raa Mam THE EVENING HERALD. KLAMATH FALLS. OREGOW iMUDAV; DKCKMnKTt , 1920. t V f f Y T T Mail Orders Filled Promptly Mail Order Charges Prepaid WW ni i . . " VXVTl.,fiX- k aril MINING "' sl; vm d L L iffl tffisa narrow I ' I I I 1 l ' ' - ' VB l 7 WASHINGTON, Uoc. 3. IMnns for moro oxtcnslro business training and commercial education In the secondary and hlghor educational In stitution over tho country are to ho work od out by committees nnmed nt 12 regional conferences recently bald nt stragctlc points In each ot tho IS economic regions Into which tho country has been divided by tho burvnu ot education. Tho conferences vrero called by Commissioner .of Kducatlon Claxton and wore presided over by Glen Ivln Swtggctt, specialist 1n charge of commercial education ot tho bur iu ot education. Tho first was held nt Columbia, S. C, and tho last at Philadelphia. Other conferences were held at Knoxvll'e, Tcnn., 8an Fran cisco, New Orleans, Seattle, Denver, Kansas City, Chicago. Pittsburg, Min neapolis and Iloston. Tho regional committees Include In addition to tho stato superintend ent of public Instruction ot each stato, many ot tho executives ot uni versities aid colleges, university deans ot commerce and education and superintendents ot schools In the larger cities. Dr. Swlggett says the task ot the regional committees will bo "to plan and construct, In cooperation with the bureau ot education, a better ar ticulated and coordinated course of tody In preparation for business and eommtrce that will not only give the business, as the need presents It self, boys and(glrls trained for the more olomenla'ry types of business service, more or lew routine In character, but will early lay the foundation with proper sequence In those subjects upon which tho uni versities must build tnclr courses for further training and education in the major fields ot commercial pro faction anil distribution, ot finance. or foreign, public and social ser vice. "The Immediate task ot each state Mil -regional committee," Dr. Swig- nett continued, '"Is to assertain by Investigation and survey those ma Jer'types in productive and distri bute business (or -jrhlch a state and regional may have real economic ad- "vantages: to determine and select those which bare toe geratest neea If Say It With a Blouse AT Do X mas Shopping NOW &J CHAUMINa new lltouse thoso ours scorn to spell "Merry Christmas" with tholr crisp folds, dainty frills and altogether chormluK effects. There aro tailor ed Blouses, filmy georgettes, and smart crepo do chines and trlcoluttcs and satins, so much In voguo. A vory complcto assortment In regular and stout sites. Priced $5.00 to $25.00- lj5r SL -ALi-JLL V . liVi! M A. r fvy l-rrW 1 ly I ft tUM A U (l f fi tWLi Kimonos and Dressing Sacques W fKHB are gifts they will lie able- to use every day; no wonder they'ro always acceptable. You'll Dud pretty, comfy ones here In Crepe, Wool Challls nnd Flan nelette. Kimonos $3.50 to $10.00 'Sacques j $1.50 to $2.50 Shop NOW "V - Yl iV") v. W .. I) -r X' Jpfa' I . . tr. H$mM - rUe largest number of the train-'n-t''' "Vroduct ot schools and celleges: i.A' !vXilt,'si.il'liti nnnn those business ODera- . ii vtte for which schools and collegess can best train: and then to construct a course of study for secondary and higher Institutions which shall best meet known state and regional bust- ' nesa needs as well as be in occord, J with sound educational practice. "The volume of and cost in manu factoring depends largely upon econ omlc locations. There Is naturally volved, therefore, the most a- A. r In-'Y advan- tageous use ot the tour following rac- a tors, materials, labor, capital snd transportation. In order that the I J business training program Is a state .' - s a. A sTa. 1ii