnlilcN of tluiir iiutrrd Put It). Wo. ii Retail llriinuUtu, mo tho omIiiIo ngriilN In Kluiu. ulli I'hIIn fur the t'nllitl limit Company. Wo know that .Uphill t II. (Vi, TnlilclN mo tint Mirimiwil In oxrrl- s leiuo or In iiefiiliioM In IIiq tronlinnit of iIIm'iim'n, by any ntlicr Ailrln, 'llii'io N mi iiiviI t pay mi oiurlil tout prlio fur ,plilu Tiililcls. Wo nro nut ioNpiiilldii fur I lie IiIrIi prlio hh iiiiixL tliafKO for miiiio iniikcn of Axplrlli Tub lets. Tho Anpliln patent oplrnl In IIII7 ami mi) ono run now ninko Anplrlu anil Sell It uiiiIct that natm now. DON'T BE DECEIVED by tlu nihortlxi'iuont of IIiiino who M-i-k tu ilUin-illt giHiiU niailii by flriin nllirr than tln'iiirlw". Wo lmo iiorr Mini In our tiiro mi)lhliiK Imt lilftlioxt Krmto Aplrlu. AKlrln I'. II. N. Tnlt'lM nro Mild In patkngi-N of lU's, UI'h mill 1N'. STAR DRUG CO The pVHaUL Store WOOD Is your shed full of dry wood! Indications aro that there will be n scarcity of fuel before spring. At present wo havo a fair stock 'of dry slab and block wood at reasonable prices. Orders nro being delivered promptly. Phone In your orders, FOR CASH ONLY O. Peyton & Co. "WOOD TO BURN" 419 Main St Phone 535 Ja dean mine ASM HIUASC . TSI How many miles have you Iriveti yuw iut HOW many miles with out changing engine ofl? Dirt accumulates in the oQ of every engine -carbon, road dust, fine particles of metal, and gasoline that has escaped pa$t the pistons. , This dirty, diluted oil circulating through your engine causes unnec essary Nvear on bearing surfaces. Have it drained out now and fresh oil put in the crankcase. We can do that for you conven iently, quickly, economically with Modern Crankcase Cleaning Ser vice. We use Calol Flushing Oil, .the new, scientific flushing agent, which cleanses thoroughly with out danger of contaminating the supply of fresh oil. Arid to assure correct lubrication we refill the cleaned crankcase with Zerolene oT the correct grade. Bring in your car today. Modern Crankcase i Cleaning Service will give immediate better engine pet formancc. Done w'fll lengthen your car's useful lift.