A h THE' EVENING HERALD, KLAMATH FALLS, OREGON PAOK KOUIt MONDAY, ODCKMBKn 0, 1020, TO TEACH THRIFT The Evening Herald Weather Probabilities t The Cyclo-Stormngrnph nt Un derwood's l'hnrmncy tins regis tered a steadily falling bnrometcr, nlnco Sund.y noon, indicating the approach ot nnother disturbance In wonthor conditions. Forecast for next SI hours, Cloudy, wnrmer, followed by unsettled weather, K J. MUKltAY FllKI) KOUliK .. . ..JftUlor , City IMltor Published dally oxccpt Sunday, by Tho Ifcrnld Publishing Company ot Klamath Kails, nt 119 KlRhth Street Entered at tho postorrlco" at Kla ninth Knl) Ore. for transmission through tli malls im second-class mattor. MKMIIKU OK -Til K ASStK'IATKU '"l'KKHS. Tho AMoelated Press i exclusively ntltled to tho uao for republication of all now dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited In thin paper, and also tho local nnwa pub lisher heroin, MONDAY, DIXKMHKU 0, 1020. ON ADVKltTlSlNO Advertising Is nothing more or 1cm In Ita css'enco than tho spreading of Information for the preservation of good will and the extension of sales, The commodity advertised may bo jm tangible as groceries or as Intangl Mo as professional skill, but if hon ally pnseafd to tho public tho ef fect Is thoamo for both. Certain 'professions and Institu tions rnakVtho boast that they do not advertise' on the ground that their etb'icV .forbid. This boast con tains two'fHtors both ot which are disingenuous to the point of dis honesty. In tho, first place they do adver tUe.Ereri the church, proclaiming 1U disbelief either In tho good taste r ethics or advertising, advertises, nevertheless. Its very steeple aspiring to the heavens Is an advertisement of Ita presence In the community, and IU feell aummonlng Ita communi cants. to worship Is an advertisement, At for the professional classes de clining on etlcal grounds to advertise openly." they also advertise and fre quently through means which are Anything but ethical. Their very boast ot, not advertising Is an ad Tirtlsement to the snobbish, and fre quently enables them to charge fees which they would not dare to open ly advertise through legitimate space Advertising. This appeal Is frequent ly made through persons! connections nd Is a, form ot commercial pander log dangerously akin to tho most aordld coanotatlon of that' term. It man be unadvlsable or unproflt able to advertise, openly, but It Is ralsuset of an excellent word to B' t MkS.fWtrCCBfMK)M WA8HINQT0N TVtfl. . ractleal eeoao-tiea snfcft C tk public aeaool taaefata t.risi-)t tha Uaa.ki Om vUtntounlmt y a oeaantM.ot MM iiMrt Uadeata. p?otatsj W-aw H ttoaal daeatloa Awsj.Awsf.Mr. Mary O. O. Bradford. matfcMM at, o pia Oolorada'KhtjH- to eHimai, - U i A leading Drltlsh shlpbunflar, In commenting on theettlclcney ot womon In Industry , says: "If the war had lasted another two years I would have undertaken to build a dreadnought with femnle labor'." brand ahkjonn otbonst advortls-iportanf advertlslngtpf "a, itl lnr5oiIcah'"-'--''- -Mtern'mnst W-o!c-vr1ri-l' tlon although his company has sold the commodity It manufacturers for two years Is advance, and could not get any more ray material to Increase Ita output to take care 'of new cus tomers. But ho argued that slneo his company Intends to continue Indef initely In business Its name, the na ture and standing of Ita commodity, and Its location must bo kept In the public mind, hence his determine- jtlon to continue advertising, ui course me urn mu rami im- . selling con- vBuslnes firms sometimes adver tise their ownvanlty, and frequent ly they can" give no convincing aclen-tlflc-raasonfor. tbelr.advertlslng, but ta-uernealh the practice there are sound and fundamental reasons nvhlch must appeal to any sensible person. Iteccntly the advertising manager of one of tho biggest corporations In this country announced an In crease