r9 tiAvwi n n a or region iiaTv me mc . ....... oacy. these committee must first de termine by Investigation and survey -whether the selected types of com mercial production and distribution for which training courses are to be enllt. show In their development the largest possible and freest use of these four facters: whether ttie In dustrial and commercial development of a region has been due to fortui tous or economic causes." m liAST OASIS I)11IKI The Early Shopper Is going to wear a specially Illumi nated crown when she takea up her abode on the "other shore." Not only that, but she reaps her reward here below; like the early bird, she gets first cholco she has tho advan tage ot fresh, unpicked stocks and uncrowded stores. PLEASE SHOP EARLY. f-a--a a5S) SPECIAL SELECTION EVENING DRESSES ON DISPLAY WHATS FINER Than a New Suit or Coat or Dress for Christmas? It's a growing custom and a very practical one, to mafic the worth while present of wearing apparel. Often the recipient is brought or sent in, as the case may be to select and try on her Christmas gift long before the holidays. Think this plan over. Most appropriate suits, luxurious, cozy coats and smart frocks for all occasions are here at most moderate pricings. H. N. MOE, Prop. Underthings of Silk Art W) AiprallnK You'vo attnu heard sister, cousin or friend express a dnslrn for lovely silk undergarments; nnd at Ihn rea sonable .prices we offer a number of tho belter, more exclusive gar ments are specially priced thoy are scarcely a luxury. We have beautiful Crepo de China snd Oeorgelte downs, Combinations, Camisoles, Vests, Illoomers and 1'ettlroats. See them. Pv Stf 4ssa. i IKV P K' it "tew iS Tfefe L 17 Time 5hoptkq ffr ? 4 T ? X r ? T X J J t ? T i i XKXKKKKKK Colored Battler Defeats Herman ' (Dy Associated Press) WASHINGTON, Dec. 3. Tho prac tice of flavoring homemade Christ mas plum pudding, mincemeat and hranded cherries and peaches with . nlcohollc spirits, Is violating the pro- hlbltlon enforcement Hew ana sucn foods are liable to seizure, the bureau ot Internal revenue stated today. (Dy Associated Press) PORTLAND, Dec. 3. Sam Lang ford, the Uoston colored heavyweight, knocked out Tiny Herman, of Astor ia, last night In th seventh round ot a scheduled ten round bout. Lang ford knocked Herman down twlco during the seventh round before the Astorlan was forced t take count. ItKAD FROM lUttTOM UP IX JAPAXKHK "IIASILKT" UNIVERSITY. OR OKEOON, Eu gene, Dec. A Japanese edition of "Hamlet" has been received by Miss Mary Watson, professor in tho Eng lish department, which was sent to her by one ot her former utudents. Tho book Is the size of an ordl- At the Theaters 'CliritCII l.tXTUIIK ox 1A.NI)IX(1 OK PIMJHIMH MIIKKTY THEATRE "The Soul of Youth," tho new special production via Realart, Is a dollghtful story of boyhood life, dif ferent from any plcturo which has been produced, and proving that nary novel, tho cover is blue, and on! real drama exists In the lives of Ihn the 10 off on all inea'a snlts, over coats, dress shirts nnd shoes. K. K. K. Store. 29& Rowing at ike. e PHOTO m TO-DJIY VAllan Dwan'i Production "THE: FORBIDDEN THING TOMORROW Cecil B. DeMille's "OLD WIVES FOR NEW" what would bo tho back of an Eng lish edition. Is a picture of Bhakes poare in gold. In reading the book one starts at what neenm tho end of the story, but Is the beginning a la Japanese. The story Is printed In black and rather heavy typo, and reads from tho bottom of the page to the top In columns. An American Is ablo to follow the story by the Illustrations on tho low er hulf ot each page. Thusu aro sketches ot various familiar scenes In Hamlet, such as the graveyard scene and the skull of Yorkls. OREGON HAH MANY MARKETS OPKX TO IT SUNDAY Anita Stewart in ,THE YELLOW TYPHOON" PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 3. -After travelling nearly ,8000 miles through Canada and the eastern and central part of the United States A. G. Clark, manager of tho associated In dustries of tho United StatesPA dustrles of Oregon, Is homo again. Ho was 04 days on tho road visiting commercial organizations and Inves tigating manufacturing plants. After this oxcuraton ho Is still of tho opin ion that this state has wonderful op portunities for competition left open to It. In summing up his observations lie says he was particularly Impress ed by the superiority In personnel ot western workors. He believes Oregon can crowd even Into tho mar kots of Now York after a careful study of the needs of public to be served there Is made, Now Germany says sho will not abide by her peace contract unless she .can como Into tho league of na tions. That Ms a familiar sound. More scraps of paper? Troy (N. Y.) Times. men of tomorrow as well as In the lives of today's grown-ups. Tho principal lead In tho picture Is played by Lewis Sargent, who after his envlahlo success In tho tltln role In tho plcturo "Huckleborry Finn," Is a real drawing card all by hlmsolf. Hut thero aro others as notod. Judgo Hon Llndsoy, famous judga of tho Juvonllo delinquency court, and his wlfo, Mrs. Hen Llndsoy, ulso appear in certain scenes of tho plc turo "Tho Soul of Youth" comes to the Liberty thratro In this city today. "Tho Way of tho Strong," a story set amidst tho Inspiring grandures of tho Yukon u romanco ot tho northlands Is a play of virile and rad-blooded manhood, glowing with fires of lovo und pusslon. Tho story breathes tho spirit of tho great northwest bright with tho gl.lttor of untrodden snow and diffusing tho resinous scent of tho pines and sprucos, larchos and hemlocks. It is a story of sublime grandour singing of sun-lit heights and climb ing the peaks of human emotion. At tho Liberty Saturday. A program to celebrate the land ing ot tho Pilgrim Fathers has beon planned for Sunday afternoon at tho Presbyterian church. Thvro will be an Illustrated lecture, which will bo road by tho Rev, E. P. Lawrence. The Incturo Is a particularly good ono and should Interest children and grown-ups alike. PEACE IX IRELAND? LONDON, Doc, 3. Rumors of In tluoncos working for u truco In Ire land have been crvlvod by some news papers here. And u suggestion Is made that definite measures of con dition are being Initiated. ASNAl'LT CASE DROPPED FOR LACK OKKVIDENTE J Tho case against James Page, charged with nnoultlng Oscar Han an iwlth a picaroon lust Saturday, at thu Modoc Lumber com pony 'it mill ,was dismissed upon the motion ot tho prosecuting attorney for lack of evidence after a hourlng In thu Jastlco court yesterday afternoon. Nurclssus. hyacinth, anil China Illy bulbs, 10 cents to 4G conU at The (lift Shop. 709 W. Mala St. 3 m Thousands of French people can not afford to buy meats or eggs be cause of tho soaring cost ot living. KTORM FLAGS FLYING SAN FRANCISCO, 'Dec. 3. A se vero storm off Prlnco Rupert Is land is expocted to bring high winds and rain to tho Pacific coast. Storm warnings havo (boon sena out to Washington and Oregon ports. A hatchery with a capacity of 10,000 oggs will bo used by a poul trtr Droducts com nan v n MonUn.i Thn United States army school) 'fiie being attended by 180,000 sol diers. LIBERTY THEATRE -'Always tho Beit for tho Liberty Gueil" Mirwrw''ic-rrr'irrrrrm-m"m ww?wtiiwwvi If. W. I'OOLK, Owner IUMJKH D. TOIUIKY, MtulcaJ Director afUVUU-U JLfWVVVsrMVriVirV--JlV""-'-,t- -lliMs) TODAY "THE SOUL OF YOUTH" r A regular boy.it'ory of "When a feller needs a friend." TOMORROW "THE WAY OF THE STRONG" A romance of the great Northweat. SUNDAY TOM MIX IN "THE SPEED MANIAC" r -