In his advertising appropria- four walls in the form ot good service and, square .deallnxwlth. Its,. custo mers! This Is a form of advertising ot priceless value, that, can not .bo ne glected by any firm, which Intends to remain, in existence over any ex tended period. But the. advertising It geta from such practices must be con fined to a narrow circle unless this reputation Is spread broadcast. Sacra mento Union. WRIGLEY The ends are sealed SF2 I wf&y bvelectricity-so that all (tPJw&t' ft fc$r the goodness and flavor U f'ljj M gf are retained for you. Jr IfCS Each stick Is separately -vx ' wrapped, to keep It fresh and nJv:; i clean till you need It after n every meal' or cigar. ) Whitens teeth, clears MfS' HI throat, sweetens breath. -2352r ! aids appetite and digestion Jjt$l'l SB great benefits for a s w fflft AW& small price. U Wfjw And the Pries 9 ilfrfPii Is St iHSc lr KNDIVK (ittOWH KA8T Kudlvn ns a Into winter naiad plant has an encouraging future In western Oregon, Tho 'first crop was market ed In 23 dajs from tho llmo roots were burled In some collego green house trlnls, Tho nverngn wolght ot tho best roots was about a hnlf pound for tha season. MANY rUHMCATIONH P0RTI.AND, Ore.. Dec. 6. Extent ot the publlcatlona put out tn this statu was shown In a unique win dow display In a local bank. It wa.i mado up ot over 200 magaxlnen, neapapors and other periodicals. IiAItOKST VKNKpil VtMiT NORTH DRND, Ore., Dvc C Tho larges't veneer peelor In the world, weighing 26 H tons, Is to be Installed la the WUUametto Pacific Lumber company plant early In January. The concern recently added a largebulld Ing to tha factory,-! thus giving sev eral hundred mora fct ot floor space UIO 1'lttINV: INCIIKARK SAJJOf, Ore., Dec. 6. Party thou- aand acres' ox prunes are now to. do found between Portland apd Ash land, aa compared with 10,000 acres a few year ago, according lo a sur vey Just made. This season' the Ore gon crop, on account ot tho rains, was reduced to 3&,ooo,ooo pounds. MKIUULL, HANClltai WKDH Oliver Martin, well-known ranch er of the Merrlll-Malln section, was married yesterday to Miss Kmma Prcdenburg by the Kev. S. J. Chancy at tho Methodist parsonage. Dr. K 0. Wisecarver and Mr. Chaney -wit nessed the quiet wedding. ,, , m GIUnCTUtH CIIOOHK ASTOIUA TIUJ DALJL.ES, Dec. 6. Tho Ore gon state hotel men's association de cided at tho final business session last night to bold next year's con vention at Astoria. .., , , WKATHKR RCTORT '. ORDOON s-Tonlght andTtleWay. rain. e r eu s . ux. 'Additional Local Mr. and Mrs. Jack MCAulltfo 'are") In' town today from tbelr home at Fort Klamath. ' Fred English, office manager for the California-Oregon rower company left this morning for Oakland, Cali fornia, rwhere he waa called by the cerlous Illness ot bis father. P. E. Durke, Herald employee, who was operated upon Saturday for ap pendicitis, Is doing well, his physi cian reports. m Historic Slice of Beef. The energetic ires service of the United StiKon marine corpf st-nds in a liullctlii from Ann Arlior, Mich., with the following curloux, If not linixirtnnl. Infonnntlen: "A jilw-c of Ix-ef cooked In lEOTt It still being rnrefully prwwrvid In n little clHcr pitcher by IMwanl II. Mnnnnr Ing of UiIk city. This Is not bvUn Kept In mitlclpntlon of a fiiritnr IntrciiK' In ilit- cot of h't'i-f. but Is n genuine heirloom. .Uam, Tni,,l, llt.l,l.,M t,t ,l,n llpl. '"'" -""!" - .- "- j t tali Itonl tniirluc" avil tlic piece of , licff, w tilth lit' wus fating whiii ns Miullfd ullli nil n x by n cook tm u 1'renrli vessel which linil been cap tured by I.'iril Nelson nt Trufnlgnr. The cfitik mlMHOil his iilm. but tbu stTgennt gut the beef. SiTKennt Hob bins wnx llie'grcnt grcnt grnndfiitlicr of I.leut. Col. Kilunnl II. Manunrlng of the United .States murine corps." From the Outlook. The "Joy of Giving" mil expression in the class of goods which wc arc showing as Christ mas Gifts. The custom of giving has become so well established that it is no longer a question of Shall I give, but it is solely a question of What Shall I give? No greater or more appropriate assortment of holiday goods was ever assembled in this community. The qualities which make a gift worthy and acceptable are combined in the goods which we have oi display Newness, Beauty, Usefulness, Novelty, etc. Make up a list of those whom you wish to remember and bring it with you when you visit our gift shop. The assort ment which we carrvis sojraried that you'll find some thing appropriate for everyone on your list. Shop Early This Year Last season you resolved that you were going to shop early this Christmas. Live up to it. There's a great advantage in selecting while lines are unbroken. We'll gladly hold articles for future delivery. Extra facilities have been provided at our store so that your shopping may be rendered as simple and pleasur able as possible. Early shoppers will have finest goods from which to choose. (jnderwoixft Phanwy fv KLAMATH FALLS OREGON Fto?" I PuAlTv WHERE PARTICULAR PCOPLV BUY THtIR ORUOS UtZj7?lV 4 .uafe.t A prominent critic haa aroused a' 20 off on all men's suits, ovor-l Lake county Is tho first county In atorm of protest from women of tho f0'?' "Jresa and shoes. K. K.iohlp to elect a woman as Probate, dramatic profession by declaring, Judge. that the American stage ot a gen eration ago possessed a far larger number of capablo actresses than It does today. 20 off on all men's suits, over coats, dress shirts and shoes, K. K. K. Store. 29-G Tako homo a chicken tamsto In, Tho women , Bncnl Cr(jtc tho huska. They uro warm, ready to' . . . serve. Tho lllue lllrd. Ctf Iounco1 J"" 00 years ago. 20 less this week on men's suits! B T. on men a suits smt and overcoats, dress shirt and shoes ovorcoata this week at IC. K. K. nt K. K. K. store. 29-f. store. 29.5 Trade With Australia Grows. Trndlns between Ihla country nnd Australia In showing n henlthy growth, according to flgiircs supplied to tho department of commerce by A. V. Fcrrln. trade commissioner, who Is nt Melbourne. They cover Imports apd exports for tho first quarter of the current year, and show tho Im port during that period to have been about 27,""5,00O, against exports to this country of approximately $10350, 000. February exports nearly equaled la value the totaln for January and March, and(ln that month the outgoing shipments exceeded tho imports. In the sumo month, however, the voluo of the Imports was less than half of the goods brought In during March. Australia's Prickly Pear Past. Auxtralla Is Buffering from n prick ly pear pest, which lakes advantage of the rivers as a tneanH of spreading. Shoots break off from tlio parent plant growing nlong a stream nnd the part l carried downstream to found n new colony. Thousands of acres nro being ruined yearly owing to tho rav ages of this plant and no means Iipvp Jieen dlscoered of stopping Its mnrcli, Hulling.' npnfylng nnd polsoiiH line proved Ineffectual, nnd It Is hoped Hint fclPiiro niuy Hnil soino commercial uso for tho plant. Wedding gifts for doworless brides gri pxegenled by ha authorities of several towns In England. Harmony in Your Home Surroundings Beautify the walls of your Living Room or Bedroom with an attractive tint of I W. P. FULLER C& CO.'S Washable WaU Finish The colors are mellow, soft in tone and wear well, '. ; '. This ideal coating is replacing unsightly and unsanitary Wall Paper. Washable Wall Finish is ready for use and dries with a hard surface that is easily kept' clean. MADE IN 15 COLORS 70 Years W. P. FULLER & ,.,, . MANUFACTURERS v .Paints, knamela, Stains, Varnishes, Pioneer Whlta Lead For Salt by DUtrlbutora ot W. P. FULLER If CO.'S Product ri BjsjBSkMHiSBVHkMHBBr 7 y ISSSSMM . -JSKrssss